Sharon Rose’s Story
by Sharon Rose
From: "Sharon Rose" <>
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 09:36:40 -0800
Wow! Wow, ORMUS! Wow, ORMUS is! Wow, ORMUS is terrific!
I can’t even describe how I feel, which is highly unusual for me. I can generally
put words to my experiences. I feel so different, yet somehow familiar. It’s like taking my best day and magnifying
it 10, 25, 50 times. And in some ways I feel unchanged, only parts of me are extended forward into my experience. I
feel spiritually tingly. Alive.
Ela said I could write to you. My first and only exposure to this was about 5 years
ago while in Reno. After giving a workshop there, I was invited to present my material on 'voice frequencies and
energy patterns of the body' to a group (who’s name I’ve forgotten). The group consisted primarily of highly
intellectual men with scientists and physicists among the mix. They introduced me to the concepts of white powder
gold, and M-state, and the ‘spin’, but it made less sense to me then than it does now, and I still haven’t a clue
what it is. The only clue I had about the importance of this discovery was their enthused interest.
But experiencing it is the only way to begin to know it. And still, I am struggling
to describe my experience. The nearest I can come up with is that it ignites the spark of life. At 46, I feel far
different than I did at 16, 20 and even 30. Doing ‘the right things’ like eating well, taking the top supplements,
doing yoga, etc., doesn’t get me anywhere near the top of the mountain anymore. It lifts me a few feet and that is
all. This M-state material catapults me to places I vaguely remember as being part of my heritage. I can’t recall
if these distant memories come from my childhood, or are more deeply embedded within my being. But it’s REAL and I
never want to be without it.
I want to share it with EVERYONE. I have an alcoholic sister, a drug addicted adult
son, a college age daughter struggling with hormonal issues, and friends across the U.S., each of which I would
love to share this gift with. But is it for everyone? Are there caveats, precautions, conditions? What do I need to
know before inviting others to experience this stuff? How can I help connect people with this gift?
I am a sensitive. Yesterday I took my first 2 drops of the material. Then this
morning I took 2 more (although I was torn between taking the material first and an herbal supplement that needs to
be consumed on an empty stomach). Twenty minutes after taking the material I puzzled about how soon I could take my
Noni juice, when the energy of the material spoke to me and said it welcomed the other substance. It gave me the
impression that it would work synergistically with it. I heard its voice as well as felt it’s energy tone. Wow!
With a total of only FOUR drops inside me, I felt an incredible presence within.
I welcome communication from others about the ORMUS material. Please feel free to
forward my name, email address and phone number. I am anxious to extend the gift of the material to my family and
close friends. Would you tell me how I can do that?
I can’t tell you how grateful I am for you bringing this forward and opening the
channels. I look forward to meeting you someday soon. Let me know how I can help you in your mission (and this is
NOT an empty offer)!
I hold you in my prayers,
Sharon Rose
From: "Sharon Rose" <>
Subject: entry from a newcomer
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 09:39:27 -0800
Dear Barry,
Thanks for talking with me yesterday. As you suggested, I am writing about my
experiences with the M-state to share with others on the forum. As a newcomer to this, I haven’t been able to read
fast enough to keep up with my experiences, and consequently have felt like I’ve been on some sort of inner-space
carnival ride. Initially, I had asked my friend to get me some the material based on an intuitive hunch, even
though I was unable to attend your gathering in Washington last month.
The thing that grabbed me the most was the consciousness I felt after taking it. On
day two (after my second dose of 2 drops on an empty stomach) I pondered about how long to wait before taking a
nutritional supplement that wants to be taken on an empty stomach too. This is when the consciousness in the
material spoke to me, saying, “I welcome the other substance”. The feeling I got was that it would work
synergistically with my supplement.
I was not as surprised to hear this communication as many people may have been,
given that I have over 13 years experience with interspecies communication. I worked closely with animals for most
of that time, many of whom were my initial teachers. At the core of communication is the ability to listen from a
centered place. After learning to consciously do this, I also learned how to extend this communication to all
living matter including plants, insects and even internal parasites. Later, I learned how to use it as a sensing
tool to feel the vitality level of supplements, food, and even to pick out a good bottle of wine! It has some very
practical uses.
So, I wasn’t that surprised to hear a communication from the M-state, but the
quality was different from anything I’ve ever experienced. I refer to these as ‘feeling-tones’ (coined by Seth).
There was a poignancy that is new to me. I tried to find words to describe this quality but could only come up with
a visual looking like the rainbow effect motor oil has when it mixes with water. Using this analogy, other
communications would look like watercolors.
On the second communication, a couple of days later, I heard the voice much more
clearly. It happened on Sunday when I had some time to research and read about ORMUS. Beginning with the scientific
explanation, I had only read a couple of paragraphs when I came across the term ‘microclusters’. I felt the ORMUS
Consciousness leap with recognition. This caused me to tune into It and It said, “I can take you places”, and at
the same time I saw a path within a tunnel. This was before I read about the tunneling properties. I was alarmed by
the fact that I’ve never experienced a communication at this level. It’s one thing for a horse to tell me they miss
a herd member, or a plant to tell me it’s dieing of thirst, but to be made an offer by a ‘substance’ really tweaked
my limits.
I immediately asked about Its motivation, to which It replied “I am the way…” (into
other dimensions), was the implication.
I began having serious concerns. After all, I grew up with all those Star Trek
episodes… and this was certainly uncharted territory for me. It took me another 24 hours to come to some personal
resolve. The one thing I can count on in my life is that there are no coincidences and that every event is
connected. I know when things happen ‘out there’ that I don’t understand that I have to go ‘in here’ to find the
significance. I began by analyzing my fears.
I’m aware that I’m at a crossroad in my life, for which I’ve been ‘waiting for some
sign’ before proceeding. I can either take a demanding job and pay off my debts within the next year or return to
the financial uncertainty of being self employed. What I learned when I examined my situation, and the fear that it
triggered in me, was that I've been waiting for some extrinsic force to direct me since I'm torn between what I
perceive as passion vs. duty. I realized that it's time for ME to take a leap of faith; to create my own inroads;
to program my own destiny. This is why I've been sitting on the fence for 2 months without any guidance. This
Consciousness triggered a fear response in me by showing me a pathway into the unknown, should I choose to explore
it. I definitely felt 'choice' was the key issue.
I believe the M-state is consciousness and that it helps us to be more conscious of
those things that are on the forefront of our inner life. It is the essence that comes before matter. I theorize
that whatever state we are in will be accentuated in the presence of the M-state.
With the help of a deeply spiritual friend, I hope to explore more of the
metaphysical implications of the M-state and will post from time to time whenever anything noteworthy comes
On another note, I have a voice frequency analyzer that I use to assess the energy
of the human body and mind. For anyone familiar with Sharry Edwards work, this is similar technology.
Unfortunately, my machine is off getting repaired, but I anxiously await its return to see how my voice/energy has
changed and I will forward any useful findings. Also, I'll be forwarding the frequencies of some of the metals, if
anyone can use this information.
I've been giving the material to my animals (2 dogs, 2 cats & a cockatiel). All
but one cat seems to like it. My bird demonstrates the most enthusiasm by peeping and jumping around his cage when
he sees me feeding the other animals. The old dog has a tumor on his side the size of his head! I'll let you know
if this changes.
A mutual explorer, Sharon Rose
From: "Sharon Rose" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 07:27:53 -0800
Hi Barry,
I had another interesting experience yesterday. I went to a noon meeting of the
Healing Arts Professionals of Tacoma, a really great collage of people. I took a few drops of ORMUS to my friend
and drank the rinsing from my carrying container. That's all it took. The first part of the meeting is supposed to
be the brown bag/social hour, though I didn't take anything to eat. The woman next to me was drinking some sort of
nutritious (I use the word loosely) shake when I felt the energy of the ORMUS spin out and pull in nutrition from
her drink. It extracted it and brought it into me! I didn't eat at all yesterday until 5 pm.
Later, I thought about the time I did a weekend Tyong (Chi) Gong seminar. The
'Master' was surrounded by people with various stories. One woman supposedly hadn't eaten for 20 months. She WAS
pretty thin. After my experience yesterday, I guess this might be how people can do that...
I had a dream soon after starting with ORMUS. I saw time compressed and watched
myself move here and there, doing this and that. The picture slowed every time I ate and I saw myself eating lots
of produce and over time I lost the 15 or so pounds I've been wanting to shed. I've felt differently about my
weight since that dream and I sense that it will go....
With love,
From: "Sharon Rose" <>
Subject: Eighth Month Perspective
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 12:52:29 -0800
Dear Barry,
It's been 8 months since I was first introduced to ORMUS, and in that time I have
had several contacts from people who have read my stories. I'd like you to add this letter to that link because I
find myself saying the same things over again to each person I talk with. Most people want to know what kind of
'stuff' I've taken so they can have the same kind of experiences that I have written about. Well, I'm not sure it
works exactly that way, though I won't say that categorically.
I would speculate that I am 90% different than I was back then, meaning that the
ways I define myself have fundamentally changed. This change has to do with the limitations I perceive about
myself, though not about the internal "I am". I am still the little child who explored thoughts of different
dimensions, who discovered the Hall of Knowledge at 8 years old, who left her body frequently to communicate with
loving beings on the other side of the veil, and who talked with God on a regular basis. The thrust of my life is
still the same. It's just that my perceived limitations are far different.
In these past 8 months I have had communications from the essence of ORMUS. I have
felt the ORMUS within me reach out and absorb nutrients from food-stuff that never entered my mouth. I have
slightly levitated on several occasions. I have caused an object to move 10" without touching it. My ability to
leave my body and examine other dimensions or source-out where negative energy is coming from, is so accurate that
I feel complete confidence about these (and many other) abilities. Yet, where do the effects of ORMUS end and the
effects of my own consciousness begin?
In the very first writing to you, dated March 8th, 2001, I was ecstatic about
discovering ORMUS and looked forward to introducing it to my loved ones. My ecstatic-ness has subdued over the
months as I have witnessed many people (who have had various ORMUS materials) and their personal experiences.
Without exception, every one of these people has had some sort of healing crisis (emotional, psychological or
physical). I was no exception. I hit a wall of fear as large as anything I had ever experienced, which led me to
wonder if ORMUS had something demonic about it. That thought in itself was my first clue that this wall of fear was
about me, because I don't believe in demons. Ever since my Baptist childhood I have declared that, "demons don't
exist". Can you see the fallacy of my statement? It's the use of a 'negative' to define a belief. My unexamined
belief actually upheld the existence of demons and this belief defined my fear-based experience.
What I learned early in my ORMUS adventures is that all the same rules I had come
to accept as being guidelines to living (primarily that my thoughts and expectations create my experiences), still
applied, but they applied much, much faster. If it took 3 months of me having some negative emotion scuttle about
the fringes of my mind before I experienced its physical expression in my life, then it might take only a week for
that manifestation to take place with ORMUS. I had to stay on my toes and learn to recognize these experiences for
what they were, namely the warning signs that my steering was off course.
Where my friends got lost, I believe, is that they hadn't yet come to understand
that their thoughts and beliefs were responsible for ALL the experiences in their life. Some of them had physical
healing crisis, some had emotional or psychological healing crisis. Most stopped taking their ORMUS material once
their crisis began. Somehow they equated the crisis with the ORMUS without taking the next logical step of asking:
IF ORMUS is somehow responsible for this 'negative' event, AND I trust that the material is SAFE and BENEFICIAL,
then can these experiences ultimately be beneficial to me also? Only a few people came to ask these pivotal
questions and continued with ORMUS, although I saw how everyone's lives improved within a matter of a few weeks to
months as they addressed the details of their particular crisis and were forced to make necessary beneficial
changes in their attitudes.
It is my belief that ORMUS is not for everyone - or not yet, anyway. People who
decide to experiment with ORMUS material must be prepared to do their personal work even more diligently than
before. The dangers for not doing so are as real as life. If ORMUS makes the human experience speed up (from
thought to manifestation) then we may conceivably find ourselves making poor decisions because we are unprepared to
face the fears that haunt us. A seemingly minor indiscretion of opting to make the end justify the means can
conceivably become a pattern that defines all experiences. We can more quickly be seduced by the heightened powers
that seem to follow the ORMUS experience without evolving naturally into them.
I firmly believe that wherever our personal dysfunction resides, we cannot achieve
our fondest desires without passing through and beyond these limitations. The force in all of our lives takes us in
a common direction to examining our perceived limitations. Refusing to look at these issues creates a split within
us, and the distance of that void can become so large that a perception of 'good' & 'evil' may exist. ORMUS
hastens whatever path we are on.
My advise to anyone who wants the ORMUS energy to assist them in their quest of
experiencing and knowing themselves, is to learn everything they can about themselves. Examine all the nooks and
crannies in your mind and heart. If you can't see how tall the trees are in your internal forest, learn to examine
the shadows they cast in your life. There are road signs all about us, and the best of these road signs can be
found in our weaknesses and fears. Open yourself to the pain you have shut out, for that is the most limiting force
in your life. If ORMUS creates one side of the mountain of experience and you create the other, no matter what kind
of ORMUS material you use, the summit of your experience will be only as high as you have created for
I recall my overwhelming feelings upon retiring for bed after the first day I had
taken ORMUS material. I knew then how profound was the gift I had been given and I humbly prayed, "Why me"? The
answer came back that, "You asked for it".
I'd like to end this letter with a little story that came to me in the dream state
soon after beginning with ORMUS.
While traveling further through the forest than ever before, the young Indian man
heard the rush from the river ahead. He faithfully carried the back half of the unusual canoe as the Shaman carried
the front portion while leading their way. The Shaman specially made this canoe for the boy's journey into manhood.
It was unlike any canoe the boy had ever seen before. The body of the canoe was typical for a one-man canoe, but
there were three arms that stretched out on each side of the canoe. They arched high like shoulders shrugging, and
then dropped back down like scarecrow arms. The end of each set of arms attached to a plank that ran the length of
the canoe on either side. It was easy to see that the planks would ride high near the waters surface once the boat
was launched. The boy speculated that these planks must've been added for additional stability and he wondered what
unusual conditions the Shaman expected for his journey into manhood.
The boy and the Shaman placed the canoe into the water at the rivers edge. The boy
was pleased to see how stable the boat was and assumed his assessment for the planks was accurate. Before
departing, the Shaman pointed to the mountain and told the boy that the object of his quest was at its top, and he
must reach it by dawn.
Armed with a fierce determination, the boy picked up the oars and stroked
rhythmically upriver for hours before beginning to tire. He noticed that the only way he could hold his position
against the strong force of the current was to keep up a strong, stable stroke of the oars. When he lessened this
commitment his canoe was easily swept down river. By nightfall he was certain he had drifted below his starting
point. Tired, discouraged and disheartened the boy slumped down in his canoe and eventually fell asleep.
Just before dawn he awoke to a noise of roaring, rushing water that he slowly
identified as an approaching waterfall. Reaching for his oars he fought with all his might, but the current was too
strong and soon he was heading over the edge. Down he went, 10, 20, 30 yards, when suddenly the planks on each side
of the boat caught the mighty updraft created in the wake of the falls. The canoe began to soar above the level of
the falls as the planks acted like wings. The little boat was lifted high into the air, and loosely followed the
contours of the landscape while traveling all the way to the top of the mountain -- from which could be seen a
glorious new day dawning.
Yours very truly,
Sharon Rose