Bringing Natural Nutritional Energy to Life


ORMUS - The Matrix of Consciousness

by Barry Carter



To Gary, whose early confidence in me and encouragement to get this knowledge out to the world was one of the primary inspirations for these books.


Table of Contents




Chapter 1   ORMUS - What is it?

Chapter 2   Jim's Amazing Experiences

Chapter 3   Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy

Chapter 4   Structure

Chapter 5   The Essene

Chapter 6   How to Make It

Chapter 7   Quantum Behaviors

Chapter 8   Superconductivity

Chapter 9   Quantum Coherence

Chapter 10 Living Water

Chapter 11 ORMUS Resonance Physics

Chapter 12 Ringing Up the InnerNet


ORMUS - The Matrix of Reality

by Barry Carter




Chapter 13 Homeopathic Resonances

Chapter 14 ORMUS, DNA Repair and Health

Chapter 15 A Few Reported Effects

Chapter 16 Getting Younger

Chapter 17 Patterns of Motion

Chapter 18 Paranormal Observations

Chapter 19 Electric ORMUS

Chapter 20 Cone Shaped Shewbread

Chapter 21 ORMUS and Pyramids




This is not exactly a scientific book but it is a book about a scientific discovery. If half of what we believe about this discovery is verified scientifically, it will be the greatest scientific discovery in human history. Unfortunately it is too early in the process of discovery to call much of what we are doing science since many strange properties have been observed but few have been measured.


Whenever new things are discovered, they must be named. If several people discover a new thing independently they usually will make up different names for that thing. Ancient and modern discoverers of the materials which are the subject of this book have given these materials different names. They have called them White Gold, ORMEs, manna, what is it, the Philosopher's Stone, the snot, monoatomic elements, AuM, ORMUS, the polymers, m-state, mfkzt, shemana, microclusters, superdeformed high-spin elements, exotic atoms, and the semen of God.


There is an ongoing debate as to whether all of the elements being described are monatomic or whether some or all of them are diatomic. Since this debate has not been resolved and since we must use some words to identify these elements, we have picked a couple of neutral terms to use in this book.


David Hudson, who patented and popularized these materials (though he may not have discovered them) called them Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements which has the acronym ORMEs. Since calling them ORMEs would be taking a side in an unresolved debate regarding their "monatomic" nature I am going to use other terms for these materials in this book.


Hudson also used the term ORMUS. Out of respect for his efforts and since the term ORMUS is an ancient term which might have applied to these elements I am going to use the word ORMUS as the common term for this form of these elements.


Another researcher, who we call the Essene, also discovered the ORMUS materials about the same time as Hudson. We often use his term "m-state" when referring to these materials in a scientific context.


Depending on where the reader stands in the monatomic/diatomic debate the "m" in m-state can be read as an acronym for monatomic, microcluster, mfkzt or perhaps even manna.


In my research on the ancient history of these materials I am seriously indebted to Robert Cox, Stuart Nettleton and Laurence Gardner. These three gentlemen have written fine books with the ORMUS materials as a main subject. Rob's book The Pillar of Celestial Fire discusses these materials primarily from the Hindu and Egyptian historical perspectives. Stuart's book The Alchemy Key discusses these materials primarily from the Middle Eastern and Masonic historical perspectives. And Laurence Gardner's books Genesis of the Grail Kings and Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark discuss these materials from the perspective of the Sumerian, Egyptian and Hebrew traditions. Though I am not an historical scholar, I am deeply appreciative of the effort that Laurence, Stuart and Rob went to in collecting the historical information in their books ant their generosity in letting me use pictures and quote passages from their work.


My work in learning about the ORMUS materials has been a fulfillment of my wildest childhood science fiction fantasy. Like any good science fiction story this story has a cast of rag-tag characters.


Here is a list of some of the players in this drama:


David Hudson

The Essene




Matti Pitkänen


Others who are not named


As you can see, some of these players are not fully named. Out of respect for their wishes for anonymity, I am going to throw some of the characteristics of these players out randomly on this page like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. You may be able to fit names to some of these puzzle pieces. Hopefully, since some of the players wish to wear masks, you won't be able to identify all of these characteristics with specific characters.


Of the characters listed above, two are master chemists, one is a theoretical quantum physicist and one is a mining engineer. Two are electronic engineers and a few are inventors, One used to be a cabinet maker and one used to be a paper hanger. One was a farmer and another was an environmental activist.


Two of these characters say they remember past lives as Essenes near the Dead Sea, another remembers a life as an alchemist. Four of these players have spent many years studying yoga and meditation and three of the meditators are professional scientists. Four or five of these folks claim that they can see things, using remote viewing, which most of us cannot see. Strangely enough, four of the remote viewing folks have excellent scientific credentials. One of these folks says he used to discuss physics and chemistry, in his dreams, with the Biblical Abraham.


To carry the puzzle and story analogies a bit further, we are like a bunch of characters working a jigsaw puzzle. Each character has a hand full of puzzle pieces. Some of the pieces belong to this puzzle and some may belong to other puzzles.


Some of the characters are reluctant to put all of their pieces on the table. Some are concerned that their pieces will be stolen; some are concerned that their pieces will be taken and hidden by others. Some think that the world might not be ready to see the entire picture in the assembled puzzle.


I believe that this puzzle is a cooperative venture and that many people have been given pieces of this puzzle in order to cooperatively bring this knowledge back into to the world.


I want to say, right up front, that the ORMUS puzzle--what we can see of the finished picture at this point--looks like it could connect science and spirit. Some of the pieces of this puzzle come from scientific observation; some come from Judeo-Christian, Hindu or Chinese scriptures. Some come from theoretical quantum physicists and others come from practical alchemists.


These puzzle pieces are being described using modern observational tools like electron microscopes, analytical chemistry and spectrographic analysis but they are also being described using yogic or psychic vision and ancient historic records.


The Hard Problem

There is currently a multidisciplinary effort to describe consciousness in the language of science. This effort has defined a "hard problem" but has not solved this hard problem. As I understand it, the "hard problem"--how does the conscious mind integrate with the physical body--relates to figuring out the connecting system between consciousness and matter. The intent of this quest is to discover a material mechanism whereby mind can influence matter or alternatively to demonstrate conclusively that consciousness arises only out of matter.


In either of these cases the hidden assumption is that a materialistic/scientific viewpoint is most likely to produce useful results. I think that this cultural and linguistic bias may be limiting our problem solving options.


I have heard that Eskimos have dozens of words for snow. Because they have a linguistic/conceptual framework for differentiating between types of snow, they are capable of observing differences in snow which outsiders cannot see.


Other languages of consciousness exist. Some of these languages represent centuries of accumulated experience by thousands of observers. The language of yoga, for example, is full of references to physiological correlates to spiritual states. For example, the rise of the kundalini energy will trigger a ringing in the ears which is unlike pathological tinnitus in several ways.


The yoga language of consciousness says when you get to this point in conscious development, look for this landmark; but always it is from the perspective of spirit rather than from the perspective of material science.


I think that it is useful to learn other languages of consciousness. Learning other languages of consciousness gives us other perspectives from which we can view and solve problems of consciousness.


We need to look deeper than the surface of religion to see the underlying unity of mystical thought. There are ways in which the mystic can inform the scientist but both must know a common language. As long as we must maintain the ramparts of scientific superiority we will not fairly examine aboriginal claims that consciousness can merge with a stream and know what to expect as the stream reaches the ocean.


Mystics say that "hard problem" is only hard from the material point of view. If one is immersed in the spiritual point of view, it is clear that all of matter is the manifestation of spirit.


How might a bilingual scientist/mystic go about examining such a hypothesis?


This book is an examination of how this might be done. The ORMUS materials look like they may provide the keystone for the bridge between mind or spirit and matter.


Chapter 1 ORMUS - What is it?



What would be the most wonderful and amazing discovery that you can imagine? Can you think of some ancient phenomenon or ability that might benefit us today? How might such a discovery change our lives and change the world around us?


When I ask these questions the most frequent answer I get is that folks at my lectures would like to see some way for science to prove the existence of spirit or help us to better connect with spirit.


Have you ever wondered why we have not been able to prove to science that spirit exists and that spirit is the foundation of physical reality?


Many scientists are interested in proving a connection between spirit and the body but their proofs are generally indirect and inconclusive. It might help this effort if there was a substance with properties of both spirit and matter which served as an intermediary between the two.


The ancients often described such substances. They spoke of Chi, Soma, Manna, Alchemical White Gold, Mfkzt, the Fountain of Youth, Shem-an-na, Prana and the Philosopher's Stone.


Modern historians often dismiss these references as being related to psychedelic plants but generally the ancients were quite specific in stating that these substances were related to the precious metals like gold and silver.


Hindu alchemists made an Ayurvedic white powder form of mercury.


The ancient Israelites had their "shewbread" and their "manna" which was kept in the Ark of the Covenant.


The ancient Egyptians had the sacrament of the bread and wine, as did early (and modern) Christians. Below you see an offering of "white bread" and wine to the gods from an Egyptian bas relief.


Egyptian Offering of Bread and Wine

Egyptian Offering of Bread and Wine


The Bible says that Moses took the golden calf which the Israelites made for worship "and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and strawed it upon the water, and made the children of Israeldrink of it"; presumably in order to improve their spiritual connection.


The ancient Chinese alchemist Wei Po-yang wrote of the "Pill of Immortality" which is made of Huan Tan (Returned Medicine) an edible powder from gold. After one ingests Huan Tan "the complexion becomes rejuvenated, hoary hair regains its blackness, and new teeth grow where fallen ones used to be. If an old man, he will once more become a youth; if an old woman, she will regain her maidenhood.“


Wei Po-yang

Wei Po-yang the Father of Chinese Alchemy


In the Hindu tradition the Philosopher's Stone is linked to spiritual attainment:


At the very touch of a philosopher's stone the sharp iron sword is turned into gold and afterwards it does not cut, even if it has the appearance of a sword. Even so, the ego of the Siddha-Jnani or the Jivanmukta, though it has the appearance of individuality and presents a physical body, cannot bind the Siddha again to rebirth, for it is transformed into Suddha-Sattva by the touch of the Supreme Wisdom of the Absolute.

--from Sri Swami Sivananda's Vedanta for Beginners section II, #9


Artephius, a European alchemist of the twelfth century, claimed in his alchemical treatise titled The Secret Book that he had lived "for the space of a thousand years, or thereabouts, which has now passed over my head, since the time I was born to this day, through the alone goodness of God Almighty, by the use of this wonderful quintessence."


A French alchemist named Fulcanelli tells us in his book "Le Mystère des Cathédrales" how the secrets of alchemy were carved and concealed in the architecture of the great cathedrals. Fulcanelli is believed to have made the Philosopher's Stone helped by his study of these cathedrals.


Egyptian priests made the mfkzt which was described as a conical, white bread made from gold and was both eaten and offered to the gods. You can see an image of the mfkzt offering below.



But the ancients obviously believed that these substances had greater value than their value of extending a person's life span. The Hindu Prana, the Chinese Chi and the Manna from Huna tradition were spoken of as the life force itself. They were believed to be an actual substance which served as a connection to spirit.


Since 1989 I have been working with a number of researchers who have discovered and scientifically described a class of materials which would fit well with the descriptions of these ancient substances. Let's look more closely at some of the properties that have been claimed for the ancient substances.


In Pillar of Celestial Fire Robert Cox wrote:


"The Vedic Seers called this powder bhasma (Ash), because it resembled a fine white ash, and because it was the final product left over when ordinary matter was exposed repeatedly to the fiery process of tapas or spiritual evolution."


The manna of the Bible (which appears to be similar to the mfkzt of ancient Egypt) is described as like "coriander seed, and the colour thereof as the colour of bdellium." The Israelites "ground it in mills, or beat it in a mortar, and baked it in pans, and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil." It arrived in the morning with the dew.


In his book The Alchemy Key, Stuart Nettleton wrote:


"Jewish Midrashim commentaries describe how the Ark of the Covenant levitated and carried along some of the people who were supposed to be carrying it.”


Chi and Prana are described as energetic substances which can be accumulated in the body from the air through certain breathing techniques.


The Philosopher's Stone is said to be an evolved form of the precious metals gold and silver.


Soma and the Fountain of Youth would be liquids which confer youth and vitality when one drinks them.


Here is a list of some properties we might look for when searching for a scientific basis for these ancient substances:


1. They would be a form of gold, silver or other precious metal elements.

2. They would have an oil form.

3. They could be dried to a white, flour-like substance.

4. They would exist as a gas or vapor which could be extracted from the air.

5. They could be energized or accumulated in structures like the Ark of the Covenant or the Great Pyramid.

6. They should levitate under certain circumstances.

7. They would have remarkable regenerative and spiritual properties.

8. They would have to be difficult to identify using modern scientific tools because they have not been identified this way before.


If there is truth in these ancient stories then this truth should be open to examination by modern science.


I am writing this book to report that there are substances which fit these criteria and that these substances look like they may be an intermediate stage between spirit and matter.


We call the substances the ancients spoke of, the ORMUS or m-state elements. They were first brought to the attention of modern science by David Hudson, an Arizona cotton farmer, in a series of lectures in the mid 90s.


Ancient Stories/Modern Science

Modern scientists frequently run into things that they cannot explain. Physicists speak of "spooky action at a distance". Physicians speak of "spontaneous remission" from serious diseases. Metallurgists speak of "ghost gold" which disappears in processing. Quantum physicists speak of the "zero point" where matter and energy enters and leaves the universe.


How might ORMUS theory explain some of these phenomena that are on the unknown edge of science?


The great physicist David Bohm postulated that the “Explicate Order” (reality as we know it) is the projection of the “Implicate Order”, which could be thought of as a non-physical or spirit template for physical reality. I like to think of this as a sort of Internet through which we connect with each other and the source of life. I like to call it the “InnerNet”.


If there is such an InnerNet, then what is the connector between spirit and matter? What is the modem we use to connect to this InnerNet?


We would expect this connector to have certain properties. Chief among these properties would be “quantum coherence” or “non-locality” (also known as being “everywhere at once” or “omnipresence”). In my model, the implicate order or InnerNet would provide an instantaneous communication medium and energy source.


Scientists have identified very high levels of quantum coherence in the body but they are mystified about the substances that are bringing it about. Here is a quote from The Field by Lynne McTaggart about this:


What was even more amazing was that Popp was witnessing the highest level of quantum order, or coherence, possible in a living system. Usually, this coherence - called a Bose-Einstein condensate - is only observed in material substances such as superfluids or superconductors studied in the laboratory in very cold places - just a few degrees above absolute zero - and not in the hot and messy environment of a living thing.


The ORMUS elements look like they might be this connector for information and energy in the body. They seem to function as the keystone in the bridge between spirit and matter. They appear to be a physical substance which accesses properties of spirit, like quantum coherence.


Remember, the ancients spoke of such things as being a special form of gold and other precious metal elements? It is interesting to note that the ORMUS elements include the traditional alchemical elements.















The Known ORMUS Elements


Notice the question mark at the end of the list of known ORMUS elements? This question mark is here to let you know that ORMUS researchers are finding new candidates for ORMUS on a regular basis.


Quantum Coherent ORMUS Structures

Superconductors are one of the best known examples of quantum coherence. But modern physics has not succeeded in producing room temperature superconductors.


Nevertheless, quantum coherent properties - like superconductivity - have been observed in biological systems. Stuart Hameroff, Roger Penrose, Mae-Wan Ho, Glen Rein and others have suggested that quantum coherence in the body may be the key to consciousness.


How might this work?


Imagine that every cell has a cell phone with a hard wired phone to use as a backup if the batteries get depleted. The backup phone uses the nerves as wires but the cell phone communicates instantaneously via quantum coherent DNA antennas. Now imagine that the cell phones in each person’s cells have batteries which are dead or almost dead and broken antennas.


We postulate that the ORMUS elements can bring in energy to recharge the batteries because, with the DNA, they provide a quantum coherent resonant antenna which picks up energy and information from the InnerNet (Implicate Order).


These ORMUS antennas in every cell would, in effect, provide a direct, instantaneous connection to everywhere at once.


For example, this would provide an incredible communication system between all of the cells of the body and with the non-physical DNA template that Peter Gariaev, Vladimir Poponin and others observed in the DNA Phantom Effect. (For more about the DNA Phantom Effect see Chapter 13.)


Supporting Evidence

ORMUS researchers have learned many ways to extract the ORMUS elements from natural source materials. There is a way to extract a white precipitate from sea water which is full of ORMUS rhodium, iridium and gold. It is also possible to extract ORMUS from fresh water by levitating it out of the water using a magnetic trap. There are even several methods for converting metals into their ORMUS form.


Many ORMUS researchers are finding that these materials match up with the ancient alchemical materials quite well. I have been working with some of these methods since 1989 and I will be describing some of my experiences and the experiences of other ORMUS researchers, throughout this book.


Many researchers have converted the precious metal elements into a white powder like the white powder described in Egyptian, Hindu, Chinese and European alchemical texts. You can see a picture of the white powders of ORMUS rhodium, iridium and gold below.



I have made the white powder of gold using a couple of different methods.


I have also tasted the oil of the precious metals and it tastes like a "sweet oil" or "honey" as the Bible says. This oil appeared on the outside of a container in such a way as to suggest that it "teleported" out of the container. The oil was made from pure rhodium and iridium using a process developed by a colleague. Others have reported that it is difficult to keep the oil form of these elements contained as it will often get out of whatever container it is in. I will cover this more thoroughly in Chapter 10.


A colleague named Joshua reports that he hung a gold coin in a pyramid replica and an oil oozed from the surface of the coin. This oil dried to a white powder.


An Australian ORMUS researcher named Kevin reports that he has extracted a sweet tasting oil from the air using the magnetic levitation trap pictured below.




A colleague in Kazakhstan reports that the m-state materials can be energized and accumulated using cone shaped devices. He also reports that they are associated with the energy points which appear here and there on the earth's surface.


I have taken some pure ORMUS gold powder and gotten it to levitate away from a moving magnetic field. A short video of this can be downloaded from the web at:


Coherence in Plants

Hundreds of people around the world are working with these materials. Many of them have reported amazing biological and spiritual effects from the use of these materials.


We have seen striking evidence that plants are greatly benefited by supplementing them with ORMUS minerals.


A researcher near the US-Canadian border has been growing incredible giant walnuts on a tree he fed with the white precipitate from ocean water. You can see pictures of these walnuts below.



Giant Walnuts


You will read more about these giant walnuts in Chapter 5.


A researcher in Michigan has photographed lights forming off the tips of her orchid cactus plants after watering them with magnetic trap ORMUS water:


On the left the light is beginning to form above the tip

of the orchid cactus leaf. On the right the light

has reached its maximum brightness.


If the ORMUS elements transduce more energy for the cell and provide an improved mode of communication in the body what might the consequences be?


Our observations and work with these materials suggest that they provide quantum coherent resonant connections between the cells of the body and between the body and the spirit template of the body.


The ancients spoke of these spirit templates as devas, fairies and angels. I imagine that the spirit template of healthy teeth might be called the tooth fairy.


The orchid cactus photographer has been drinking the magnetic levitation trap water for a couple of years. She has reported numerous health benefits but one of the most striking benefits has been that a broken tooth partially filled in with new enamel after two and a half months on the trap water.



Many other people have reported significant changes in health conditions related to cancer, aids, multiple sclerosis, arthritis and diabetes.


Some of the ORMUS elements even appear to reverse physical changes which are associated with aging. Following are some pictures of the results a colleague had after ingesting ORMUS copper for a couple years.




Tut's Tale

One of the most amazing stories about ORMUS effects that I have heard is the story about a kitten in North Carolina.


This is Tut the cat. Tut was born in April of 2003. His person, Dana, found him on May 23, 2003. He had lost his mommy and was starving. He cried day and night till May 26.




Dana put him on the back porch that evening because his crying was keeping everyone awake. She left the outside door open a bit in case he had to get out.


There was a big storm that night and part of the roof of an outbuilding collapsed. The next morning Tut was sitting on the back step but his tail was almost completely severed. Tut's tail came completely off in a day or so.



Above is the portion of Tut's tail that came off.



Above is the scab which covered

the entire remaining stub of Tut's tail.


Dana started feeding Tut an ORMUS product called Liquid Chi and Prime Enzymes in his food. She also fed him another ORMUS product called Cleopatra's Milk out of her hand. From that time to this Tut has not cried or made any sound except a loud purr.



Dana feeding Tut Cleopatra's Milk


Below you can see how Tut is re-growing his tail. The red tip is the newest segment. Now and then Dana has seen bone forming at the very end. It has grown about five inches as of August 14, 2003.




Tut's new tail


Tut is a very happy and active cat now. He frequently licks the red tip of his tail where all the growth is occurring. Dana puts Sola, Cleopatra's Milk, Liquid Chi and other ORMUS products on Tut's tail and on his fur.




Above you can see Tut's new tail, the scab that came off of the stub of his tail and the portion of his tail that came off compared in one picture.


Dana thinks that the new tail grew because Tut has been eating the Cleopatra's Milk, Liquid Chi, Prime Enzymes, Sola and Zenergy.


You can contact Dana through her web site at:


You will find more detailed reports on some of the physical and spiritual effects that other ORMUS users have reported in Chapter 15.



ORMUS is relatively easy to make using a variety of methods which include:


  • Wet Method
  • Dry Method
  • Molten Lye Method
  • Advanced Chemical Methods
  • Magnetic Levitation Trap Method


Wet Method

The Wet Method is the easiest method for obtaining ORMUS. To do the wet method, slowly bring the pH of ocean water, Dead Sea water or raw sea salt (dissolved in water) up to 10.78 and no higher using lye (also known as caustic soda and sodium hydroxide). Let the resulting precipitate settle, siphon the clear water off the top and add fresh water to wash it. Repeat the second step two more times


Dry Method

Boil powdered rock source material in lye water for two hours. Take the clear filtered water off the top and bring the pH down no lower than 8.5 using hydrochloric acid. Wash the resulting precipitate using the same method as described in the Wet Method. I will give a more complete description of these methods in Chapter 6.


Molten Lye Method

Mix three part dry lye with one part rock dust (by weight). Heat this mix till the lye melts and starts bubbling. Keep it at this temperature for two hours. Cool the mix and dissolve it in water. Take the clear filtered water off the top and bring the pH down no lower than 8.5 using hydrochloric acid.


Advanced Chemical Methods

Advanced chemical methods can be used to make pure white powder ORMUS materials like those pictured earlier in this Chapter. These advanced methods are beyond the scope of this book.


Magnetic Levitation Vortex Trap

Build a magnetic levitation vortex trap according to the plans on the Internet or the plans in Chapter xx. Find a good source of underground water. Run the water through the trap at the rate of about 100 liters of waste water to 1 liter of good water.



Magnetic Trap


One of my Magnetic Trap designs is shown above and another is shown below.


Other Phenomena

The ORMUS elements are clearly related to other phenomena beside the biological effects related above. Some of these phenomena are described below and in the rest of this book.


I have described how our connection with spirit may correlate with quantum non-locality. There are other “strange” abilities and behaviors that may also have similar quantum correlations. These abilities and behaviors include:


Clairvoyance          Quantum Coherence

Telepathy               Quantum Coherence

Levitation                Superconductive Meissner Effect

Prophecy               Tachyon Theory

Teleportation         Josephson Tunneling

Manifestation         Emergent Matter

Etheric Energy       Zero Point Energy

Apparitions             Superfluid Behavior


A few ORMUS researchers have noticed “apparition” like behavior when working with ORMUS. One such story follows.


Tempest in a Teapot Water Glass - It's Alive 12-11-2000

The lady who grew a new segment of tooth also submitted a very interesting report about the ORMUS materials which suggests that they may actually be alive. Here is her report on this:


Today we decided to take some pictures comparing the first and second stage trap water with the ordinary tap water. We filled three containers and this is what we found happening in our tap water after it sat for about 8 hours. We really expected it to be clear, as it had been up until now.


As soon as we filled the glass (around 11 a.m.), aluminum foil was wrapped around it with another piece of foil placed over the top of the glass to help keep it clean. What we found is our normal tap water now shows a high content of m-state. The colloidal content, with substantial oil on the surface, was only noticeable as an output of a single stage vortex trap a few weeks ago. For some reason it is now manifesting without going through a vortex trap.


When we removed the foil cap from the glass and shined a small Mag flashlight on the surface, we saw that there was a semi-stationary vortex in the water. As we watched it we saw another vortex literally come up and off from the side of the one captured in the photo and leave the glass. As the second vortex pulled up and away from the main one in the water, it left the main vortex with a half open circle to the right that can be seen in the photo.



Here is another picture of the same glass that contained the vortex right after the aluminum foil was removed from the outside of the glass. My husband shined the Mag light through the glass at the bottom, the camera caught the beam through the bottom and also caught the reflection of some vapor coming off the top of the water.



As my husband and I were wondering how this could be with our plain tap water, my husband had held his hand over the top of the glass and he felt a very firm bump on his right index finger. We then both saw a burst of light that came up and out from the top of the glass that expanded as it moved. In about 2 seconds it was out of the water, inflated to the size of the soccer ball and moved quickly towards our living room. Then it landed on the floor half under the piano bench. One of our cats promptly perched and watched it. By this time we were not to sure where it went.


As I walked by the piano bench into the living room, I saw what looked like a dark spot that was about the size of a small orange rise up from the floor, half hitting the underside of the bench, then burst into another bright flash. I am almost too chicken to say that I literally saw a small human type being come from this light as if being shot from a catapult then vanished. This may sound crazy and bizarre, but that is what we saw and what happened. As we stood and watched the glass, the vortex took about 20 minutes to slowly fade out but the glass is still full of evenly dispersed suspended matter.


After all of this happened, we both became hungry; for some reason I felt as if I hadn't had any thing to eat all day. I also felt a surge of an energy flow throughout my whole body that started at the bottom of my feet and went upward; it literally made me feel intoxicated. This feeling comes and goes and now (12:45 a.m.) I feel so tired that I can barely keep my eyes open, yet I can still feel the flow.


The following message was sent to me on 4/24/2002 and is from the husband of the woman who wrote the above account.


Dear Barry,

As a follow up on an observation my wife and I had over a year ago, I have had some time to reflect on the occurrence and wish to go on record that the event did take place as reported in the trap water diary just in case anyone reading about it may feel she was perhaps hallucinating. It was most unexpected and surprising.


Repeating an experiment with our water in an attempt to find out what the little sparks are all about and get some pictures of the vortices we were observing we set about conducting the experiment as in previously successful attempts.


We had drawn a glass of water as we had many times before in the early evening. The glass was immediately wrapped in aluminum foil and covered and allowed to set for about several hours until reasonably dark outside. We were expecting to see the familiar vortex in the water. These vortices are most visible in near dark in the light of a focused beam flashlight after the water has set covered for a time.


We had seen several little sparks rise quickly from the surface in the past, though not every time, and were hoping to see another. They seem to remain in the glass until we remove the top foil. Then they sort of spark off the surface.


In this case, when we removed the foil we once again observed a very noticeable vortex. About a half inch wide at the surface of the water and funneling down to the bottom in a tornado shape. While not noticeably moving, these change shape over several minutes. As we observed the surface for the first few seconds we saw a bright spark leave the surface from near the center of the vortex. It almost instantly rose to the height of our faces and expanded to a semitransparent sphere about the size of softball as it rose. It was luminescent ghostly blue white in color.


It seemed to bounce off both our faces a couple of times in a sort of dance then expanded further as it speed away from us toward the kitchen wall. I recall feeling a slight push backward as it bounced between us. It abruptly turned 90 degrees to the N.E. without contacting the wall and accelerated into the next room just in front of the piano. Then it abruptly dropped down under the piano bench out of sight. Our cat ran over in front of the bench and sat watching it though we could no longer see it.


We realized we had both seen something and she asked, "Did you just see what I did?"


"Kind of a white sphere" I said.


"That's right." she confirmed. We both stood in astonishment for a few seconds.


I thought the object was probably gone and returned my gaze to the vortex wondering if anything else was forthcoming. My wife slowly walked into the room by the cat and looked down to see a small, about 1 ft tall, semitransparent young, mid twenties age, fully clothed male person crouched below the bench.


When he realized he had been spotted he leaped into the air and very quickly sort of soared to the far end of the room, some 25 feet, to the far set of windows and once again vanished. From my perspective in the kitchen all I saw was a bluish white streak rise up from under the bench and shoot like a comet across the doorway and out of sight. It was noticeably larger, about the size of a basketball, on my second viewing. That was my last view of our visitor.


My wife saw him again a short time later, about 15 minutes, when she sat down at her computer. He was outside the windows looking in and had grown to about 3 feet and somewhat less transparent. He smiled and nodded at her! She called to me, but when I entered the room he had left for parts undisclosed and neither of us have seen him since.


The purpose of this writing is to confirm from the writer's point of view and personal experience that we are surrounded by intelligence. We seem almost incapable of comprehending the extent and nature of the life force that supports us. And, many non-mainstream concepts are, unfortunately, still ignored by mainstream research. I recall a few years back while employed as an engineer in heavy industry I held up a pencil to a coworker and indicated that it could be filled with intelligent life. I received the sort of response one might expect from a typical institutionally manipulated engineer. "Anything not growing or moving around under its own power is DEAD. There may be moving electrons and such in there but no life" end of discussion!!!


I also recall a reading assignment in a classical literature class in college. Though I do not recall the author or the exact phrase, the author stated that "One is on the path to discovery when one can see infinity in a grain of sand!".


We do not know where our visitor hailed from or to where he returned. We do know that he answered our question. The water does contain life and those who dwell within are apparently not upset with our efforts of discovery. We look at our visitor as a messenger from an infinitely smaller or perhaps parallel universe.


We seem incapable of changing the nature of life itself. If known and if empowered to do so we may not choose to do it. As we learn, we may find some lessons very disturbing. Yet, we must put each and every piece of the puzzle into place until the larger picture comes into focus. Sometimes pieces do not fit anywhere and must be stored for future use. As we share information, we may realize the piece we have fits nicely in someone else's puzzle section. And their section may fit nicely somewhere with ours.


Please keep an open, unbiased mind and remember to share and enjoy life.



The ancient sages often speak of certain abilities like levitation. The whirling dervishes were said to have levitated when they spun themselves around. Might the ORMUS Magnetic Levitation Traps work in a similar way? I will discuss this further in Chapter 17.


Instantaneous Communication

Dr. Alexander Shpilman a physicist in Kazakhstan claims that he has used his spin field generator to create and extract the ORMUS elements. Other scientists in Russia and elsewhere claim that they have measured the propagation rate of spin fields and it is “billions of times greater than the speed of light.” This will be discussed in greater depth in Chapter 9.


Pyramid ORMUS Oil of Gold


Another ORMUS researcher, Joshua Gulick, reported that he hung a gold coin in a pyramid replica and in a week he watched “liquid ooze from the surface” of this coin. The alchemists called this liquid the “oil of gold”. We suspect that this effect is related to the “spin field” generated by the pyramid shape.



Pyramid Vortex


The photo above is a Kirlian photograph of a pyramid replica taken by Dr. J.D. Nelson of the University of Wyoming in 1979. The double helix of energy coming from the peak of the pyramid looks like it may be related to the “serpents in the pyramid” from ancient Egyptian texts. I will be discussing this further in the last chapter of Book Two.


Swiss Army Pyramid

If the ancient Egyptians were familiar with these materials then the Great Pyramid may have been built to serve as a multi-purpose tool for extracting, energizing and utilizing the ORMUS elements. The Ark of the Covenant may have been a similar tool used to accumulate, charge and use ORMUS. I will discuss the relationship between the pyramid shape and ORMUS further in Chapter 20.


In Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark Laurence Gardner describes how “Two of Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, were killed by the fire which leapt from the Ark(Leviticus 10:1-2), given in the Talmud as bolts ‘as thin as threads’.”


ORMUS researchers have reported similar electrical discharges when working with the ORMUS materials. You can read more about this in Chapter 19.


The properties of the ORMUS materials that we have observed are a stunning match for the properties of the materials that the ancient alchemists described.


ORMUS is everywhere. ORMUS researchers have extracted the ORMUS elements from rock, food, water and the air. One researcher estimates that the ORMUS elements may make up as much as 10% of the Earth’s mass. The properties of the ORMUS elements would be a good match for the "dark matter/dark energy" that physicist say may make up 80% or more of the universe. We are finding new ORMUS relationships and applications all of the time but we are still very early in our exploration of all of the ramifications of ORMUS.



Learning Curve


As you can see from the imaginary ORMUS learning curve above we are still very early in our understanding of these substances and how they work. We have barely scratched the surface of all that there is to know about them but we have seen enough to predict that ORMUS will fundamentally change the way we see things.


I predict that the study of the ORMUS elements will change what we know in every scientific field including meteorology, astrophysics, quantum physics, chemistry, medicine, psychology, parapsychology, geology and all aspects of technology. If only 10% of what we have observed about ORMUS proves out, ORMUS will be the greatest scientific discovery in human history.


Chapter 2 Jim's Amazing Experiences



Back in the mid-nineteen seventies, I met a gentleman named Jim. Jim was a repair technician in an electronics store in a town about 40 miles from where I live in Baker City. I heard that Jim was interested in speakers and hi-fi so I went and visited him. We talked about building subwoofers. He gave me some good ideas and I built the subwoofer that I have in my house to this day.


Jim was very clearly a genius; I mean he was brilliant. When he was in a room sparks flew. Brilliant.


About a decade after I met him Jim moved closer to Baker City where I was living.


At that time Jim was working on some medical technologies using a pulsed magnetic field to facilitate the healing of bones and soft tissues. To promote this technology he was going to a lot of medical trade shows.


At one of these trade shows he noticed they were using really nasty chemicals to sterilize medical instruments. He said, "I think I can make an ozone generator that will sterilize these medical instruments a whole lot better than what you're using; cheaper, quicker and easier with less toxic residue". So he went home and proceeded to build an ozone generator. As Jim predicted it worked really well. It worked so well, in fact, that we started thinking of other things we could do with it.



Jim and some of the parts of his ozone generator



Prototype brochure for ozone sterilizer


I started working with Jim in the prototyping phase of the development of his ozone generator. I was machining prototypes of the part where the ozone was made. This part was called the "flat plate".



A flat plate that I made with an audio

cassette on it for size comparison


At that time we had a couple of toxic waste disposal companies that wanted to come in and incinerate toxic waste in our county. I was working with a group of citizens who were trying to stop these companies from coming in and burning PCB transformers and toxic waste in the local cement plant.


In conjunction with this I said "Jim, why don't you start trying your ozone generators on PCB oil. I betcha it would do just about as good a job as the incineration." So he tested it. He bubbled the ozone through this PCB oil at Eastern Oregon University in La Grande, a few miles to the north. Sure enough it worked even better than incineration. In fact he bubbled it through the oil and got this little disc of plastic and right above it a whole bunch of pure mineral oil, nothing toxic. It was literally the yuppie dream, making Frisbees and baby oil out of toxic waste.


Another problem we had in Eastern Oregon was with mining waste. A lot of people were doing mining and they were using cyanide heap leach processes to extract the gold. The cyanide would pollute the streams or birds would land in it and all kinds of nasty stuff would happen. So we said, "why can't we just clean up the mine waste with ozone and solve this problem?"


Jim looked into this and decided to take his ozone generator to be tested by the U.S. Bureau of Mines up in Colorado. When he contacted them they said that they didn't believe that ozone was going to work very well because other people that had tried it for destroying mine waste had had really poor results.


He took this two-pound per day ozone generator up to Colorado in his burgundy-colored 1986 Oldsmobile Omega. When he got there they came out with a forklift expecting to move an ozone generator the size of a refrigerator that weighed a ton. When he got out of the car with this thing the size of a small suitcase they asked, "where's the ozone generator", he answered "I'm carrying it." They just didn't believe him at all. They said, "people come up here with these refrigerator size ozone generators and they can't make them work for this; how do you think you're going to clean up this waste water with this little ozone generator that you can carry under one arm?


So, Jim took the ozone generator and ozoned some of the nastiest mine waste they could find. It turns out that they really didn't want him to succeed because the guy that was running the program had an actual patent on some other ways of treating mine waste. They weren't really that interested in him succeeding.


He bubbled the ozone through this bucket of "waste-water" and within a few minutes was done. They tested it and it met federal drinking water quality standards on all but two toxic metals. He adjusted the pH and it met federal drinking water quality standards on those as well. It oxidized and dropped out all of the toxic metals.


Ozone is kind of like that, it will oxidize things to their highest oxidation potential. Things are toxic because they react, right? But if it's all reacted out, then it's not so toxic. That was the whole key, making it non-toxic by reacting it out just as far as you can react it out.


Jim decided to try his ozone generator on the wastes from an actual operating mine. This mine was not using cyanide in its recovery process. These were just waterborne mine wastes.


What he did was he set up this system with an oxygen tank feeding into an ozone generator which generated the ozone that was bubbled into the contact tank full of toxic mine waste water. Out of this tank there was a long piece of PVC pipe with a coupler and another long piece of pipe to an inverted sprinkler above a large column filled with charcoal briquettes. Beneath the column was a stock tank, which was grounded with a ground wire going to a ground rod that has been driven into the ground.



Mine waste treatment setup


Early on they figured out that when they ran this process they were getting a lot of extra electricity, a lot of extra electricity! And they kept burning these ground wires out until finally they got one the size of a finger. I mean a LOT of electricity was being generated by this system and they couldn't figure out where it was coming from.


Jim said "it's well, it's the charcoal briquettes, we've got a carbon air cell and carbon mixed with the oxygen from the ozone, that's a carbon air cell." It still seems to me like it was a whole lot more than that.


Also, another strange thing was happening. This was toxic water. It had lead and arsenic in it as well as the precious metals, ozone, organics and other stuff like that. When they were dripping it over these charcoal briquettes they found that the charcoal briquettes were getting gold fibers growing inside the charcoal, not on the outside, inside! These gold fibers would grow inside the charcoal. It was really strange. Why did they grow inside; how did they get in there? It just didn't make any sense.


They also got what Jim called "the snot"; a really mucous-like material. It would accumulate in the collection tank. If you dried this stuff out in the sunshine it would disappear in a flash of light and if you dried it out in the dark and put your hand under it, it would float away. If you put your hand over it, it would go down.


Jim had a real hard time figuring out any way to contain it or collect it because once you dried it out you couldn't touch it, you couldn't get anywhere near it. It would retreat from everything that you tried to do to get it. This was weird; it was like something out of a science fiction movie -- strange stuff. Here is how he described this experience when a friend and I interviewed him in 1996:


Jim: When it evaporated and dried it turned into fly ash.


Barry: Why do you call it fly ash?


Jim: Because when you'd reach for it, it would fly away.


Barry: What do you mean by that?


Jim: When you reach for it, it moved away. That's it.


Barry: Where did it move?


Jim: Anyplace it had to. Up the side of a jar, out of a pan. Unless it was wet you couldn't handle it.


He somehow managed to figure out a way to capture the "fly ash" in a bottle. I think he probably dried it in the bottle and then put a cap on it. He had a bottle of this sitting in a window in a friend's garage for years and anytime you'd put your hand anywhere near it this stuff would float up in the bottle and come down as you took your hand away.


Jim: We had fly ash, as we called it, in a jar. White . . .


Barry: Powder?


Jim: Well, yeah, it was kind of a flake. Little flakes that came off of wedges between the acrylic in the carbon air cell. We had some of those in a jar and you would reach for it and they would move to the other side of the jar and stuff. Especially in a garage wall lined with tools. You know iron tools hanging everywhere. It was pretty alive.


Barry: What do you mean by pretty alive?


Jim: It moved a lot. By itself.


So we've got several unusual things happening. Now these unusual things are clues to the nature of this stuff and how it works, they're really profound clues that we'll come back to in later Chapters.


As I mentioned earlier ozone can be used for destroying PCBs, which are very persistent and tough to destroy. Since ozone is so reactive it requires the selection of special materials in any system where it will be used. Certain materials, like neoprene for example, are easily destroyed by ozone. Neoprene is commonly used in o-rings and seals. The coupler illustrated in the top center of the picture above has a neoprene o-ring in it.


Over time this neoprene o-ring got etched by the ozone and gradually degenerated until one day it sprang a leak. When Jim saw this leak he grabbed the coupler with both hands to tighten it back up.


Now, remember all the electricity, the lead and the arsenic and everything else? As soon as Jim grabbed the fitting to tighten it he got shocked and felt like he'd been poisoned. He fell to the ground vomited, and he just felt awful. He saw color, he tasted metal, he saw lights and got sick. Here are Jim's comments on this from the interview:


It was a dull electrical shock, but often, like tscht … tscht .. tscht. But not all that gnarly. Little ones, dull. Then I started seeing flashes and I tasted metal and the next thing I know I let go cause I knew something was wrong with this and when I did by that time I was seeing a good solid blue. I let go and that's when I noticed my hands were bleeding. And I continued to get shocks for the first couple of steps and I felt overwhelmed to throw up…


When he opened his hands, fibers of gold came out the backs of his hands. Remember the fibers inside the charcoal briquettes, the fibers coming out the backs of his hands were very similar. Here is how he described this in the interview:


[They were] like little dinky wires like the kind we see in the charcoal. Those little thin wires it was just like that. Like thin little razor blade pieces coming out. I can remember a couple of them were way long like running up next to my tendons in my finger. I could feel it cutting me pulling it out. It was weird.


He couldn't figure out how that gold got into his hands. He just had gotten his hands in some dirty water! How did the gold get into his hands? This was really strange.


When Jim would touch anything, for the first week or so, a spark would jump between his finger and whatever it was he was touching and as soon as he touched it he would leave a gold fingerprint. We were calling him gold-finger for a while because he had the Midas touch. Jim said:


It took about twenty or thirty days before it really hurt me bad. But I still had the background hallucinations and I still, definitely, had the Midas touch for a number of days; if not a week…I left gold fingerprints in briquettes for a long time.


I couldn't stay awake and there was static electricity popping off of me all the time…


I gave people metal slivers if I shook their hands…


The first night after he got "nuked" (as he called it) by getting his hands in this water, one of the miners named Tracy, drove him home because he was too sick to drive. All the way home this guy kept looking at him strangely and finally Jim asked, "what's going on," Tracy replied "you're glowing in the dark." This was an Eastern Oregon miner, not a psychic. His aura must have been way strong for this guy to be seeing it. Probably a camera would have caught it too. My guess is that it was a very strong visible glow. Here are Jim's comments:


Barry: Under what circumstances did you glow in the dark?


Jim: The first time I heard about it was going into town after I had been nuked. I think I had a visible aura. Actually fairly bright considering Tracy's not one to ever mention anything like that. He's a real . . . you know, I don't believe I'm seeing this so I'm not going to mention it. Unless it is so bright that you can't ignore it. When he brought it to my attention I took it as being fairly factual. I was told that for three days or more after I got nuked.


This same glow permeated his vision; he couldn't see at night and for a while he couldn't even see well during the day because of all the light that his eyes or his mind or something was generating. (After a couple of years he could see in the dark much better than anybody else I've ever known.)


Another thing happened with the mining setup, which is another clue about the nature of these materials. They had a folded-up, smaller version of the treatment setup that they would run inside Tracy's garage in a controlled, closed-loop with various samples of the mine waste water that they'd bring into town for this purpose.



Tracy's garage


They'd put the whole thing in one of these great big stock tanks. These galvanized steel stock tanks have rolled edges on the bottom so the rolled edges hit the ground but the bottom of the stock tank isn't on the ground because you don't want the bottom of the stock tank to get wet and rust out.



Galvanized stock tank


They had the whole setup with the water in the stock tank and were re-circulating it. They ran it for a couple of hours and then they quit because it was late and the wanted to play some foosball.


So they emptied the stock tank out and put everything away. But when they lifted the stock tank up there was this puddle of water in the center of the floor and they said, "how did that get there?" There were no leaks in the tank. It was a new tank and the water was right under the center of the tank with no water around the edges like one would expect if water had slopped over the edge of the tank. Here is Jim's description of this from the interview:


We were doing samples from various locations of eastern Oregon and processing it in Tracy's garage. Our batch tank…was actually a horse watering basin, I think, with this PVC column with charcoal in it, then sprinkling it over this carbon air cell that was forced air at the top and then blowing the air down through the carbon.


How did the puddle of water get there? They couldn't figure out how it could possibly have gotten into that space down below the center of the tank. Here are Jim's thoughts on this:


I think we volatilized it and it came back underneath it. I think that's what's continually happening in every one of these cases. Just like the fly ash we noticed was accumulating under the carbon air cell. . . . See this column stood right up in the middle of the tank. It was all one little unit that we built. And so in thirty words or less I believe it accumulated underneath the barrel for much the same reason.


But, they weren't going to think about it much because they wanted to play foosball. So they got the foosball table out and they were standing there playing and somebody notices and says, "hey Jim that puddle's moving toward you." Here is more of the interview:


Jim: In the course of cleaning up we noticed that we had a spot of water in the garage on the floor that would follow people around. I mean, whoever was closest to it, it would sit there and creep towards them.


DM: Like, inches?


Jim: Like, feet. Like going for you.


This was kind of scary. So they move around and whoever happened to be closest to the puddle it would move toward them. According to Jim:


it looked like water in all outward appearances. It didn't look muddy, but the stuff would literally, . . . We were playing with it cause it was by a foosball table. We played a couple games of foosball afterwards and we noticed that this thing had shifted like six or eight feet towards us.


Now these guys are Eastern Oregon miners with their own sense of humor and they said, "well let's get Tracy's wife out here and see what she does." Jim said:


And so just for grins we had his old lady sit in a chair on the other side of the puddle towards the door, but much, much closer to it; like two feet away. And the thing moved like a foot closer to her in the course of time taken to play a game of foosball.


It is interesting that the first thing that these fellows might think of to do when there's some amazing new scientific effect is to figure out some way to scare a woman with it. So, they get Tracy's wife out there and here comes the puddle and she panics and runs screaming from the room and they have a good laugh.


This is one of the most amazing scientific discoveries I've ever heard of, a puddle of water that moves toward to nearest living thing! The first thing they do is figure out a way to scare a woman with it. That just boggles the mind.


Jim also noticed that whenever he'd wash his hands he would shake them off and get puddles of water on the countertop. The next person who would come into the bathroom after Jim would have these puddles of water come toward them from the countertop.


All kinds of strange things were happening with this stuff. Jim, from his exposure -- from getting his hands in this stuff -- got sicker and sicker and finally he got so sick he went to the doctor. The doctor tested him and said, "Well, you've got lead and arsenic poisoning. You've got four times the lethal levels of lead and arsenic in your system. Get your affairs in order, you've got two weeks to live," (because doctors often rely on the power of suggestion).


Jim believed him because he was a doctor. Jim moved back to his parents' house and was getting his affairs in order because he felt like he had two weeks to live.


Barry: Were you diagnosed by more than one doctor as having lead poisoning?


Jim: They all . . . the first one in Salt Lake, they kinda went "I have no idea how to deal with this but your lead levels are multiple times lead, arsenic TLV [Threshold Limit Values]".


His liver was failing, his kidneys were failing. Then something started kicking in and he started getting a little better; but he was sleeping 22 or 23 hours a day. He was sick but he was no longer sick enough to die. He was sleeping and he wasn't particularly miserable; he just couldn't do anything.


This went on for about 18 months and during that time Jim had a lot of other interesting and informative experiences. As you read these stories notice that they contain many clues about the nature of these materials. Jim is a very bright man and he also learned a lot from these clues about the nature of these materials. I'll discuss more about the nature of these materials later in the context of these clues, but first here are some more stores.


Jim experienced a lot of electrical effects following his exposure to the ozonated mine wastewater. Whenever Jim would take a shower it would be like electrical sparks hitting his skin, every drop would deliver an electric shock to him and it wasn't just a little electric shock, it was literally almost audible shocks. Here are some more quotes from our interview with Jim:


DM: So, did this just happen once or twice or continually like day after day did you get this effect where . . . ?


Jim: I had that effect for five months afterwards.


DM: My God!


Jim: Yeah, I mean it was real bad. In fact, I could generate a huge amount of static electricity by taking an article of clothing that I wore and have right near but not in contact with the shower head stream and it would charge the droplets to the point where they were making [neon] just tscht, tscht, tscht, tscht.


Whenever he would pee, electrical sparks would jump between his toes and the bolts on the bottom of the toilet, with the obvious return flow (which was not pleasant either). Whenever he was taking a shower he would notice that windows and doors would blow open and shut, like winds (he called them ionic winds) would happen in the room, blowing things around.


The ionic wind is what I called it for lack of a better word. Cause primarily it was something that was first noted by K and Tracy at their house in that they had a shower door that was real funky and a bathroom door that didn't latch very well. And when he'd shower off after working with this gold stuff, literally the wind would open up the bathroom door. Like blow it open type stuff. There was a great deal of air movement to it. Especially like shocks when you washed your hair or whatever.


Jim was literally generating his own weather in the bathroom. LIGHTNING! WIND!


From these electrical experiences Jim concluded that the substance he got in his hands was some sort of electric generator so he fabricated a devise to measure the electric fields:


Jim: It was highly charged. I built a little FET charge meter in my last days so I could see the polymer stuff flowing around because it would have enough of a charge that it would effect an FET meter. Like dead deflection.


DM: Field Effect Transistor?


Jim: Yeah. It's like what you use to measure static electricity by its field. Same type thing, exactly. I just built a dollar ninety-eight one with stuff from Wacky Willie's and called it good. Never calibrated it or anything.


Whatever he was wearing, his shirt, his sweaters, would get saturated with this oily stuff that he called "the snot" or the polymer. He'd wear them once and when he gave them to his mother to wash, she'd handle them and she'd have strange experiences. She literally became afraid to touch Jim's clothing. So he just started throwing them away. He'd go get a sweater at Goodwill, wear it for a couple of days then throw it away because it would get saturated with this oily stuff. Jim described this oily stuff in our interview:


I could smell this stuff. To me it smelled like fabric softener, my sweat. In fact the smell of fabric softener used on clothing I wear today makes me sick to my stomach because of it. My clothes would make people sick to handle them.


They all, unanimously, said that it was an oily substance that clung to their skin and they couldn't wash off. Some of them reported tasting things through their skin while this stuff was on it. And very lethargic for days after the exposure. Very much so knocked out like I was.


Eventually Jim moved to Portland where he was lived in the apartment of a lawyer friend of his partner, while she was out of town. She was part of the legal team on the Exxon Valdez oil spill; this was around 1990 or 1991. Jim was "caretaking" her apartment while she was gone.


She had this picture frame that was gold plated or gold leafed and one day he brushed against the picture frame with his sweater, got some of the oil in his sweat on the picture frame and it dissolved the gold on the picture frame! Jim said:


I was still kinda on my own in that apartment that I nuked from my presence. But it really bothered me because I could taste the stuff that it would pick up. It's almost like the polymer stuff. You know how you described how it ran across the picture frames and removed the gold plating down to the base metal just where it ran across. You could see it because it leaves a clean spot on the wall. And like she smoked and stuff so all this stuff it picked up I could taste directly [when] I'd get in contact with it.


Now, if you're familiar with the properties of gold at all you will know that gold is a very, very difficult thing to dissolve. The ancient alchemists developed a special combination of chemicals called aqua regia, a mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid, to dissolve gold. Aqua regia means "the royal water", because it is powerful enough to dissolve gold. Except, here's Jim and his sweat is dissolving gold. This was some pretty incredible sweat.


Jim had a number of experiences with his car during this time. He put some of the snotty material in a little wire-wound resistor, which is a resistor with a hole through the middle of it and when he put electricity through the resister to dry out the sample the whole thing exploded. After the explosion there was gold INSIDE the paint on his car; which was parked nearby. One whole side of it had this gold flake paint job with the gold visible through the paint.


Jim said:


I was going to dry it. It stayed in there just fine until it got dry and then it went poof, and a big flash and that's how I got the first metal flake paint job. We noticed profound effects physiologically after that flash of material.


Several times when he was working with this snotty material and he got it out into the sunshine it would disappear in a flash of light.


Barry: Did you ever see a flash in sunlight? You thought you caught it out of the corner of your eye?


Jim: Repeatedly.


Barry: And it was gone at that point?


Jim: Yep, nothing left, nothing, just a flash and unlike David's description, I remember a distinct poof. It did make sound that I can recall.


Everywhere where there was any carbon, like in the engine oil on the dirty engine, got gold flakes in it. He even washed the engine and recovered the gold and sold it.


When he would ride around in the car, his windows would fog up with the "oil" from his sweat, it would show up right next to him in this car. It was a real oily, greasy, sort of stuff and was kind of hard to get off the windows.


I could ride in a brand new car one time and two days later I would see it going down the road and the side where I was on and right where I was sitting the glass would be fogged from condensate drops forming on the glass when the rest of the windows were clear.


Everybody goes "well big deal it's fog" and I said yeah, go ahead and turn on the defroster. Cause once it started forming . . . even my Camero had some of it that would form; that clear gelatinous material right under the vent, right out of the output vents of the heater where it meets the windshield. And I would have that stuff literally lined up across it. You can't hardly wipe it off. It's like having Armor All on your windshield, only it doesn't stay fog free. It makes it fog up.


Whoever would ride in the seat next to him or in his car seat after he'd been in it they'd get little slivers of gold in their butt from just sitting there. Where were these slivers coming from? How was this happening? It was just too weird.


[DD] got metal slivers sitting in the passenger seat, where I got to ride to Bend in, in my car. That's when we decided to put it in the poly bag because every time I drove it I would start feeling sick.


Finally he was having so much trouble with his car that he had to get rid of it, it was not drivable. It was essentially totaled. His lawyer, who he was staying with at the time, was also his business partner. His lawyer said, "well, we're going to have to just give this back to GM because it is clearly totaled and we'll see if we can get some money out of it." They called GM and they said "we've got an Oldsmobile Omega, it's been totaled and we want to turn it in for the insurance." They came and took a look at it and they said "this car looks perfectly useable" and it did, in fact it looked actually better than new because it had this gold-flake paint job.


Jim said, "have them send somebody out here and drive it." So they sent somebody out there and this guy got in the car and drove it about 2 blocks and turned it off and jumped out and ran from it. He was hallucinating, or fibers of gold were getting him, or who knows what, something scared that guy so much being in that car that he said, "yeah, it's totaled!" They got a huge plastic bag and they pulled the car onto a trailer into this plastic bag and then they took it and hauled it to a landfill, intact. That car is somewhere sitting in some landfill buried because it was so scary they didn't want to have anything to do with it.


I was told they put it in a poly bag in a landfill, because they put in charcoal canisters and little air pumps that pulled a sixty second sample off the interior of the car and they put it in a bag and sent it off to a test lab and they came back and said "what the hell is it?" At that point it was pretty much conclusive that nobody had a clue what it was...


Here we've got a whole bunch of clues: the charcoal briquettes with the gold growing on the inside of them; his hands (the gold must have grown along his tendons or something in there, because when he opened his hands the gold fibers came out of the back, some of them were an inch long) and the gold which formed inside the paint and in the oily engine dirt.


This went on for about 18 months during which time he was pretty sick and miserable.


I slept a lot and, how would you say in Englis, this polymer stuff was driving me batty. It was a huge irritant to me. I mean there was times at night there would be so much static electricity when I would lie in bed and stuff, I couldn't sleep. I'd just lay there and tscht, tscht, tscht, tscht, tscht, tscht, there would be sparks going and all that other stuff. This was before I actually went to [my partner's] house to convalesce.


His partner's wife was a medical doctor; an oncologist. She'd been working on a process to deliver lots of heat energy to tumors in a focused field. She and her colleagues had just figured out a way to do this after several years of research. They had successful tests and they had gotten a patent on the method.


They were having a party to celebrate the completion of this project. Jim, who was usually upstairs sleeping, stumbled downstairs in his pajamas and was at the party for a while. While he was at the party they asked Jim how he would solve the problem that they had just solved. He answered them and they were just aghast because that was exactly what they had done only they had spent years figuring out how to do it. Jim spends two minutes in a sleepy stupor and tells them exactly how to do it. Here is this story in Jim's words:


What I can tell you that they had a bunch of the doctors over to the … house after their big success on their cancer chemo-therapy system that uses an old type diathermy machine with a coil that is laid on the surface that heats in at a certain distance. In order to keep the chemo-therapy more active when it's hot. And so they wanted to make it hot on the tumor so it would be more active there for a lower dose.


But she thought she'd make a clown of me while I was out so she said "so you know what this celebration is about don't ya?" And I said "naw". She goes "well, you're Mr. Engineer so how would you do a system to heat a tumor and not the adjacent tissues?" And I said, "it's simple, I'd use a variable pitch helix coil and attach it to an RF source" and turned around and walked away. And she said "you fucking bastard" because it took them a year and a half to get them that answer.


He could go through a deck of cards and guess every card. If you had an alcoholic beverage he could move his finger above it and stir the beverage but yellow fibers would grow out of his fingertips while he was doing it. He could only hold a soft drink, like Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke for a few minutes before it would coagulate and separate into two separate components. He said:


And so they had this big party and she had all these doctors around and said "hey Jim come here". And I'd go over there and they'd have whisky and water in a drink and I could just put my finger over the top of it and go like this and stir and these fibers would start coming out from under my fingernails and stuff. But the drink would start swirling at the same time and the color would leave. And it would leave this clear oil on top of the water where the booze was. And they would all go whoa. And we were getting static sparks and stuff while I was doing all this.


He also had previous experiences with the gold-colored but non-metallic fibers that grew out from under his fingers while he was working on the mine site before he was "nuked". Here is his story about this:


[T]he fibers grew out of my eyes, my toenails, underneath my fingernails, out of my nose, up my butt, I mean you name it.


Almost every time, even before I got nuked, when I was working the material. Even at the laboratory scale. We both, Tracy and myself, had the effects of these fibers that would grow out from under our fingernails when we would go to grab another fuel cell's worth of charcoal or something.


When you went to reach for it, it would give you trouble. Also, over baking soda and water in a pan it would do that. You know, if you held your hand over the baking soda and water, your fingernails and fingers would ache and you would see these fibers growing from out from under the fingernails.


About 16 or 17 months after his problems started I was still trying to work with Jim. I was still trying to get him to sell these ozone generators because they were great; they were the only ozone generators that had ever passed FDA for sterilization, they were the only ozone generators that had ever done what they did with the mine waste material. The ozone was just incredible, very high-energy ozone that would do all kinds of unique and unusual things.


We think it was probably O6, in other words, ozone is O3, that's 3 oxygen atoms in a triangle, O6 would be 6 atoms in a six-sided hexagonal structure.


I was trying to get him to demonstrate one of his ozone generators because we had a really good customer lined up. Finally, we got them to fly in from back east and meet with Jim for a demonstration of his equipment.


The next day after they were supposed to meet with Jim, these people called me and said, "Jim didn't show. What's going on?" I called Jim and talked with the lawyer fellow he was staying with. He said, "Jim fell asleep and we couldn't wake him up." So this was the clue that finally lead me to realize that something serious had happened to Jim. I started asking myself what's going on here, why is he sleeping all the time. Every time I'd call they'd say, "oh he's taking a nap."


Sometimes lawyers don't like to make it easy to get information. Jim's lawyer (who he was staying with at the time) was real tight-lipped about saying anything about Jim's condition. I finally caught Jim with a phone call and he said, "Oh yeah, I've been sleeping 22 or 23 hours a day and when I'm asleep you can't wake me up, I got lead and arsenic poisoning and the doctors gave me two weeks to live," and so on. (Although he didn't say it that coherently, I couldn't get more than 2 or 3 coherent words out of him at a time.) I decided that something had to be done to help get Jim back.


My mom had a health food store in Baker City in those days. I went down to the store and looked up all of the things I could find on heavy metal poisoning, lead and arsenic and so on. I found this little pamphlet by Kurt W. Donsbach titled "Hydrogen Peroxide" which described how to use peroxide to help the body to eliminate lead and arsenic; to chelate them out.


So I bought the book and some of the 35% hydrogen peroxide recommended in the book and went to meet Jim in Portland, which is 300 miles west of Baker City.


I was doing forest activist work at the time, working with a small organization in Eastern Oregon and we were trying to protect some National Forests from logging. I had a conference in Portland, so in the midst of this conference I took some time off and set up a meeting with Jim and his lawyer at a restaurant. I gave Jim the book and I said, "Here's something you ought to try."


Shortly before I did this Jim had been to another doctor and this doctor said, "You've got two times the lethal levels of lead and arsenic in your system. Get your affairs in order, you've got two weeks to live." (Remember, doctors like to talk like that.)


In 18 months he'd gone from four times the lethal level to two times the lethal level so he'd been making some progress and he hadn't died in two weeks the first time so this time he didn't believe the doctor. He knew he was getting better but he wasn't getting better very fast so he said, "Well, ok, I'll give it a try." Here are his comments on this from the taped interview:


It's like a [heavy metal] has a TLV level where you are toxic and, you know, pound for pound are going to eat it. Well I was at, on lead, three or four times TLV initially. I was still twice the level on lead eighteen months later. Which is, I guess, the standard decay curve, which I didn't know at the time.


He took it home and drank just a couple of drops in a glass of water at first. He got really, really sick to his stomach and vomited but the next day he felt better so he did it again. Every day he'd get sick but the next day he'd be better. Here he describes some of the changes after he started with the peroxide:


Barry: So when we finally talked you into trying the peroxide, how did that work for you and what happened with that?


Jim: I got rid of the background hallucination; that blue, bluish-purple, blue light, like in one or two doses. It made me so sick the first time I ate it that I felt like I was going to die. Very, very nauseous, disoriented etcetera, etcetera. My urine was literally a dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark brown; reddish. More red than . . . but I did not feel well.


I still saw color until I started taking hydrogen peroxide and it all quit like that. About three doses of hydrogen peroxide and I quit seeing color and I quit hearing audio hallucinations.


After a few weeks of the peroxide he was feeling good enough that he decided to go back and get another check up. This time the doctor said "there's nothing wrong with you. No lead and arsenic. Normal levels. You're fine. No problem. What where we concerned about?" In the interview Jim said:


Then I took the hydrogen peroxide. In two weeks it went from twice TLV to very, very low levels.


Something kept him alive during these 18 months. What was it? That was the question at the time. I didn't know what it was. He didn't know what it was. No one seemed to know. It was mysterious. It was scary because something (probably the lead and arsenic) was trying to kill him at the same time. He was getting sicker and sicker and then he started to get well for mysterious reasons that no one could understand.


During the period of time when he was sleeping all the time he was practically incoherent, you couldn't talk to him. He was somewhere else. He would say "I don't know where I was but I was not here."


This was the most incredible story I had ever heard in my life. Jim told it to me after he took the peroxide. I witnessed some of the things myself before he got "nuked". I saw the fingerprints and fibers from the back of his hands, but he told me most of the story somewhat later.


It struck me that this stuff was the miracle stuff we were looking for. The stuff that would do anything. Levitation! This stuff floated away! Free energy! Electricity from the carbon air cell, the electricity Jim was generating in his body, his toes and the bolts of the toilet! This was incredible stuff!


Something kept him alive when he should have been dead, that was another incredible thing. Plus, the whole thing about getting more gold out of the charcoal briquettes and the scrubbing system than they were getting out of the mine in the first place. All of it was pretty remarkable.


After he told me the whole story I would say, "Jim, let's look into this." He would say, "No, I don't want to have anything to do with it. It's awful. It's evil." Well, what could I do?


About a year or two later, I was in Portland visiting my brother and I contacted Jim. By this time Jim had set up another company there to make the ozone generators and finally get them into production. (Jim has been about a month away from production on the ozone generators since about 1986. Anytime I'd ask him it's "oh, it's about a month away.")


There was this show that my brother and I wanted to go to at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland. They were having this show on gold, its uses, values and stuff like that. I said, "Jim, why don't we go to this show?" He said, "Gold? No, I don't want to have anything to do with it. It's scary." I said, "But it's not weird gold." Jim said, "But I'm afraid I'll dissolve it." Like entering the room he'd dissolve all of the gold in the room. I said "well, that'd be interesting wouldn't it?" He said "no, I don't think so." He was remembering how the oil from his sweat dissolved the gold leaf on the picture frame into a liquid and that liquid was an oil (which is another clue). It was a clear oil.


Eventually, I talked Jim into going to the gold show and on the road up to it he told us the rest of the story, all of this stuff that I have related so far. But I did not tape record that conversation.


I said, "Jim, this is the most incredible thing I've ever heard of. Who would think that a guy from Baker City, Oregon would be in contact with somebody that's making these incredible discoveries? This is going blow everything wide open. This is the most incredible scientific discovery that I've ever heard of." And Jim said, "I don't want to have anything to do with it."


For the next 3 or 4 years, every time I'd see Jim or talk with him I'd ask him for more information about this stuff. I'd say, "Well, when are you going to look into it?" He'd say, "nope, don't want to have anything to do with it." He was really scared because he associated the snotty stuff with being sick from the lead and arsenic poisoning.


Eventually, things sort of got back to normal and everything was going pretty well for Jim. He was getting the ozone generators developed and getting more testing done on them and things were going pretty well except I still couldn't get him to put his attention on figuring out what had happened with the strange materials that had changed his life so radically for those 18 months.


I finally kind of gave up on it. I had told a few other people about it, a little bit, but nobody believed me, it was too weird. Finally I got a call from an old friend that I had told Jim's story to several years ago. This friend is named Richard. Richard has a company in Portland called AyurvedaPlus (


Richard called me up and said, "I've got this tape. You've got to hear this tape. I'm going to send you this tape."



The tape Richard sent


"Ok, Richard," I said.


I was doing forest activist work and I wasn't really very interested in Ayurveda at the time. So Richard sent me this tape and I thought, "it's probably some Ayurvedic medicine tape, I'm too busy to listen to it now" so I set it aside.


A month later Richard called and asked, "well, what did you think?"


"About what?"


"About the tape?"


"What tape? Oh, you sent me a tape, yeah, ok. I didn't listen to it Richard. I'm sorry. I'll listen to it right away."


We talked a little bit more then hung up and a week later he called me and said, "What did you think of the tape?"


"Oh, Richard, I'm so sorry. I really want to hear it; I'll listen to it tonight."


So I listened to the tape. It was this guy named David Hudson and what's this guy talking about? Oh, wow, he's talking about this gold that if you put your hand under it, it floats away, and if you put it out in the sunshine it will disappear in a flash of light. These were the things that Jim was talking about. Oh, that's pretty cool. I've got to let Jim listen to this tape.


David Hudson talked about a lot of things, which were similar to Jim's experiences, and he clearly had an understanding of this stuff and how it worked. For Jim, it was totally mysterious and very scary. I knew that if Jim could hear this tape he would be interested in working with this stuff too.


You know, the best way to get an inventor to work with something is to tell him that somebody else invented something and you don't think he could possibly do anything even close to that. That's like a red flag for an inventor.


I sent Jim a copy of the tape I got from Richard on May third 1995. Jim was working at an electronics repair shop at the time. The tape was returned because the lower address label came off.


So I took the tape down to Portland with me the next time I went to another environmental conference there on June 12th and 13th. I left the tape with Jim while I was at my conference and when I came back the next day I asked Jim, "what do you think of the tape?"


Jim said, "Oh, I don't have a tape player."


"Oh no", I though, "I've been through this before. I'm not going to let Jim blow this off like I did".


I said, "Jim, let's go for a ride."


I had a tape player in my pickup. So, Jim and I got in the pickup and we went riding around Portland listening to this tape about David Hudson and all of his discoveries. Jim was just sitting there nodding his head. Whoever was following us must have thought Jim looked like with one of those little doggy dolls you might see nodding its head in the back window of a '57 Chevy. What he was hearing was totally connected and relevant to all of his experiences.


At that point, Jim was hooked on this stuff. He was finally convinced this was something that he probably could work with safely and that he could contribute to in some way or another. So he thought he might start using ozone to make this stuff.


I contacted Richard again and asked him how we might find out more about David Hudson and his materials. Richard told me that by an odd coincidence David Hudson was going to be giving a lecture and workshop in Portland in a month.


On July 26th, 1995 I went to an environmental meeting in Walla Walla. From there I went to an environmental conference in Portland on the 27th and the 28th. On the evening of Friday, July 28th, 1995, Jim, Richard, my brother and I went to David Hudson's introductory lecture. On the following day we all went to Hudson's workshop.


Jim was really fascinated by what Hudson had to say and I could tell he was thinking about the ramifications for his own work with these materials.


This whole area was so significant and meaningful to me that I wanted to share it with the whole world. I searched the Internet for others who were into this too. Eventually I found Buzz, Binga, Avi and others who were about to start up an email discussion group called the WhiteGold list.


The WhiteGold list was started in February of 1996 and is still going strong. Binga was the first moderator of the WhiteGold list and I am the current moderator.


Following is my first post to this list:


Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 15:50:41 -0500

Subject: Hudson Transcripts Available


From: (Barry Carter)


If anyone is interested I have several files that relate to the Hudson material. For various reasons I would like to respond to individual inquiries for copies. I have transcripts from three introductory lectures and one and a half workshops. I also have a file of Hudson's patent with the ten images that were in the original patent.


I was quite impressed with Hudson's presentation. It was so significant to me that I recorded his introductory lecture and transcribed it to my computer within a couple of months after his lecture. I also was sent a partial transcript of Hudson's Dallas lecture and workshop. I finished this transcript too.


A gentleman that I met at Hudson's lecture in Portland got me a paper copy of Hudson's British patent and I scanned it into my computer too.


Soon after the WhiteGold list started I got these documents up on my own web site and on the web sites of others.


The next Chapter is my transcript of David Hudson's Portland lecture.


Chapter 3 Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy



Has the Philosopher's Stone Been Found?

This is the transcript of an introductory lecture given by David Hudsonat the Northwest Service Center in Portland, Oregonon July 28, 1995.


My name is David Hudson. I'm a third generation native Phoenician from an old family in the Phoenix area.


We are an old family. We are very conservative. I come from an ultra-conservative right wing background. For those of you who have heard of the John Birch Society, Barry Goldwater, these ultra right-wing Rush Limbaugh conservatives; that's the area that I come from. I'm not saying whether it is right or wrong but that is my background.


I had no concept that I would ever be doing what I'm doing right now when I began this work. In 1975-76 I was very unhappy with the banking system here in the United States. I was farming about 70 thousand acres in the Phoenix area in the Yuma valley. I was a very large, materialistic person. I was farming this amount of ground. I had a forty man payroll every week. I had a four million line of credit with the bank. I was driving Mercedes Benz's. I had a 15,000 square foot home. I was Mr. Material man.


In 1975 I was doing an analysis of natural products here in the area where I was farming. You have to understand that in agriculture in the state of Arizona we have a problem with sodium soil. This high sodium soil, which looks like chocolate ice cream on the ground, is just crunchy black. It crunches when you walk on it. Water will not penetrate this soil. Water will not leach the sodium out of the ground. It's called black alkali. What we were doing was going to the copper mines in the state of Arizona and buying 93% sulfuric acid. For those of you who don't know, the battery acid in your car is 40-60% acid. This was 93% sulfuric acid; very, very high concentration. We were bringing in truck and trailer loads of this sulfuric acid to my farm and I was injecting thirty tons to the acre into the soil. We were putting six inch ribbons on the ground that would penetrate about three or four inches into the ground. When you irrigate (nothing will grow in Arizona unless you irrigate) the ground would actually froth and foam due to the action of the sulfuric acid. What it did was convert the black alkali to white alkali, which was water soluble. So within a year and a half to two years you would have a field that could actually grow crops.


In the work that I was doing with these soils, it is very important that you have a lot of calcium in the soil in the form of calcium carbonate. The calcium carbonate would act as a buffer for all the acid that was being put on the soil. If you don't have enough calcium the acidity of the soil goes down, you get a pH of 4-4.5 and it ties up all of your trace nutrients. When you plant your cotton it will only get so tall then it won't grow any more.


It's very important when you are putting all of these amendments on your soil that you understand what is in your soil: how much iron is there, how much calcium is there and so on.


In doing the analysis of these natural products we were coming across materials that no one seemed to be able to tell us what they were. We began to trace this material and we found that it seemed to come from a specific geological feature. What ever the problem with this material was we felt that the area where it was in greatest abundance would be the best place to study it. We took the material into chemistry and we dissolved it and got a solution that would be blood red. Yet when we precipitated this material out chemically by using a reductant of powdered zinc the material would come out as a black precipitant just like it was supposed to be if it was a noble element. A noble element if you chemically bring it out of the acid it won't re-dissolve in the acid.


So we precipitated this material out of the black and we took the material and dried it. In the drying process we took a large porcelain funnel called a Buchner funnel about this big it had a filter paper on it. This material was about a quarter of an inch thick on top of the filter paper. At that time I didn't have a drying furnace or a drying oven so I just set it out in the Arizona sunshine which was about 115 degrees at 5% humidity so it really dried fast.


What happened was that after the material dried it exploded. It exploded like no explosion I had ever seen in my life and I've worked with a lot of explosive materials. There was no explosion and there was no implosion. It was as if somebody had detonated about fifty thousand flash bulbs all at one time just poof. All the material was gone, the filter paper was gone and the funnel was cracked.


So I took a brand new pencil that had never been sharpened and stood it on end next to the funnel and started drying another sample. When the material detonated it burned the pencil about 30% in two but did not knock the pencil over and all the sample was gone. So this was not an explosion and was not an implosion. It was like a tremendous release of light.


It was like you set that pencil beside a fire place and after about 20 minutes you saw it was smoking on one side and burning in two. That's what the pencil looked like immediately after the flash. Now this just had me baffled. What ever this stuff is it's wild. We found that if we dried it out of the sunlight it didn't explode but if we dried it in the sunlight it exploded.


So then we took some of the powder that was dried out of the sunlight and we decided we were going to put it in what is called a crucible reduction. A crucible reduction involves taking a crucible (which is like a big drinking glass made out of porcelain) and you mix your powder with lead and all this flux and all and you heat it till the lead melts. What happens is the metals that are heavier than lead stay in the lead and all of those that are lighter float out. This is the basic premise of your fire assays which have been done for hundreds of years.


Now supposedly gold and silver will stay in the lead and all your other non heavy elements will come out of the lead. This is the tried and true way of doing metals analysis. Well this material settled to the bottom of the lead just like it was gold and silver. This material seemed to be denser than lead. When we poured of the slag which would take everything but the noble elements then we poured off the lead and this material came off as a constituency at the bottom of the molten lead. It was separated from it. Yet when you take this material and put it on a bone ash cupel the lead soaks into the cupel and it leaves your bead of gold and silver. Well we did this and we got a bead that should have been gold and silver. We took this bead for analysis to all the commercial laboratories and they said Dave there is nothing but gold and silver there. Except I could take that bead and sit it on a table and hit it with a hammer and it shattered like glass. Now there is no alloy no known alloy of gold and silver that is not soft. Gold and silver dissolve in each other perfectly and they form solid solutions and they are both very soft elements and so any alloy of gold and silver if that's all that's there is going to be soft and ductile. You can flatten it out and make a pancake out of it. Yet this material shattered like glass. I said something's going on here that we are not understanding. Something unusual is happening.


So what we did is we took these beads of gold and silver and separated them chemically with the gold and silver out. What we had left is a whole bunch of black stuff. When I took this black stuff to the commercial laboratories they told me that it was iron, silica and aluminum. I said this can't be iron, silica and aluminum. First of all you can't dissolve it in any acids or any bases once it is totally dry. It doesn't dissolve in fuming sulfuric acid, it doesn't dissolve in sulfuric nitric acid, it doesn't dissolve in hydrochloric nitric acid. Even this dissolves gold yet it won't dissolve this black stuff. I thought this material is really strange. It just has to have an explanation. No one could tell me what it was.


Basically I went to Cornell University. I said we are just going to have to throw some money at this problem. So I went and hired a Ph.D. at Cornell who considered himself an expert on precious elements. I suspected we were dealing with precious elements. I said I want to know what this is. I paid him to come out to Arizona. He looked at the problem. He said "we have a machine back at Cornell that can analyze down to parts per billion". He said "you let me take this material back to Cornell and I'll tell you exactly what you have, exactly". Unless it is chlorine, bromine or one of the lighter elements, then we can't analyze it. But if it is anything above iron we will find it. When he got back there he told me it was iron silica aluminum.


I said "look doctor do you have a chemistry laboratory around here we could borrow?" He said "yes." I said "let's go to the chemistry laboratory." We worked in the chemistry laboratory all the rest of that day and we were able to remove all the silica, all the iron and all the aluminum. We still had 98% of the sample and that was pure nothing. I said "look I can hold this in my hand, I can weigh it, I can performs chemistries with it". "I said that is something". "I know that is something." "It is not nothing." He said "the absorption or emissions spectrum does not agree with anything we have programmed into our instrument." I said "well that is something and I'm going to find out what." And he said "Mr. Hudson why don't you give us a $350,000 dollar grant and we'll put graduate students to looking into it." Well I had already paid this man about $22,000 because he claimed he could analyze anything and he hadn't. He didn't offer to pay any of my money back. I said "sir, I don't know what you pay the people around here but we pay minimum wage on the farm where I work and I can get a lot more out of $350,000 than you can." "So I'm going to go back and do the work myself.”


I came back to Phoenix totally disillusioned with academia. I was not impressed with the Ph.D's. I was not impressed with the people I had paid money to. I found out that it is just a big system where they worked the graduate students to generate paper but they never say anything but the government pays them for every paper they write so they get their money based on the number of papers they turned out. They all say the same thing they just re-word it and turn out another paper. It really is disillusioning when you find out what academia is doing right now.


Fortunately I asked around the Phoenix area and I found out about a man who was a spectroscopist. He had been trained in West Germany at the institute for spectroscopy. He had been the senior technician for Lab Test company in Los Angeles which builds spectroscopic equipment. He's the man who blue printed them, designed them, constructed them then took them to the field and then made them work. I said here's a good man. This is not just a technician. Here is a man who knows how the machine works.


I went to him with a Soviet book that the fire assay man had given me. It was called The Analytical Chemistry of the Platinum Group Elements by Ginsberg. It was published by the Soviet Academy of Sciences. In this book, according to the Soviets, you had to do a 300 second burn on these elements to read them.


Now for those of you who have never done spectroscopy it involves taking a carbon electrode that is cupped at the top. You put the powder on that electrode and you bring the other electrode down above it and you strike an arc. In about fifteen seconds the carbon at this high temperature burns away and the electrode's gone and your sample's gone. So all the laboratories in this country are doing fifteen second burns and giving you the results. According to the Soviet Academy of Sciences the boiling temperature of water is to the boiling temperature of iron just like the boiling temperature of iron is to the boiling temperature of these elements.


As you know from driving a car as long as there is water in the motor of your car the temperature of that car engine will never get hotter than the boiling temperature of water until all the water is gone. If you just heated the water on the stove in a pan you know that pan never gets hotter than the boiling temperature of the water till all the water is gone. Once all the water is gone that temperature that temperature really skyrockets real fast.


As long as there is iron there the temperature of the sample can never get hotter than the boiling temperature of the iron until all of the iron is gone so you can then heat this stuff. Now this is hard to fathom how something with as high a boiling temperature as iron could be just like water to these elements but it is. So literally we had to design and build an excitation chamber where argon gas could be put around this electrode so than no oxygen or air could get in to the carbon electrode and we could burn it not for fifteen seconds but for three hundred seconds. According to the Soviet Academy of Sciences this is the length of time we have to burn the sample.


We set up, we got the [PK blenders?], we got the standards, we modified the machine, we did all the analysis for results, we did all the spectral lines on this three and a half meter instrument. That's the spec for how big the prism is which opens up the line spectrum. For those of you who don't know, most universities have a one point five meter instrument. This is a three and a half meter instrument. A huge machine. It took up the whole garage area. It was about thirty feet long and about eight or nine feet high.


Anyway when we ran this material during the first fifteen seconds we got iron, silica, aluminum, little traces of calcium, sodium maybe a little titanium now and then and then it goes quiet and nothing reads. So at the end of fifteen seconds you are getting nothing. Twenty seconds, twenty five seconds, thirty seconds, thirty-five seconds, forty seconds still got nothing. Forty five seconds, fifty seconds, fifty five seconds, sixty seconds, sixty five seconds but if you look in through the colored glass sitting there on the carbon electrode is this little ball of white material. There's still something in there. At seventy seconds, exactly when the Soviet Academy of Science said it would read, palladium begins to read. And after the palladium platinum begins to read. And after the platinum I think it was rhodium begins to read. After rhodium ruthenium begins to read. After ruthenium then iridium begins to read and after the iridium osmium begins to read.


Now if you're like me I didn't know what these elements were. I had heard of platinum, platinum jewelry, but what are these other elements. Well there are six platinum group elements in the periodic table not just platinum. They didn't find out about of them at the same time so they have been added one at a time. They are all elements just like iron, cobalt and nickel are three different elements ruthenium, rhodium and palladium are light platinums and osmium, iridium and platinum are the heavy platinums. Well we came to find out that rhodium was selling for about three thousand dollars per ounce. Gold sells for about four hundred dollars an ounce. Iridium sells for about eight hundred dollars an ounce and ruthenium sells for one hundred and fifty dollars an ounce.


Then you say gee these are important materials aren't they. They are important materials because in the world the best known deposit is now being mined in South Africa. In this deposit you have to go a half mile into the ground and mine an 18 inch seam of this stuff. When you bring it out it contains one third of one ounce per ton of all the precious elements.


Our analysis, which we ran for two and a half years and we checked over and over; we checked every spectral line, we checked every potential on interference, we checked every aspect of this. We created apples and apples, oranges and oranges, bananas and bananas. We wanted exact matches.


When we were finished the man was able to do quantitative analysis and he said "Dave you have six to eight ounces per ton of palladium, twelve to thirteen ounces per ton of platinum, one hundred fifty ounces per ton of osmium, two hundred fifty ounces per ton of ruthenium, six hundred ounces per ton of iridium, and eight hundred ounces per ton of rhodium. Or a total of about 2400 ounces per ton when the best known deposit in the world is one third of one ounce per ton. As you can see this work wasn't an indicator that these elements were there; these elements were there and they were there in boucoups amounts. They were saying hey stupid man pay attention we are trying to show you something.


If they had been there in little amounts I probably would have contended with this. But they were there in such huge amounts I said golly, how can they be there in these quantities and no one knew it. Now you keep in mind, it wasn't one spectral analysis it was two and a half years of spectral analysis running this material every day. And the man actually sent me away when they read because he couldn't believe it either. And he worked on it another two months before he called me up and apologized to me and he said "Dave you are right." That is how skeptical he was about it. He couldn't apologize to me. He is a German researcher with German pride so he had his wife call and apologize to me. He was so impressed that he went back to Germany to the Institute of Spectroscopy. He was actually written up in the spectroscopic journals as having proven the existence of these elements in the Southwestern United States in natural materials. It's not journals that you would ever read but I actually saw the journals, he was written up.


They had no idea where this stuff was coming from, how we were producing it, what concentrations we had gone through or anything, they just had analyzed this small amount of powder. The crazy thing about it is, all we had done is remove the silica and sent the other stuff in. It was pretty unbelievable numbers. After we had come at this in every way we know how, to disprove it, I decided all we have to do is throw money at this problem because money solves everything, right?


So at 69 seconds I stopped the burn. I let the machine cool down and I took a pocket knife and dug that little bead out of the top of the electrode. When you shut off the arc it sort of absorbs down into the carbon and you have to dig down into the carbon to get it out; this little bead of metal. So I sent this little bead of metal over to Harlow Laboratories in London. They made a precious metals analysis on this bead. I get the report back "no precious element detected". Now this was one second before the palladium was supposed to start leaving. Yet according to neutron activation, which analyzes the nucleus itself, there were no precious elements detected.


This made absolutely no sense at all. There had to be an explanation here. Either this material was converted to another element or it's in a form that we don't understand yet. So I decided that I just had to get more information on it. I went to a Ph.D. analytical chemist, a man who was trained at separating and purifying individual elements out of unknown material. He was trained at Iowa State University and he had a Ph.D. in metal separation systems. He's the man that Motorola and Sperry used in the state of Arizona to handle their waste water problems.


He has worked with every element on the periodic table with the exception of four. He has worked with all the rare earths, he has worked with all the man made elements. He has physically separated everything on the periodic table with the exception of four elements. Coincidentally I came to him to have him separate six elements. Four of those were the elements he had never worked on. He said "you know Mr. Hudson, I have heard this story before. All my life, and I'm a native Arizonan too, I have heard this story about these precious elements. I am very impressed with the way you have gone about this: with the systematic way you have approached it. I cannot accept any money because if I accept money from you I have to write you a written report. All I have to sell is my reputation. All I have to sell is my credibility. I'm a certified expert witness in the state of Arizona in metallurgical separation systems. He said "Dave I will work for you at no charge until I can show you where you are wrong." "When I can tell you where you are wrong I'll give you a written report." "Then you will pay me sixty dollars an hour for the time I spent." This would have come to about twelve to fifteen thousand dollars. If this gets rid of the curse; if this just gets the thing answered once and for all it's worth it. It was for me at the time. Do it, get on with it. Well, three years later he said "I can tell you it is not any of the other elements on the periodic table. We are educated; we are taught to do the chemical separation of the material and then send it for instrumental confirmation."


The example I use is rhodium because it has a very unique color to the chloride solution. It is a cranberry color almost like the color of grape juice. There is no other element that produces the same color in chloride solution. When my rhodium was separated from all the other elements it produced that color of chloride. The last procedure you do to separate the material out is to neutralize the acid solution and it precipitates out of solution as a red brown dioxide. That is heated under a controlled atmosphere to 800 degrees for an hour and that creates the anhydrous dioxide. Then you hydro reduce that under a controlled atmosphere to get the element and then you anneal away the excess hydrogen. So when we did that, we neutralized the acid solution and precipitated it out as a red-brown dioxide. Which is the color it is supposed to precipitate. Then we filtered that out. We heated it under oxygen for an hour in a tube furnace then we hydro-reduced it to this gray-white powder: exactly the color rhodium should be as an element. Then we heated it up to 1400 degrees under argon to anneal away the material and it turned snow white.


Now this wasn't expected. This just isn't what is supposed to happen. So what John did was he said "Dave, I'm going to heat it to the anhydrous dioxide, I'm going to cool it down. I'm going to take one third of the sample and put it in a sealed vial. I'm going to put the rest of the sample back in the tube furnace and heat it up under oxygen, cool it back down, purge it with inert gas, heat it back up under hydrogen to reduce away the oxides and the hydrogen reacts with oxygen forming water and cleans the metal. I'll cool that down to the gray-white powder. I'll take half of that and put it in another sealed vial. I'll take the rest of the powder and put it back in the furnace. I'm going to oxidize it, and hydro-reduce it and anneal it to the white powder. Then I will put it into a vial and send all three vials to Pacific Spectrochem over in Los Angeles, one of the best spectroscopic firms in the U.S.


The first analysis comes back. The red-brown dioxide is iron oxide. The next material comes back; silica and aluminum. No iron present. Now just putting hydrogen on the iron oxide has made the iron quit being iron and now it has become silica and aluminum. Now this was a big sample. We just made the iron turn into silica and aluminum. The snow white annealed sample was analyzed as calcium and silica. Where did the aluminum go? John said "Dave my life was so simple before I met you." He said "this makes absolutely no sense at all." He said "what what you are working with is going to cause them to re-write physics books to re-write chemistry books and come to a complete new understanding.


John gave me his bill, it was a hundred and thirty thousand dollars which I paid. But he said "Dave, I have separated physically and I have checked it chemically fifty different ways and you have four to six ounces per ton of palladium, twelve to fourteen ounces per ton of platinum, a hundred fifty ounces per ton of osmium, two hundred fifty ounces per ton of ruthenium, six hundred ounces per ton of iridium, and eight hundred ounces per ton of osmium. The exact same numbers that the spectroscopist had told me were there. It was such an incredible number that John said "Dave, I've got to go to the natural place where this stuff comes from and I've got to take my own samples. So he went up and actually walked the property and took his own samples, put it in a bag, brought them back to the laboratory, pulverized the entire sample and then started doing the analysis on what is called the master blend sample which represented the whole geology and he got the same numbers.


We worked on this from 1983 until 1989. One Ph.D. chemist, three masters chemists, two technicians working full time. Using the Soviet Academy of Sciences, the U.S. Bureau of Standards-Weights and Measures information as a starting point we literally learned how to do qualitative and quantitative separations of all of these elements. We learned how to take commercial standards and make them disappear. We learned how to buy rhodium tri-chloride from Johnson-Matthey and Englehard as the metal and we learned how to break all the metal-metal bonding until it literally was a red solution but no rhodium detectable. And it was nothing but pure rhodium from Johnson-Matthey.


We learned how to do this with iridium, we learned how to do it with gold, we learned how to do it with osmium, we learned how to do it with ruthenium. And what we found when we actually purchased a machine called high pressure liquid chromatography.


And for your information this person named John Sickafoose was the man who actually wrote his Ph.D. thesis at Iowa State University on how to build this instrument. He conceptualized building this instrument back in 1963-64.


After he graduated some of the graduate students there took that technology and developed it and eventually Dow Chemical came in and bought it. Dow went ahead and commercialized it and now it is the most sophisticated chemical separation that the world has. It's computer controlled, all high pressure and you can do very precise separations with it. Because this is the man who conceptualized, designed it, told them what the limitations would be, eventually, on it he was the ideal man to take the technology and perfect it.


So we were able to use their basic technology and develop a separation system for taking the rhodium tri-chloride (we actually separated five different species in the commercial rhodium tri-chloride). What this is all about is the word "metal" is like the word "army". You can't have a one man army. The word metal refers to a conglomerate material. It has certain properties, electrical conductivity, heat conduction and all these other aspects of it.


When you dissolve the metals in acid you get a solution that is clear without solids. You assume it's a free ion but when you are dealing with Nobel elements it's still not a free ion, it's still what is called cluster chemistry.


Back since the 1950's there has been a whole area of research in colleges called cluster chemistry; catalytic materials. But what happens is the metal-metal bonds are still retained by the material. So if you buy rhodium tri-chloride from Johnson-Matthey and Englehard you are actually getting Rh 12 Cl 36 or Rh 15 Cl 45. You really aren't getting RhCl 3. There is a difference between the metal-metal bonding material and the free ion. And so what you are buying when you buy it is cluster chemistry; you are not getting free ions.


When you put it in for analytical instrumentation to analyze it, it is actually analyzing the metal-metal bonds of the cluster. It is not really analyzing the free ions.


I heard that General Electric was building fuel cells using rhodium and iridium. So I made contacts with their fuel cell people back in Massachusetts and traveled back there to meet with them. They had three attorneys meet with us and the GE people were there. The attorneys were there to protect the GE people because a lot of people say they have technologies and they meet with them then after the meeting they sue them claiming that GE stole their technology. Then to defend themselves GE has to divulge what their technology really is. So GE is very skeptical when you say that you have something new. They bring in their high faluting attorneys to really screen you.


After about an hour they said "these guys are for real. You attorneys can leave". Because they had had the explosions also. They knew that when they buy the commercial rhodium tri-chloride that it analyzes very well. But to make it ready to go into their fuel cells they have to do effusions on it using salt effusions where they melt the salt and put the metal in with it to disperse it further. They know when they do that that the metal doesn't analyze as well any more.


So when we told them that we had material that didn't analyze at all they could conceive how this was possible. They had never seen it but they said we are interested. Now these are the people who build analytical instrumentation, GE. They said "Dave, why don't you just make a bunch of rhodium for us and send it to us and we'll mount it in our fuel cell technology. [What is the mechanism of conversion of monatomic rhodium to metallic rhodium in these fuel cells?] We'll see if it works in a place where only rhodium works. No other metal has ever been found which will perform the catalysis in the hydrogen evolving technology of the fuel cell other than rhodium and platinum. And rhodium is unique compared to platinum because rhodium does not poison with carbon monoxide and platinum does.


They said "Dave we will just run it to see if it's a hydrogen evolving catalyst and if it is then we will see if it is carbon monoxide stable and if it is then it's rhodium or it's a rhodium alternative. So we worked for about six months and refined that amount of material and we re-refined it and re-refined it. We wanted to be absolutely sure that this was really clean stuff. We didn't want any problems with this. We sent it back to Tony LaConte at GE.


GE by that time had sold their fuel cell technology to United Technologies who already had a fuel cell technology. So all the GE fuel cell people had to go work for United Technologies and since United Technologies already had their in house people the GE people were not integrated into the existing teams. So all the GE people were junior people. They weren't senior any more. So after a certain period of months they all quit and left United Technologies. Well Jose Giner, who was the head of fuel cells at United Technologies, quit also and went to set up his own firm called Giner Incorporated in Waltham Massachusetts. Tony and all the GE people went with him.


By the time our material gets there they've their own company set up in Waltham Massachusetts so we contract with them to build the fuel cells for us. When our material was sent to them the rhodium, as received, was analyzed to not have any rhodium in it. Yet when they mounted it on carbon in their fuel cell technology and ran the fuel cell for several weeks it worked and it did what only rhodium would do. And it was carbon monoxide stable.


After three weeks they shut the fuel cells down and they take the electrode out and sent them back to the same place that said there was no rhodium in the original sample and now there is over 8% rhodium in the rhodium. What happens is it begins to nucleate on the carbon. It actually begins to grow metal-metal bonds. So now there was metallic rhodium showing on the carbon where before there was no rhodium.


So these GE people said "Dave, if you are the first one to discover this, if you are the first one to explain how to make it in this form, if you are the first one to tell the world that it exists, then you can get a patent on this.'" I said "I'm not interested in patenting this." Then they told me that if someone else discovered it and patented it, even though I was using it every day, they could stop me from doing it. I said "well, maybe I should patent it." So in March of 1988 we filed U.S. and world wide patents on Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements. Now that is a mouth full, so to make it short we called it ORMES. You have ORME gold, ORME palladium, ORME iridium, ORME ruthenium, ORME osmium or ORMES.


When we were doing this patent procedure the patent office said "Dave, we need more precise data, we need more exact data, we need more information about this conversion to this white powder state. So one of the problems we had is when you make this white powder and you bring it out into the atmosphere, it really starts gaining weight. I'm not talking about a little bit of weight, I'm talking about 20-30%. [This is not explained elsewhere. What does it mean?] Now that normally would be called absorption of atmospheric gasses; the air is reacting with it and causing weight gain but not 20 or 30 percent.


But nonetheless we had to answer the patent office. We had to come up with exact data for the patent office. So what we did is use this machine called thermo-gravimetric analysis. This is a machine that has total atmospheric control on the sample. You can oxidize it, hydro-reduce it and anneal it while continually weighing the sample under a controlled atmosphere. Everything is all sealed. We were getting short on funding and couldn't afford to buy one so we leased one from the Bay Area from Varian Corporation [Varian Associates Inc., 3050 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, CA, 94304 (415) 493-4000]. They sent it in to us and we set it up on computer controls.


We heated the material at one point two degrees per minute and cooled it at two degrees per minute. What we found is when you oxidize the material it weighs 102%, when you hydro-reduce it it weighs 103%. So far so good. No problem. But when it turns snow white it weighs 56%. Now that's impossible. When you anneal it and it turns white it only weighs 56% of the beginning weight. If you put that on a silica test boat and you weigh it, it weighs 56%. If you heat it to the point that it fuses into the glass, it turns black and all the weight return. So the material hadn't volatilized away. It was still there; it just couldn't be weighed any more. That's when everybody said this just isn't right; it can't be.


Do you know that when we heated it and cooled it and heated it and cooled it and heated it and cooled it under helium or argon that when we cooled it it would weigh three to four hundred percent of it's beginning weight and when we heated it it would actually weigh less than nothing. If it wasn't in the pan, the pan would weigh more than the pan weighs when this stuff is in it.


Keep in mind these are highly trained people running this instrumentation and they would come in and say take a look at this. This makes no sense at all. Now this machine is so precisely designed and controlled that they actually have a magnetic material that you can actually put into this machine that is non magnetic when it goes in the machine and at 300 degrees it becomes magnetic. It actually is a strong magnet. Then after you get up to 900 degrees it looses it's magnetism. And you can actually see if the interaction of the magnetism with the magnetic field of the heating element caused any change in weight.


The heating element is bi-filar wound. It goes round and round the sample then you reverse it and wind it right back up so all the current runs against itself all the time. So when a wire flows electricity there is a magnetic field that forms around it but then you run the wire right next to it going in the other direction it forms a magnetic field in the other direction and the idea is that the two fields will cancel. Now this is the kind of wiring that is used in a television to cancel all magnetic fields.


The designers of this machine wanted to eliminate all magnetic field aspects to this. When we put the magnetic material in the sample and ran it with the magnetic material there was no response at all; there was no change in weight when the material became magnetic or lost it's magnetism. Yet when our material is put in there and it turns white it goes to 56% of its beginning weight. If you shut the machine off and let it cool it is exactly 56%. If you heated it it would go less than nothing and if you cooled it it would go three to four hundred percent but it always goes back to a steady 56%.


Now we contacted Baryon in the Bay Area and said "look this just doesn't make any sense". There's something wrong with this machine; I mean something isn't right. Every time we use the machine it works fine unless we make the pure mono-atomic material and when we do it turns snow white and doesn't work correctly any more. And Baryon looked over our results and said "you know Mr. Hudson if you were working with the cooling of the material we would say it is superconducting. But inasmuch as you are heating the material we don't know what you've got." I decided well, I have had to learn chemistry and I have had to learn physics and now I've got to learn the physics of superconductors. So I borrowed a bunch of graduate books on superconductivity and I began to read about superconductors.


One thing we did is we took our white powder; now if this is a superconductor we should be able to put this white powder down on the table and should be able to hook up a volt meter here to it. You know your volt meter has got two electrodes and you put it on a wire and turn on the battery pack and it tells you the resistance in the wire. Well if you touch the powder with one electrode on one end and the other on the other end and turn on the electricity you just figure the needle is going to go bong, just like this, right? Perfect conductivity, right? Nothing, zilch, nothing; no conductivity at all. So we think what's going on here? So what we found out is that the definition of a superconductor is that it does not allow any voltage potential or any magnetic field to exist inside the sample. So by definition a superconductor will not allow any voltage potential to exist inside the sample. To get electricity off of a wire requires voltage and to get electricity back on the wire requires a voltage. So it cannot receive electricity from a wire, it cannot receive the energy of the superconductor back on the wire without voltage.


So now I know your question is "so what the heck good is this stuff?" If you can't get energy into it and you can't get energy back out of it, what the heck good is it? Well what you come to find out is that in the superconductor there is a single frequency of light, just like a laser, that is flowing perpetually inside the superconductor. And when it flows inside the superconductor it produces around it what is called a Meissner field which is unique to superconductors. A Meissner field excludes all external magnetic fields from the sample. What color must it be? It has to be white. Anything that excludes all light from the sample has to be white. Anything that absorbs all light has to be black. [How does this statement square with the flash in the pan from exposure to sunlight?] If it reflects all light it has to be white; now I'm talking about a pure single element superconductor. It has to be white when it is superconducting. [Check this out]


What you have to do is you have to take a radio frequency transmitter and you have to resonance frequency tune the superconductor to match the frequency of the wire. [More likely tune the wire to match the superconductor]. So the wire now is oscillation with its electron waves exactly the same as the superconductor. At that point the electronic pair can go on the superconductor with no push at all. Because electrons are continually moving over here on the wire and they are seeking the path of least resistance. And so when you have them in perfect synchronization with the superconductor they go on with no push at all as pairs.


Now this takes a little explaining because one spin one half electron plus one spin one half electron are two particles. Yet when these two particles become perfectly paired as mirror images of each other they loose all particle aspects and they become nothing but pure light. This doesn't make sense either, does it? But that's the way it is. Spin one half plus spin one half gives you spin one which now is pure light. Trust me it is so. So they can't go on as individual electrons, they go on as light.


Now the crazy thing about electrons is that one electron can exist in one space time and if it moves to another space time it gives off light or absorbs light. It's moving from one space time to another. Now we have light, which is two electrons. Light doesn't exist in any space time. You can put 50 billion lights all in the same space time and it is OK.


Now we don't have a conductor. A conductor you put electricity on the wire, you got to take the electricity off or it won't flow. You've got to ground it, right? With a super conductor it's not. It can go on and go on and go on and go on and go on and go on and go on and go on and go on and go on and go on and go on and it doesn't have to come off. Now if you want to take it off you have to put a wire next to it and you have to resonance frequency tune the wire to match the superconductor. And when it's in perfect harmony you apply a voltage and poof off goes the energy.


So if you literally can make a superconductor that stretches from Portland to New York City and you put energy on over here for two or three or four days. You don't have to take it off over there. It's ok you can keep putting it in. And when they want it in New York they can resonance frequency tune the wire, apply voltage and suck it out. It gets a free ride from Portland all the way to New York. On this quantal wave of the superconductor, as light not electricity.


How do you measure it if it has no voltage in it? How is it possible to get a machine that can measure this light? And guess what, it can't be done. Cause every piece of instrumentation man has ever figured out always uses a differential it must reflect and yet a superconductor has no voltage. You literally start the superconductor flowing by applying a magnetic field. It responds to the magnetic field by flowing light inside of it and building a bigger Meissner field around it.


You can put your magnet down and walk away. You come back a hundred years later and it is still flowing exactly the same as when you left. It doesn't ever slow down. It excludes, not 99.9999, it excludes 100.000000 of all external magnetic fields. There is absolutely no resistance in the sample; it is perpetual motion. It runs for ever and ever and ever and ever.


The Russian physicist Sakharov said in the 1960s that we are looking for gravity and we are never going to find it as a magnetic field. Gravity is what is produced when protons, neutrons and electrons inter-react with the vacuum energy. That energy that is everywhere in the universe, timeless. That energy that is there like the ether. When you pump out all heat and all matter; everything, there still is energy there. It's called the vacuum energy. When the protons, neutrons and electrons inter-react with that energy they produce gravity. If there is no matter, there is no gravity. Interesting theory.


Everyone kind of ignored it for a while. Then this fellow by the name of Hal Puthoff down in Texas who began life over here in the Bay Area in California doing distant viewing experimentation. Now he's working down in Austin, Texas. [H. E. Puthoff works at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin in Austin, Texas.] And he actually developed the mathematics for Sakharov's theory of gravity. He published this in 1993 in one of the top science journals. [It was actually published in the March 1, 1989 issue of Physical Review A. The paper is titled "Gravity as a zero-point-fluctuation force" by H. E. Puthoff.]


In the mathematics (he actually does all his mathematical calculations) it figures out that when matter begins to react in two dimensions, as opposed to inter-reacting in three dimensions, (which by definition a superconductor is a resonance coupled quantum oscillator resonating in two dimensions, not three dimensions) he comes up with the mathematics which shows when it begins to inter-react in two dimensions that it should theoretically loose four ninths of its gravitational weight. Did you know that five ninths is 56%, exactly.


So I decided that I've got to go down and see Hal Puthoff. I've got to take all my data and go down and see Hal Puthoff. I said "Hal, we have the experimental confirmation that, in fact, your mathematics are absolutely correct. In addition Sakharov's theory of gravity is absolutely correct. Because this material only weighs 56% when it goes to the superconducting state. And Hal Puthoff says "Dave, you do realize that gravity is what determines space/time. And he said "Dave, when this material only weighs 56% of it's true mass you do realize that this material is actually bending space/time." Now if you think about this it seems correct. He said "Dave, what we really need is a material that totally bends space time." "A material that has no gravitational attraction at all." Less than zero. It's what he called exotic matter in his papers. I said "Hal, do you realize that if you heat this material it has no gravitational attraction at all?"


I've been reading papers on the vacuum energy. Do you know that there is an overlap between the thermal spectrum and the zero point spectrum; the two of them overlap. And so if you heat something it should inter-react with the zero point energy. Well this material because it was resonating in two dimensions, when you heat it it literally looses all gravitational attraction. You know what Hal Puthoff said to me? He said "Dave at that point you shouldn't be able to see the material." I said "correct, you can look in the pan, through the quartz tube and there is nothing in the pan. But the pan isn't weighing what it would weigh if the stuff wasn't in it.


Now I had mistakenly assumed that the material was just resonating at a frequency we didn't perceive. He said "Dave, theoretically it should be withdrawing from these three dimensions." " It should not even be in these three dimensions." I said "wow."


He said "Dave, you have to devise an experiment where you can do this: while it is not there, pass an arm through the sample pan." "So if it is there and resonating at a frequency that you don't perceive you knock it out of the pan." Because when you cool it back down and it begins to reappear it always appears in the same shape it was in before it left. And he says "if it's there you're going to knock it out of the pan, then when you cool it down, it's going to return back in exactly the place it was before. That's proof that it left these three dimensions." And he said "Dave, if you do that you will never ever want for money." Do you think a stealth plane is really important? What happens when it can literally disappear?


Now, what are some of the other aspects of a superconductor? You see in 1988 I not only filed a patent on ORMES I filed a patents on S-ORMES. The resonant coupled quantum oscillating system of many atoms of these ORMES. I have 11 patents on ORMES and another 11 patents on S-ORMES. I have 22 patents.


What are some of the other aspects of a superconductor? A superconductor; how do you prove it's a superconductor? You literally take a constant magnetic field and you pass the material into the constant magnetic field. If it's not a superconductor if you apply a magnetic field you get positive inductance. If you graph it, applied magnetic field vs. Inductance. Magnetic field vs. Inductance. [DH waves hands depicting a graph] If it's a perfect insulator, you'll run totally parallel. No matter how much magnetic field you apply, no inductance. If it's a perfect conductor, just the littlest amount of magnetic field on a perfect conductor will go straight up. So between here and here some place, most metals graph about like this.


If it's a superconductor as you apply a magnetic field it goes negative. It literally eats the magnetic field. It feeds on the magnetic field and takes it inside itself. Negative inductance in a positive applied magnetic field is the proof of a superconductor. In other words if you had a machine that was a superconductor when it passed by ordinary power lines, it would cancel the voltage potential of the power lines. Or if it passed by a home that had electric appliances it would literally turn them off and cause them to flicker and go off.


Do you realize that if you had a machine that would do that, it could literally move in space time is what Hal was saying? That it could disappear and reappear in space time. It could withdraw from these three dimensions into a fifth dimension where there is no distance, and there is no time between here and other star systems and then reappear out of that in that star system. Have you ever heard of anything that does that?


Anyway, the material is very very important. The material and the way it works is very very important. Because we are talking about controlling gravity and we are talking about controlling space/time.


Now let me give you an analogy. If, if it is possible for me to shrink your molecular body down small enough, miniaturization that would make you so tiny that you could climb inside of an atom, you'd be down in the world of the quanta where there is no time forward and there is no time reverse: everything is interchangeable. There is no time as we know it. You would become an immortal. You literally could live forever in the world of the quanta.


A superconductor is billions and billions and billions of atoms all acting like one big macro atom. And so literally you make yourself a vessel that you can climb inside of that superconducts and you energize it and you exclude all external magnetic fields including gravity. And you are now in this world but you are not of this world. Hear me. In this world but not of this world. And literally by just heating it you can literally disappear from this space time. Just like that, gone. Now you will still be able to see everybody there, they just can't see you any more. It's like being above the water and looking down in the water at the fish. You're not in their world. But you can see them.


[Someone from the audience interrupts with a question.] "But you wouldn't have any thoughts either because they produce electromagnetic fields." [Big silence from Dave Hudson. Then person from audience says] "You would just have pure awareness." [Dave Hudson recovers by saying] "That is correct." As you can see this becomes very philosophical very quickly. When you come to understand as we did that literally we decided well gee if we have this analytical capability, and we can quantitatively and qualitatively analyze this stuff where else is it? So we went down to A. J. Bayless and got ourselves some cow's brains and some pig's brains. We carborized these brains in fuming sulfuric acid. That was a really raunchy thing to do but it was the only way we knew to do it. We weren't organic chemists, we were inorganic chemists so we destroyed the carbon, carborized it, added nitric-nitric-nitric acid, kept taking it down to fumes of sulfuric more nitric, fumes of sulfuric, more nitric till we got rid of all the carbon. Then water, water, water till we got rid of all the nitroso compounds. Then we did a metal sulfate analysis. Did you know that over five percent by dry matter weight of the brain tissue is rhodium and iridium in the high spin state?


Did you know that the way cells communicate with each other is by superconductivity? That the U.S. Naval Research Facility knows that the way cells communicate with each other is by superconductivity? That they have actually measured it using SQUIDS? Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices with a superconducting ring around the body. And they have seen by this procedure that literally light flowed between cell to cell to cell to cell. Did you know that your nerve impulses are not electricity that they travel closer to the speed of sound than they do to the speed of light? And electricity travels closer to the speed of light? Do you know what speed the superconducting wave travels? The speed of sound. This, in fact, is what is in your body that we call the consciousness. It's what separates you from a computer. It literally is the light of life. This is that part of your body that has been there all of this time, that scientists can't find because their instruments can't see it. They call it carbon because it has no absorption or emission spectra and they assume therefore that it is carbon when, in fact, it isn't carbon. That there are 11 elements that it could be but primarily rhodium and iridium are the elements that are in your body right now. And that literally they resonance connect and literally flow the light of life perpetually in your body. And around your body you have a non polar magnetic field which is called the Meissner field or they refer to it as the aura.


That literally these are the spirit atoms in your body. These are the atoms that are in resonant harmony and resonating with the vacuum energy. And the vacuum energy is another dimension where there no time. Everything that ever existed and everything that ever will exist is registered in the vacuum. And I will tell you now, my friends, that when you meet your God, you will meet him in the vacuum. That is where all matter came from, that is where all matter originated and that is where everything is recorded. And your connection is through these resonant oscillators that are in quantum resonance with the vacuum energy. That is what brings the light of life from the world of the quanta up into the macro body you call your own physical being.


These atoms, in a macro state and dried, look like a white powder. But actually if you look at them under a microscope they look like glass. You can actually heat the white powder to 1,160 degrees under a vacuum and it forms a glass just like that window glass. Another form the element can exist in.


When you come to understand that each of these atoms is resonating with the vacuum energy. You can't harness a single atom. You can't put reins on it and say work for me; this perpetual motion machine. But when one atom is resonating back and forth in two dimensions it creates a quantile wave that comes off of it. The next atom nestles in that wave and perpetuates the wave. The atoms are actually too far apart to have any chemistry and yet they are sitting at a distance resonating in perfect unison, harmony. The energy that literally rolls around one atom for ever and ever and ever: did you ever ask yourself why an atom never runs down? It is because it is dipping into the zero point energy all of the time. But now you have each atom in resonant harmony with each other; each atom dipping into the zero point energy. So now you've got billions and billions and billions of them doing it for you. So what you now have is a perpetual motion machine. You have something that literally is running perpetually on zero point energy. You actually can build a ring of this material and it will flow in response to the earth's magnetic field.


For example, did you know that a single element superconductor, a type one superconductor, will literally respond to a magnetic field of two times ten to the minus fifteenth ergs? And do you know that there is ten to the eighteenth power ergs in a gauss? And the earth's magnetic field, that the compass aligns with is about point five gauss? So an erg is the measure of the magnetic field around one electron. And a superconductor responds to a magnetic field of two times ten to the minus fifteenth ergs? Gosh. Literally, when you think it registers. So when you are working with this material your thoughts are registering in the material.


In fact, some of you women will get upset with me when I say this but we actually came to know these as female elements. Cause what we did is we said "you know we're going to flip these things. We're just going to overcome these things. Cause if you just put enough energy to them you can make them do what you want, right? Sure. We purchased what is called an arc furnace. We took about thirty grams of this white powder and we put it in the furnace. This furnace had an insulated crucible; it had a copper crucible in it with water all around it to keep it cool. You bring a lid to set down on top of it and there's a tungsten rod that hangs down in it. And it actually runs a little arc welder which you strike from the tungsten electrode to the copper. And in this arc you sit there and you stir with the electrode back and forth, back and forth till you literally melt everything that is there. Now what we did was we pumped out all of the air, we back filled it with helium gas, for a plasma gas, and we struck the arc. It went bzzp, like that and shut off. We opened up the arc furnace, no tungsten electrode. Now this tungsten electrode is about the size of my thumb. Tungsten is the filament material that they make light bulbs out of. The people who built this furnace said we could use it for thirty five to forty times with no deterioration of the electrode. We could burn it for minutes and minutes and minutes and minutes. We didn't even get a second out of this thing. So we sent to the manufacturer, got another electrode put it back in it, put back on, closed it back up, vacuumed the air out, put in the inert gas, struck another arc, bzzp, shut off. Opened it up again and the tungsten electrode is all molten into this powder. What we found when we analyzed the powder after we did this, it wasn't the same element it was before we did this. And what we also found is that there was an amplification of heat about two thousand times. It was not chemical heat, it was nuclear heat. What we found is all the wiring in the laboratory was beginning to crumble and fall apart. You could go up to copper wires and do that and they would just go to powder.


The glass beaker sitting in the laboratory near the furnace was getting full of little air pockets in the glass and when we would pick them up they would fall apart. And that's radiation damage. There is no other explanation for it. I'll show you tomorrow that Berkeley-Brookhaven has confirmed that this is 25,000 electron volt photons. [I don't remember being shown this] Gamma level radiation comes out of these high spin atoms when you throw too much energy at them. So like all females if you tell them you will force them you will get absolutely nothing, but if you give them what they want, they will give you what you want. So you cater to these elements; you don't fight these elements. These elements are alive. And what you have to do is give them the chemistries that they want, cooperate with them, coerce them, give them what they want and they will literally go back to the low spin state and you can make them into metals, or you can use them in the high spin state.


Now everything was pretty interesting now till my uncle came up with this book in 1991 called Secrets of the Alchemists. I said I'm not interested in reading about alchemy, this is when the church was involved in it and everything, this was all perverted, I'm not interested in that, I want to know about chemistry and physics. He said "Dave, it talks about a white powder of gold." I said "really?" And so I began to look into alchemy. And the philosopher's stone, the container of the light of life was the white powder of gold.


Now I said "is there a chance that this white powder of gold that I have, could it be the white powder of gold they're talking about? Or is it possible that there is two white powders of gold? Now the description says it is the container of the essence of life; it flows the light of life. Well that we had proven. It's a superconductor. It flows the light that is in your body. They claimed that it perfects the cells of the body. Well I can show you tomorrow Bristol-Myers-Squib research that shows that this material inter-reacts with DNA, correcting the DNA. All the carcinogenic damage, all the radiation damage, all is corrected from these elements in the presence of the cell. They don't chemically inter-react with it, they just correct the DNA.


I really became intrigued with this stuff. What would happen if we give this material to people? It's not metal-metal bonding so it doesn't have heavy metal properties. So first of all we got a golden retriever and gave the material to the golden retriever. This golden retriever had tick fever, valley fever and a large abscess here on his side. And none of the veterinarians could find any medicine that would get rid of it due to the combination of all three diseases. And they just gave up; they weren't going to cure him. We began giving him one cc injections of one milligram of the white powder. One shot in the tumor and one shot in the blood stream. After a week and a half the tick fever was gone, the valley fever was gone, the tumor has shrunk down and disappeared. So we stopped the injections. About a week later it starts coming back again. So we start giving the injections again and it shrunk back down again. This time we continued about a week longer and then when we stopped it never came back. The dog felt great.


So then the doctor we were working with said you know this is really incredible stuff. He said you know I have an assistant that works in my doctor's office who is a day or two away from death with aids. He is being fed intravenously right now. He can't speak, he can't dress himself, he is dying. So he said "I'm going to start giving him just a little bit of this material and see what happens. A week and a half later he had pulled out all the feed lines out of his arms, he was feeding himself normally, getting dressed on his own, just doing great. A month and a half later he was on an airplane going back to a family wedding in Indiana and nobody even knows he has aids.


This doctor says "Dave, this is like a magic material." So he got a patient who had KS; Karposi Sarcoma which is the cancer you get all over your skin. This man had over thirty lesions all over his body and we began to give him one milliliter injections into his blood stream. After a month and a half there was no more active KS on his body. One milligram per day! Now if you are familiar with KS there is only one treatment and that is radiation treatment. And after a while you get the maximum amount of radiation and they have to discontinue the treatment, then you get worse and die. And this totally got rid of KS lesions.


Then we started working with another patient who was actually not gay. This woman had received the aids virus in an invitro fertilization that was done down at the University of Arizona. There were ten women who received the semen from this patient who had the HIV virus. She was the only one who got aids. She had it for 11 years. She was really starting to go down hill. Her white blood cell count and her T cell count were really classic. We gave it to her orally for the first time and basically there was no change in her white blood cells and her T cells. Now when we give it by injection the white blood cell count goes from 2200 to 6500 in an hour and a half. Unbelievable.


When we take it orally nothing happens to the white blood cell count. Which is the only analytical battle we have available. After a month she said "I want the injection; I want to see this increase my white blood cell count." So we prepared her a shot and she took the material by injection. At the same time we gave her the shot, we pulled blood samples and sent them to [Noing?] Laboratories in southern California for an infected virons per milliliter of blood analysis. She took the first injections. She got high fevers, just like everyone does, so we said cut it in half. She cut it in half, (actually the doctor cut it in half) the next day she took it and she went into seizures and she died. I just found out from a man in San Francisco that people who have taken AZT; that AZT can cause brain lesions and Hodgkin's lymphomas in the brain. Anything that dramatically stimulates the immune system can cause them to go into seizures. And so we don't take someone with AZT and give them the injections. By that time we got our analysis back from [Noing?] Laboratories and it said the infected viron count was so low that this woman shouldn't even know she had aids. Now we didn't do an analysis up front so we decided well we'll start giving this to people after we do a lab analysis. We worked with a man who had an infected viron count of 57,000. He was so weak that he could hardly walk; he used a cane. The doctor said he gave him two to three weeks to live. He took this material orally and it took about 60 days to begin to drop the infected viron count. After 60 days it went down 30% every thirty days. By the end of seven months it was so low they couldn't even detect it any more in his blood. And that's taking 50 milligrams per day orally.


Now do understand, I'm not a doctor. I have no interest in becoming a doctor. What I wanted to know is, is it possible that this stuff works? That is all my interest was. There was one doctor in North Phoenix that I gave two bottles of the dried material to and he gave it to two cancer patients. One was forty two years old and the other was fifty seven years old. They both had breast cancer. The forty two year old woman had had her breast removed two years earlier and had extensive radiation treatments. After two years she was having pain in her neck, pain in her ribs. She went to a chiropractor that couldn't help her. She finally ended up with an oncologist who said she had cancer in her neck, her shoulder, her back, her spine, and your ribs. He said it is stage four, get your affairs in order. We can give you chemo-therapy but you are going to die.


The woman went to this doctor. He gave her these capsules which was a month and a half worth of pills. She took this material, at a hundred milligrams, for a month and a half. At the end of the month and a half she went back to the oncologist. She had no cancer anywhere in her body. I didn't even know who the woman was. I had nothing to do with giving her the material. I get this phone call and this woman says "Mr. Hudson, I don't know who you are or what this material is, but it is really fantastic material. And she told me the story.


The fifty seven year old woman it apparently didn't work on. We were then back at the University of Chicago having cancer studies done with mice. And what we found is about half the mice it killed of cancers but the other half the cancers grew faster. But at the end of the study the cancer researchers injected the mice with estrogen. Which should have caused the cancers to even grow faster. Instead as soon as the estrone hit their bodies; within twenty four hours all the cancers were gone. And so what I tell people right now is anyone who is over forty years of age I strongly recommend that they take a DHEA or some female hormone because in treating breast cancer the female hormone plays an important role in the treatment of the breast cancer.


Now I'm not presenting this to you as technical information. I'm presenting this to you as my experience and what I can tell you about it.


We also had a doctor in Florida who was giving it to a pancreatic cancer patient, last November. He was dramatically loosing weight. He did not expect him to survive. So they were desperate for anything. He took this for sixty days and has now gained all his weight back and is doing just great today. The doctor doesn't understand it. He is just totally blown away about how it could happen because nobody survives pancreatic cancer.


This is not an anti-anything. This is not anti-aids. This is not anti-cancer. This is pro-life. It literally is the spirit. The material is not here to cure aids. The material is not here to cure cancer. The material is here to perfect our bodies. It makes our bodies be in the state they are supposed to be in. It is our own immune system that fights and cures the disease. If you can correct your DNA at every cell in your body. If you can correct the damage that's been done that brought about the cancer, if you can correct the damage that has been brought about by the virus; the aids you literally will become a perfected being. You will return back to the original healthy state you were meant to be in.


This is not a medicine. This material is, in fact, a philosophical material. It is here to enlighten and to raise the consciousness of mankind. If in doing that it happens to cure diseases so be it.


It's real hard for most of us to understand that this is what it is all about.


We are just about at nine o-clock. Tomorrow I will lay out all the physics that has happened since I filed my patent. I will lay out all the theories about superconductivity and the high spin atoms. We will come to see all the published literature; I will put it up on the overhead projector where you can read the credentials; Brookhaven National Laboratories, Oakridge National Laboratories, the Niels Bohr Institute over in Copenhagen. You will see all the papers on superconductivity in the body. You will see all the papers on literally the light of life being the superconductor. And we will discuss in depth the zero point energy, the vacuum energy, space/time, gravity. And I will explain it to you, I think, clearly. And all of you will walk out of here with a pretty good understanding of what gravity and space/time really is. And how we are just a hologram; a picture show, ourselves. We are not reality even ourselves. Then we will go into the history of this from four or five thousand BC to the Tigris-Euphrates valleys, Zacharia Sitchin papers, to the Egyptian pharaoh and high priests. To the Hebrews and the Bible. To the prophecies of Nostradamus, the Keys of Enoch; all the prophesies relating to this material. And the prophecy that it will be here by 1999; will be known to science. So that is the story. We will see you tomorrow if you feel like coming.


Chapter 4 Structure



After attending David Hudson's lecture and workshop in Portland I realized that his discoveries would bring many changes to our world if they were implemented in a meaningful way. I also realized that it was important for Hudson's safety and for the perpetuation of his technology to get the information out as widely as possible.


When such a significant discovery is made there is always the danger that it will be appropriated or hidden by existing corporate or administrative structures that depend on maintaining the status quo to prosper.


Many of the problems that we deal with in the world can be traced to these structures, which we have created and empowered to act on our behalf. We create these structures, empower them and they take on a life of their own. The structures we created become our masters instead of our servants as we originally intended.


Lao Tzu wrote:

When people lost sight of the way to live

Came codes of love and honesty,

Learning came, charity came,

Hypocrisy took charge;

When differences weakened family ties

Came benevolent fathers and dutiful sons;

And when lands were disrupted and misgoverned

Came ministers commended as loyal.


When we loose confidence in our ability to manifest what we need, we build structures to provide for these needs. These structures can be buildings or they can be institutions like corporations, governments or religions. Out of our fear we build these structures so that they will endure without change to provide that which we no longer believe we can provide for ourselves.


One of the primary characteristics of life is change. Structure is created to resist change. When we think of changing structure we often think in terms of creating new structures to change the old. This frequently results in two structures battling for control with living things being the losers.


We saw this when a constitutional structure was created to overcome royal and religious structures. Now we are seeing corporate structures working to take over the constitutional structure. All of these structures end up being suppressive.


At a certain point, many of the social and economic structures we have built take on a sort of life of their own. They seek to perpetuate themselves by cornering the market on certain of our needs. When these structures get very large and powerful a few of them may try to totally control our access to food, energy, health care, shelter, clothing or free choice.


Structure typically uses certain tactics to gain and maintain control. Limitation and control of necessary resources is one of these tactics. By controlling necessities for life, structure can gain control over us. Thus if a structure controls our access to food, energy, health care, shelter, clothing or free choice that structure can effectively control us. On the other hand, the more we are in control of our own source of supply in these areas the less power we will be giving to structure.


Some scientific and religious structures would prefer to have us believe that the nature of spirit is essentially structured and changeless. The structure of science tells us that immutable physical laws control our lives and that scientific structure is necessary to bring us the benefits of food, health and energy.


The structure of religion tells us that we must believe only in one version of one book and that the religious structure (church) must mediate any connection we might want to develop with spirit. Both structures foster these beliefs in order to obtain and maintain control.


Corporate structures tend to try to control us (their "consumers") by threatening to take away those things which they provide; which they have taught us that we cannot provide for ourselves. Structures use fear as their greatest ally.


As corporate, governmental and religious structures grow very large and powerful they tend to loose track of the other needs of the people they were built to serve. They also tend to maximize short term "profit" by "mining" resources without consideration of sustainability. Supply lines tend to get longer, more interdependent and more fragile.


Our food supply capability is a good example of this. The small, local, family farm has given way to large, distant corporate farms. These large farms are much more dependent on petroleum for running equipment and for shipping food to the distant consumer. As nearby petroleum is "mined" out, the supply lines for it grow longer and more difficult to support and defend. The large corporate farms also become more and more dependent on chemical poisons and fertilizers to maintain production levels because they have depleted ("mined") the mineral productivity of the soil.


As nearby soil is depleted we must go further and further to find productive land. This same scenario has been repeated over and over by every city-based civilization in the past. At some point the supply lines and profit margins are stretched so thin that the smallest disruption can bring the entire structure to the ground. We saw something like this happen with the airline industry after 9-11.


Structure is not alive and can become hostile to life. All of the world's great spiritual teachers have opposed existing structures and suggested ways to change them. They say that we do not need to believe that we are dependent on structures to supply our needs. We should not serve structure; structure should serve us.


So, if building new structures is not the best way to bring about change in old structures what are some good ways? The best way is to connect directly with spirit. Spiritual folks call this connection LOVE, scientists call it quantum coherence or quantum non-locality. Regardless of what it is called the process involves improving our connection to All That Is.


As I mentioned in Chapter 1, the ORMUS materials appear to be sort of an intermediate stage between physical matter and non-physical spirit.


As we have seen in earlier Chapters of this book; they can levitate, they can disappear in one place and reappear in another. As Jim's story described, puddles of ORMUS water have been observed moving across the floor toward the nearest person.


Sharon Rose, a psychic colleague of mine, describes them thus:


"I believe the M-state is consciousness and that it helps us to be more conscious of those things that are on the forefront of our inner life. It is the essence that comes before matter. I theorize that whatever state we are in will be accentuated in the presence of the M-state."


Our dependence on existing health care structures is sure to be reduced as we learn to produce our own ORMUS materials. Many people have described how the ORMUS materials seem to facilitate physical healing. See some of these reports at:


There are also reports that these materials can form the basis for devices that extract energy from the æther.


There is evidence that they are a "miracle" nutrient for plants. The ORMUS materials might help us to produce more of our food locally by rebuilding soil productivity. The giant walnuts described in the next Chapter are a good example of this.


The ORMUS elements appear to be a great way to bring about changes to existing structures by facilitating the love connection. It looks like they can also be used to help us become less dependent on structure for food, health and energy.


When people talk about how geological, economic or social disaster will come they are generally most afraid of how it will deplete their source of supply for those things that they think they need. They do not realize that structure must change or it will stifle life.


With ORMUS we have an opportunity to bring change to structures without the disastrous disruption, which might otherwise accompany the destruction of these structures.


I know we are in a time of great change but change does not have to mean disaster. Those people who cooperate with their neighbors the best are more likely to prosper in these times than those who have filled bunkers with food, gasoline and guns.


I think that the greatest thing that the ORMUS materials will bring to the world is "instant karma". I have noticed that both my wants and my fears manifest much more quickly as I become more and more saturated with ORMUS. This nearly instant feedback is helping me to learn that I attract those things that I put my attention on. I much prefer to put my attention on how we can build community and love in the world than to put my attention on fear of the disasters that might result if we don't do this.


As we build community and love in our neighborhoods we will find that our dependence on structure diminishes. If we quit feeding these monsters they will wither away in a quiet and natural process.


I wanted to make sure that there were other tracks of ORMUS research which were independent of David Hudson and which might provide a way that anyone could benefit from the use of the ORMUS materials without being dependent on any single source of supply.


I already knew that Jim had an independent way to make ORMUS substances but, unfortunately, Jim's method required his special ozone generator.


Since I knew of two methods for making ORMUS I felt that there must be other ways.


The great 12th century alchemist Artephius wrote in "The Secret Book":


"It is indeed, a work so short and easy, that it may well be called woman's work, and the play of children."


Since Hudson's method was very difficult, time consuming and expensive and Jim's method required a special ozone generator which was not available to anyone else I figured that there must be other better ways out there.


By March of 1997 it became apparent that we needed a "private" email list where we could discuss new methods for obtaining ORMUS and how to make these new methods available to everyone.


On March 24th Buzz and I set up such a list and invited a select group of the most active and responsible members of the WhiteGold list to join us.


For the first couple of months we discussed various topics including the value of an electrochemical method for making ORMUS gold and a method that Jim and I developed that used hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide to dissolve gold.


These methods seemed useful but for various reasons they did not fit the criteria of a way that anyone could use to get ORMUS for themselves.


Chapter 5 The Essene



In early May of 1997 I learned about a gentleman from the Northwest who had spoken to the Ramtha School in Yelm, Washington. This gentleman taught the folks at the Ramtha School some new techniques for making ORMUS. I learned of this gentleman from an ORMUS colleague named John. John described him thus:


Apparently, it is his attitude that this knowledge should be shared with the world and he is into doing so without regard to control or profit for himself. He also has had several accidents and other health problems and may not be in good health. Apparently, he lives somewhere in a remote location in Canada, but within driving distance. It appears that his processes involve a simple chemical method of precipitating ORMES and other minerals out of seawater into something folks are calling "the milk of the gods". He also produces white gold from yellow gold by combining metallic sodium and gold in a furnace then further processing it chemically to recover the ORME.


This sounded like just what we were looking for so John and I arranged to drive up and meet with this fellow.


When we got there we were greeted by a short, dark haired fellow in his late fifties. He gave us permission to record our conversations but requested that we keep his name and contact information anonymous. When we eventually put the methods that he taught us on the Internet we decided to call this gentleman the Essene for reasons which will become apparent later in this Chapter.


We learned how to make the white precipitate of sea water using the Wet Method from the Essene on May 18, 1997. The Essene also described the Dry Method and the Sodium Burn Method while we were there.


When we returned home we each typed up our notes about these methods and posted them to the "private" email discussion list that was formed for this type of thing. Two of these methods the Wet Method and Dry Method are detailed in Chapter 6.


I actually visited the Essene at his place four times. One of these times I took Jim up there to meet him.


The Essene told us that he has always remembered a past life as an Essene on the Dead Sea. He said his first memories of this came when he was living on the coast as a child.


He said that at the age of six, he was allowed to go fishing on the pier by himself. He caught some fish and put them in a bucket but decided to dump them and fill the bucket with ocean water instead. He took this water home and added lye to it till precipitate fell out. Remembering the process from his life on the Dead Sea, he washed the precipitate and ate it. He says that he has been eating this in one form or another till the present.


He also has described a process that he said King Solomon used to convert Dead Sea water m-state to gold. Here is my edited transcript of this description:


The Essene: What he did, he manufactured this gold, then turned around and paid the people to build the temple for him. And they would go spend this money all over because they were making big money. And it raised the economy of the whole country to the point that there was no country in the world that could come anywhere near it. He didn't care about the gold but he hired the priests to make the gold for him and run the furnaces and he hired all the laborers to make the temple and he put the money into the country.


What he did at the Dead Sea--he took the Dead Sea water and titrated it to 10.78 with wood ashes they had filtered through cloth.


Barry: So how did they know when it was 10.78?


The Essene: When you add it [and] you get no more precipitation you quit. They were very careful. Have you ever titrated the Dead Sea [water]?


Barry: I have.


The Essene: You know what happens.


Barry: Yep. It looks like cottage cheese.


The Essene: Right.


The Essene: His plant is still there today and it would not take very much to put back on line; it's still all together.


Barry: Un huh. You've seen it?


The Essene: Lori went there and had a video cam and she took pictures of the whole plant.


Barry: Wow. And so you knew exactly what everything was for and what it was doing.


The Essene: And how to operate it.


Barry: What's it a picture of?


The Essene: A chemical plant. They would take the m-state out of the precipitating container by pipe and run it out into a large raft. And they actually filled these rafts which were about twenty feet high and the size of a football field. They had several of them. Alright, they would dry in the sun.


And every day these guys would go with brooms and sweep the top layer of dust off of it into a fire. We worked until the furnaces were charged. Now the furnaces were charged with brimstone (that's sulfur)…mixed with the m-state. And what happens is the sulfur grabs the sodium, at high heat, off of the gold and turns to sodium sulfate. And the gold is free. For a collector they used a silver ore and for a reducing agent they stirred it with an iron rod. I never knew they had iron at that time until [?].


Jim: The sulfide mat, if you will, is so tarry you can't pour it, you can't work with it. It's gnarly stuff in the bottom; it's black, it's ugly.


The Essene: Um hm.


Jim: You throw in iron or hematite and it scavenges up all the chemicals and leaves the noble ones.


The Essene: It leaves the gold and metal behind. Alright, the silver came down with it. Then they had these other dishes where they would pour this [molten] metal into water and it makes shot. They pour it about ten feet down to hit the water. They would take the shot out of that and they had these plates of stuff out there and they would spread the shot out on it and then they'd beat the hell out of it with hammers--thin it out; flatten it.


They would go from there to these large square tanks. They were about ten foot by ten foot by about fifteen foot deep. They fill full of green manure and they [layered it with the beaten metal] and more green manure all the way up. And they kept it wet. That's how they got the nitrates to part the silver out of the gold.


Jim: Yea. Urea separation huh?


The Essene: Um hm.


Jim: That's cheatin'.


The Essene: But anyway, after seven years they would take and wash all the manure out of it and take the metal and have the finest beaten gold.


Jim: In the Bible it says beaten gold repeatedly--I wondered what that meant.


Barry: How pure is that gold?


The Essene: After parting and the nitrates in manure for seven years, I don't think you can get it any purer. Slow parting but it's quite effective.


The Essene always refers to the ORMUS elements as "m-state".


On my second or third visit with him he showed us some giant walnuts that he said were grown using the Wet Method ocean water precipitate as a mineral supplement. He called this precipitate C-11 (or Sea-11) because he says it contains eleven m-state elements from sea water.


Below are some images of walnut trees and walnuts which were grown using C-11 as a mineral supplement. Five walnut trees were purchased from the same nursery at the same time. They were all approximately the same age and size. After it was transplanted, one of these five seedlings was given a dispersion of two cups of reduced salt C-11 from Pacific Ocean water in five gallons of fresh water. The tree which got the C-11 is toward the right in the picture below and one of the trees which got no C-11 is on the left.


Least C-11

Most C-11



The smaller tree is about five feet tall and the larger tree is about ten feet tall. These trees all grew in a dry interior climate at around 1000 feet elevation near the 49th parallel. The largest tree received two cups of C-11 precipitate in the first year. The smallest received none. There have been several additional applications of wash water from the third rinsing of precipitate on the large tree.


Below is an image of four walnuts from these trees:



The walnuts on the left are from the trees which did not get the C-11 and the ones on the right are from the largest tree which got the most C-11. The walnuts on the right are approximately 2 1/2 inches in diameter. The next image is of the un-hulled walnuts still on the tree with a man's hand in the image for size comparison:



These walnuts are about seven feet up in the tree and they look a bit like medium sized apples.


The C-11 nuts inside the shells are proportionally larger than their ordinary counterparts. Their taste is comparable. This one tree has consistently yielded the same volume of nuts in their shells as the combined yield of three fifteen-year old trees and four other three-year old trees. The pictures above were taken in early October of the year 2000.


Chapter 6 How to Make It



Our private email discussion list became quite active after our first visit with the Essene. We wanted to get the methods he had taught us out to the world but we also wanted to present these methods in the safest way possible on the Internet.


On May 26, 1997 we started editing our document on the Essene's methods. This document went through 21 versions and was finally mailed to 50 web sites around the world on April 8, 1998.


I am including the Wet Method and the Dry Method in this book. They are the safest and easiest methods that are available to most people. For the most part these methods appear in this book as they were posted on the Internet though they have been edited a bit for brevity and to eliminate some portions of the process that do not work as suggested.


Here is the basic WET method in brief. It will be discussed later in detail:


1. Start with drinkable water or clean sea water.

2. Slowly add a solution of lye mixed with water to raise the pH above 8.5 but no higher than 10.78.

3. A white fluffy precipitate will form which you should allow to settle overnight.

4. Remove the liquid above the precipitate.

5. Thoroughly wash the precipitate. It is calcium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, and a small amount of m-state material.


Here is the DRY method in brief:


1. Start with dry mineral powder.

2. Boil it in lye water at pH 12.

3. Filter and discard the precipitate.

4. Add distilled white vinegar or hydrochloric acid (HCl) to the filtered liquid to lower the pH to 8.5.

5. Let the precipitate settle overnight.

6. Remove the liquid above the precipitate.

7. Wash the precipitate. That is calcium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, and a small amount of m-state material.




A glass or stainless steel pot.

If you use stainless-steel pots, check for steel particles in your precipitate. Although unlikely, this problem may occur if you use large amounts of HCl to lower the pH. Never use aluminum containers or utensils because aluminum will react with acids like HCl and alkalis like lye, and will poison you.


Distilled water from a grocery store.

A stainless steel spatula or knife for stirring, from a grocery store. Never use aluminum containers or utensils because aluminum will react with acids like HCl and alkalis like lye, and will poison you.


A few glass jars.

Tall skinny ones work best.


Lye (also known as caustic soda, sodium hydroxide or NaOH).

We will use the term "lye" in this document rather than "caustic soda", "sodium hydroxide" or "NaOH" since it is shorter and more familiar to most people. You can use grocery store lye, such as Lewis Red Devil Lye, but it is not as pure and uncontaminated as laboratory or food-grade lye. We strongly recommend that laboratory or food grade sodium hydroxide be used if the m-state is intended for ingestion since grocery store lye may contain contaminants. Note: Virtually no lye will be present in the final product so it will be safe to ingest. In any case, lye is not toxic, and it is not caustic when sufficiently diluted (as in these methods).


HCl (hydrochloric acid or muriatic acid).

We will use the term "HCl" in this document rather than "hydrochloric acid" or "muriatic acid" since it is shorter. You can use muriatic acid (31% HCl) from a hardware store, but laboratory, electronic or food-grade HCl is less likely to be contaminated. We strongly recommend that laboratory, electronic or food grade hydrochloric acid be used if the m-state is intended for ingestion since muriatic acid from a hardware store may contain dangerous contaminants. The presence of iron as a contaminant in the acid may interfere with the m-state materials in some applications.


Three eyedropper bottles from a pharmacy.

An alternative to eyedroppers is squirt bottles made of HDPE. Find them at a natural foods store or other store which sells bulk liquid products like vegetable oils or lotions.


A large 50 cc plastic syringe.

From a veterinary supply shop or a lab-supply house


pH paper or a pH meter.

You can get pH paper (pH 1 to 12) from a lab-supply company or a mining supply store. Use new paper because old paper becomes inaccurate



Some experimenters say not to rely on a pH meter because its readings vary with temperature and ionization. Also, a meter costs much more than pH paper. Many pH meter probes can be damaged by very strong acids or alkalis. But some say that a pH meter is essential, for these reasons:


  • pH paper cannot track rapid changes in pH.
  • pH paper does not resolve pH readings finely enough. It's hard to tell the difference between pH 9.5, 10.0, and 11.5.
  • pH meters are best used to get accurate readings between pH 8.5 and 10.78, which is the main range of concern in these methods.
  • pH meters can spot check any reading with a standard buffer solution.
  • a pH meter is more convenient.

Use only a meter that has an automatic temperature-correcting function up to 100 degrees C.



Clean your containers so that you'd feel safe drinking out of them. Boil containers, syringes, siphons and so on before use to sterilize them.



Lye can damage the eyes by rendering the cornea opaque, a form of eye damage that is irreparable. Lye can burn skin, clothes and eyes. Work near a sink, faucet, or other source of wash water. You might keep a spray bottle of distilled white vinegar handy to use against spills.


If you spill lye on your clothes or body, immediately wash it off with lots of water. When working with lye, avoid touching your face or rubbing your eyes. Do not handle lye around food. Use adequate ventilation such as a range hood. Do not dump waste water on the ground. Lye is generally safe to put down the drain, but don't mix it with any acid that may be in the drain as it can react explosively.

When working with lye, please wear goggles or a full-face visor (an industrial face protector), neoprene gloves, and a PVC lab apron.


Keep children and pets away from the work area, and do not leave it unattended if children or pets are around.


Glass can shatter with hot liquids. Pour boiling liquid from your heating container into a stainless steel mixing bowl to cool before pouring the liquid into a glass container.




Some starting materials produce a lot of precipitate, while others do not. Listed below are materials that have been shown to produce some precipitate from the WET method:


  • Some municipal drinking water
  • Some hot springs water without sulfur
  • Trace Minerals Inland Sea Water
  • Urine
  • Some lake or river water whose bed or course is limestone.
  • Some well water. Ground water is probably more likely to contain m-state than surface water (except for sea water).
  • Sea water and sea water reconstituted from certain brands of sea salt, especially from the Great Salt Lake.
  • Dead Sea water.
  • Certain brands of unrefined sea salt are as good as sea water: Celtic Gray Sea Salt (from health food stores) and Lima Atlantic Sea Salt (from some health food stores). Add distilled water and use the WET method. Filter the scum first.


The following materials are ranked in order from most to least m-state content:


1. Dead Sea water

2. Great Salt Lake water

3. Ocean water

4. Well water


Listed below are materials that have been found to produce little or no precipitate from the WET method:


  • Water from some alkali lakes (pH above 8.5).
  • Hot springs with sulfur (because sulfur reduces m-state to metal).
  • Mineral-free lake or river water.
  • Dead Sea mineral salts that contain sulfur or sulfates.





The following problems have been encountered by some folks who have made m-state for consumption:


  • Some people have gotten quite sick from consuming m-state made from sea water collected at a marina. This water contained high levels of lead and other contaminants.
  • Other people have gotten quite sick from consuming m-state materials which were made improperly. These materials were made without the use of pH test paper or meters and the resulting material contained toxic metals. Please remember that old pH paper can become inaccurate.
  • People have gotten sick from consuming m-state materials which contained bacteria because they were not sterilized or stored properly.
  • It is possible to bring the pH of your source material up too quickly, especially if you use lye in too high a concentration. This could result in local areas of very high pH within your solution. These high pH areas could allow toxic metals to precipitate and mix with your desired precipitate.
  • M-state platinum might be considered toxic by some since it makes you quite ill if you consume alcohol. No one has reported this effect from consuming m-state from sea water.
  • Some people have used Teflon® coated aluminum sauce pans for heating lye or lye water. The Teflon® got scratched and the aluminum started dissolving in the lye water producing hydrogen gas which could have exploded. The liquid was contaminated with aluminum which is a poison.



  • Use sea water, reconstituted sea water made from sea salt or Dead Sea salt, or salt lake water. In general, start with a clean and deep source of water. Some people have gone out to sea in boats to collect sea water from 100 feet deep.
  • Generally avoid water that has lead, arsenic or other toxic elements in it. Start with water that is drinkable except for salt content.
  • Conduct an elemental and toxic analysis of questionable starting-material sources (such as seawater collected close to the shore, or near sources of industrial waste runoff).
  • Boiling in lye water kills bacteria but it does not destroy toxic metals or chemicals in your source water.
  • Follow these instructions and slowly change the pH of your solution.
  • Avoid water with sulfur or sulfates in it because such water produces little or no m-state precipitate.
  • Never use aluminum containers or utensils because aluminum will react with acids like HCl and alkalis like lye, and could poison you.



Please read CAUTION!! and WARNING!! before proceeding.


First you need to prepare a dilute lye solution. Label an eyedropper bottle or squirt bottle "Lye-poison" so the bottle will not confused with something else. Work in a sink so that any spills will be contained. Lye gives off eye-stinging fumes when mixed with water. To avoid inhaling fumes, hold your breath and wear goggles while doing the following procedure.


Working over a sink, put 8 teaspoons of distilled water in a sturdy glass then stir in 1 teaspoon of lye. Stir until the lye is dissolved. Heat will be generated as the lye dissolves and the glass may get fairly hot. You may want to close your eyes to avoid eye-stinging fumes, taking a peek periodically.


Pour the lye solution into a labeled eyedropper bottle or squirt bottle.


If you are using pH paper, tear off several 1/4" pieces and put them on a piece of white paper on a plate.



For the best accuracy, recalibrate the pH paper throughout the day with changes in temperature and humidity, as well as day-to-day. Buffer solutions of pH 4, 7 and 10 will help with this.


If you are using dried sea minerals, mix 1/2 cup of dry material with 2 cups of distilled water. This makes sea water. Now proceed as described below:


1. First, you might want to pour the sea water through a coffee filter to remove any scum.


2. If the starting material does not contain magnesium hydroxide (sea water does contain magnesium hydroxide), add some, or add a teaspoon of Epsom salts per gallon of water.


3. Pour the sea water into a stainless steel pot. Slowly, drop-by-drop, add the lye solution WHILE STIRRING. Every ten drops or so, test the pH. You might want to take at least 3 to 5 samples from different regions of the liquid. If you are using pH paper, the goal is to bring the pH up to 9.5, then stop to be on the safe side. If you are using a pH meter, stop just before you get to pH 10.78.


A white precipitate which includes m-state elements will form.


CAUTION: You must proceed slowly and patiently so that you do not exceed pH 10.78 with a meter or pH 9.5 with pH paper. If you go higher than pH 10.78, you might get a "Gilcrest precipitate" of toxic heavy metals. It is alleged that the Dead Sea salt water does not produce any Gilcrest precipitate. This has not been proven and should not be assumed.


4. Once you are at the correct pH, stop.


5. Pour the solution into a clean glass jar or test tube.


6. The white precipitate (slurry) slowly settles on the bottom of the jar. Let the slurry settle overnight. If metals or other toxins have been ruled out by prior testing of your starting material, the slurry is probably mostly calcium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, lye, and a small amount of m-state.


You can speed this settling process with a centrifuge, which forces the precipitate to settle rapidly.


7. Using a large syringe (or siphon), remove the liquid above the slurry. (Turkey basters do not work well for this.)


8. Add distilled water to the precipitate (filling the jar), stir thoroughly, and let it settle again for at least 4 to 5 hours, preferably overnight.


9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 at least three times to thoroughly wash the precipitate. This should remove almost all of the lye. The remaining lye can be neutralized with HCl or distilled white vinegar as well. Washing three times is intended to reduce the dissolved "impurities" (like salt, for example) by 87.5%. Four washes would provide a 93.75% reduction, five washes a 96.875% reduction, and so on.


At this point, the precipitate is likely to contain some m-state, milk of magnesia Mg(OH)2, calcium, and perhaps some impurities.


Pour the precipitate and water into a stainless steel pot on a stove burner. A gas burner is preferred over electric because any magnetic fields from the electric burner may drive off some of the m-state material. Cover the pot with a lid to contain the m-state, and boil the solution for 5 minutes to sterilize it. Be careful not to spill the hot solution! Let it cool back to room temperature and recheck the pH to make sure it hasn't exceeded pH 9.



In this document, we suggested that you not boil the solution until you have made the washed precipitate. However, boiling can be done earlier in the procedure with certain advantages. Here are four times that boiling could be done, with a discussion of the pros and cons of each:


1. Boil before adding lye solution.

PROS: Faster reaction, faster precipitation. CONS: You may spill the hot lye solution.


2. Boil while adding lye solution.

PROS: Faster reaction, faster precipitation. CONS: You may spill the hot lye solution. Danger of lye water spurting out of pot. Not recommended.


3. Boil and cool after adding lye solution.

PROS: Little danger of spilling hot lye solution. CONS: Slower reaction, slower precipitation.


4. Boil the washed precipitate (recommended).

PROS: No danger of spilling hot lye solution. pH is unlikely to change after boiling because the reaction has already taken place. CONS: Slower reaction, slower precipitation. If safety is the main issue, this seems to be the best method.


Caution: If you boil the solution on an electric burner, the magnetic field in the burner may "blow off" some of the m-state materials, resulting in a small yield. This can be minimized by adding a source of sodium (such as sodium hydroxide or salt) to the solution before boiling.


Since sea water contains sodium in salt, none of the boiling methods will be a problem with sea water. However, if you are starting with low-sodium fresh water, add a sodium source (such as table salt or lye solution) before boiling.



Please read CAUTION!! and WARNING!! before proceeding.

This method takes longer than the WET method. In some cases, it involves boiling lye water for several hours, which may spray some caustic solution around your work area. Please wear neoprene gloves, a PVC lab apron, and eye goggles when you use this method.


Some people have reported adverse reactions to the WET method precipitate or powder. This may be due to the Gilcrest precipitates which occur above pH 11.5. The DRY method removes the dangerous Gilcrest precipitates, so it results in safer material.




12-cup coffee filters from a grocery store.


Hydrochloric acid.

You can use muriatic acid (31% HCl) from a hardware store, but lab-grade HCl is less likely to be contaminated. Other acids can be used, but HCl will not harm the body if accidentally ingested in weak solutions and in small amounts. You might prefer to use distilled white vinegar instead of HCl. Although distilled white vinegar (acetic acid) is weaker than HCl, is it safer to work with.


Heavy plastic HDPE cottage cheese containers

1 pint and 1 quart, to hold the coffee filters.




1. Start with a pint and a quart container for cottage cheese. Make sure the pint container will fit into the quart container. The pint container should hang inside the lip of the quart container.


2. Across the bottom of the pint container, punch or drill several holes, 1/8" to 1/4" diameter, about 1/4" apart.


3. If the small container fits too tightly into the larger container, you may need to drill some air-pressure equalization holes around the outside of the large container near the level of the bottom of the small container. Otherwise the air pressure between the two containers will keep liquid from draining from the coffee filters. When you use this filter, place the cottage cheese containers in a stainless steel or glass container to catch any overflow. The lye water that you will be filtering may damage counter tops or cabinets if it contacts them.


4. The coffee filters should fit nicely into the smaller top cottage-cheese container.



Generally start with dry material such as sweepings from salt and alkali flats, rock powders, limestone, mineral salts, Isis or Etherium white gold powder, volcanic ash, plant cinders, etc.


You must make sure that your starting material for the Dry Method is free of toxic metals. This means that you must use rock source material that has been assayed for toxic metals. Some commercial rock dust material for garden use comes with an assay. This is your best bet if you do not wish to pay for your own assay.


These are some materials that produce a lot of precipitate from the DRY method:


  • Crushed, unheated limestone (Caution: agricultural grade powdered limestone from some sources contains sufficient lead and/or arsenic to be a potential hazard)
  • Golden Nectar trace mineral formula
  • Etherium/Isis Gold powder



Please read CAUTION!! and WARNING!! before proceeding.


First you need to prepare a dilute lye solution. Label an eyedropper bottle or squirt bottle "Lye-poison" so the bottle will not confused with something else. Work in a sink so that any spills will be contained. Lye gives off eye-stinging fumes when mixed with water. To avoid inhaling fumes, hold your breath and wear goggles while doing the following procedure.


Working over a sink, put 8 teaspoons of distilled water in a sturdy glass then stir in 1 teaspoon of lye. Stir until the lye is dissolved. Heat will be generated as the lye dissolves and the glass may get fairly hot. You may want to close your eyes to avoid eye-stinging fumes, taking a peek periodically.


Pour the lye solution into a labeled eyedropper bottle or squirt bottle.


If you are using pH paper, tear off several 1/4" pieces and put them on a piece of white paper on a plate (as illustrated above). Now proceed as described below:


1. Grind the starting material to a fine powder.


2. Add 1:4 lye solution to cover the dry material with a thin layer.


3. Stir in some distilled water to cover the powder and lye by 2 inches.


4. Bring to a boil (this is best done outdoors or in an exhaust hood). The pH should be at or slightly above 12. The lye brings the m-state elements into solution while leaving the Gilcrest precipitates as solids.


5. If you are boiling the solution, replace water as needed to maintain sufficient reactant volume.


6. Boil for several hours -- the longer the better -- in a closed container. The container may be open if you add liquid as needed. Four hours should be sufficient for Etherium/Isis material.


7. Strain the slurry through 3 to 5 layers of coffee filters. You are removing the toxic elements (Gilcrest precipitate) that precipitate above pH 11.5.


Save the liquid that passes through the filters. Most m-state present will be in solution in the liquid.


8. While stirring the liquid, slowly add HCl or distilled white vinegar to bring the pH down to 8.5. A white precipitate forms which is partly m-state.


If you go too far, the pH will abruptly shift, and you will have to start over. If this happens you must add lye quickly and bring the pH back up to 12.


9. Let the precipitate settle overnight.


10. Using a large syringe (or a siphon), remove the liquid above the slurry.


11. Add distilled water to the precipitate (filling the jar), stir thoroughly, and let it settle again for at least 4 to 5 hours, preferably overnight.


12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 at least three times to thoroughly wash the precipitate. This removes most traces of lye, salt and HCl (or vinegar).


You'll get a wet, white precipitate (slurry) containing m-state elements. Check that the pH is 9 or less before ingesting. Some of the precipitate may be milk of magnesia or calcium.


Chapter 7 Quantum Behaviors



The "private" ORMUS email list generated quite a bit of spirited discussion on many areas of scientific theory as they related to ORMUS. Several new voices made significant contributions to our conceptual understanding of ORMUS around this time.


An industrial chemist named Jerel developed a very promising electrochemical method for making ORMUS gold. An Australian geologist named Kevin showed us how to extract the oil of the precious metals from magnetic trap water, dew and even from the air. The Finnish physicist Matti Pitkänen incorporated a couple of Chapters on "exotic matter" (ORMUS) into his book on physics.


Some of the most interesting contributions came from a gentleman named Gary who described himself as a "kundalini awakened American engineer. Gary wrote a classic article titled "Paranormal Observations of ORMEs Atomic Structure" on how the ORMUS elements fit into the model of physics and chemistry that was developed by two Theosophists named Anne Besant and Charles Leadbeater in their book titled Occult Chemistry. Gary's article is included in book two at the end of Chapter 17.


Gary passed on July 4, 1997. Before his passing he gave me permission to use our correspondence as I saw fit. In one of his last notes to me he wrote:


As it seems to be an unclear point for you, you have my approval to use the information I have sent you for any purpose you wish, including the Web page you proposed. I personally think that is a wise use of it.


I have included quite a bit of this information from Gary in this book.


Gary got me thinking about how the ORMUS elements differed from ordinary matter. One of the biggest differences that Gary pointed out is that these elements behave, in some ways, like atomic and subatomic structures.


Quantum Behaviors

Physicists generally attribute quantum physical properties to structures smaller than the atom and consider larger structures to be ruled more by the "laws" of Newtonian physics. Our observations of these materials suggest that they bring the laws of quantum mechanics into the size scale of Newtonian physics that we can see and touch.


Several "quantum behaviors" have been associated with the ORMUS materials by various researchers. These include superconductivity, superfluidity, quantum coherence, emergent matter and Josephson tunneling.


Emergent Matter

Jim always called this stuff "emergent matter" from the first time he told me about getting his hands in the stuff in 1989. Here are some quotes from our October 29, 1995 interview with him:


Jim - On the outside like around the . . . had vinyl roof and it's painted the same color. It was a Euro type finish and the paint came off all the chrome. Just came right off. And you could see the stuff that was gold finished of course it stripped down to the base metal wherever this stuff run those polymers just picked up the gold. Same with the apartment I lived in. They had to rip out the carpet and all that crap. There were picture frames that were gold . . .there was this stuff that was creeping out of my acrylic sweaters and stuff went across these . . . you could see where it ran across all that . . .


DM - Do you feel like it has a catalytic effect then?


Jim - Undoubtedly! It made more. I didn't think I'd ever get it quenched.


Barry - Do you feel it made more of the monatomic . . .


Jim - I felt like I made more is what I felt like.


DM - I'd say that was catalytic if it was pulling gold off of the picture frames and off the trim on the car.


Jim - Yes, just like the stuff I made to go get the gold, the getter, never got shut down. That's how I took it. I couldn't shut it down; it just kept on going and going.


Barry - The Sorcerers Apprentice.


Jim - And I was still the carbon air cell for the stuff I was sweating out. And that's when I started throwing away my clothes after wearing them once. And that's when things started getting better.


Jim also mentioned this in a recorded conversation on May 5, 1996:


Jim - It's such a tough thing to figure out whether or not it's quenched. It seems to come back when you think it's gone.


Barry - Are there other things that it's affecting other than . . .


Jim - Machinery, equipment and electronics? Nope. [We laughed.] It's pretty bad, it looked quite lively.


In a January 2002 post to the ORMUS Scientific Workgroup Kevin suggested that the oil of full moon dew might be responsible for radical changes in the nature of certain reagents by linking them to the quantum vacuum. Here is what Kevin wrote:


A target substance that has been affected by space properties (quantum vacuum), such that its physical and chemical characteristics are permanently altered. The new product has the capacity to induce reagents it comes in contact with, to undergo changes over the course of time (i.e. the changes are not in the first millisecond as most chemical reactions are).


Example 'Vinegre' of Artephius. It is otherwise called 'mineral vinegar'. it is essentially sulphuric acid altered by the quantum vacuum such that it has a pH of around 0, will NOT precipitate Barium or Lead, will combine with transition metals to form ethanol soluble, greasy salts, and the pure 'vinegre' can be safely tasted on the tongue (we call it 'lemon salt' after its pleasant sour taste), and distils at low temperature (approx 100 deg C).


Such a demonstrated alteration of a substance by 'space' is a clue to ormus state itself. It may in the end be the harnessing of the quantum vacuum to alter any material substance - with Hudson focusing on just Platinum group elements. But this is not engineered by EM fields directly or school level chemistry - EM and the quantum vacuum do not talk to each other so directly- nor simple chemistry - otherwise ormus would be written up in the science texts. This may account for why its production in quantity is sometimes not so robust as an industrialised like process.


According to Kevin the "taste of the [full moon extract] greases ex ether is 'fresh'. The best way to describe it, is that it is the taste equivalent of the smell of the first rain drops on parched earth- 'sweet', earthy, fresh." We will come back to this statement in Chapter 10.


Josephson Tunneling

Another quantum phenomena that Jim said that he frequently observed with his ozone ORMUS was Josephson tunneling. He often spoke of this but I did not see what he was talking about until August 25, 1996. On June 13, 1997 I wrote the following report of my first experiences with something that looked like Josephson tunneling:


I recently obtained about thirty samples of materials Jim thought were interesting. A couple of samples stand out. (I have compiled my notes on them into a database, if you think it would be of interest to you I can send it along.) I have verified some of Jim's observations with observations of my own. Jim claimed that after he "nuked" (ozonated) a sample, if he sealed the sample in a bottle and exposed the sealed bottle to a spinning magnet, often droplets of something would appear on the outside of the container on the side away from the magnetic stimulation. I witnessed this happening. Jim claimed the sample was rhodium and iridium from a catalytic converter, along with some gold chloride, converted to monatomic by thirty minutes of ozonation.


It was a "fresh" batch in that Jim had just nuked it immediately prior to my arrival. Presumably, it was a sample of monatomic rhodium, gold and iridium in 25% HCl. He had me hold the 250 ml Nalgene bottle with the sample while he moved a magnet under it. I noticed a slight pull from the magnet.


A colleague actually videotaped Jim doing this same thing at a later time. I still have the video. You can see some stills from this video at: through and


We put the bottle down and turned our backs for about five minutes and the next time we looked at it, it had three or four clear droplets on the top. Jim claimed that these droplets were oily, so I got one on a finger and it was indeed oily. I tasted the tip of my finger and it tasted very pleasantly sweet. I have tasted that same sweet taste in bottled spring water. They both leave a pleasant sweet aftertaste.


Jim also gave me some samples of dried material in Petri dishes. Most of these dishes were taped with electricians tape to keep the lids on and the samples inside. I put 24 of these samples in the plastic bag that the Petri dishes came in and stacked them upright in the back of my car. I drove them home (about 300 miles) and when I opened the bag I noticed that there was some liquid on the inside of the bag. I set the bag aside until I had a chance to look at it, about 2 days. When I went through the Petri dishes I found that several of them had a clear oily liquid (about the consistency of glycerin) between the Petri dishes. This liquid had the same pleasant sweet taste.


I pipetted the liquid from between the dishes into a 2 inch by half inch clear glass vial. I did the same with the liquid on the inside of the plastic bag. When I pipetted the material, it was so viscous that I could not blow it back out of the pipette. I noticed some droplets of the, presumably, same liquid on the inside of the lid of the 250 ml Nalgene container that I mentioned previously. Assuming that this was probably the same material, I sucked a drop of it into the pipette and immediately it reduced the viscosity of the other material sufficiently that I was able to blow the rest of the pipette sample into the clear glass vial. (When I, later, tasted the liquid from the inside of the Nalgene container lid, it tasted like acid.) I now have a sixteenth of an inch of this liquid in the bottom of the vial.


This was confirmation of Jim's claims that the clear, "snotty" material often goes through the lids of bottles and that it "likes" to collect between layers of stuff. Another sample, I obtained from Jim, is a stack of about 6 glass slides held together with a rubber band. Jim claims that he uses these as an exposure meter to determine how much "monatomic" gold gas has been released into the room. The slide bundle I have looks like it has been dipped into some salt brine and let dry. The stack of slides is in a taped Petri dish. By shaking the Petri dish a bit, I was able to break off some of the material that was encrusting the edges of the slides. These white to light gray flakes are mildly magnetic. As is typical of these materials, the magnetic response builds over the exposure time. I use a stacked pair of quarter inch diameter rare earth magnet from Radio Shack to test for magnetic properties. Some of the flakes are moderately magnetic the rest are very slightly magnetic. (By magnetic I mean that they respond to a magnet, not that they have a magnetic field of their own.)


Here is a note that I wrote to Gary in which I described another incident when I found the same clear liquid:


Dear Gary,


I was fooling around with the samples today when I found a couple of drops of clear liquid on the bottom of the large coffee can with the large liquid sample containers. This was between sample 29 and the bottom of the coffee can. There was no way that liquid could have gotten in there by normal means.


I "cleaned" this sample from the bottom of the coffee can with my finger. This sample had the same viscous quality as the other clear samples from between things. I tasted this sample and it had a sweet taste similar to the other clear samples. I ate as much of this sample as I could. Some of it was slightly salty from the salt on the bottom of the coffee can. This sample could have been generated by the magnetic field of the small super magnet that was attached to one of the smaller tin can sample shields and placed in the sample coffee can inadvertently. I dumped the salt from the bottom of the can and saved it as sample 48. Then I washed and dried the coffee can and replaced the sample containers. We have speculated about the relationship of this material to manna. You wrote:


The more strongly charged ORMEs would be masked in their metallic properties by the Meissner fields. You may recall that the manna of the Israelites was also described as tasting like "honey" (Exodus 16:31), or "fresh oil" (Num 11:8). In making it into cakes, the Hebrews, of course, had to add water to it. Both honey and oil are viscous substances, and these terms may also give us an indication of the amount of charge present for those allusions in the account, with perceived taste varying according to charge.


Our original speculation about tunneling behaviors followed Jim's experiences in the summer of 1989 after he got his hands in the energetic ozonated mine waste water. Remember that when he opened them afterwards metal fibers came out the backs of his hands.


At the time we did not know what had happened but in retrospect we now believe that the high energy ORMUS tunneled into his hands from the ozonated mine waste water and "condensed" as metal inside his hands because in the process it lost enough energy for the cooper paired electrons to be separated, allowing the ORMUS to be "pinned" to metal by the carbon in his hands.


We suspect that a similar thing was happening when the gold fibers grew inside the charcoal briquettes, when the paint job on his car got its gold flake look and when the gasoline in his friend's truck jelled and showed up with gold flakes in it. (The last event is how Jim learned what boiling gasoline looks like as he boiled this jelled gasoline away to recover the gold flakes.)


I later had another experience with a phenomenon that also looked like tunneling. This time I was working with the red precipitate made from gold using my HCl/H2O2 method. Here is an email that I sent about this experience:


At 01:35 PM 7/25/97 -0700, I wrote:


I concentrated the precipitate which dropped the quickest and put the remainder in a quart glass canister with a plastic sealing lid. I then set this canister on a magnetic stirrer which has a u shaped magnetic element. When I turned it on I noticed that there were two or three particles which seemed to move in response to the magnet.


These particles, or aggregations of particles, were somewhat elongated and had two motions. They would spin around their internal axis at approximately the same speed as the magnetic stirrer. They would also orbit around the center of the container in an orbit which did not exceed an inch in diameter. This motion was much slower, probably since the viscosity of the water prevented faster movement. I could get these little structures to spin on their own axis quite rapidly simply by increasing the speed of the stirrer. They seemed to maintain a distance of about a quarter inch above the bottom of the glass canister.


Since this morning when I put the canister on the magnetic stirrer there have been a couple of developments. The liquid has changed to more of the brick red color. Not completely, just slightly. I also noticed some liquid in the lid of the canister. This lid is constructed of an outer shell of hard plastic and an inner seal of soft plastic. The outer shell is shaped like this in cross section:


Lid Seal


The inner seal is shaped like the lower diagram. If you move the lower part up to where it fits inside the upper part, the XXs define an empty space between the two parts of the lid. The lower part makes a seal inside the glass jar and also seals the space inside the upper lid. There is no easy way for condensation to show up in the space between the lids. In fact, I checked for moisture in this space before I put the lid on the jar and put the jar in the metal can where I am storing it.


Jim has often said that monatomic likes closed/tight spaces. This seemed like an ideal situation for some of the "oil of gold" condensate to form. This evening I got a wild hair and decided to check the space between the lids for moisture. The lower lid is sort of like a translucent Tupper Ware material and I immediately noticed some moisture between these lids. I took them apart. This was not easy since they are pretty well sealed together, but just a press fit. There was about a cc of liquid in the space. I tasted it and it had the oily feel with the sweet taste that I have come to expect of this type of material.


Immediately after I tasted this I got the spacey feeling that I have come to associate with these materials.


I sucked up the rest of the liquid with a syringe and put it in a small vial with a tight lid.


I still have this sample in my closet so I took it out this evening (1/19/2004) and took some pictures of it. These can be found at: through


Still, all of these observations of presumed "tunneling" behaviors have come from me or Jim through me. Wouldn't it be nice if there was some independent source of evidence for tunneling behaviors with these materials? Fortunately, such evidence showed up in the summer of 2003 as I was planning to go down to do some presentations in Arizona. On May 26th 2003 a colleague named Chaz sent me the following email message:



Take a look at the attached image. This is the bulb out of the recessed light fixture over the sink where the filtrates get dumped. Does this make sense, that the ORM would go metallic around the incandescent filament? There is no other explanation that I can think of. This stuff won't scrape off the bulb either. It is like it is in the glass.

Go figure, Chaz


You can see the image that Chaz got from the light bulb with his scanner below.




When I got to Sedona in visited with Chaz for a couple of days. On July 11th I took another picture of the light bulb. This can be seen below.




I can confirm that the metallic plating is not on the outside of the glass bulb. I was unable to scratch it off with a knife. It also definitely had a gold color as you can see from the images.




On Friday, February 14, 2003 Jonathan wrote the following to the ORMUS Scientific Workgroup list:


The active materials actually continue to grow over the side of dish if there is an excess of the oily phase, while nothing more happens with the dead stuff.


That same day Hank replied:


LOL! I had that problem in trying to 'dry' my wet gold precipitate by conventional means. I got it down to a damp crystalline mass and bottled it in a jar with a tight (I thought) plastic screw top. The stuff kept creeping up the jar walls and under the cap and down the outside of the jar for months afterward. Finally I got it to air dry enough that this stopped.


As you will recall from Chapter 2 Jim described an extreme form of superfluid behavior when he was working with the mine waste water in Tracy's garage. Both Jim and one of his colleagues described how a puddle of water moved across the floor toward the nearest person.


I have devoted a Chapter each to superconductivity and quantum coherence. The next Chapter covers superconductivity.


Chapter 8 Superconductivity



At least three different forms of the ORMUS have exhibited behaviors which suggest superconductive magnetic levitation. David Hudson reported that his ORMUS iridium would levitate after it had been "annealed" for a dozen or more times but that this effect did not last for more than a few days. Various researchers have reported that the magnetic traps produce an "oil" which is concentrated by the presumed superconductive magnetic levitation of the ORMUS portion of the water out of the rest of the water. Jim's early experience with the "fly ash" suggests that it was a superconductor. Also, Jim made the m-gold which "jumped" away from a magnet on my kitchen table.


Let's start with the magnetic traps.


Kevin did some early experiments with magnetic traps on bore (well) water. He was able to extract a similar oil or grease from this concentrate.


Since the magnetic trap was initially designed to spin water in a magnetic field and concentrate the superconductive portion of that water we can presume that this is further evidence of room temperature superconductivity.


Kevin also built a magnetic trap specifically for the extraction of this "superconductive" oil from the air. Since the oil was present in dew he postulated that it might also exist in the air in lesser amounts. His experiment was successful in extracting an oil from the air. You can read more about these experiments at:


Jim, the original inventor of the magnetic traps also had some profound experiences with them which suggest that his postulate that the separation of the oil portion of the water is based on the superconductive properties of that water. Using the trap pictured below:


Creek Trap


Jim told me that he was able to extract four ounces of precious metals from a ton of the trap water. Though his method is secret and not profitable he did give me some samples of the metal that he produced from this trap water. One of these samples can be seen below:




and another can be seen below:




The second sample is mixed platinates and is a portion of what was sold to a precious metals dealer for several thousand dollars.


Also as a result of Jim's early experiences with these materials we postulated that it should be possible to make a form of pure gold which would levitate on a magnetic field like any other superconductor. Jim took some ordinary gold chloride and ozonated it with his special ozone generator and got the green liquid pictured below:




I worked with him during this process and videotaped portions of the procedure. You can see an image of the ORMUS gold at an earlier stage of this process below:


Ozone Product


The m-gold is to the left and the other two bottles are m-platinates from catalytic converter beads. I still have some of these samples.


Jim gave me a couple hundred milliliters of the green gold chloride solution in early 1996 and I dried a portion of it into a grey powder. On July 25, 1996 I videotaped this powder as I moved a small super magnet around under it. Later the same day I did this again because the first "take" was a bit rough. On the second "take" Daniel was a witness.


I placed the ORMUS gold powder on a piece of paper and moved a small (1/4 inch diameter) rare earth magnet from Radio Shack around under it. At first the magnet attracted the material but soon it began to repel it. When it began to repel, more and more of the particles "jumped" away from the magnet.


Since ordinary metallic gold is not attracted to a magnet and certainly not repelled from a magnet this experiment looks a lot like it is a demonstration of room temperature superconductive magnetic levitation.


You can find the most complete version of this video on the web, at:


Jim and others also tried the magnetic trap on ocean water since ocean water was a good source of the white precipitate that a few researchers have converted to gold. We found that the ocean water did not respond to the trap as fresh water did. Jim concluded that the salt somehow provided some magnetic shielding for the ORMUS in the water. But, Jim postulated that a very strong pulsed magnetic field should be able to overcome the shielding effects of the salt and get the ORMUS to levitate out of an ORMUS rich salt water solution.


Working on this postulate, Jim took the large electromagnet pictured below:




and pulsed it into a solution of ORMUS rich liquid like the central jar of liquid pictured below:




(Note the similarity of color between this liquid and the pH adjusted "chloride" form of David Hudson's natural source liquid below:




Jim said that he could get a rich ORMUS solution to "boil like gasoline" at room temperature by hitting it with a 500,000 gauss electromagnetic square wave pulse at 17hz on a 40-60% duty cycle.


He said that the off-gas will condense in a magnetically shielded container as a grease but that this grease will quickly "evaporate" when removed from the magnetic shielding.


Following is the transcript of a conversation I had with Jim on July 21, 2000 about his experiment:


Barry: What does the electromagnet do to the HR material?


Jim: It spins it in one dimension, is what it does.


Barry: Un huh, how does it do that?


Jim: Because it has enough gauss that, unlike your usual magnets, it will align paramagnetics and diamagnetics will go against the lines of force. This puppy absolutely pins them against the wall. It is over five hundred thousand gauss. Consider that a speaker magnet is only twenty eight thousand gauss in a half millimeter wide gap; the rest of it is nearly eight hundred to a thousand gauss. This is 500 times stronger than a barium-ferrite magnet.


Barry: And what happens when it does that to the m-state?


Jim: If the magnetic field is introduced slowly, it just slowly pins it. If it hits it fast, it's about six feet up in the air.


Barry: So, when you take the m-state and it gets out of here, how do you catch it again?


Jim: Um, there's various modes. When you sit there and hit this with consecutive pulses, it looks like gasoline boiling. It literally starts with microfine bubbles, just billions of them at the bottom and it's a froth at the top. And that's what it looks like when you magnetically pump the stuff out of a container. And then, literally, it condenses in a mu shielded, warm tube as a grease or a clear oil.


Barry: How thick is the oil?


Jim: Quite waxy. It looks like high vac grease.


Barry: And how long does that stay around?


Jim: It evaporates. The minute you take it out of the mu shielded container, it evaporates.


Barry: If you cap it, can you take it out of the mu shielded container?


Jim: I seriously doubt it. And you can see vapors coming off of it as it evaporates. You can see distortions just like heat waves through the air. Quite interesting.


When it evaporates it accumulates in specific areas. It does not just continue to go off into space. Literally, you'll see it in a comfortable part of the room, accumulate.


Barry: You see it and other people don't see it, right?


Jim: No, actually I think several people saw it.


Barry: Good, good; ectoplasm.


Jim: And they all said that it smelt like a spring in the hills or something. You know how you smell all the various blossoms?


Barry: Oh yea, oh yea.


Jim: You can't i.d. one particular type but you can smell the sweetness?


Barry: Yep.


Jim: That's how it was described in terms of smell. And the visible part was seen by all, especially coming off the beaker.


Barry: Did anyone else have any funny experiences?


Jim: I'm the only one that walked into a door; or a wall, as it may be.


Barry: You tried to walk through a wall?


Jim: Yes, didn't see it. I had the purple background illumination going to the point that I was not seeing this realm as well as I was seeing some other realm or I wasn't awake or something.


Barry: Did anyone else have any effects at all?


Jim: Definitely noticed, K noticed a distorted sense of perception. When he went to walk and stuff, he said it was like flying on acid or something because where he expected his feet to hit is not where it was hitting. He said he was feeling disoriented, also light headed and said he was having "visual acuity background noise", as he calls it.


Barry: Wow, okay!


Jim: Other than that, no.


Barry: Very interesting.


So, how would you contain it if you wanted to contain it? Keep it in a mu shield, cap it?


Jim: Proper salt level or if we provided a porous binder, lets say, an organic binder for minerals it would incorporate it into that binder material.


I remember standing in the 30 foot trailer, where Jim lived in 1996, watching Jim swing a bottle of ozonated ORMUS rhodium/iridium suspended on a thread over a strong magnet on the table. Jim pointed out that the magnet would make a slight "detour" away from the magnet as it went over it at the bottom of the swing. Jim said that this was good evidence that the liquid was superconductive. He suggested at that time that we should be able to use this property of these materials to extract them from water and other liquids. I am convinced that he was designing the magnetic traps in his head as early as this time.



Swinging ORMUS


This is all to show that Jim's theories about superconductive ORMUS elements in water had predictive value and were eventually translated into success with the magnetic traps, the pulsed magnetic field device and the jumping m-gold in the video.


The three main long-term researchers into the ORMUS materials all have reported similar levitation effects. David Hudson has done the best job of documenting these effects in his patent. In order to establish a definite weight for the ORMUS form of iridium for the patent examiner, Hudson put his material through something called "thermo-gravimetric analysis". In this process, the material was weighed continuously while it was being slowly heated and cooled. Figures 8-17 of Hudson's patent are images of the chart recorder output of this process. See:


In David Hudson's patent demonstration experiment, which he reported in his various lectures, m-state iridium is heated to 850 degrees Celsius and its weight fluctuates between approximately +575% and -25% of starting weight, the weight fluctuation could have been from magnetic or gravitational levitation. In his earlier lectures he postulated that this effect was magnetic levitation but in later presentations he suggested that it was gravitational levitation.


Jim reported that some of his early experiences with the ORMUS materials resulted in something he called "fly ash" because it would fly away if one reached for it. Here are some comments from Jim on his "fly ash":


Jim - The first one was some STP, muddy water from some samples that we took from up there and nuked them in his garage. We were still trying to figure out what's up. It did not work well. I mean we did get some gold but a lot of it that was extracted until we had the air cell going full force, when it evaporated and dried it turned into fly ash.


Barry - Why do you call it fly ash?


Jim - Because when you'd reach for it, it would fly away.


[BARRY] What do you mean by that?


Jim - When you reach for it, it moved away. That's it.


Barry - Where did it move?


Jim - Anyplace it had to. Up the side of a jar, out of a pan. Unless it was wet you couldn't handle it.



Barry - You said you had some in a jar and you put your hand over the jar and it would float up to your hand?


Jim - No. We had fly-ash as we called it in a jar. White . . .


Barry - Powder?


Jim - Well, yeah, it was kind of a flake. Little flakes that came off of wedges between the acrylic in the carbon air cell. We had some of those in a jar and you would reach for it and they would move to the other side of the jar and stuff. Especially in a garage wall lined with tools. You know iron tools hanging everywhere. It was pretty alive.


Barry - What do you mean by pretty alive?


Jim - It moved a lot. By itself.


Barry - You could sit there and watch it move?


Jim - Ah, it would be more like it was [?] [?] up and stuff like that.


Barry - Where was that?


Jim - In Tracy's garage sitting on the window sill. Probably still there. RH's garage had a bunch of that fly-ash, too, in it. Lots of it.


Barry - Now you have a sample . . . GC may have a sample of some of this stuff.


Jim - I used to have some in a Popov Vodka bottle.



DM - Um, fly ash as I understand it, that forms in a dry area and it stays dry?


Jim - The fly ash I don't really know too much about. Other than when the charcoal was damp we could pan it out, we could separate it and we could work with it. When it was dry, it was out of there. I mean it was out of there! You couldn't touch it, catch it. This is why I have a problem with somewhat of the monatomic gold, you know, sitting around in the dry state, because the only way keep it was wet. Or what I suspect was monatomic gold I should say.


DM - Ok, well this fly ash you saved that day, that was collected at someplace within the column is that right? Below the charcoal in the column?


Jim - In the charcoal. Yes, the fly ash was always in the charcoal or it was underneath the pan.


DM - But it was wet?


Jim - Yes, but it was always wet when we could accumulate it. Off the carbon it was always when it was damp, we would roll it around in the pan to get that.


Jim had these experiences in 1989, long before he had ever heard of David Hudson or his materials. I saw some of the effects he talked about (also before I had ever heard of Hudson).


When Jim started duplicating his earlier work, after hearing David Hudson's Portland lecture, he said that he produced more of the "fly ash" several times but I only saw this effect in one sample that Jim provided. I videotaped this material "jumping" away from a moving magnet. There is a link for this video earlier in this Chapter.


The first time I met the Essene (in May of 1997) he told me a story about a levitation demonstration that Hudson made at a UFO conference in California. Here is the transcript of his retelling of this story which I taped when I visited him in August of 1999:


The Essene: Now I went to California, I went to Ashland, actually, to listen to David Hudson speak. After David Hudson's speech was done I went to California to a UFO meeting. Now this was not a bunch of phonies. This was scientific people. We had the lecture in the auditorium and I paid real good attention. Well, come demonstration time they took a table like this [he pointed to his kitchen table], only it was clean, (mine never is). But anyway, they took and laid a sheet of plastic over this table. This plastic was about half an inch thick. They turned another table upside down over this table and they put a whole pile of barbell weights on the top table. Then they had people from the audience come up and stick their hands underneath the table, like this. The top table would float away--with the weights.


Jim: Back to the fly ash.


Barry: Now the sheet had the m-state iridium in it?


The Essene: Right, exactly. And it was your aura that was actually picking the top table up.


Barry: Now, that m-state iridium wouldn't have been annealed?


The Essene: No.


Barry: So it was just the moving magnetic field that caused it to move?


The Essene: Your moving aura.


Barry: See this is the principle that this magnetic trap that Jim developed works under. It magnetically expels the m-state iridium, probably, from water. A lot of it's iridium and ah . . .


Jim: Run it through the turbine, spin the water over a magnetic field, the mono levitates against the water and you pull it out through wicking material that's hydrophobic.


The Essene: Same thing.


After this experience, I presume that the Essene wanted to duplicate this effect. He described how he made up some pure m-state iridium in order to get a levitating disk. Here is the rest of the transcript of the Essene's account of his experiences with levitation:


Barry: That sort of brings up the next question. So how is it different?


The Essene: How did it fly?


Barry: How do they fly? What is the m-state iridium? Is it a gravitational shield?


The Essene: It's a gravitational shield. It won't allow the gravitational force to penetrate it.


Barry: Why?


The Essene: I really don't know.


Barry: Hm.


The Essene: But there is no force field of any kind [which can penetrate it].


Barry: Um hm.



Barry: What's the process, step by step, for getting m-state iridium into a levitating disk?


The Essene: All right, you take and make you up your m-state iridium fresh and you mix it into a ceramic clay--I use a porcelain clay--and mix it very, very thoroughly. The idea of annealing it is to spread the iridium molecules out so they are even because any place they're cluster they loose their spin.


Barry: You anneal it in what kind of a furnace?


The Essene: I use a toaster oven--a cupelling furnace. And the idea of it is that as you anneal it they push apart from each other and spread and they get even. This is the whole idea of annealing it. Now, iridium will not work if it is all together, it has to be set in an egg crate situation with something holding it apart.


Barry: A matrix.


The Essene: Yeah.


Barry: And your annealing oven is an electric oven?


The Essene: Yeah.


Barry: Will it work in a gas oven?


The Essene: Certainly.


Barry: You've done it that way too?


The Essene: No. When I was playing with that I didn't have my gas oven.


Barry: But you think it will work in a gas oven.


The Essene: I'm certain it will.


Mike: You made it in an egg carton?


The Essene: No, visualize in your mind how eggs set in a carton. Each one is separate. You're using the porcelain to isolate the iridium that way.


Barry: Particles.


Jim: Just like ferrite for a magnetic core.


Barry: How much iridium [is mixed into the clay]? You said about ten percent. Is that it?


The Essene: About it.


Jim: Can I buy some iridium from you?


The Essene: I'll give you some iridium sand and you can clean the damn stuff yourself.


August later tried to make one of these levitating disks using pure iridium metal taken to m-state but was unable to get the same results. In subsequent conversations with the Essene August discovered that the Essene had used a natural sand that the Essene said was rich in m-iridium.


At this time the Essene's experience has not been replicated.


In a sense, Jim's magnetic trap is a vivid demonstration of superconductive magnetic levitation. We literally spin water in a magnetic field and the superconducting portion of the water is concentrated by magnetic levitation. Jim has converted this portion into the platinum group metals and gold.


All three researchers maintain that ordinary m-state materials do not exhibit magnetic repulsion or levitation properties. Each researcher claims that they must be prepared in a special way in order to exhibit these properties. Hudson provides levitation data only on m-state iridium. The Essene claims that only pure m-state iridium will exhibit levitation properties and Jim only noticed the phenomena occasionally with certain m-state materials.


David Hudson claims that the m-state he makes must be what he calls S-ORMEs which are distinct from ordinary ORMEs. The "S" in S-ORMEs stands for "superconducting". Here is the portion of his patent where he discusses this:


All of the electron pairs in their lowest energy state, unlike single electrons, can exist in the same quantum state. When that uniform quantum state is achieved, the electron pair can not only move with zero resistance around the monoatom, but also can move with zero resistance between identical ORMEs that are within approximately 20 A or less of each other with no applied voltage potential. When a macro system of high purity, single element ORME achieves long-range quantum electron pair movement, that many-body system according to the present invention is defined as an S-ORME system.


An S-ORME system does not possess a crystalline structure but the individual ORMEs will, over time, space themselves as uniformly as possible in the system. The application of a minimum external magnetic field will cause the S-ORME system to respond by creating a protective external field ["Meissner Field"] that will encompass all those S-ORMEs within the 20 A limit. As used herein, "minimum external magnetic field" is defined as a magnetic field which is below the critical magnetic field which causes the collapse of the Meissner Field. This field is generated by electron pair movement within the system as a response to the minimum applied magnetic field. The (Ir) S-ORME and the (Au) S-ORME systems have a minimum critical field (''Hc1'') that is below the earth's magnetic field. The minimum critical field for a (Rh) S-ORME is slightly above the earth's magnetic field. When the quantum flux flow commences, due to the minimum external magnetic field being applied, the doublet in the IR spectrum will disappear because electron pairs are no longer bound in a fixed position on the individual ORME monoatoms.


Once the externally applied field exceeds the level which overcomes the protective Meissner Field of the S-ORME system ( "Hc2" ), then any electrons moving between individual ORME atoms will demonstrate an ac Josephson junction type of response. The participating ORMEs will act as a very precise tuning device for electromagnetic emissions emanating from free electrons between ORMEs. The frequency of these emissions will be proportional to the applied external magnetic field. A one microvolt external potential will produce electromagnetic frequencies of 5x108 cycles per second. Annihilation radiation frequencies (about 1020 cycles per second) will be the limiting frequency of the possible emission. The reverse physical process of adding specific frequencies can generate the inverse relationship, i.e., a specific voltage will be produced for each specific applied frequency.


ORMEs can be reconverted to their constituent T-metals, but, as noted, are not identifiable as specific T-metals while in their ORME state. If a specific ORME is formed from a specific T-metal by using the procedure of this invention, it can only be confirmed by conventional analytical methods that the specific ORME was formed by reconstituting it as the T-metal.


Hudson's patent is available on the web at:


It is clear, from the above, that Hudson's S-ORME material is in a higher energy state than the ordinary ORME material that he starts with. From the Essene's description of his process for making the levitating ceramic disks it is also evident that ordinary m-state iridium does not levitate by itself until it is repeatedly annealed. Jim's is the only material which seems to levitate without special additional treatment.


Jim and I have discussed this difference at length and we have concluded that there are two distinct m-state materials that we are working with. One would be the white precipitate that we get by bringing the pH of suitable liquid up to 10.78 or so. The other would be the oily liquid that we obtain from the magnetic trap or make from metal using ozone.


The best indicator that these are two distinct forms of the ORMUS elements is that one can take water which has been concentrated in a magnetic trap and run the Wet Method on it. If you compare the amount of precipitate from trap water to the amount of precipitate from source water you will find that both amounts are roughly the same. You do not get any more precipitate from trap water than from the water which was used to generate the trap water.


The oily trap water requires an entirely different process, to convert it to metal, than the process to convert the precipitate to metal.


Gary proposed a theory to account for this. He suggested that there is a spectrum of ORMEishness which goes from metal to full ORME through about a dozen steps which correspond to the degree of Cooper pairing among the electrons in a diatomic ORME system. The partially Cooper paired ORME diatoms would respond weakly in chemical valence bonds and would show up as the precipitate.


The fully Cooper paired diatoms would be immune to chemical manipulation because they would have no electrons available for valence bonding. But since they would be in a bosonic state, they would exhibit superconducting properties and could be manipulated using magnetic fields.


The annealing process that both Hudson and the Essene described as being necessary to get their respective materials to levitate would spin the atoms into a higher level of Cooper pairing. I now believe that there are other factors at work here.


Jim's ozone process would get to the fully Cooper paired diatoms in a single stage and his magnetic trap would simply concentrate the fully paired diatoms from air or water. Gary's comments on ORMUS superconductivity can be found in Chapter 18.


Gary provided extensive commentary on how ozone might be a very effective method for developing fully Cooper paired ORMUS diatoms. You will read Gary's commentary in Chapter 17.


Type III Superconductor

The, possibly, erroneous assumption that these materials are monatomic is intimately involved with our theory about how superconductivity works with what we call the ORMUS materials, as you will soon see.


According to conventional superconductivity theory, a material must be in a solid crystalline matrix in order to become a superconductor. Type I superconductors are single element metals which are cooled to near absolute zero in order to achieve this crystalline matrix state. Type II superconductors can achieve an appropriate crystalline state at a much higher temperature (near the temperature of liquid nitrogen; still colder than any natural temperature on earth). They do this by creating a sort of "egg crate" crystalline spacing using a variety of elements in a molecular compound like yttrium, barium, copper oxide.


The reason that the crystalline matrix is required is because the electrons in the superconductor-candidate material must be able to pair up into what physicists call "Cooper pairs". The Cooper pairing of electrons apparently allows the electrons to store the energy, which is put into the superconductor, indefinitely.


I imagine that an electron Cooper pair is like a little circuit or storage battery which can store a very large amount of energy.


As these Cooper paired "circuits" get charged up, an energy "field" grows around them. This energy field excludes other fields (like magnetic) fields and, probably, gravity. What this means is that a " charged" superconductor will exclude a magnetic field to the extent that the superconductor will levitate over a magnet. This is called the Meissner effect and is used as the main indicator that superconductivity is occurring.


A crystalline matrix provides the proper spacing so that the electrons can pair up without forming chemical bonds. With type I and type II superconductors this matrix is crucial.


A colleague postulated (in 1996) that the ORMUS elements can be single unit superconductors because their electrons pair up within the single atomic or diatomic unit. You can read this colleagues description of his theory at:


When a group of particles "condense" into a single unified state capable of superconductor and superfluid behaviors they become a special state of matter called a "Bose-Einstein condensate" (BEC). The BEC state in whole atoms was recently achieved in the laboratory by cooling a group of atoms to within a millionth of a degree of absolute zero.


The particles, which are capable of quantum behaviors like superconductivity and superfluidity, are called "bosons". A boson must be composed of an even number of sub-particles. (particles with an odd number of sub particles are called "fermions".) This means that a single unit superconductor must be a boson.


Since metallic gold, for example, is a fermion--with an odd number (79) of protons and electrons--it theoretically could not become a monatomic superconductor. In order for a gold atom to become a single unit superconductor it would have to form a Bose-Einstein condensate with at least one other gold atom. Of course, then it would not be monatomic gold since two atoms of gold would be "condensed" into a single unit structure with 158 protons and electrons.


You can read about how this principle was demonstrated with helium 3 on the American Institute of Physics web page at:


Here is the quote from that page:


"A superfluid is a liquid that flows without viscosity or inner friction. For a liquid to become superfluid, the atoms or molecules making up the liquid must be cooled or "condensed" to the point at which they all occupy the same quantum state. A liquid of helium-3, an atom whose nucleus is made up of an odd number of particles, is a type of particle known as a fermion. Groups of fermions are not allowed to occupy the same quantum state.  By cooling the liquid to a low enough temperature, helium-3 atoms can pair up (left panel). The number of particles in each nucleus adds up to an even number, making it a type of particle known as a boson. Groups of bosons can fall into the same quantum state, and therefore superfluidity can be achieved. Helium-4 (middle panel), a boson, does not need to pair up to form a superfluid; groups of helium-4 atoms condense into the superfluid state at about 2 degrees above absolute zero. Superfluidity, especially the kind that exists in helium-3, is analogous to conventional low-temperature superconductivity, in which electrons flow through certain metals and alloys without resistance. In a superconductor (right panel), electrons, which are fermions, pair up in the metal crystal to form "Cooper pairs," bosons which can then condense into a superconducting state."


ORMUS gold has demonstrated superconductive properties in a non-crystalline form. You can see a short video that I took of some ORMUS gold that we made from metallic gold at:


This video demonstrates magnetic levitation of particles of ORMUS gold. Since these particles are obviously not in a rigid crystalline matrix we can take this as evidence that we have a bosonic form of gold (probably a condensed di-atom or larger).


From this experiment and others I think that it is fair to presume that the ORMUS elements are non-crystalline superconductors.


The magnetic vortex traps that I have designed also depend on the superconductive magnetic levitation of the ORMUS elements. You can find several magnetic trap designs on my web site at:


Since these magnetic traps work on water and air (which are both fluids) this is further evidence that these elements are single unit superconductors which do not require a crystalline matrix. Therefore, we should probably refer to them as type III superconductors.


Their magnetic levitation and gravity nulling properties appear to be related to what I call "spin coherence". You can read my spin coherence "theory" at:


You can read more about why I do not believe that these substances are generally monatomic at:


Chapter 9 Quantum Coherence



This book is titled ORMUS - The Matrix of Consciousness. In this Chapter I will begin to tie together some of the consciousness related concepts that I mentioned in Chapter 1.


In 1996 I wrote a note to the Ecological Economics forum on the subject of "Spiritual Quantum Ecological Economics" (this is still on the web at: In this note I mentioned a number of sources that speak of a unified information field which makes evolution a more cooperative activity than is generally credited.


Since 1996 I have given this concept a great deal of thought and have found a number of additional supportive writings on this subject. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho (see: for a short bio) wrote this about cooperation in evolution in an article titled "Evolution":


"This paradox disappears, of course, when one rejects the ungrounded assumption that selfishness or competitiveness is fundamental to the living world. Animals engage in competitive or aggressive acts, but that does not mean there are inherent qualities of competitiveness and aggressiveness which can account for those acts. Furthermore, examples of cooperation among animals far outstrip those of competition."


We need to ask how this cooperation between and within species might happen. We might take a clue from a similar cooperation which takes place between the cells of a single organism. Dr. Ho has written a great deal about the role of "quantum coherence" in consciousness. In the abstract of her article titled "Quantum Coherence and Conscious Experience" Dr. Ho writes:


"I propose that quantum coherence is the basis of living organization and can also account for key features of conscious experience - the "unity of intentionality", our inner identity of the singular "I", the simultaneous binding and segmentation of features in the perceptive act, the distributed, holographic nature of memory, and the distinctive quality of each experienced occasion."


In her paper titled "Gaia and the Evolution of Coherence" she suggests that this same quantum coherence is a fundamental basis for intercommunication between species on the Earth:


"Thus, it seems that the essence of the living state is to build up and extend the coherent spatio-temporal platform for communication starting from the energy of the sun initially absorbed by green plants. Living systems are thus neither the subjects alone, nor objects isolated, but both subjects and objects in a mutually communicating universe of meaning. In contrast to the neo-Darwinist point of view, their capacity for evolution depends, not on rivalry or on might in the struggle for existence. Rather, it depends on their capacity for communication. So in a sense, it is not individuals as such which are developing but living systems interlinked into a coherent whole. Just as the cells in an organism take on different tasks for the whole, different populations enfold information not only for themselves, but for all other organisms, expanding the consciousness of the whole, while at the same time becoming more and more aware of this collective consciousness. Human consciousness may have its most significant role in the development and creative expression of the collective consciousness of nature."


Also in her paper she postulates that:


"Organisms are thus emitters and most probably, also receivers of coherent electromagnetic signals which may be essential for their functioning."


Dr. Philip Callahan is an entomologist who has been exploring the mechanisms of this coherent electromagnetic reception for the last fifty years. Dr. Callahan has his doctorate in entomology and about 1600 hours of training in electronics. He has combined these two interests and developed several interesting theories. His theories are based on experimental evidence. One of his theories is that insect antennae are dielectric, open resonator infrared detectors. He expounds this theory in a paper published in the book "Molecular and Biological Physics of Living Systems" edited by R. K. Mishra and published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1990. His paper is titled "Nonlinear Infrared Coherent Radiation as an Energy Coupling Mechanism in Living Systems". Here is his introduction to this paper:


"A history of my observations of moths and ants at light is given and the external infrared environment of day and night described. It is pointed out that insects have dielectric, open resonator, antennae, in the from of sensilla, on their antennae. A table of the ELF vibration frequency of various insect orders is presented and related to the many parameters of infrared scatter emission from scent and pheromone molecules. Experiments on moth oviposition, attraction to candles, and response to colors of light are described, as is the behavior of ants at candles. The complex far infrared maserlike emission of candles is correlated with emission from insect sex scents and pheromones, and a method of generating maserlike scatter emission from scent molecules described. Several such spectrum from ethanol are presented. Spectrum of nonlinear emission, far infrared frequencies from breath are generated by vibrating a metal plate with a 130 audio component of the OM phoneme. The discussion relates the insect communication system to other life organizing coherent systems. This work on Cabannes and Rayeligh scattering of coherent radiation reinforces other work on photon storage in biological systems."


There are a couple of quotes from this paper which suggest that the principles that Dr. Callahan has discovered might be common to many living systems:


"The occurrence of nonlinear coherent lines in breath at body temperature leads one to the conclusion that coherent radiations, especially from complex scatter frequencies, are a part of the mechanism of self organizing biological system and occur as readily, under the right conditions, in the tubules of the blood vessels and at cellular levels, especially in the visible region as shown by Popp(17), and others. A summary of elegant work based on coherence in self organizing living systems is given in the symposium "Synergic et Coherence dans les Systems Biologiques."(18) Work on coherent information and energy transfer mechanisms is a new and exciting area for research into the mysteries of self organizing biological systems, and it is the scent coupling of energy from organic molecules to insect dielectric antennae forms in the infrared region that gives great insight into how such coherent systems work. It is imperative that researchers in this field answer criticism from those who are convinced that coherence does not occur at room temperatures in living systems."



"That coherent infrared is available for insect communication systems there is and it is also available in both the visible and infrared portions of the spectrum for utilization in self organizing biological systems(17), and it is for this reason that my work reinforces other work on coherent energy coupling mechanisms in living systems.


Once this concept of coherent energy coupling in self organizing systems is thoroughly understood, it is predictable that the generation of coherent signals in the UV (virus and membrane dimensions) visible and infrared (cell, organells and insect antennae dimensions) can be utilized to resonate to the biological antenna in order to control disease organisms or reverse cancerous conditions. It might even be possible to resonate to the form of the AIDS virus in the 0.1 mm region, which is the dimension of most virus, and reverse the fatal signals of that small "living" antenna, or to put it in more poetic terms 'find God in little things.'"


Another phenomenon which is associated with quantum coherence is superconductivity. The search for a material which will support superconductivity at room temperatures is one of the "Holy Grail" quests of modern physics but there is strong evidence that superconductivity is already present in biological systems at biological temperatures. In her "Gaia" paper Dr. Ho wrote:


"Recently, technology has progressed to materials which can superconduct at much higher temperatures above absolute zero. The solid-state physicist Herbert Frohlich (1968) in Liverpool was among the first to point out that something like a condensation into a collective mode of activity may be occurring in living systems, such that living organisms are in effect, superconductors working at physiological temperatures. He suggested that much of the metabolic energy, instead of being lost as heat, is actually stored in the form of coherent electromechanical vibrations in the body. He called these collective modes, coherent excitations."


In recent years a number of interesting papers have been published which identify the presence of superconductivity in biological systems (


Little: W.A. 1964. Possibility of synthesizing an organic superconductor. Phys. Rev. 134A:1416.


Little, S.A. 1965. Superconductivity at room temperature. Sci. American 212:21.


Ginzburg, V.L. 1964. On surface superconductivity. Phys. Lett. 13:101.


Ginzburg, V.L. 1968. The problem of high temperature superconductivity. Contemp. Physics 9:355.


Halpern, E.H., and Wolf, A.A. 1972. Speculations of superconductivity in biological and organic systems. Adv. Cryogenic Eng. 17:109.


Wolf, A.A., and Halpern, E.H. 1976. Experimental high temperature organic superconductivity in the cholates: a summation of results. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 8:31.


Wolf, A.A. 1976. Experimental evidence for high-temperature organic fractional superconduction of cholates. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 8:495.


Ahmed, N.A.G., Claderwood, J.H., Frohlich, H., and Smith, C.W. 1975. Evidence for collective magnetic effects in an enzyme. Likelihood of room temperature superconductive regions. Phys. Lett. 53A:129.


Cope, F.W. 1971. Evidence from activation energies for superconductive tunneling in biological systems at physiological temperatures. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 3:403.


Cope, F.W. 1978. Discontinuous magnetic field effects (Barkhausen noise) in nucleic acids as evidence for room temperature organic superconduction. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 10:233.


Optical coherence effects have been observed in microtubules, which are a structure inside cells. An interesting theory about how microtubules might function as a biological computer by collapsing infinite possibilities into a decision was proposed by Roger Penrose (a physicist) and Stuart Hameroff (an anesthesiologist) in their paper titled "Orchestrated Objective Reduction of Quantum Coherence in Brain Microtubules: The "Orch OR" Model for Consciousness":


"A critical number of tubulins maintaining coherence within [microtubules] for 500 msec collapses its own wave function (objective reduction: OR). This occurs because the mass-energy difference among the superpositioned states of coherent tubulins critically perturbs space-time geometry. To prevent multiple universes, the system must reduce to a single space-time by choosing eigenstates."


In another paper (Cytoplasmic Gel States and Ordered Water: Possible Roles in Biological Quantum Coherence


Hameroff suggests that this quantum coherence within the microtubule might be a function of light coherence:


"Here we consider three proposals in which ordered water may play a role in biological quantum coherence essential for living systems and consciousness: 1) quantum optical coherence in microtubule inner cores ("super-radiance" and "self-induced transparency"); 2) cellular "vision"; 3) isolation of microtubules from environmental decoherence."


So, we see that both optical coherence and superconductivity have been identified within biological systems. The identification of the substances which are responsible for quantum coherence in the body would help to resolve some fundamental problems with our current physiological models.


In July of 2003 Peter Mann, an Australian nutritionist wrote the following note:


Considering the reported association of ORMUS with superconductivity, ORMUS elements may have the necessary attribute to explain (for example) the dazzling speed and exquisite precision of the world-class table tennis player. With neurons having a bioelectric transmission velocity of approx 6 feet per second, no way can the biochemical central nervous system form the basis of calculating trajectories and controlling response at that level. As an engineer with experience in the specialty of closed-loop control (courtesy of the Moog Corporation) I can state with complete certainty that the CNS [central nervous system] is short of the bandwidth required for that sort of activity by at least 4 orders of magnitude.


Peter was able to make these calculations because he once worked as an engineer for the company that developed the servo controllers which keep rocket nozzles properly aimed when the rocket is in flight.


Here is Peter's reasoning on this:


One of the rules of thumb that we designed from is that the controlling element (in that case, the servovalve) had to be at least 3 times faster than the frequency of force-modulation that could be imposed on a structure (i.e. must have a useable response frequency 3 times the physical resonant frequency of the physical structure that was being dynamically controlled). Usually we did positioning systems, as was pioneered with the rocket motors, but some applications we controlled with feedback on force or velocity.


If the valve was less than 3 times faster, the lag between feedback and the application of force could go so far out of phase that the machine would be intrinsically unstable, and instead of going to position setpoint, it could only oscillate around the required position. So this is where one part of the concept came from.


While I was at school, I studied Biology (had a talent for it), and I remember that back then (1967), the transmission rate of an electrical impulse along the axon of a nerve had already been measured as 4 to 6 feet per second, depending on the species whose nerve had been vivisected.


So far as I know, I am the first person to put these two facts together so as to logically establish that no way can the electrochemical transmission of nerve impulses provide the control loop for the feats of dexterity that are commonplace in sport, and that therefore we have compelling evidence that there is an "as-yet-unrecognised" physical feedback/control system with a bandwidth orders of magnitude faster than the CNS. To illustrate that with the most persuasive example, I chose table-tennis because the interplay between the top players is so blindingly fast that I personally cannot visually follow the action with unbroken perception.


Peter's calculations clearly call for a mechanism for communication in the body that is much faster than nerve impulses.


What materials might be responsible for this fast biological communication and how might they relate to ecological connections?


As we discussed in Chapter 8, the ORMUS elements appear to support superconductivity at biological temperatures and above.


I have spoken with Dr. Callahan extensively about the ORMUS elements and we agree that they probably are the "mechanism" underlying the coherent coupling phenomena that he describes. He also has noticed that similar coherent coupling phenomena couples living plants to their environment. He postulates that paramagnetic soils are the basis of these coupling phenomena. In his book on this subject "Paramagnetism - Rediscovering Nature's Secret Force of Growth" he writes:


"Sometime during the decline of the great Tang dynasty (894 AD) the gates to China were closed by Japan and garden geomancy became garden art, an aesthetic undertaking. It had lost its connection to the sun. Placement and shapes were no longer antenna design, but were more in line with the visions of artists who had little knowledge of low-energy force fields. There it stagnates today, endlessly fostered by Eastern and Western practitioners who have not the slightest knowledge of the physics of nature's low-energy forces. If one thing should be learned from this book, it is that not only do the laws of physics connect chemistry to biology, but they also connect mankind to the sun!"


In this book, Dr. Callahan explains that paramagnetic properties of the soil are taken up into plants where they become diamagnetic but when these plants burn or rot the ash is paramagnetic again. We have noted that the ORMUS materials will change from paramagnetic to diamagnetic depending on their exposure to moving magnetic fields (an example of this transition can be seen in the "video" I mentioned above) and that they become diamagnetic when they are in water.


The "magnetic traps", mentioned in previous Chapters, magnetically "levitate" a more diamagnetic portion of water so that this portion can be concentrated.


Earlier I mentioned how Kevin used a magnetic trap to extract ORMUS elements from the air. Kevin also found that dew collected at the time of the full moon has more of these elements in it than dew collected at other times of the month. This has led us to postulate that these elements respond to tidal forces. There is some evidence that tidal forces might help "pump" the sap in trees and other plants assisting capillary action.


Dr. Callahan also has speculated on this tidal phenomenon:


"As in the case of plants, water is diamagnetic. The atmosphere, because of the oxygen, is paramagnetic. Some of my preliminary experiments at night, during the full moon, indicate a paramagnetic/diamagnetic, plant, moon, water and soil relationship in nature. We know that the moon, which is highly paramagnetic, has a very strong effect on tides, which are of diamagnetic water. The many volcanic and/or meteorite cones indicate a paramagnetic moon body even though I could find no data on this subject from moon rock measurements.


It has long been known that certain Indian tribes planted by the full moon. There is little doubt in my mind that the American Indian knew more about good agriculture techniques than modern agriculturists! As the Sioux brave remarked while watching a farmer turning under virgin prairie grass, "wrong side up!" (in Altars of Unknown Stone, by Wes Jackson)."


Philip Callahan also suggests that there is a relationship between the earth's Schumann resonance and human brain waves:


"The so-called "Schumann" waves, which would better be called atmospheric "brain waves," occur in the 8- to 30 Hz region. Since they exactly match the human brain waves (8, 14, 21, 27 and 33 Hz) I consider that the EEG brain waves are actually the low-frequency atmospheric waves "in the air" of our brain. We are, after all, mostly water and air. The organic molecules of our bodies are only little photonic oscillators that fill the spaces between the water and atmosphere of our body. It is highly unlikely that the exact match between low-frequency atmospheric ELF (8, 14, 21, 27 and 33 Hz) and so-called brain waves is accidental."


From this he concludes:


"In summary, every living human being is like a sponge in a bowl of jelly (the atmosphere). When the atmospheric jelly shakes (ELF waves), then the jelly in the sponge also shakes at the same frequency. The organic photon oscillators of our body superimpose their messages on this atmospheric brain/body continuum (think about ESP)."


Matti Pitkänen has outlined a theoretical framework for superconductivity in biological systems.(Exotic atoms and a mechanism for superconductivity in biosystems- He has also outlined a hypothesis which suggests a physical ORMUS connection to psychokinesis and other psychic phenomena.


Matti Pitkänen claims that the movement of matter by mind which occurs inside of the microtubule is virtually identical to psychokinesis or moving objects outside the body by the power of mind alone.


(TGD Inspired Model of Psychokinesis -


In a May 1997 email Matti wrote:


Dear Barry,


Certain person claiming to have ability to do psychokinesis contacted me and he encouraged me to think about a possible TGD inspired model of psychokinesis. Although I have worked only less than week it seems that this will turn out to be a good question. As a matter of fact it seems that separate pieces of TGD inspired model of biosystem begin to fit together very nicely.


The key concept is what I call topological field quantization. Magnetic field in TGD decomposes into flux tubes parallel to the flux lines of field. These flux tubes are cylindrical surfaces with outer boundary. If one requires that there is no ordinary matter inside them one obtains hollow cylindrical flux tubes with opposite charged wormhole densities on the inner and outer surfaces of this cylindrical surface. Note that wormhole flux tubes involve always two spacetime sheets with opposite magnetic fluxes. Wormholes form a BE condensate and this topologically quantized magnetic field becomes quantum object of macroscopic size and a potential conscious being if TGD inspired theory of consciousness is correct!! Jim and other people seem to speak about White [ORMUS] Gold almost as a conscious being: they might be right!


If PK-able person is able to control this kind of macroscopic field associated with his body then PK becomes possible by levitation in this field, provided the object is wormhole super conductor (recall that wormholes can give rise to super conductivity in which wormholes are charge carriers as well as ordinary electronic super conductivity). By changing voluntarily the quantized magnetic fluxes in flux lines of magnetic field PK-able person can control the magnetic field at will and thus create levitating force.


Actually also DNA inside cell could perform similar control of motion. In fact, the genetic code might be transcribed into the structure of the wormhole magnetic field surrounding DNA and this would make possible the translation of genetic code to biostructures. So called phantom DNA effect is in accordance with the hypothesis that DNA in presence of coherent light (created by microtubules by quantum antenna hypothesis!) gives rise to wormhole magnetic field. Wormhole magnetic fields might the key feature of biological systems behind coherent photons.


Matti Pitkänen has expanded this concept on his web site. In his paper there he writes:


(TGD Inspired Model of Psychokinesis -


"The basic philosophy of the model is following. PK is not just some isolated exotic phenomenon but only a special case of the voluntary control of bodily motions, which we all routinely perform. The only difference is that the range of voluntary control extends over the boundaries of the body in case of PK. This leads to important conclusion: PK phenomena must involve classical long range fields, which give for biosystems spatial extension larger than what is visible (that is hands with which to grasp on external object!). According to TGD inspired theory of consciousness, cell and even DNA can be conscious and perform choices. Thus the model should also provide understanding about small scale biocontrol such as the (voluntary!) control of the motion of cell organelles performed by cell nucleus. A related problem is how genetic code is transformed into spatial structures during ontogeny and the idea that each DNA sequence corresponds to a characteristic classical field configuration, is attractive. Thus the model in question is not meant to be an ad hoc solution of a particular problem called PK but a general solution of several basic problems in biology."


It looks like the ORMUS elements might provide the missing link in our understanding of the relationship between mind and matter. I believe that this understanding will help us to facilitate the movement of science toward a more holistic world-view and that this will, in turn, foster alternative solutions to many of the ecological problems that we face. Dr. Callahan has a very good sense of this. In his Paramagnetism book he wrote:


"Most university funding now comes from large grants made by corporations or from government agencies which are controlled by large corporations through PACs and lobbyists. Corporate control of university research is a phenomenon that slowly developed from university agricultural experiment stations' acceptance of money from chemical companies in exchange for insecticide testing. I am an authority on that subject. In the fifties and sixties I tested just about every insecticide known to mankind at the time.


As corporate conglomerates take over more and more in a desperate attempt to make life linear, we are developing a form of dictatorship I term "corporate communism." Two excellent books on the demise of the scholastic university are Prof Scam, by Charles J. Sykes, and The Closing of the American Mind, by Allan Bloom.


Why do I ask what will happen when the common-sense research by Princeton researchers begins to yield solid results? Quite simply, it is because today's intellectual atmosphere is infused by a desire to control nature. Put more simply, modern researchers tend to practice manipulation and not science. Science is discovery, manipulation is the belief that one can utilize discovery to shape nature to man's will. That, of course, cannot be accomplished, for nature's plan is God's plan.


One does not need to read this book to come to the realization that manipulation is today synonymous with science. Almost every newspaper has articles on man's unique ability to manipulate DNA in order to create "better", more "vigorous, or "more money yielding" plants. DNA research lends itself to this man-is-God syndrome. Materialistic skeptics will maintain that farmers manipulate nature. That is very true of chemical farming where one imposes on nature what are, in essence, poisons to eliminate problems.


Eco-agriculture is not manipulation, but simply replacement agriculture. It is the ancient, or Irish-Celtic if you prefer, form of agriculture where mankind worked very hard to replace what he took from the land. Crop rotation is one example of this sort of farming."


Dr. Callahan suggests that an understanding of the energetic relationships between soil, atmosphere, plants and insects will lead to the greatest revolution in agriculture that the world has ever known:


"When I went to school at Arkansas and Kansas State, the agricultural experiment stations encouraged the scientific study of efficient gathering. Dr. Reginald Painter, with whom I worked at Kansas State, was the world's most renowned gatherer. He went out into the fields of Kansas, Oklahoma and Nebraska and found individual wheat plants that were resistant to disease and insect damage. He brought them back to the laboratory and in his greenhouses worked on breeding, by natural means, large populations of these naturally resistant varieties.


My job was to discover why they were resistant. In particular, I studied corn resistance to the corn earworm moth. I soon discovered that if I grew my small, 1/8-acre plots on poor soil they attracted far more corn earworm moth eggs than plots on dark, well aerated, bottomland soil. In other words, healthy plants require healthy soil. And healthy plants, like healthy people, simply do not attract disease or insects. Why?


It took me forty years to find out why and that is the subject of a much longer, more complex, scientific paper that will be of little use to the family farmer trying to grow food for my family and others who like to eat. Put quite simply, it is because unhealthy plants from "sick," poison-fed, soil give off slightly higher ethanol and ammonia infrared signals than healthy plants. This is particularly true of modern farmed ammonia-drugged plants. Ask any professional entomologist what are two of the most universal attractants of insects, and they will agree they are ethanol and ammonia, both precursors of fermentation and death. Farm crops should be harvested before they reach old age, the attractive state that brings hoards of nature's scavengers, disease and insects, to feed on them."


The ORMUS elements appear to be Cooper paired Bose Einstein condensates. If this is so, it would explain why they are so difficult to identify using chemical and spectroscopic assay methods. The Cooper pairing would tie up valence electrons so that chemical bonding would not happen. The Meissner effect would exclude magnetic fields disabling spectroscopy.


If you cannot readily identify a substance it is difficult to modify agricultural or dietary practices to favor that substance. Dr. Callahan has developed a cheap paramagnetism detector which should help to remedy this problem with the naturally occurring ORMUS elements in soil:


"With this meter many a farmer can save his soil from the destruction advocated by present day chemical propaganda. This author estimates that 60 to 70% of this volcanic paramagnetic force has been eroded away worldwide. A meter to measure this force is therefore absolutely necessary in order to save our chemically raped and eroded soil. Soil should be alive with living organisms such as bacteria and earthworms, diamagnetic plant material such as compost, and the rich soil paramagnetic force. Mineralization of the soil by adding separate minerals does not, I repeat does not, mean that the paramagnetic force has been added. We know little of the effect of living forces in rock, but we do not install into the soil the living paramagnetic force by blind mineralization of the soil.


Complex mixtures do not necessarily contain a high CGS/paramagnetic factor. It is an absolute fact that all chemical fertilizers measured by this inventor, even those labeled organic, impart or contain the CGS force at such a low reading as to be totally useless in reinforcing the remaining natural volcanic force of the soil.


I have never asked a person to follow my advice without some sort of common sense method to test it. That is what real science, not manipulation, is all about. The farmer that measures this force, or follows my simple flower pot experiments (see Appendix), is just as much a scientist as a university-type who uses the fine Bartington instrument to get down to the last decimal place. We scientists love decimals."


David Bohm, the great physicist, postulated that time, space and matter unfolds from a non-physical "plenum" he called the "implicate order". Further, this unfoldment is directed by a field of intelligence he called the "super-implicate order":


"The first implicate order is like the field, and there is a super-implicate order which organizes the field into discrete units which are particle-like. Without that superimplicate order however, the field would just spread out without showing any particle-like qualities." (Unfolding Meaning: a Weekend of Dialogue with David Bohm)


Various scientists in different sciences seem to be converging on the idea that the universe is a cooperative venture which is informed by instantaneous quantum coherent communication.


How can we best use the knowledge that I have presented above to heal the Earth and her creatures?


Our current economic and governmental structures were largely formed using Darwinism as a model. They are based more on competition than on cooperation. These structures have solidified and taken on a life and agenda of their own.


These structures were competitive with and eventually supplanted the religious and political structures of the middle ages. Humanity is no longer ruled by religious structures, we are now ruled by corporate structures. In both cases we gave our power to our creations and these creations are destroying the natural world and living rights.


Life is dynamic. Structure is static. Structure should serve and support life. Life should not serve structure. When a new social or economic structure replaces an old one, the struggle between the two structures continues to promote the power of structure over life.


In her book, "Love Without End: Jesus Speaks" Glenda Green quotes Jesus as saying:


"Structure is an organizational factor in the universe, although a secondary and derivative one. It is love which first brings order out of chaos, but structure implements the durable patterns of orderly arrangement. Love built your home; structure holds the walls in place. Love built your nation, structure administers it. Love determines the parameters of right conduct, structure formulates the laws which enforce it. Like the mind, structure is good if it serves, and tyrannical if it dominates inflexibly, never submitting to the revisions of love.


"Structure represents the predictable, agreed upon patterns of existence which start with simple forms and build to complex ones. It is the patterning which causes the differences of potential, and holds organizational formulas in place. For example, structure is what makes the difference between steam, water, and ice even though the ingredients are the same. But structure is not the `will 'which determines whether H20 will become steam or ice. That is determined by harmonic adaptations to the environment (love).


"All structure is derivative summarization, and is subject to revision, suspension, or development. You might say that structure is the conservational imprint which allows desirable creations to be stabilized, retained, and combined into larger aggregates of form and matter. Structure is what holds things in place.


"Laid upon this gridwork are many mind-generated patterns and structural models used by man for control. There are no 'sacred designs' which preceded reality. This idea has been invented to make you afraid to revise or to dispense with unworkable structures, and to give structures dominance over you."


"In society, structure is most protected by those who have attained what they want. Ironically, it is also blindly obeyed by those who have so little they fear any and all change, thinking that change will only bring more loss. This is the harmony between the rich and the poor. By contrast, those who establish and implement values based on moderation and mobility use enough structure to make life work without inhibiting growth.


"You experience the structures of life as blocking attachments, and they actually rob you of your true wealth. Your true wealth is on a much higher level. It is the harvest of love. You have to experience letting go in order to receive. Learn the power of letting go. This lesson is as important as loving your enemies, because when you let go of structure, the real wealth that is there will multiply many times.


"The first thing you will learn is that you simply cannot lose your true wealth. The only thing you ever need to diminish is structure. With that realization, you will make real steps toward overcoming your enslavement by structure and move into the greater reality of brotherhood."


If these ideas are valid (regardless of the validity of the source) then we cannot eliminate the problems caused by one structure simply by empowering another structure. Our action strategy must come from an intimate awareness of the field of knowledge which David Bohm calls the super-implicate order, which Mae-Wan Ho calls quantum coherence, which Philip Callahan calls "God in little things", which I call the InnerNet and which Glenda Green calls love.


A simple technique for implementing this action strategy has been suggested in many great spiritual texts. The Bhavagad Gita says, "grounded in being, perform action".


The Tao Te Ching says:


The way to use life is to do nothing through acting,

The way to use life is to do everything through being.

When a leader knows this,

His land naturally goes straight.


Emmet Fox says in "The Golden Key":


"As for the actual method of working, like all fundamental things, it is simplicity itself. All you have to do is this: Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead. This is the complete rule, and if only you will do this, the trouble, whatever it is, will disappear."


To expand on this concept a bit, in the context of bringing change to structure, one can outline a desired outcome and the ways in which this desired outcome will feel different from the structure in need of change--our creative input involves the formulation of this desired outcome. Once we have defined what we want, we simply quit thinking about it and put our consciousness in as much coherence with the super-implicate order as we can manage.


When I do this, I notice that events conspire to show me my next step along the path toward my desired outcome. Of course I must be ready and willing to take that step. As I take the step I get a sense of value fulfillment because I can see how the step is leading me to my goal. When I am doing this, every task becomes easier and serendipitously fortunate events often happen.


In her book, Glenda Green wrote:


"Spirit must be understood as whole, continuous, and unbroken. Whenever a person views spirit as the opposite of matter he has entered the world of misconception and duality. It is not true that Earth is material and Heaven is of the spirit. Spirit is the unity of us all, and of Heaven and Earth. It is through the oneness of spirit that the miracle of prayer can work. It is through the oneness of spirit that the power of dreams, of visions, and of prophecies can work. In the spirit we are one. Therefore in spirit we live one life, unified in a state of brotherhood, in a state of common awareness and seeking-either enlightenment and uplifting, or darkness and down pulling-whichever way one chooses it to be. Regardless of how your experience unfolds, we are of one spirit, and your experience is shared by all.


"As a matter of fact, the greatest breakthrough of modern physics, the one that every other discovery hinges on, was the discovery of the unified field. Every development in modern physics would have been impossible had that breakthrough in consciousness not occurred. Scientists just have not realized yet that what was discovered is the physical presence of spirit."


I believe that our work with ORMUS will help move society toward a greater awareness of the unified field of being. As this awareness becomes more and more widespread, structure will loose its power over people. Since science is generally the arbiter of truth in our society, the best way that I see to do this is to promote solid, scientific confirmation of this unified field.


Our work with the ORMUS elements holds the greatest promise for establishing that mind and matter are from the same source. When this concept is taught in our schools, it will have a profound effect on the dominant competitive paradigm.


Chapter 10 Living Water



One very promising area of research into the concept of biological quantum coherence is the study of water as a medium of communication in the body. Since water is the main component of most organisms it is bound to be very important as the primary "medium of exchange" in biological systems.


There are indications that the ORMUS materials strongly influence the "normal" properties of water in all of its phases. David Hudson in his Portland workshop said:


"This little zero point frequency I showed you between the positron and the electron; if you follow that right up the electromagnetic spectrum, it agrees with the molecular frequency of hydrogen dioxide, or water. So there is an affinity for this material and water. That's why it is normally taken in water. When you come to understand that your body is, in fact, mainly water. That, literally, this material when you distill water it distills with the water as the oridide, the iridide, the ruthidide, just like chlorine. And so if you distill water thinking you are getting high purity water, it goes with the water. And it literally changes the bond angles of the water. That one iridium atom controls 56 waters of hydration around itself. And all the bond angles of all 56 waters are altered when iridium is present. I haven't carefully studied the research work of people working with water but I strongly suspect that their water isn't completely pure and they are finding that the bond angles can be changed. There is something else besides H2O in the water."


A theoretical model for the properties of the ORMUS materials in water would have to account for the various properties which have been observed.


Our observations suggest that some of the ORMUS materials are superconductors. When these superconductors are in the presence of a moving magnetic field, they will levitate on that magnetic field. It looks like these superconducting elements are abundantly present in some, perhaps all, water.


If you collect the ORMUS elements from a spring and from 300 meters downstream and convert them to their metallic counterparts, indications are that the ORMUS elements are twice as abundant at the spring as they are 300 meters downstream.


The question is where do the ORMUS elements go? We believe that they go into the air. As these elements move across the earth's magnetic field in the stream, they levitate into the air, perhaps in water vapor, and are dispersed.


We have observed some fairly dramatic examples of the magnetic responses of the ORMUS materials. When these elements are abundantly present in a water matrix and are in a sealed container, they can be induced to "tunnel" out of the container by exposing them to a moving magnetic field.


In Chapter 7 I described an experience I had where liquid droplets of the ORMUS water mix appeared on the outside of the container opposite the position of the magnetic field. For example if the sealed bottle is place upright on a magnetic stirrer, the droplets will appear on the top of the outside of the lid of the container.


We have seen this phenomenon with sealed HDPE Nalgene containers and with glass containers. If these materials are stored in glass containers, the glass will sometimes fracture at the liquid level.


The ORMUS materials have a peculiar taste in water. They are slightly sweet and seem to slick the lips. Water containing concentrated ORMUS materials is often more viscous and slipperier than ordinary water. Salt seems to trap the ORMUS elements and keep them from evaporating with water.


Living Water

These properties of water appear to be linked to life and consciousness. I will try to establish a chain of evidence and reasoning which links the self organizing properties of life and consciousness with the properties of the ORMUS elements.


In her book, The Rainbow and the Worm, Mae-Wan Ho writes:


"The collagenous liquid crystalline mesophases in the connective tissues, with their associated structured water, therefore, constitutes a semi-conducting, highly responsive network that extends throughout the organism. This network is directly linked to the intracellular matrices of individual cells via proteins that go through the cell membrane. The connective tissues and intracellular matrices, together, form a global tensegrity system, as well as an excitable electrical continuum for rapid intercommunication through-out the body."


She suggests that:


"the instantaneous (nonlocal) coordination of body functions is mediated, not by the nervous system, but by the body consciousness inhering in the liquid crystalline continuum of the body. Implicit in this suggestion is the idea that living systems have a special kind of coherence or wholeness, which is characteristic of macroscopic quantum systems."


Later she elaborates further on this:


"I have argued that quantum coherence is the basis of conscious experience, which involves the possibilities of nonlocal inter-communication between distant parts of the brain, the simultaneous recognition of whole and part in our perceptive field, and the distinctive quality of each experienced occasion.45 All that is beyond the scope of the present discussion. I shall mention just one aspect of (brain) memory here. Many people have already remarked on the holographic nature of brain memory in that it is able to survive large brain lesions. The possibility, from what has been said above, is that memory is not only delocalized over the entire brain, but over the entire liquid crystalline continuum of the body which serves as a holographic medium. Ervin Laszlo,46 philosopher and systems theorist, has recently proposed that much of personal memory may be stored in an ambient, collective quantum holographic memory field delocalized from the individual- in the universal holographic medium of the quantum vacuum- and that memories are accessed by the brain from the ambient field. This is fully consistent with the 'romantic' idea, increasingly validated by the foundations of quantum theory, that all nature is interconnected, and that the separateness and discreteness of things in the common sensible world are illusory."


Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose also postulate that structured water is involved in consciousness at the cellular level. In their paper titled "Orchestrated Objective Reduction of Quantum Coherence in Brain Microtubules: The "Orch OR" Model for Consciousness " they write:


"Large scale quantum coherence occurring among tubulins (e.g. via electrons in hydrophobic pockets arrayed in the microtubule lattice, or ordered water within hollow MT cores) could take on aspects of a quantum computer in pre-conscious and sub-conscious modes."


So, what are some of the properties of this structured water and what "mechanism" is responsible for its structuring?


Hameroff also speaks of the alternating sol/gel state of the water inside microtubules in another paper titled "Cytoplasmic Gel States and Ordered Water: Possible Roles in Biological Quantum Coherence" ( In his abstract for this paper Hameroff writes:


"Water inside living cell cytoplasm fluctuates between phases of disordered liquid (solution: "sol") and ordered solid (gelatinous: "gel") determined by polymerization of the actin cytoskeleton. Cycles of sol-gel transformations are important in fundamental cellular processes (movement, growth, mitosis, synapse formation, etc.) and are regulated by calcium, which in turn may be regulated by other cytoskeletal structures such as microtubules. Sol-gel transformations are close to the nature of life, and of consciousness enigmatic phenomena for which quantum coherence has been suggested as an explanatory mechanism.


In a quantum coherent system which remains isolated from its environment, spatially distributed components can exist in coherent "superposition" of many possible states. This property may explain the unity of biological functions in a living cell, and of consciousness throughout macroscopic portions of the brain.


The possibility of quantum coherence in biology is often discounted because the disordered water environment is assumed to dissipate any coherence. However, ordered water coupled to the cytoskeleton may become part of its quantum state. This paper argues that cycles of sol-gel transformation in living cells correspond to cycles of dissipation (sol) and isolation (gel) of quantum coherence in microtubules and cytoplasm. Three models of biological quantum coherence depending on actin gels and ordered water are discussed: 1) super-radiance in microtubules [1]; 2) cellular vision [2]; 3) orchestrated objective reduction in microtubules [3]."


In the very first sentence of his paper Stuart Hameroff refers to this liquid as "living water".


Again, what is this structured, living water that Ho and Hameroff suggest might be at the core of consciousness and by what mechanism is it structured?


Neither of these authors really say.


I would like to suggest that all "ordinary" water is modified by the ORMUS elements and that these elements translate subtle energies into physical structure. Following are some of the reasons why I think this.


"Oily" Water

If we consider water on a spectrum with ultrapure water made by burning pure hydrogen in pure oxygen on one end of the spectrum and with "ordinary" water in the middle of the spectrum we can postulate that the natural presence of the ORMUS elements in the "ordinary" water impart in it the properties which differentiate it from ultrapure water. Water has a number of anomalous properties which would not be expected according to standard chemical models. The degree of deviance of these anomalies increases between ultrapure water and "ordinary" water.


One of the properties of water which differs between ultrapure and ordinary water is viscosity. One would expect that further concentration of the ORMUS elements in water would lead to a further change of this property in the same direction as that between ultrapure and ordinary. This appears to be the case.


Various ORMUS researchers have reported that various techniques can be used to obtain a sweet, "oily" water which is lighter than ordinary water.


Full Moon Dew

The alchemists speak of such a product to be obtained from dew collected at the time of the full moon. Here is Kevin description of such a collection:


"I have collected dew many times by using ice in plastic drink bottles with a ceramic bowl collector underneath. The texts advise full moon periods and spring is the best season. (collecting dew off grass is a waste of time).


Once, last spring, I collected in this way a 200 ml of clear dew that seemed initially 'oily'. I live in the countryside away from any atmospheric pollution and the vessels were washed with distilled water. I left this oily dew in a sealed jar and after a week there were small brilliant crystals on the bottom. The dew was decanted off the crystals and gently evaporated. What resulted was a white crusty salt that redissolved with difficulty but was soluble in even weak acids. As it dissolved in the acids, small bubbles were given off which I thought at the time would be carbon dioxide. In water the pH of this matter is about 8 to 8.5. I still have it in my lab and it might be best tested with a moving permanent magnet."


Kevin obtained a similar product from the vortex magnetic trap I described previously. It is possible to further concentrate this oily water till it has the viscosity of grease and:


"the taste of the grease. . .is 'fresh'. The best way to describe it, is that it is the taste equivalent of the smell of the first rain drops on parched earth- 'sweet', earthy, fresh."


"Tunneling" Water"

I have also tasted a similar liquid but from a quite different source. In Chapter 7 I described how this happened. I will recount this story again here.


In 1996 Jim developed a method for converting the platinum group elements and gold to the m-state using pH adjustment and ozone. His end product was a slightly acidic gray/white suspension in water. The particular material I am thinking of was made from a platinum/iridium catalytic converter element. It was stored in a 250ml Nalgene bottle with a tight lid.


Jim had me take a magnet and spin it under this bottle to demonstrate that the liquid inside was influenced by the magnet. After spinning the magnet under the bottle for about a minute, Jim and I turned our back on the sealed bottle to get another sample from the refrigerator where it was being stored. When we turned around again, I noticed that there were several drops of a clear liquid perched on top of the lid of the bottle. These drops were definitely not there when we turned our backs on the bottle.


I put my finger in one of the drops and noticed that it had an oily feel. Ignoring safe laboratory procedures, I tasted the liquid and noticed that it had a very pleasant sweet taste; like the sweetest natural water that I had ever tasted but magnified several times.


When I asked Jim about how he thought that the liquid got out of the sealed bottle he said that he thought that it "tunneled" (in the Josephson sense of the word) out. He said that he had seen this several times and I subsequently saw it happen several times. He suggested that it was "trying to escape the moving magnetic field" but that the portion which showed up on the lid was only a portion of what actually escaped from the bottle. The rest, he claimed, went into the air.


These early experiments were the genesis of the concepts which lead Jim to develop the first magnetic traps for the ORMUS materials.


During the following year, Jim also made a material from one of the precious metals which would go from a liquid to a gel state in response to exposure to sunlight. We observed this sol/gel phase change, similar to that described by Hameroff, in the ORMUS grease made from metal using ozone.


Gary's Explanation

For about a year, I corresponded with Gary who worked as an engineer in the aerospace industry. In the course of our correspondence, Gary demonstrated a sophisticated knowledge of chemistry, physics, medicine and electronics.


Gary wrote several emails to me with his explanations of the properties that I have described. (Gary used David Hudson's acronym ORMEs to refer to these materials.) Here are some excerpts from these email messages:


As far as your observations of the oily substance are concerned, I'm sure you are aware, ORMEs are somewhat hydrophilic, and tend also to be hygroscopic. How much so is in a proportion to how strongly their fields are charged. In "solution", the Meissner field of each ORME is capable of controlling a significant number of water molecules; how many, again depends on the ORME's charge. In such a solution of ORMEs, the separation between ORMEs, specifically, the distance at which energy normalization can occur between them is extended by the presence of the water molecules, for a given strength of Meissner field. It is similar to how inserting a dielectric material increases the capacitance between two plates. The plates may be much more widely separated when the intervening space is filled with a material of hi-dielectric constant, than without it, for the same capacitance. Likewise, the ORMEs can be further apart in water, and still communicate energy between one another.


The effect of the Meissner fields in such a situation is to artificially increase the apparent viscosity of the water. It produces a "stiffness" or pseudo-viscosity which is a function of the concentration of ORMEs, and of the field strength. The field strengths naturally normalize between ORMEs under such conditions, so all individuals within the population come to an equivalence in energy level (assuming mixed species), or to an identical energy level between identical species. This is the explanation behind the slimy, gelatinous consistency of aqueous ORMEs dispersions. This false viscosity is the oily, glycerin-like consistency you reported.


The "viscosity" of the suspension may be altered drastically and dramatically, as a function or cause of anything which affects the Meissner fields. For example, placing a sample drop in a magnetic field, well in excess of Hc2, will suppress the extent or range of the individual Meissner fields and (unless other field types, as I alluded to before, are operative) the viscosity may be observed to diminish, particularly if any macro-currents were present.


I'm sure that you also, by now, have a clear understanding of the tunneling actions ORMEs are capable of when sufficiently charged. I suggest the following as an explanation of your pipetting descriptions. We might assume that the liquid you observed within the bag, and between the petri dishes had formed from ORMEs, sufficiently charged so as to tunnel out of their containers, and that's how they came to be in those places.


Hence the high "viscosity" upon drawing them into a pipette. The aqueous ORMEs suspension which you found accumulated on the inside of the Nalgene lid may be conjectured as being insufficiently charged, and incapable of tunneling, and so became trapped there. Upon bringing the low charge ORMEs suspension (from the lid) into contact and communication with the highly charged (viscous) ORMEs in the pipette, the first thing that would have happened would have been a instantaneous transfer and normalization of energy between the two populations, with energy flowing from the material in the pipette, to the newly introduced low charge material from the lid. This normalization, or evening out of energy distribution, would result in a new net energy level, below that formerly present in the solution in the pipette. The drop in Meissner field resulted in the observed decrease in apparent viscosity, that you saw.



…charging the atomic-level ORMEs fields, such as by induction from moving them in a magnetic field (or moving the magnetic field, relative to them)…increasing the strength of their pseudo-ferromagnetic properties (ie making them more magnetic). This will be true, up to the point where their individual Meissner fields begin to touch, which if/when this occurs (again, depending on their inter-atomic spacing within the sample particle) they will at some point (as an energy-communicative grouping) begin to develop a macro diamagnetic Meissner field. Since natural ORMEs (particularly in solution) may not be very close (on average) to one another as individuals, this approach is an effective one.


The same thing ("magnetizing" the ORMEs) can be done faster with a fluctuating field, as in transformer action, but doing it by mechanical induction is intrinsically safer and somewhat self-limiting, and is far less likely to blow apart the ORMEs Cooper pairs from over-charging.


[It] is ingenious to utilize this effect for the practical purposes of collecting ORMEs materials from Nature. Because of the typically large inter-atomic spacings of ORMEs in natural dispersions, pseudo-FM effects are very important in this regard. The mechanical translation velocity between the ORMEs and the field lines in [this] method largely avoids flux embedding effects and consequences.


There are large quantities of ORMEs in sea water, and other similar salt water bodies, as a result of eons of natural accumulation. The unique field properties of ORMEs may also be harnessed, to discriminately separate or "sieve" them out for extraction. The uniformity and pumpability of the brine carrier medium makes this a considerably simpler and more direct approach for recovery than the processes necessary to extract ORMEs from volcanic rock…It is potentially far more benign (it seems to me) from an environmental cost standpoint, to pump water out of the sea, extract the ORMEs, and then return it, rather than obtaining ORMEs from tertiary volcanic deposits by excavations. The relative percentage of gold, mostly as partial ORMEs chlorides, is also significant.


Barry, perhaps Dr. Pitkänen's estimate of 10^13 Hz (30 microns) for the light frequency of Cooper pairs rings a bell with you, from DH's lectures. Do you recall DH's discussion of the electromagnetic zero point? That is what I am referring to.



In other words, I suggest that (though quite real mathematically and physically) this is actually an artifact, generated by a zero point interaction; phenomena of this sort are only beginning to gain marginal acceptance.


The notch which Max Planck found between black body and solar radiations occurs at about 4 microns. You may also recall that the doublets in DH's near infra-red spectroscopy data for rhodium and iridium ORMEs show unique, distinct zero point doublets, and are even closer to Dr. Pitkänen's figure. These latter two fall within the resonance band for ordinary water molecules, which has significant resonances at wavelengths between about 5-7 microns. As you can see, these are less than an order of magnitude from Dr. Pitkänen's estimate.


Zero point coupling is also related to ORMEs' ability to interact with water, producing the pseudo-viscosity that has been discussed. The EM zero point in these phenomena is an important mechanism by which energy moves to and from the vacuum energy field, and out of or into our own space-time.


There exist many zero point [ZP] doublets, within reach of our experience (ie, associated with matter and energy phenomena we are capable of manipulating). They are points where physical and transcendental resonances occur simultaneously, ie, highly non-linear natural interactions between matter, energy, and space-time. Each of these ZPs represents a point of communication, through which energy may enter (or exit) our 3 dimensional world from higher dimensions, the ultimate source of the vacuum energy.


The important thing to understand, is, that it is not necessary for a particular wave's frequency to "match" the mid-frequency of a particular ZP doublet, to experience this sort of transition. It is only necessary that coupling exist between energy (or matter, or both) in our dimensions (for example) and a zero point resonator. The presence of the appropriate coupling circumstances with a zero point notch or doublet results in the entrainment or discharge of energy, by means of coupling transfer. It is the coupling to the doublet resonator (e.g. a water molecule, ORME, etc.) which is important. The frequency "shift" of the coupled energy occurs as a natural consequence of this, due to topological properties associated with the zero points themselves. The zero points are not merely the specific frequencies they happen to fall on, within the EM spectrum, but are the result of the trans-dimensional resonator, which just happens to have whatever frequency it has; tuning the 'right' frequency without or apart from a ZP resonator does not constitute a zero point.


MattiPitkänen's Comments

Matti Pitkänen ties these properties back to consciousness in a couple of the articles he wrote on the subject of exotic (ORMUS) atoms. Here is a portion of a letter from Matti, dated Sept. 26, 1996, in which he detailed some of these correlations:


Dear Barry,


The mailings of Gary were very interesting. He had thought very thoroughly about the super conductivity and viscosity of ORMES. I pondered somewhat about these problems last night. It seems that ideas resembling much those of Gary could provide understanding concerning the thought experiment You did and the viscosity of ORME solution. By the way, the exotic atom concept has been very useful. I have now been able to construct a quite convincing model for membrane potential, EEG and nerve pulse generation. Earlier model was just the physical ideas plus some order of magnitude estimates. The model leads to Sine Gordon equation and extremely beautiful mathematics. Nerve pulses appear as solitons. Amusing thing is that both "throats" ("wormholes") and Cooper pairs appear as BE condensates and lead to essentially identical models for nerve pulse generation and I do not know, which alternative is correct! Probably both BE condensates are present and Cooper pairs create 'EEG' type oscillation with frequency of order 10^14 Hz and couple to BE condensate of photons whereas "throats" create the real EEG.




1. Viscosity of the ORME solution


The increase of viscosity in ORME solution reflects the presence of LONG RANGE ORDER, which correlates the motions of faraway particles. Simple analog is freezing of liquid or phase transition leading from gas to liquid.


The source of long range order should be the formation of macroscopic BE condensate. Somehow the BE condensates associated with individual ORME particles get extended spatially in water.


How this extension of the BE condensates associated with ORME particles occurs in solution turned out to be surprisingly easy to understand. What leads to the formation of large BE condensate are join along the boundaries contacts between the neighbouring atoms. To understand this recall how macroscopic super conductivity results in TGD:eish picture. $#$ throats, that is the extremely tiny 'wormholes' behaving as very light particles, are constrained to move near the boundaries of (atomic) spacetime sheet and connect it to the 'lower' spacetime sheet. These # throats (or wormholes) form a BE condensate and the interaction of electrons with this condensate creates the attraction between electrons giving rise to Cooper pairs. For individual ORME particles in vacuum the BE condensates are not larger than particle itself. In water solution the hydrogen bonds of water molecules tend to extend this join along boundaries condensate so that # throats delocalize to a larger region and it is possible that the BE condensates of separate ORME particles get joined via the bridges formed by hydrogen bonds. Of course, these bridges are splitting and reconnecting all the time but in any case long range order is created and this is bound to increase viscosity. Quantitative modelling would of course require a lot of work.


Test: Put ORME solution to magnetic field or move magnet near the solution. Does the viscosity change? The prediction is that large enough magnetic field should destroy the BE condensate and super conductivity and lead to a decrease of viscosity.


Obtaining Living Water

Since we started to work with these materials we have figured out several ways to obtain the oily water and have discovered that a similar material was described by the ancient alchemists and others. Several of the people who have made the ORMUS water have also ingested it. They claim that it facilitates mental effects which would be congruent with the concept that this material is responsible for biological quantum coherence.


Similar sweet, oily water has been produced from:


1.    metal using ozone and water

2.    full moon dew

3.    magnetic trap water

4.    the product of two different electrochemical methods

5.    fractional freezing

6.    and a chemical method that I developed.


The magnetic trap looks like it might be the easiest and most universally useful method for obtaining this water.


One gentleman who has developed an electrochemical method for making the oily water says that he continues to ingest this oil which rises to the top of this preparation and that it induces dreams that are "lucid to the power of 100".


Some time earlier he reported:


In this discussion about sweetness and oils of ORMEs, the taste of the solutions that I have made were very sweet (somewhat like the taste of punch) This taste was very very similar when I was doing ONLY Jerel's process. Sweet, Punch.


Also, in both my process and Jerel's, an oil swims on the top of the water. It takes a couple of days for this to occur.


In addition to changes in dreams, several people have reported an increase in psychic ability related to their ingestion of the ORMUS materials. Jerel, mentioned above, is an industrial chemist who claims that he developed the ability to "see" atomic sized structures as a result of eating the product of his method. He has successfully used this ability to inform his work with these materials.


Here is a comment from Jerel:


I do believe that diatoms of gold and diatoms of silver can cause large-scale quantum effects, but they do so in an observable fashion only in the microtubules of our neurons. These effects are caused by the diatoms' (meaning two atoms) ability to align water within the microtubules. When sufficient concentrations of diatoms are reached, large scale quantum condensations result and this allows the psionic effects of telepathy, bilocation (not biolocation), and telekinesis to occur. In water dispersions, the diatoms cause noticeable increases in viscosity up to approximately 15X the normal for water, but this effect disappears suddenly when the material is concentrated by evaporation. At this point, the viscosity returns to 1X and solids separate.


Historic References to Living Water

There are a number of historic references to materials which might fit with our experience of these materials. A modern alchemist of our acquaintance writes:


Several references might be found in the alchemical literature for the use of dew and rainwater (specially, when coming from a thunder storm near the equinoxes), as having special properties which tap water wouldn't have. The "Aurea Catena Homerii", for instance, contains a very interesting procedure which PRS-PON students have tried. Basically, the water is left to stand for some time, when an earth develops within it. Then the water is distilled by fractions, which are then re-fractionated. Upon reunion of the fractions with the earth, different things are obtained, depending on the particular mixture of fractions which is being used. The earth is the Gur, or universal prime matter, which is vivified by the water to produce a vegetable, animal or mineral generation. Miraculously as it may sound, the idea is you can generate an animal (or plant, or mineral) from that earth when humecting it with the appropriate fractions. As was quantitatively tested by one experimenter, best results were obtained when the rainwater (which had to be previously purified by distillation, due to acid-rain contamination) was electrified by means of a Van de Graaf generator. If dew really rises up, then some sort of electrostatic charge may be present. A popular alchemical text, the "Mutus Liber" shows how to re-collect and use dew to produce the alchemical Stone. This is done by putting blankets hanging on the air, so that the water does not touch the soil, which might make it loose its charge. Some, however, have collected it just by drawing the blankets through a pasture field, collecting the droplets from the herb. Snow may also do, as the surface has not contacted the soil. The dew is then, as the rainwater, separated into a water and an earth, to be worked upon later. Again, water attracted by means of deliquescent materials (potassium acetate, to name but one) is supposed to have special properties.


Many alchemical recipes which use water, actually mention "distilled rainwater" (distilled dew, or distilled snow, would be more or less equivalent). So there must be a difference. Thus, if you add something like "take distilled dew, and decoct it with your precipitate", your recipe may begin to sound like an alchemical recipe indeed :)


Fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field are related to tidal effects which are generated primarily by the sun and the moon. When the earth's magnetic field is most active might be the best time to collect the ORMUS dew.


When the Israelites collected manna in the desert, their collection process was described like a dew collection process. The material they collected was described as tasting like honey or a sweet oil.


EXODUS 16:13-16


And it came to pass, that at even the quails came up, and covered the camp: and in the morning the dew lay round about the host.


And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground.


And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the bread which the LORD hath given you to eat.




And when the dew fell upon the camp in the night, the manna fell upon it.


The Bible also speaks of the manna as having an oily texture and a sweet taste:




And the people went about, and gathered it, and ground it in mills, or beat it in a mortar, and baked it in pans, and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil.


EXODUS 16:31


And the house of Israel called the name thereof Manna: and it was like coriander seed, white; and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey.


Vital Air

Dew condenses from the air. In his Dallas presentation Hudson said:


"It's called the "white dew", the "white condensate", "the white dove" or it's depicted as a white feather in the alchemical texts. Because that's the way it was purified as a volatile material. Okay? All of the symbols of being fed by a dove, or receiving the white dove, is always an alchemical symbol."


It is fairly clear that these elements are present in the air. Kevin's air trap has demonstrated that one can collect the oil from the air. Ancient sources also describe other methods for extracting a living substance from the air.


Hindu tradition speaks of the prana which can be collected from the air using certain breathing techniques. For example Ujjai Pranayama is a breathing technique which is said to collect prana in the throat by inhaling and exhaling through the nose while the throat is constricted.


Chinese tradition mentions chi which is spoken of similarly and Hawaiian tradition also speaks of a similar substance in the air.


In the next chapter I will discuss a theory about how we can use the known properties of the ORMUS elements to concentrate them for our own use.


Chapter 11         ORMUS Resonance Physics



Hiding Out

As we discovered through Jim's experiences in Chapter 2 the ORMUS elements seem to "like" tight spaces. I believe that tight spaces give the ORMUS some "protection" from moving magnetic fields. It appears to express this preference by hiding out inside open centered ring or spherical molecules of other elements.


One can use this proclivity for tight spaces to manipulate these elements in the ORMUS state. Imagine that an ORMUS atom is like a greased bowling ball without any finger holes. This bowling ball has no "handles" to use to manipulate it. If you have a cardboard box, though, you can roll the bowling ball into the cardboard box and then you can pick up the bowling ball by picking up the box that it is in. The open centered molecules seem to provide a box for manipulating the ORMUS elements.


Jim noticed that ORMUS likes to hide out in:


1. Charcoal Briquettes

Remember the charcoal briquettes that had gold fibers growing in them from the story of how Jim and I first learned about the ORMUS materials in Chapter 2?


2. Gasoline

When Jim was first working with ozone to make ORMUS from metal he set up his laboratory in a large farm equipment garage. When he was bubbling ozone through rhodium and iridium coated catalytic converter beads in acid solutions he noticed that a lot of the ORMUS was getting into the air as a gas.


One of Jim's friends, at the time, worked as an electrician and kept his service truck parked in the same garage where Jim had his lab. One day, after not being used for a while, this truck would not start.


Jim and his friend checked the ignition wiring and found that they were getting a good spark so they checked to see if they were getting fuel to the carburetor. They found that they were not getting fuel so they tried blowing back through the fuel line into the fuel tank and discovered that the fuel line was clogged by something.


They realized that they would have to drop the gasoline tank in order to clean out whatever was clogging the fuel line. After they dropped the tank they looked inside with a flashlight and they saw that the gasoline had jelled. When they dumped some of this jelled gasoline out, they noticed flakes of gold and silver colored metal in it.


3. Roll of plastic sheeting

There was a roll of plastic sheeting in the garage where Jim had his lab. After working there for a few weeks, Jim noticed that the plastic was getting more and more opaque. When he unrolled the plastic he found that it was encrusted with ORMUS where it had "hidden" between the layers of the plastic.


4. Exposure indicator

Based on these experiences, Jim took six microscope slides and wrapped them together with a rubber band. He called this his "exposure indicator".


4. His body

When he was making ORMUS from metal using ozone he did not like to breathe much of it because he would start go get back into the state he was in after he got "nuked" in 1989 (see Chapter 2).


Jim noticed that the effects of breathing the ORMUS gas in the air would become objectionable in about the same amount of time it took for the microscope slides to accumulate enough ORMUS between the layers to start clouding up. So he would keep this rubber banded stack of slides in his pocket whenever he was working with the ORMUS and this would give him enough warning to stop before he became too spaced out from ORMUS exposure.


In addition to the "exposure indicator" Jim also used the principles he was discovering to devise better ways to store the energetic ORMUS forms that he was getting from the ozonated catalytic converter beads. Below is a picture of one of Jim's primitive but effective storage systems for the ORMUS he was making.


Jim's Storage System

Jim's Storage System (with lots of places for ORMUS to hide)


Jim's storage system had the following components:


·        Magnetic shields

·        Mineral oil

·        Salt

·        Desiccant beads


He used a cheap steel file cabinet with a magnet stuck to the inside of the drawer front to provide some shielding from fluctuating magnetic fields. He also put each sample in a steel coffee can.


Remember the story in Chapter 2 about how Jim had discovered that the "fly ash" would retreat from his hands and tools on the tool rack in Tracy's garage?


Once we realized that these materials must be superconductors it became important to provide some shielding from fluctuating magnetic fields since superconductors will exclude and retreat from fluctuating magnetic fields due to the Meissner effect.


Jim used the mineral oil as a trap for the ORMUS that got into the air. He reasoned that it would work in a way that was similar to the gasoline in his friend's truck. This proved out when the mineral oil would get cloudy after a few days of exposure to the ORMUS samples in the file cabinet.


Jim put salt in the bottom of the coffee cans for much the same purpose. Salt seems to attract and trap the ORMUS from the air.


Jim also used aluminum oxide desiccant beads, like those shown in the picture below, to trap the ORMUS vapors.


Dessicant Beads

Aluminum Oxide Desiccant Beads


Notice the occasional blue beads amongst the white beads in the picture above. These blue beads are indicator beads. When the desiccant becomes saturated with water pulled from the air these blue beads turn pink.


Jim discovered that even the factory sealed jars of the desiccant beads would get heavier and the blue beads would turn pink over a few days time.


This suggested that the ORMUS vapors were tunneling into the sealed jars in order to "hide out" in the desiccant beads.


One time when I was visiting Jim at his "lab" in Portland he opened up one of these sealed jars of desiccant beads and asked me to breathe deeply while he waved a magnet under it. This was probably my first exposure to ORMUS and I am not sure if I noticed much of anything. I may have felt a bit spacey from this but I am not sure.


At this point Jim told me a very interesting story about someone else who sniffed some of the vapor from the desiccant beads. This gentleman was Jim's electrician friend (the one who drove the truck that had the jelled gasoline).


Jim gave him one whiff of the magnetically stimulated ORMUS vapor from a freshly opened container of desiccant beads. A few minutes later they walked back up the hill to the house and when they got there Jim's friend said that the strangest thing happened when they were walking up the hill.


He said that his perspective changed and it was just as if he was looking down on his body from several feet above it as he was walking toward the house.


This fellow was also a kick boxer when he was younger. In an "unofficial" match outside his opponent kicked his leg from the side and broke it above the ankle. This was a compound break of his leg and Jim said that the end of this gentleman's leg bone actually got jammed into the dirt.


He was taken to the hospital where his doctor told him that he would have to amputate the leg. The kick boxer said that he would rather die than have his leg amputated so the doctor did his best to pin the bones back together and save the leg.


Jim's said that his friend did regain use of the leg with extensive physical therapy and a lot of will power but he was always in pain whenever he was on his feet. He always walked with a limp.


One day a couple of weeks after he got the whiff of Jim's desiccant beads this gentleman was talking to Jim and asked him if he knew of anything that might cause an increase of pain in his leg. He said it felt like it did when it was starting to heal after he broke it. Jim did not have any suggestions.


A month after the whiff of the ORMUS gas from the beads the fellow talked with Jim again. He said that one of the other electricians called his attention to the fact that he was not limping any more. When this happened Jim's friend also noticed that his leg did not hurt and had not hurt for several days.


There was another factor involved here too. When he jammed the end of his leg bone into the dirt the contamination apparently brought about bone cancer in that leg, a couple of years after the bone had "healed". When his leg quit hurting he went back to his doctor for more x-rays on this leg.


When a bone fracture knits back together there is always a visible knot on the bone where the fracture was. He told Jim that in the new x-rays this knot had disappeared and all evidence of bone cancer had disappeared as well. The only way the doctor could tell that this bone had been broken was the metal pin that was still in the bone.


I do not know whether the whiff of ORMUS from the desiccant beads had anything to do with this fellow's leg healing. I do believe that the ORMUS gas that came from the beads was fairly powerful stuff to have gotten into the sealed bottle.


Many of Jim's experiences suggest some principles that might be incorporated into a theory about how ORMUS works. To describe this theory I would like to use water as an example.


Mystery Weight of Water


Water is H2O, hydrogen two parts, oxygen one part, but there's a third thing which makes it water and nobody knows what that is. - D.H. Lawrence


Triple distilled water weighs about a pound more per gallon than ultrapure water made by burning hydrogen in oxygen. Though this extra weight clearly exists, the water still assays as pure H2O with no other significant elements present. This leads us to suspect that some spectroscopically invisible substance is hiding in the water. Since ORMUS is spectroscopically invisible and appears to be inclined to "hide out" in tight spaces it sounds like a very good candidate for the extra weight.


How might this work?


Plato believed that water could be represented by an icosahedron.


Plato's Icosahedron

Plato's Icosahedron


Dr. Martin Chaplin, a professor of chemistry in London agrees with Plato and postulates that water molecules are clustered together in icosahedral structures.


Chaplin's Icosahedron


Martin Chaplin's Icosahedral Water Molecule


These geodesic dome like structures would provide a quiet inner space where the ORMUS elements could hide out.


According to Chaplin, the structure of water can change with varying conditions.


Changing Molecular Structure

Changing Water Molecule Structure


Mr. Masaru Emoto, a researcher in Japan has demonstrated that crystal ice formation in water can be influenced by:



Written words



Polluted Water

This is an image of polluted water

from Fujiwara Dam in Japan


Prayer Water

The same water after Buddhist

monks offered a prayer over it.


Resonance Pattern of Matter

How might ORMUS facilitate these changes in water structure? Some modern physicists are postulating that all matter is a resonance pattern of energy. In my workshops I illustrate this principle with a short clip from a Cymatics video. This video clip shows that if you put sand on a vibrating plate, the nodes of vibration will show up in the sand. Since I cannot show a video in this book I will have to use some stills from the video.


These images reflect that changes in the shape of the resonance pattern as different sound frequencies are used to resonate the plate. The first image is of the sand as the plate is just starting to vibrate with the sound.


Sand on Plate

Sand on Plate


Pattern Forming

First Frequency Pattern Starting to Form


First Frequency Pattern

First Frequency Pattern


Second Frequency Pattern

Second Frequency Pattern


Third Frequency Pattern

Third Frequency Pattern


Each of these frequency patterns is stable as long as the same frequency is resonating the plate. As soon as the frequency changes a new pattern emerges in the sand.


Notice how these patterns are similar to the image of Dr. Chaplin's icosahedral water molecule.


Radio Taxis (Quantum Coherent Resonators)

Imagine a fleet of radio controlled taxis in a city. If the dispatcher called all of them and told the drivers to change lanes they could all change lanes at once. In a similar way the ORMUS element hanging inside the icosahedral water molecule structure may act as a resonator which changes the structure of the water molecule like the sound resonating the vibrating plate changes the pattern of the sand on it. These ORMUS “radios” would respond to thought as well as other vibrations like:


·        Homeopathy

·        Light and color

·        Sound

·        Electrical and magnetic fields

·        Shape


As we discussed earlier in this book, another property associated with quantum coherent resonators is superconductivity and superconductors levitate on magnetic fields.


How might we demonstrate that ORMUS in water is the “radio control” mechanism for structuring the water? We must demonstrate that there is ORMUS in water and that this ORMUS has quantum coherent properties like superconductivity.


All natural water is weakly diamagnetic. Diamagnetic materials are repelled by magnetic fields. Since people and other animals are over 65% water they should levitate in very strong magnetic fields. You can view a short video of a frog levitating in a strong magnetic field on the web at:




Remember Jim’s experiments that I discussed above? While doing these early experiments Jim noticed that the ORMUS he made from metal using ozone was responsive to magnetic fields. He first demonstrated this to me by taking a bottle of ORMUS concentrate and swinging it while it was suspended on a thread over a magnet. We both noticed that the bottle of ORMUS would take a small detour away from the magnet, as it came close to it, at the low point of the swing. You read more of this story in Chapter 8.


Based on these experiments Jim began to suspect that all natural water contained superconductive ORMUS materials which hang out in water. In early 1997, while he was living in Portland, Oregon, Jim figured out a way to trap or concentrate the ORMUS substances out of water. He sent me and a friend a couple of his early trap prototypes to test in a mountain stream near Baker City, Oregon. We left these traps in the stream for several weeks and then sent them back to Jim for testing. One of the two traps worked quite well and, based on his experiences with it he designed some larger and more efficient traps. One of his first larger traps is pictured in Chapter 8.


ORMUS Variations

There appear to be several ways in which ORMUS materials differ from one another. Briefly, these differences seem to fall into several possible categories. Briefly the categories that we have identified are:


1.      Individual elements

2.      Concentration

3.      Level of Cooper pairing

4.      Energy level

5.      Coherence

6.      Information (resonance)

7.      Combination


The first, and most obvious, category would be the division of the ORMUS materials into individual elements with each of these elements having different physical properties and biological effects.


The second category relates to how much of the ORMUS material is in a given space. The premise being that more concentrated ORMUS will be more effective. The magnetic traps are designed primarily to concentrate ORMUS as are the chemical methods. These methods may also energize and program the ORMUS materials in some way (see below).


The third category is not so obvious and is not scientifically verified. Briefly stated, the theory of this category is that each ORMUS element can have different levels of Cooper pairing among its electrons ranging from having only four electrons paired up to having all electrons paired up.


According to this theory, the physical properties of the ORMUS elements would range between almost metallic at the low end of Cooper pairing to the magical properties that we associate with these elements at the high end of Cooper pairing. The intermediate stages of Cooper pairing would give a mixture of m-state and metallic properties.


The fourth category of ORMUS variation would be the charge or energy level of a given ORMUS element at any given level of Cooper pairing. The highest energy levels might only be available to the most fully Cooper paired materials. This category is theoretical and has not been scientifically verified.


For the fifth category of ORMUS variation we postulate that the ORMUS elements are quantum coherent structures which are capable of non-local communication with others of their kind. In this role there may be different types of coherence where they are in the same energy state or in the same spin state or perhaps in the same information state.


A possible sixth category of ORMUS variation would be a result of information, resonance or spin field imposed on a given ORMUS element. Different resonances might stimulate different ORMUS physical and biological properties.


It is also possible that there is a seventh category of ORMUS variation which might relate to different properties in combined or conjoined materials composed of two or more ORMUS elements. Some people believe that the most potent alchemical materials like the Red Lion or the Philosopher's Stone are composed of two or more ORMUS elements conjoined into a single atomic-scale structure.


Keep in mind that all of these potential variation categories are likely to interact with one another. I would suspect that the Philosopher's Stone would combine the "best" attributes of each of these variation spectrums.


Let's take a look as what is known and/or suspected about each of these categories of ORMUS variation. Please realize that some of these observed properties have only been observed by one person one time. Most have not been repeated by multiple observers and virtually none have been duplicated with proper scientific rigor.



A number of experienced researchers have converted the individual m-state elements to their metallic counterparts. A larger number have converted from pure metal to m-state. I would say that these processes are well enough known that they could be easily duplicated by any competent chemical laboratory. The only caveat is that the m-state to metal conversion processes are generally proprietary and closely held by those who have developed them.


David Hudson describes methods for separating each of the m-state platinum group elements in his patent.


I will go through the ORMUS elements one by one and describe what is known or suspected about the physical properties and biological effects associated with each.



Physical Properties

There is not much information on the m-state of cobalt. Hudson reports its existence and that is about all. Other researchers are not even sure that there is an m-state of cobalt.


Biological Effects

Bashar, a trance channeled entity, suggests that very small amounts (10-30 mg) of m-state cobalt "will build up within you a type of thermal regulation system that will allow your energy field to be greatly enhanced, greatly accelerated. More than that will actually engender spontaneous combustion."



Physical Properties

This would be much the same as what is known about cobalt. Bashar mentions some physical properties; see below.


Biological Effects

Again the only comments on nickel come from Bashar:


QUESTION: Does the nickel have a warning?


BASHAR: Nickel, nickel, one moment....You will find that in a variety of ways, nickel will be a difficult thing to sustain in monoatomic form unless combined again with the catalytic chromium. Even though they do not interact in the same way that many atomic interactions occur the presence alone of the chromic field will allow nickel to be maintained more adequately in monoatomic form. And when it has done so it is a very, very good enhancer for the idea of the learning capability of the neural net of the brain.


QUESTION: How come nickel and iron aren't able to retain their state very long?


BASHAR: They are as you would call it, too stabley connected to other forms of representation. If they were not grounded in this way and had the tendency to go back to their state of natural physical grounding matrix you would find that your world would fly apart. Thus they maintain the stabilization necessary for the other monoatomics to function in the same way again, as you need grounding effect to allow other effects to function. You need a foundation for the house to stand. And so only rarely do things such as Nickel and iron and a few other substances automatically shift into monoatomic state. In fact they almost never automatically do so unless they are in the presence of the chromic catalyst. Or some other catalytic energy that can allow them to do so in certain circumstances where it will not cause too much destruction. But they automatically and instantly re-stabilize. Otherwise you would have an instant chain reaction and a large section of the planet would all of a sudden convert into the monoatomic state and thus back also immediately almost into energy similar to the concept which you call matter and anti-matter but not exactly the same. But it would become highly unstable.



Physical Properties

There are no known transcribed comments from Hudson on copper. The Essene reports that copper is quite stable in the m-state.


Biological Effects

He also reports some biological effects associated with m-state copper. He says that the m-copper seems to have a less profound psycho-physical effect than the gold and that some people react well to m-state copper and some people do not.


He claims that m-state copper will put a person with Parkinson's disease into a severe reaction. He recommends that you not take m-state copper if you have a history of Parkinson's disease in your family. Parkinson's disease is a result of the body not handling copper properly. If you do not have tendencies toward Parkinson's disease, m-state copper is actually good for you.


He also alleges that most of the effects generally associated with aging; gray hair, wrinkles etc. have been linked to copper deficiency and that copper deficiency is what kills most of us. He says "people with a copper deficiency will convert m-state copper to metallic copper. You get a double benefit that way."


The Essene also suggests that m-state copper might be what gives chlorophyll its green color and suggests that your mother might be right about the importance of eating your green vegetables.



Physical Properties

The only transcribed comments Hudson has made about ruthenium is that it occurred at the rate of 250 ounces per ton (about 10% of total PGEs or about 1% of the total ton) in his original ore.


Biological Effects

Bashar is the only commenter on the biological effects of ruthenium. Bashar said:


"You will find that ruthenium has great advantages for thyroidal action. You will find that ruthenium has great advantages for adenoidal action. You will find that ruthenium has great advantages for thymus action as well. There will be a small secondary effect in the idea of the allowance of bone degeneration; marrow."



Physical Properties

Rhodium is probably the most common of the m-state elements in mineral sources. Hudson reported that his original ore source had 1200 ounces per ton (about 50% of total PGEs or about 5% of the total ton) of the m-rhodium.


The Essene claims that the Wet Method precipitate from Pacific ocean water and Great Salt Lake water is approximately 30% m-rhodium. This has been confirmed by one other researcher.


Hudson reports that m-state rhodium works more effectively as a catalyst in hydrogen fuel cells than metallic rhodium. Hudson also reported that the m-state rhodium is the material which would "disappear in a flash of light" if it was left out in the sun. Two other researchers have reported similar experiences with the m-state rhodium.


Hudson also reported that the m-state rhodium could appear to be other elements in different stages of the purification process:


"The only thing is, when he separates the pure rhodium from the blood red chloride solutions of rhodium, which for you people who know anything about chemistry there aren't many materials that form blood red chlorides, when he does the hydroxide neutralization, they precipitate out of solution as a hydroxide. He filters and dries it. We put that into a tube furnace where we have atmospheric control. We oxidize it at 800 degrees Centigrade which is red heat. We hydrogen reduce it and then we get this hydrogen reduced gray powder.


What he did, is he would take it in and oxidize it and get a red-brown oxide, which is the correct color of rhodium dioxide. He would cool it and take 1/3 of that sample and put it in a sealed vial. He then would take two thirds of the remaining sample, put it back in the tube furnace, re-oxidize it and hydrogen reduce it. He would then cool it down, take it out of the tube furnace, take half of the sample and put it in another sealed vial. And then he would take the remaining third and put it back in the tube furnace and anneal it at 1,400 degrees Centigrade and it turns snow white.


So we have three fractions here. We have a red brown dioxide. We have the dioxide reduced under hydrogen to the elemental material. And then we have an annealed material under an inert gas. Now one should be an oxide, one should the element and I don't know what the third material might be, but it still supposed to be the same stuff. When we sent them over to Pacific Spectrachem in California, which is one of the better, older spectroscopic firms in California, the red brown dioxide was iron. The only element detectable was iron. I mean, look at it, hell, it's a red brown dioxide just like iron. The hydrogen reduced material, now the iron disappeared, no more iron in this sample. Now it's been hydrogen reduced and it's become silica and aluminum. No iron, and yet the first sample had no silicon aluminum in it and now the second sample is silica and aluminum. And then the third sample, which now should be silicon aluminum, right, it's just annealed under argon, now becomes calcium and silica. No aluminum."


The Essene reports that m-state rhodium sublimes (goes directly from solid to gas) if it is heated to a temperature between 1066 and 1250 degrees Celsius.


Biological Effects

Each of the previously quoted sources have made comments on the biological effects of m-rhodium:


Hudson (paraphrases and quotes from various lectures):


80% of rhodium passes through in the urine.


Rhodium is associated with the thymus. When you take rhodium over a period of a month and a half, the thymus grows by 40%.


We took some calves brains and some pigs brains, and we did a destruction of the organic material and a metals analysis and over 5 percent, by dry matter weight, of the calves brains and the pigs brains, were rhodium and iridium in the high-spin state. And nobody in medical research knows that.


So we went down to A. J. Bayless and got ourselves some cow's brains and some pig's brains. We carborized these brains in fuming sulfuric acid. That was a really raunchy thing to do but it was the only way we knew to do it. We weren't organic chemists, we were inorganic chemists so we destroyed the carbon, carborized it, added nitric-nitric-nitric acid, kept taking it down to fumes of sulfuric more nitric, fumes of sulfuric, more nitric till we got rid of all the carbon. Then water, water, water till we got rid of all the nitroso compounds. Then we did a metal sulfate analysis. Did you know that over five percent by dry matter weight of the brain tissue is rhodium and iridium in the high spin state?


What I am telling you, last night, is that over 5%, by dry matter weight, of your brain and nervous tissue, is made up of rhodium and iridium in the high-spin state. And, literally, you have light flowing in your body right now.


Now I will mention, when we analyze the carrot juice, there's a high amount of rhodium in carrot juice. I've heard of people drinking macro amounts of carrot juice and curing cancer. Well rhodium is the cancer cure. The Acemannan is 90 percent rhodium, the product that's made here in Texas, the Acemannan. I believe Mr. McDaniels who was driving me around today, I plug his product because it's probably the best source of rhodium you can buy. And if you have cancer you need rhodium in your body. It's the cancer cure. And that is one of the best natural sources that we know of right now, is the Acemannan. Other than our material which is pure rhodium, but I, you know, I can't administer for cancer.


And probably one of the highest sources, natural sources of rhodium and iridium, is Aloe Vera. And one of the people who are concentrating on this particular material is this Emprise Corporation. And I don't own any of Emprise, I don't have any stock in Emprise, I don't make any money on Emprise, I'm just telling you that of the natural sources this is one of the best sources. There is a product called "injectable Ace Mannan", the original injectable Ace Mannan, that has been analyzed by us and we found that it's 90% rhodium. 90% rhodium. They tell you it's, what, glucopolysaccharide? Is that right? Well, I'm telling you it's not. I'm contradicting them there, you know, they can sue me, they can do anything they want, but it does cure diseases and illness. Any disease that originates in the DNA it has the potential to correct. That's what you have to understand.


They don't have all of the answers and we don't have all the answers yet. How much, how it should be administered, what dosages, how much you can stand, but it does correct the DNA. And you know, it's in Essiac Tea, it's in the sheep sorrel and slippery elm bark, it's, rhodium is in carrot juice, carrots that are raised in the southwestern United States, Texas, excellent source of rhodium, but the Aloe Vera is one of the highest concentrations and particularly the products being made by them, are excellent folks.


And you know, he picked me up at the airport, wanted to talk to me about it, I ... he's trying to convince me of something I totally accept already, I know it's good, it has to be good, it has the stuff in it. You know, that's why it works. And so, because I can't treat cancer, I'm not a doctor, I send you to them. This is where you should be going and you should be taking it in mega-doses. I have not found any toxicity even in mega levels, so if you got somebody who's really sick that's probably their best chance of recovery is the high amounts of rhodium.


Essiac tea. Sheep sorrell and slippery elm bark are high in rhodium and iridium. Plug for Vitali-Tea. "Is particularly great for people who have mouth cancer, throat cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer any cancer of the soft tissues. The one area it doesn't seem to work is cancer of the lymphatic system."


Carrot juice has high amounts of rhodium only. Rhodium is the cancer cure.


Products made by Emprise corporation: Manaloe and Acemannan DHEA precursor called Emprise Plus. All contain rhodium and iridium.


"The product that is made by Carrington Laboratories, it is called Acemannan is actually cleared by the AMA and FDA for cancer treatment in animals. It has not been cleared for cancer treatment in humans. However, they are selling more of it than if all the animals in the U.S. had cancer. So what they know is that the aids community has found out about it and is taking the material. When it is injected into the blood stream, which is the way it is administered, there are dramatic increases in white blood cells and T-cells. After injecting Acemannan, which is 90% rhodium, into the blood for a month and a half, the thymus grows by about 40%. The thymus is what produces the T-cells. The thymus grows. If you don't know this, from the age twelve on most peoples thymus begins to shrink. They have evaluated aids patients who have died and done biopsies on them and they find the thymus is unusually shrunken. This does increase the size of the thymus dramatically and it is the rhodium that does it."


"The iridium and the gold seem to speed up the metabolism of the body about 40% and they seem to not go into the bloodstream and not go through the kidneys. It seems to be taken into the acupuncture system of the body and it seems to be associated with the spinal cord and the thymus. Which, in fact, is the consciousness and the metabolic rate of the body.


Other products that you might be familiar with is the Kabuchi or the Chinese mushroom. That has rhodium and iridium. Not that much but it is in there.


Another excellent product is the aloe vera plant. The cold extract aloe vera. Now I want you to know there are cold extract aloe veras that are excellent. There is a product called R-Pur Aloe, made over in Colorado, that is an excellent product. I have actually gone to High Health and purchased cold extract aloe vera from High Health and there is absolutely nothing in it. And so just because the label says that it is aloe vera gel doesn't mean it is a good product."


Flax oil has rhodium and iridium. Almond seeds also have it. Apricot seeds have it. Grape juice has it as does grape seed. Water cress has a lot in it.


In his March/April 1996 newsletter Hudson wrote:


Cancer cells were placed in culture dishes and raised to maturity. When monoatomic rhodium was dispersed in the deionized water and added to the cancer culture they attracted to the cancer cells but did not affect the cells' activities.


However, when the rhodium is reacted with diluted hydrochloric acid and then introduced as a chloride into the cancer cells, the activities of the cells reduced by 45% to 55%. This truly amazed the researchers. They had previously seen materials which would kill cancer cells and they had seen other materials which had no adverse effect on the cancer. But they had never before seen a material that literally changes the nature of the cancer cells and made them normal!


The researchers were sufficiently impressed that they have engaged eight additional cancer laboratories to replicate these results. Researchers at N.I.H. (National Institute of Health) and Merck are now working with Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements - specifically rhodium. The researchers at these facilities of course do not understand what these materials are, where they came from, or how to analyze for them.


In his September/October, 1996 newsletter Hudson wrote the following about the effects of m-state rhodium on various cancer cell cultures:




The National Institute of Health has performed cancer cell testing. Six kinds of tests were performed on leukemia with no direct intereaction with rhodium. Nine types of non-small cell lung cancer were tested with direct retardation of only one type of cell by the rhodium. That was NCl-H23. There were seven varieties of colon cancer tested with no intereaction with the rhodium. There were six varieties of CNS cancer with no direct intereaction.


There were eight varieties of Irialanoma with one variety referred to as the LOX IMVI, showing a dramatic reduction of growth in the presence of rhodium. The LOX INVI cancer cells are a melanoma form of cancer.


There were six varieties of ovarian cancer, six varieties of renal cancer, two varieties of prostate cancer, eight varieties of breast cancer, none of which showed any direct intereaction with the rhodium. There was MD MID tests performed on Delta and also on the Range showing dramatic reduction in cancer activity.


Members should be clear that this was not a study on human patients. It did not measure any reaction with the thymus or other organs in the body. The tests did not measure increases in white blood cells, T-cells, etc. it was simply a test of the direct intereaction of one ORME (rhodium) in a cell culture.


Additional studies were conducted in New York on PC3 independent prostate cancer cells. At two, four and ten micrograms per milliliter the rhodium ORME promoted DNA synthesis (measured by the thymidine incorporation), stimulated cell growth and cell looked better than usual. Thus rhodium ORME is not toxic, but in fact seems to make the cancer cells more vigorous and robust and clearly does not retard PC3 cancer cells.


Similar results occurred with mink lung epithelial cells. Incorporation of tritiated thymidine increased from 7000 cpm to 20,000 cpm.


In PC3 cells, rhodium ORME caused cytokine, mRNA and peptide levels to fall. This correlates with the increased growth rates in these cells, since this cytokine is known to inhibit cell growth. It also is known to increase in inflammatory conditions, therefore it is possible that the decrease in the cytokine caused by the rhodium ORME could reduce inflammation.


At the university of Illinois, the rhodium ORME was tested in cytotoxicity tests using eight different cell lines. None showed toxicity at levels as high as twenty micrograms per milliliter. This shows that rhodium ORME is not toxic. Clearly Rhodium ORME does not act on cancer cells by killing them, but many other mechanisms which are not considered normal in cancer research are now being investigated.


In Summary:


Rhodium ORME is clearly not toxic, even at very high concentration. Thus its anti-cancer action can not be via a cancer cell-killing mechanism.


Its effects on growth of cancer cells is cell type specific. It inhibits growth of liver cancer cell lines and the prostate line H23, but not the growth of other cell types. It actually stimulates the growth of PC3 cells and mink lung epithelial cells.


It inhibits the production of cytokine in PC3 cell and mink lung epithelial cells, which suggests the rhodium ORME may have anti-inflammatory activity.


The Essene said:


"When you dry rhodium in the sunlight it goes off like a million flash bulbs. No explosion, no implosion, just a brilliant flash of light and it's done. The Pharos in Egypt used to commit suicide this way. When they were ready to meet their god they would dope up real heavy on the rhodium and walk up this long hallway into the morning sunlight. They would last about ten minutes. And they would blink out of existence. Gone in a flash of light. This is a massive overdose. You couldn't afford to get this amount of rhodium unless you owned a rhodium mine."


This researcher also reports beneficial results when a mixture of m-rhodium (70%) m-iridium (15%) and m-gold (15%) is taken as treatment for the following diseases:



Alzheimer's disease

Bipolar disorder

Cancer - lymphatic cancer, breast cancer, bone cancer, leukemia, brain tumors, prostate cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, thyroid cancer and uterine cancer



Heart disease

Hepatitis C

Kidney problems

Liver disease

Lou Gehrig's disease


Muscular dystrophy

Multiple sclerosis



These claims suggest areas of further research and should not be considered to be scientifically valid.


Bashar said this about rhodium:


QUESTION: We wouldn't get that longevity in any other monoatomic substance?


BASHAR: Overall there will be some increased longevity with the iridium, with the rhodium and others, especially as connected to what you would call the natural diet and the removal and release of flushing toxins from the system. This alone will enhance your ability for increased longevity. The human body easily has the capacity within the next 15 years of beginning to lay the foundations for a life span of about 300 years.


QUESTION: The rhodium and the iridium are the powder that David Hudson has been providing to people. Would it be better if the iridium and the rhodium would be separate?


BASHAR: No, they know what to do when they are in your body. Sometimes they actually work better when they are in concert with monoatomic chromium. By adding the monoatomic chromium to the iridium and rhodium it would be even more efficacious.



Physical Properties

Hudson reported that his original ore source had 5 ounces per ton (about .2% of total PGEs or about .02% of the total ton) of the m-palladium. Other ores have been reported with higher levels of m-palladium.


The Essene reports that m-state palladium sublimes when heated to a temperature above 2700 degrees Celsius.


Biological Effects

I could find no transcribed comments from Hudson about the biological effects of palladium.


The Essene claims that ORMUS palladium helps keep the skin young looking.


Bashar made this comment on palladium:


"Palladium is good for vision and reparation, regeneration of certain cellular structures that are, as you would say duty specific. Such as the cones and rods for the eyes, the taste buds of the tongue and other things that have to do with sensory apparatus."



Physical Properties

Hudson did not report any silver in his original ore source. The Essene claims that silver goes back and forth from metal to m-state more easily than any of the other m-state elements. This would suggest that the greater abundance of metallic silver in the earth's crust is at least partly due to a relative lack of m-state silver. (Metallic silver is about a hundred times more abundant in the earth's crust than each of the platinum group metals.)


M-state silver sublimes above 1800 degrees Celsius, according to the Essene.


Biological Effects

Neither Hudson nor the Essene have known comments on the biological effects of silver.


Bashar said that the biological effects of silver were somewhat similar to those of palladium and he added:


"But also it aids to some degree of reparation of bone especially the dental enamel but not the way that you use it in your dentistry but in monoatomic state. You see in many ways many of you instinctively understand that the silver is supposed to be applied to the teeth, but you don't know how to apply it. So not in fillings but in the monoatomic state it will aid in the reparation and the strengthening of such things as your dental enamel and other things in the body."



Physical Properties

David Hudson got about 150 ounces per ton (about 6% of total PGEs or about .6% of the total ton) of m-osmium from his original ore. Other than this fact, Hudson has nothing to say about m-state osmium.


A mining company called Profit Technologies claimed that m-state osmium can be used in a battery to store energy at incredible energy density. The Essene claimed that m-state osmium is too poisonous to use for this application. Hudson said that m-osmium is not toxic at all.


Biological Effects

Metallic osmium is the most toxic of the platinum group metals. The Essene refuses to work with it because of its toxic effects. He claims that the m-state osmium is also toxic.



Physical Properties

M-state iridium is probably the strangest of the m-state elements. It is second most common in Hudson's original ore at 800 ounces per ton (about 33% of total PGEs or about 3% of the total ton).


David Hudson and the Essene claim that m-iridium, when completely dried out, will not redissolve in strong hydrochloric acid. This is also true of m-gold and partially true of m-platinum but is not true of the other m-state elements.


The Essene claims that the m-state iridium sublimes above 5400 degrees Celsius. He also claims that the Wet Method precipitate from Great Salt Lake water is about 5% m-iridium and the precipitate from Pacific Ocean water varies between about 6% and 9% m-iridium. The second range has been confirmed by one other researcher.


Hudson and a couple of other researchers have observed levitation effects associated with m-state iridium. The Essene has reported gravity shielding effects above a piece of material which incorporates m-state iridium.


In his lectures, Hudson also reported the visual disappearance of m-state iridium when it was repeatedly heated to about 830 degrees Celsius. This disappearance was accompanied by a negative weight in the sample.


I have observed phenomena which look like magnetic levitation and Josephson tunneling in materials which contain m-state iridium.


Biological Effects

Here is what David Hudson had to say about the biological effects of m-state iridium in various lectures:




Iridium does not dissolve in HCl in the stomach. It seems to relate to the spinal chord and the pituitary gland. Hudson claims that he believes that it is connected to the acupuncture meridians and that it does not go through the digestive process like the rhodium.




"the Vibhuti, that Sai Baba manifests, in fact is iridium in the high-spin state." Also from Hudson's Dallas lecture:


"The iridium and the gold seem to speed up the metabolism of the body about 40% and they seem to not go into the bloodstream and not go through the kidneys. It seems to be taken into the acupuncture system of the body and it seems to be associated with the spinal cord and the thymus. Which, in fact, is the consciousness and the metabolic rate of the body.


(Question - All right, I was curious about, ah, how it came about that you found out about Sai Baba's Vibhuti containing rhodium?)


A lady in Phoenix just had some of it in a bag. She had been over there and seen him and she said here's the Vibhuti, you know, can you find out what it is. And so, it was the cinder material and apparently it was made by a burning process, it wasn't that that came out of his hands. Because we looked at it under our microscope and there was carbon ash in it, so there was some carbon ash, but the rest of the material was pure iridium.


And I believe that there's certain plants that they pick over in India that they put on the sacred pyres, that burn always and never go out, and I believe that this, they are burning all of the carbon out of this. And then they take that ash and water wash it, which gets rid of the alkali salts, the alkaline metals, and these plants just happen to be very high in iridium.


And that's how I think they come up with it. That's my opinion. Now I know Sai Baba claims, everybody claims he manifests it out of the air, well if so, his body is so saturated with it that it literally is coming out of his hands. That's the only explanation I have for it. Because I am, believe it or not, as philosophical as I sound, I really am my own worst enemy. I'm a very severe critic myself.


Iridium seems to be the metronome. Iridium seems to play a role of regulating the biological activity in the body. It seems to... if you take high amounts of iridium your biology speeds up about 40 to 45 percent.


Now, most people don't understand, they say, "I don't want to get old faster". No, life is the reverse of linear time. Linear time is like a river going downstream and you are like a boat on the river rowing upstream. When you are a young child and a teenager, you're rowing like mad and you're really going up the stream, as you get to be an adult you're lucky to hold your own, and as you get older, even though you're rowing, you're not rowing fast enough and you now are getting downstream where the water is slow. We're speeding up your metabolism with iridium. Iridium is like the Elixir of Life. Iridium is what makes your metabolism run faster, which in turn allows your cells to be corrected and to divide faster. Unfortunately iridium does speed up cancer growth also, and so you don't want the iridium if you are fighting cancer. You want the rhodium for cancer. Iridium is more for the healthy person who then has the cancer under control and then is looking for the Elixir of Life. Iridium works just like gold. Both of them seem to effect the, what's called by the acupuncturists, the meridian system. Over 80% of the rhodium passes directly into the urine and out each day. The iridium doesn't, the iridium seems to be absorbed into what they call the meridian system, for what that's worth. (question) Yes it is.


(Question - Since you're a farmer and we know that a lot of things like the cell structure of plants and so forth like that grow on this kind of electrical type energy. Is it possible then to take a piece of this, treat it like a homeopathic preparation, spray it on the fields like bio-dynamic type farming and so forth, and have just absolute abundance of food crops available in very small pieces of land?)


I know that iridium can control the vibrational frequency of 56 molecules of water. But I don't think it goes much further than that, and so I don't think that it is like mostly homeopathic preparations where you can dilute, dilute, dilute, dilute and get stronger and stronger and stronger. Ah, the interesting thing is though that when you distill water, you assume you have purified water, the oroides, the iridides, the rhodides act more like iodide than they do like metals and they actually will distill along with the water. And so what you think is high purity, what you're observing and studying as water may in fact not be pure water. Something to think about anyway. Another question?"


Here is what the Essene had to say about the m-state iridium:


"Iridium has the greatest interaction with the Meissner field of an individual than any of the others. I (the researcher) saw a table levitated by a monoatomic iridium sample [from Hudson's lab] when people placed their hand under it."


Here is what Bashar had to say about the m-state iridium in response to some questions:


QUESTION: For those of us who are making the choice of taking more of the natural foods that contain rhodium and iridium , I am just wondering what we can expect from them, I know we can expect better health and better being.


BASHAR: Feeling lighter, more energetic, needing less sleep, so on and so forth. Better ability to heal, knit tissue so on and so forth in case of injury. Better enhancement of all sensory apparatus in the body so on and so forth. More, overtime, psychic sensitivity and sensitivity to other higher frequency energies and so forth is what you can as you say, expect.


QUESTION: We wouldn't get that longevity in any other monoatomic substance?


BASHAR: Overall there will be some increased longevity with the iridium, with the rhodium and others, especially as connected to what you would call the natural diet and the removal and release of flushing toxins from the system. This alone will enhance your ability for increased longevity. The human body easily has the capacity within the next 15 years of beginning to lay the foundations for a life span of about 300 years.


QUESTION: The rhodium and the iridium are the powder that David Hudson has been providing to people. Would it be better if the iridium and the rhodium would be separate?


BASHAR: No, they know what to do when they are in your body. Sometimes they actually work better when they are in concert with monoatomic chromium. By adding the monoatomic chromium to the iridium and rhodium it would be even more efficacious.


QUESTION: I have heard that the iridium stimulates the metabolism and could be detrimental if you have like cancers and tumors etc.


BASHAR: Only if the body contains certain kinds of toxins as it does in most cancers, will too much of a monoatomic element, including iridium cause a discordant out of phase vibration. Minor amounts at first until the body adjusts. Then more can be taken later if necessary. Too much at first can cause too much of an out of phase discordant clash within the frequencies which already exist within the body which is representative of the toxics within the cells.



Physical Properties

M-state platinum is the third least common m-state element in Hudson's original ore. He reports that it was found there at only 12.5 ounces per ton (this would be about .5% of total PGEs or about .05% of the total ton).


Biological Effects

I have not been able to find anything from Hudson or Bashar on the biological effects of m-state platinum. The Essene had this to say:


"M-state platinum causes strong Anabuse type reactions to alcohol if you eat the m-state platinum and try to drink alcohol. Several people who took m-state platinum for allergies seemed to recover from the allergies. The whole group went out to a New Year's party to celebrate. Right after they started to drink they got so sick that they thought they were going to die."



Physical Properties

While he often called his "product" "white powder gold" David Hudson did not get very much m-state gold from his original ore; according to his latest lecture, about 14 ounces per ton. This would be about .6% of the total PGEs and about .06% of the total ton.


Also according to Hudson, the m-state gold sublimes at a relatively low temperature of 450 degrees Celsius. The Essene says that m-gold sublimes between 450 and 600 degrees Celsius.


Hudson claims that if you heat m-gold in the absence of oxygen, it will sinter into a clear glass at about 1160 degrees Celsius.


The Essene says that the Wet Method m-state gold precipitate occurs in the following amounts for the following water sources:


Dead Sea water: 70%

Great Salt Lake: 19%

Pacific Ocean: 8-14%


Biological Effects

David Hudson also mentioned physical effects of the ORMUS gold in several lectures:




Gold is associated with the pineal, Hudson believes.




"The iridium and the gold seem to speed up the metabolism of the body about 40% and they seem to not go into the bloodstream and not go through the kidneys. It seems to be taken into the acupuncture system of the body and it seems to be associated with the spinal cord and the thymus. Which, in fact, is the consciousness and the metabolic rate of the body."


The Essene commented on the gold. He said:


"One with a spouse or close relationships should not take this material unless they all do. It will change you. You do develop a sense of knowingness about what other people are thinking and feeling."


He also mentioned that it is not good to eat m-state gold alone as this would "stick" you in your current mental and physical state.


Here is what Bashar had to say on the m-gold:


QUESTION: I am aware that in order to provide to us rhodium and iridium we can go to carrots and grapes. Are there plants which can provide gold, the monoatomic gold?


BASHAR: That which exhibits the highest color in your visible spectrum. (Violet?) Yes, therefore, eggplant so on and so forth. Flowering kale etc. However if each of you had what is called a broad spectrum diet that was basically vegetarian in nature you would thus encounter everything that you would need in that broad spectrum diet and you wouldn't necessarily have to focus on one particular


QUESTION: You've mentioned before that the iridium of the white substances will open up our psychic abilities but white powder gold will give us the longevity.


BASHAR: Specifically it is strong in that direction. Even the energy field itself, around the monoatomic gold will impart the idea of increased longevity.


QUESTION: We could then use the mind, tuning into that frequency to then have longevity and reverse age?


BASHAR: Yes, but it will take adequate practice for the single mind of your species to do this. It may not come very easily for most of you to do it that way. Therein the ingestion of the material is like a booster symbol for many of you to help your body remember what frequency it needs to be on.


QUESTION: So do we really have to take the gold to have longevity? And does that correct the DNA giving us the 20-year-old body again?


BASHAR: It may not do that exact thing for every individual but it will have the tendency to generalize the traits of your human form so that there would be a range somewhere between your 20 and 40 year, averaging out to about your 33rd year. This is what happens generally when you become spirit, when you die, most spirits snap back to the etheric form of about their 33rd year of life.


QUESTION: Would the gold be more powerful in developing our spiritual nature, our electromagnetheric qualities? (yes) You also mentioned the violet colored foods have more gold. Would beets for example have more gold?


BASHAR: It would have a combination of things in that it also exemplifies a little more of the red coloration than exactly the violet.


If the m-gold is abundant in Dead Sea water (and salt) then it might be the most easily isolated of the m-state elements. Many people have eaten the m-state gold as retrieved from Dead Sea precipitate. Most of these people report effects related to memory and motivation. Here is one such report from a man who took m-gold made from metal:


"Yes I drank them. Caused a fusing of left and right hemispheres, so that I had complete control over my dreams. It made dreamtime and daytime very much closer together. I would recommend it to anyone who had the luxury of taking a few years off. Meaning that I cared a lot less about day to day business affairs and getting to the office when I took it. Since I am self-employed, it makes a big difference when I don't show up. So I stopped taking it when it was done. Since then my business has skyrocketed. I would say I experienced an increase in intuition that lasted for a year or so."


Here is another articulate report on the same subject from a woman who was taking the Great Salt Lake precipitate:


"I experienced -- am experiencing -- something very strange and, well, I guess people might label it as "mystical," whatever that far-off word seems to mean to me right now. So I wanted to sit down and let some words flow out about it. As I was going about doing my chores this morning it seemed like I entered a dream -- or like my dream state entered my "reality." This state goes behind the normal human emotion/expectation/anticipation -- all that which makes us "human" -- to a completely non-discriminatory, experiential state. When you are in a dream, you don't really personally identify like you do in waking consciousness. You are abstracted from the images and the drama, even though you are in it.


This is not a thing of "effort" -- it is something you allow. Everything that you hear, taste, feel, see, smell becomes equal to everything else. So scrubbing tile grout is the same as eating a piece of pie is the same as looking at the sunlight on the grass is the same as hearing the strange drone of the vacuum cleaner. It's all different "colors," but it's all the same -- like seeing the canvas behind the painting, and knowing the moment right before the painter lays down his brush; that's always the same moment -- but you can't "catch it" with your senses. Everything is the same, but everything is "different than it was." But nothing is mediocre or "un-special" -- in fact, just the reverse: every moment is pure Potentiality, pure wonder, pure and ineffable, never to be exactly duplicated again.


Language, attempts to describe such unique, personal, moment-to-moment experience is completely inadequate. Nothing has "meaning" -- it is like a baby experiencing all that is around it; you are really that "dumb and fresh" about everything you are doing and that is happening around you. This "world," the "reality" as we think we know it, becomes as foreign as twilight dream. And yet, in this weird, fascinated state, it felt like there was "another way" to communicate. Like there were "foreign voices" somewhere. This must be where people start to think they are going "crazy," but it's the bridge to full and true sanity. One thing I understand is that there are many, many dimensions surrounding us, right here with us. Sometimes we are pulled into these dimensions (I've had this happen before -- but differently), "yanked out of our bodies" so to speak. This is a real gentle, suspended experience. I'm not confused; it's very focused but at the same time completely open-ended."


Gary described similar effects as a byproduct of kundalini awakening. He wrote:


"At the present time, I have not gone through ego death, but have come close enough to that point to know what it is, and that it is an unavoidable part of the process. My ego has been crippled, but is still basically functional. I found the partial loss, and prospect of total loss, of my ego to be very discomfiting. The "ego" (in the sense I am using it) controls (I have discovered) my will, memory, passions, desires, goals, aspirations, hopes, motivation, functions that have to do with planning, future projections, - anything that is in some way a "want" and/or is not related to the Here-Now-Present.


The semi-disconnection of memory is the worst thing about it, for me as an engineer. It is a growing forgetfulness or absent mindedness, a recall problem, rather than forgetting. The info is still in there. It is not very severe so far, but I can see long term memory would be affected worse with more progress. I have not identified just what is going on with memory, to have figured out just how to handle it, and that is the main problem. My mind doesn't work in past and future modes like it used to. It is becoming more present-tense oriented, and that affects memory access (as well as perceptions of the future). It is kind of hard to explain.


I have compensated somewhat by using tons of post-it notes and making lists of things to remember. I usually try to write things down immediately and not rely on casual recall. It has not affected my organizational ability, and only affected my analytical skills to the extent that memory of details are concerned. It is not as bad as it probably sounds. Just inconvenient."


These effects were echoed by a woman who experienced a kundalini awakening in India:


"It's funny, ever since I returned from my trip to India to see Sai Baba in 1992 (a very intense spiritual experience), my memory has not really been the same. While I do have good recall of facts when I need them (in fact it's spooky the detail I can recall sometimes), I'm not very well focused on the past or future events and tend to be quite "absent minded" about time and appointments. In fact, time goes by very fast for me. I am very much "HERE" in the present, and it's like there's nothing in my brain until I need it for what I'm doing. Sometimes when people ask me simple or broad questions, my mind is really blank and I have to stop and think about what the answer is, but it almost always comes to me after a few seconds (definite time delay though--sometimes misunderstood by others). It's like stuff is in storage somewhere on a hard drive--but it's not in my RAM memory, and I need to access it from somewhere deep in my brain. I always thought I might be suffering from some weird form of dementia, but given what other people are saying here, perhaps it's something of a spiritual development instead. (I also experience the "energy rod" emanating from out of the top of my head going up about maybe 1 1/2 to 2 feet and an associated "pressure" in my head--especially when I'm writing or meditating. I feel it now as I am writing this.)


There is, however, a distinct difference between being "fuzzy-headed" and being "absent-minded" in this way. I have experienced both, and I attribute the fuzzy-headed, unfocused state of mind to poor health or fatigue. The absentmindedness, on the other hand, allows for clear thinking and sharp focus."


It appears that these memory and motivation effects are much more pronounced with the m-gold than with the mixed m-state materials. It also appears that these effects are much less pronounced if a person is in a state of ill health. The m-gold does not seem to have the health benefits associated with the other m-state elements or, at least, to the same degree.


Some researchers claim that the m-gold might stagnate the healing process if it is taken alone. They suggest that if you wish to take the m-gold for its kundalini effects, you should be sure that you have taken the m-rhodium and m-iridium for a sufficient length of time to experience the healing process before starting on the m-gold.


The mental effects of the ORMUS elements seem to be strongly related to our perception of time. Another "trance channeled" entity, Seth, claims that time is a local phenomenon within our physical reality and does not necessarily apply in other states of awareness. This concept is also being echoed by some modern physicists. Here is some of what Seth says about time in "The Unknown Reality":


At 9:45 PM 2/27/74, Seth said:


Now: Basically, the cell's comprehension straddles time as you think of it. Period.


Mankind's consciousness, however, experimented along time-specific lines. As he developed along those lines, various biological and mental methods of selectivity and discrimination were utilized. When in historic terms mankind became aware of memory, and recalled his past as a past in your terms, it was possible for him to confuse past and present. Vivid memories, out of context but given immediate neurological validity, could compete with the brilliant focus necessary in his present.


Though the past is actually quite as immediate, alive, and creative as the present is, man made certain adjustments, on several layers, that would focus definite distinctions and set past and present experience apart. While your particular kind of consciousness was developing, it began to intensify selectivity, to concentrate specifically in a small area of activity while blocking out other data. This was necessary because the particular kind of physical manipulation of corporal existence required instant physical response to immediately present stimuli.


(9:55.) Such selectivity and specialization therefore represented a pertinent method, as consciousness familiarized itself with earthly experience. Hunters had to respond at once to the present situation. In time terms, the "present" animal had to be killed for food--not the "past" animal. That animal--the past one--existed as surely as the one presently perceived, yet in man's context, physical action had to be directed to a highly specific area, for physical survival depended upon it.


(Pause, and slowly:) The cells' basic innocence of time discrimination had to be bypassed. At deeply unconscious levels the neurological structure is more highly adaptable than it appears. Adjustments were made, therefore. Basically, the neurological structure responds to both past and future data. Biologically, then, such activity is built-in. The specialized "new" kind of consciousness in one body had to respond pinpoint fast. Therefore it focused upon only one series of neurological messages.


These became more and more biologically prominent, so that man's consciousness rode them, or leaped upon them. These particular pulses or messages became the biologically and mentally accepted ones. They were clued into sense perception, then. These pulses or messages became the only official data that, translated into sense perception, formed physical reality. This selectivity gave an understandable line of reference from interior to exterior existence.


Using Seth's model, the m-state elements would appear to adjust our perception of time to a more holistic one without so much of the division between past, present and future. If your lifestyle requires that you must regularly deal with linear time to a great extent, you might find that this will become difficult after ingesting the m-state elements (particularly the gold) until you develop new strategies for recalling commitments. On the other hand, if your lifestyle is more present moment centered, you may notice little change.



Physical and Biological Properties

David Hudson did not mention that his original ore contained any m-state mercury.


Hindu alchemy seemed to focus more on m-state mercury than on gold or other m-state elements. Hudson mentioned this in several of his lectures. In his Portland workshop he said that the Maharishi sent him a Vedic text from 2500 BC which talks about the white powder of mercury. He said that they checked the mercury by heating it in the air and changing it into gold. He mentioned that he has done this and it works.


Here is his discussion of m-state mercury from his 1995 Dallas lecture:


"It's interesting to note that the philosophical text . . . over in the Ayurvedic text, I was sent a copy by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who knows of this work, and he had it translated into English and sent it over to me. These are about 2,000 B.C. that this information comes from supposedly, and it says you can take mercury and divide mercury, and divide mercury and divide mercury, until you divide it into it's essence and you actually get a white powder of mercury. And the way you test that mercury to see if it's ready for ingestion, is you heat it in air and if it turns to gold, then it's ready for ingestion. And they knew this 2000 B.C. Did you know that superdeformed mercury, when all of its electrons are paired in the high-spin state, if you heat it in air in 78% Nitrogen, in air, that when you get up to around red heat, that the outside electron pair will annihilate with itself. It actually will withdraw it's screening potential enough that outer pair annihilates, and that electron pair doesn't produce 510,000 electron-volt photons like electron annihilation normally does, it produces a 1 million electron-volt photon that is always absorbed by the binding nucleus.


So here your mercury atom now has a 1 million volt photon that comes flying into the nucleus, in the binding nucleus of the mercury, and that's the energy it takes in a high-spin state to knock off a proton and several neutrons. Coincidentally. Now you have a low spin gold, and it goes right immediately to low spin gold. Now low spin gold, if there's other gold atoms near it will aggregate as a metallic material, and once you got diatomic gold, you got it, you're on your way home now, you got metal. So you could actually take mercury to the high-spin state and the way you check it is heat it in air, and if it goes to gold then don't heat the rest of it, consume it, it's a medicine. And that's something that miners and metallurgists have a real hard time with, they say, 'Why don't they want the beautiful yellow valuable metal?' Because the white powder is more valuable, that's why.


And that's the test to see if you got it, and they knew that 2,000 B.C. and we're just now figuring it out now in physics. Isn't that amazing? They claim that the gods taught them this. Okay, next slide."


At our current stage of knowledge about the ORMUS elements it is uncertain which of the following theories about ORMUS variation is true and which is responsible for specific variation observations. All could be true or any one of these theories might account for most of the variations which have been observed.


Until these theories are tested scientifically it will be difficult to say which are most likely to be true.


Cooper Pairing Variations

Gary postulated that some of the differences between different samples of the same ORMUS element might be attributed to variations in the level of Cooper pairing in that element.


Gary's description of his theory about this type of ORMUS variation is fully described in the appendices of his Paranormal Observations article which is in Chapter 18.


In brief, Gary says that the strength, of the ORMUS properties, is related to whether all of the electrons in an ORMUS diatom are Cooper paired or not. Diatoms with fully paired electrons will exhibit strong ORMUS characteristics and no metallic characteristics while partially paired electrons might exhibit more metallic and less of the ORMUS characteristics as the pairing level decreases.


Energy Level Variations

It is fairly obvious that all ORMUS materials from the same element are not equal. David Hudson patent makes this distinction where it describes the difference between ORMEs and S-ORMEs. His patent states:


"The limiting condition of the ORME state is defined according to the present invention as an "S-ORME". The S-ORME is the lowest state in which monoatoms can exist and is, therefore, the most stable form of T-metal elements. The ORME is electronically rearranged and electron paired, but relative to time has not reached the lowest total energy condition of the S-ORME.


Detection of doublets does not provide an analytical method for the identification of ORMEs per se, but rather detects the presence of the electron pair or pairs which all specifically prepared ORMEs possess and which T-metals do not possess under any condition. It is the existence of the doublet that is critical, not its exact location in the IR spectra. The location can shift due to binding energy, chemical potential, of the individual element in the ORME, the effect of adsorbed water, the variances of the analytical instrument itself, or any external magnetic field."


If some or all of the ORMUS elements are superconductors, they would have a Meissner "field" which might encompass billions of atoms if they were in close proximity. This Meissner effect might even expand beyond the group of atoms as energy is added to the superconducting system.


Individual researchers have described evidence that energy can be added to such a system via a variety of means including chemical action, microwaves, heat, electrical resonance, sound, light and spin. When heat energy is added to ORMUS iridium, for example, the m-iridium has strange weight fluctuations.


It is possible to collapse the Meissner effect by adding too much energy. When this happens, the Meissner field collapses and the ORMUS material may convert to metal or to energy. This might account for Hudson's observation that certain ORMUS materials will disappear in a flash of light if left in sunlight. It might also explain why the m-state platinum group metals do not read spectroscopically till they have been "burned" in an electrical arc for almost 300 seconds. In both of these situations it would appear that energy is being added to the ORMUS Meissner field till that field is overloaded and it collapses. Other researchers have made similar observations.


Chapter 12         Ringing Up the InnerNet



As we have seen, various researchers have noticed that the ORMUS elements seem to play an important role in biological systems. The ORMUS elements appear to do things in several different categories; they serve as the communication medium for your intent and they also have other functions. An example of these other functions is that ORMUS copper will restore the color of your hair but it does not seem to boost the immune system like ORMUS rhodium does.


As a communication medium, one or more of the ORMUS elements appear to work like the air, in that the air will carry any sound you can utter. The air does not care whether the message is one of love or of condemnation; it will carry both equally. On the other hand, communication itself is generally better than non-communication.


This means that it will facilitate the manifestation of intent whether that intent is loving or not.


Imagine that you have two bells at your house. One is made of loving intent (what you want) and the other is made of the fear based emotions like anger, judgment, fear or hatred (what you don't want). These bells are dinner bells. The love bell calls in the angels to support you but the fear bell calls in your demons.


Both of these bells depend on the air to carry their message. ORMUS is like the air in this way. If you ring the love bell it will call in everything which resonates with what you want--like love, abundance, health and connectedness. If you ring the fear bell it will call in those things that resonate with what you don't want--things like fear, pain, justification for anger, unhappiness and lack.


Each generation has its own way to describe the law of karma. One generation will say "he who lives by the sword will die by the sword" another generation will say "what goes around comes around" and yet another generation will say "you get what you pay for". This common folk wisdom is our way of acknowledging our personal responsibility for our individual and collective reality.


Even when we ring the fear bell we are expressing a basic good intent in that we know in our hearts that the results of ringing that bell include suffering. If we can look at our suffering we can often look back at how we called that suffering to dinner when we rang the fear bell. This looking-back process is easier if the suffering is more closely linked in time with ringing the fear bell. John Lennon called this "instant karma".


If you are to hear the resonance of a bell there must be air to carry the sound. If you ring a bell on the highest mountain where the air is thin it takes longer for the sound to travel to your ear than if you ring the bell at the ocean where the air is thick. You will hear the train coming with your ear to the dense, iron train track long before you will hear it through the air.


Imagine that it is possible to have infinitely thick air. The sound of a bell would travel instantaneously and everywhere this infinitely thick air existed. I believe that the ORMUS elements provide this sort of infinitely thick communication medium for our thoughts and intentions.


Modern physicists and other scientists have observed this kind of instantaneous communication. They have even coined terms to describe it. They call it "quantum coherence" or "non-local interaction".


Many modern scientists have also suggested that this instantaneous communication occurs in a "place" which underlies physical reality. The physicist David Bohm called this "place" the "implicate order" and he called our physical reality the "explicate order". The biologist Rupert Sheldrake calls this "place" the "morphogenic field". Lynne McTaggart has written a book that collects much of the scientific research on this "place" of instantaneous communication. She calls this place "The Field" and that is the name of her book.


To bring the ideas of modern physicists further into our analogy: modern physicists often speak of the field, which underlies physical reality, as a "plenum". This is like the plenum, which connects the ducts under the floor that bring warm or cold air to every room of a building. We can often put our ear down to a duct and hear conversations in other rooms of the building. In a similar way the non-physical plenum, which underlies physical reality, is believed to carry information instantaneously and without being limited by distance.


In 1924 Albert Einstein, building on the work of Satyendra Nath Bose, predicted that it should be possible for two or more atoms to get into the same quantum state and their wavelengths would become superimposed on one another. This state of matter is referred to as a "Bose-Einstein Condensate" or BEC. It took a long time but a BEC was finally created in a laboratory in 1995 by taking a small group of atoms to a millionth of a degree above absolute zero. This deed got the 2001 Nobel Prize for the physicists who did it.


A Bose-Einstein Condensate composed of many atoms would, in effect, be an infinitely dense substance. We believe that the ORMUS elements can become room temperature BECs. If this is true then they might form the basis for an instantaneous, non-local communication system like the mystical connection that sages of all ages have described.


I like to use the Internet as an analogy for such a communication system. Your physical body would be like an individual computer that connects to all of the information on the Internet through a modem. In this analogy, the ORMUS elements would be the connector (the modem) that allows you to access the information of the "InnerNet" (or The Field, or plenum, or implicate order, or Unified Field of Being). While the basic modem connection is adequate for email and a bit of web browsing, most people would like to have the faster connection that broadband cable or DSL provides. This is true information abundance, an almost instantaneous way to bring sound and images to your computer.


We think that the ORMUS elements may need to reach a certain concentration in the body before they make the quantum leap into true conscious, coherent communication with the InnerNet. Using ORMUS can help here but this coherence is also a function of something the ancient sages called "one pointed awareness". Another way to put it is:


"If two make peace with each other in this one house, they shall say to the mountain: "Be moved", and it shall be moved."


If we alternate between ringing the "love" bell and ringing the "fear" bell we create interference patterns in the air. In much the same way the interference patterns of these two feelings may tend to prevent the ORMUS elements from getting into a coherent BEC state.


It is like we always have the modem for the basic InnerNet connection, which sustains life, but we are seeking a better connection which requires a synergy between the new hardware (broadband or DSL) and our own software. If we use ORMUS without learning how to focus our feelings on love then we will mostly succeed in bringing on instant karma.


Though the law of karma is a learning tool too, the law of grace is probably a less painful way to learn. We come more and more under the law of grace as we acknowledge that we called in each unpleasant feature of our life by ringing the fear bell. When we accept this responsibility for all that happens in our lives we begin to see the many ways in which we ring the fear bell.


The law of grace kicks in when we start actively appreciating each difficulty as a way to learn of its cause within ourselves and as we extend our hand in love to others as an example of the healing power of the connection of love.


Appendix - ORMUS Frequently Asked Questions





Question: How can I get some of the monoatomic White Powder Gold?


Answer: It has not been conclusively demonstrated whether the strange materials David Hudson identified are monatomic or not. Some scientists have suggested that the only way they could have the properties that they have is if they are di-atomic.


Since we do not wish to prejudice the scientific process we have decided not to call them monatomic unless this issue is resolved. Instead we call them m-state or ORMUS elements. The “m” in m-state could mean monatomic, microcluster or even manna. You can read a scientist’s explanation of why these elements should not be monatomic at:


Apparently, David Hudson used the term "White Powder Gold" as a generic term for all of the precious metal elements in their m-state form. Hudson never made very much of the white powder of gold because his ore source had relatively little m-gold in it.


David Hudson's colleague who did the 41 day fast was using a powder composed of several m-state elements with less than 1% of the powder being white gold. The current thinking of most experts, including Hudson, is that once the m-state is dried out into a powder it is much less easy for the body to assimilate.


It is possible to purchase m-state gold in a relatively pure form as a wet precipitate. Many of the people who have tried the m-state gold for a length of time do not like it for a variety of reasons. Some feel that it makes them lethargic. Some feel that it puts them so much in the moment that they forget to do the things which are important to make their lives work. One long-term researcher claims that the m-gold "locks" a person into their present condition, whatever that may be.


The easiest way to get m-state gold is to use the Wet Method on Dead Sea salt as the resulting precipitate is claimed to be 70% m-gold and 30% magnesium.


You can see what percentage of the m-state elements is in various seawater sources at:


Your best way to get the m-state materials is to make them yourself using the methods described at:


Question: What is the difference between ORMUS, m-state and ORME?


The three terms above all mean pretty much the same thing but they originated in different situations.


I learned how to make the white precipitate from the Essene on May 18, 1997. He called all of the white precipitates from various sources m-state. These sources included the white precipitate from the Wet Method on ocean water or Dead Sea salt and the white precipitate from the Sodium Burn on metallic gold and black sand. He also referred to David Hudson's products as m-state and, when I told him of the ORMUS products that Jim made from metal using ozone we both spoke of these substances as being m-state materials.

Just prior to my first visit with the Essene we set up a "private" email list to evaluate and promote various ORMUS production methods. The folks on this list (about 60 people) agreed to the following wording of the ORMUS method document after nearly a year of experimentation and discussion:


"Since Hudson has patented his process for obtaining and identifying these elements, we would like to suggest that the terms ORMUS and m-state be used when referring to this state of matter."


It was our intention to honor Hudson by using his term "ORMUS" and to honor the Essene by using his term "M-State". Both of these terms were originally used to cover all of these elements as they occur in a non-metallic form in nature.


We rejected the use of the acronym ORME (which stands for Orbitally Re-arranged Monoatomic Element) because there was no good scientific evidence that these materials were orbitally re-arranged or monatomic. I still have not seen any evidence of this.


You can read a longer explanation of the reasons for these definitions at:


You can read a discussion about why many of us do not think they are monatomic at:


Question: Will the "good stuff", the real White Powder Gold, allow me to ascend?


People are always asking about the ability of the white powder of gold to act as a sort of "enlightenment pill". An "enlightenment pill" would be some substance that would cause any person who takes it to instantly transcend, ascend, awaken or "see" God.


Belief in the concept of an enlightenment pill seems to be rooted in the deeper belief that enlightenment can come from outside of the self. This belief is almost the same as the belief that someone else is responsible for the mess that "I" am in right now.


Let's imagine that the ORMUS elements can improve the connection to spirit. Now, let's pretend that each of us is actually responsible for everything which has ever happened to us. Imagine that you are responsible for the manifestation of what you want and also responsible for the manifestation of what you don't want, in your life.


If the ORMUS elements are a connecting medium between "spirit and mind/matter" then they might work sort of like the air which connects us with the resonance of sound. I can speak and, if the air is thick enough to sustain life, you can hear what I say.


If the air is thicker, like at sea level, the sound of my voice will travel faster and clearer than if the air is thinner, like on a mountain top. This is the reason that you can hear a train coming, by putting your ear to the iron rail, long before you can hear the train through the air. The denser the substance the faster sound will travel through it. ORMUS would be a very dense medium for carrying our thoughts and feelings.


Now imagine that you are standing on a ledge in the Grand Canyon. You shout out a word and a few seconds later the echo comes back to you. It startles you because it seems like someone else is standing next to you and has shouted back the same thing that you shouted. Perhaps you shouted out "I love you" or perhaps you shouted out "I hate you".


The Grand Canyon is so big that the echo is delayed a long time. This makes it seem that the echo you hear is coming from someone else. If you hear the words "I love you" you feel really good about yourself but if you hear the words "I hate you" you might become frightened because you think that someone wishes to harm you.


If the ORMUS elements are a medium of communication between mind and spirit they would bring us back the echo of whatever we are thinking about ourselves.


Suppose you had two bells outside your front door. One of these bells sounds wonderful and the other sounds horrible. The wonderful sounding bell attracts laughing, happy children to your front door and the horrible sounding bell attracts violent, vicious criminals to your door.


Now suppose that the wonderful bell rings whenever you think about what you want and the horrible bell rings whenever you think about what you don't want. What would happen if the air, which carries the sound of the bell, suddenly became thicker. What if it became infinitely thick so that every thought would instantly manifest those things that were in resonant harmony with it.


I think that this is what happens with ORMUS, especially the "good stuff". I think it carries the resonance of our thoughts and beliefs and brings back the echo of their manifestation very quickly. If this is true then here is a way to tell if you are ready for the "good stuff".


First, examine your life--do things you don't like ever happen to you? Would you be happier if these things were intensified and more instantly connected to the thoughts that called them in? Conversely, notice how regularly the things you do like happen to you. When you wake up in the morning do you contemplate your day with delicious anticipation or do you dread going to work? Which bell do you ring as you go out your front door?


Your beliefs are habits, which ORMUS will not change. When you take ORMUS it does not steal your free choice. It does not make you think only of what you want and prevent you from thinking of what you don't want. You still can choose which bell you are going to ring with each thought. Are you sure you always think of your angels and never think of your demons--for whichever you think of you will manifest in your life and this manifestation will only be hastened and heightened by the ingestion of the "good stuff".

You can read a cautionary story about the "good stuff" at:


Question: Which product is best for me?


You are changing all of the time. The best product for you today might not be the best one for you tomorrow or next year. Each of us is different. There is no single product which is best for all people. Some products may be better for certain conditions than others but, at this point, we do not know which product is best for which condition.


Your best bet for finding a product which works well for you is to try several different products. Have someone muscle test you on each of them. Read the WhiteGold list and archives for the effects that others have reported for the product of interest.


Question: Does anyone sell ORMUS materials?


If, for some reason, you cannot make your own there are several good sources for these materials. These sources are listed in no particular order since I do not wish to suggest a preference. In fact, there are many people who people prefer each of these sources and I suspect that each will meet the needs of different people.


Atlantis Alchemy


White Powder Gold


Lotion of Life


Aetheria Alchemicals




Star Babies Prefered LLC


Ocean Alchemy


Vision Minerals


Mountain Manna


Priestess Alchemy


Life Enthusiast Co-op



Avi Zamites


Dragon Blood


Cocoon Nutrition

ORMUS Iridium


Ayurveda Plus



Ascension Alchemy



Ambrosia Technology




Tamahi Gold



Sunstone Associates



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Pureganic Liquid Manna



Penny Saved Enterprises

Vital Energy Enhancer


Ocean Manna


Question: The most recent information on the Internet about David Hudson and his production facility is dated 1996. What has happened since then with David Hudson and his plans?


Answer: Mr. Hudson is not in production. There is some question about whether he will ever get into production.


David Hudson has faced a number of difficulties in getting his ORMUS production on line. When his plant was five days into a test run in the summer of 1998, a nitric acid tank sprang a leak. Fortunately Hudson had a concrete catch basin, which contained the acid. Unfortunately the emergency response team from the fire department sprayed foam on the acid instead of simply diluting it with water. The foam reacted with the acid and generated a large cloud of orange nitric acid gas. Several hundred people had to be evacuated from the surrounding area.


As a consequence of this event Hudson was fined and forced to think about moving his plant.


A short time after the acid leak Hudson had a heart attack. He had to have six bypasses. Subsequent to his surgery he had additional heart problems but seems to be doing well now.


His plant is still not ready for production. The delays cost him a great deal of money and this set him back even further. Now he must move his plant into a properly zoned area. In November of 2000 he sent out his last newsletter titled "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" in this newsletter he suggested that his plant has been "regulated out of existence".


His most recent public lecture was a December 99 lecture in Dallas which was videotaped by the Eclectic Viewpoint.


Question: How can I get in touch with other people who share my interest in the ORMUS materials?


Answer: There are several email lists for discussion of ORMUS and related topics.


I recently set up a new forum for newcomers to the ORMUS field of study. This forum is on YahooGroups and is called simply ORMUS. Here are the commands for this list:


Post message:



List owner: 


You can also subscribe on line at:


The main ORMUS forum is called the WhiteGold List. The WhiteGold List is a moderated email list. This means that the moderator of the list reviews every post you send to the list before it gets sent on to the whole list.


Since its inception in February of 1996 it has been the policy of the WhiteGold List to keep the names and contact information of its subscribers as private as those subscribers wish to be. We determine whether a person wishes to make this kind of information available to the entire list by whether or not they include this kind of information in the body of their post or in their signature lines. If you include only your first name at the bottom of your post that is all that will be included in the "From:" line in the header.


The WhiteGold List is for the sharing of personal experiences with the ORMUS substances. There is some scientific discussion but we discourage religious and political discussion because of the great diversity of people who are interested in ORMUS. The WhiteGold List averages about 25 messages per day. To join the WhiteGold list send a message to with the subject Subscribe.


The WhiteGold list is a very active list. Folks on the list are generally quite willing to answer questions so you may generate some interesting responses by posting your questions to this list.


If you do not wish to get 25 or more emails a day from the WhiteGold list, you have the option of joining the digest version of the list. All of the posts are there but you get them in one digest message a day. To join the WhiteGold digest list send a message to with the subject Subscribe digest.


If this does not work contact .


The ORMUS and Spirit list was created as a place where people can freely discuss religious and spiritual issues. Anyone can join this list and it is not moderated or anonymous. This forum averages about one message per day. Here are the commands for this list:


Post message:



List owner: 


You can also subscribe on line at:


In addition to these forums there are over 50 local area ORMUS email lists. These local ORMUS lists were created so that people can meet in person to work together on ORMUS related stuff. I also post information about upcoming ORMUS related meetings and lectures when they are to occur in a local area.


Membership on these local forums is by request. They are not moderated or anonymous. If you would like to find out if there is a workgroup in your area please let me know what country you live in and what city you live near. I regularly get reports of results from people, on these local lists, who have been making and ingesting their own m-state materials. To join a local list email me at:


Question: How can I learn more about ORMUS?


Answer: You can find basic descriptions of ORMUS at:


ORMUS – Basic Overview by Barry Carter


ORMUS – What is it?


ORMUS - Scientific Overview by Barry Carter


An illustrated article on ORMUS can be found at:


Ancient Puzzles

by Barry Carter


Articles on various ORMUS related subjects can be found at:


David Hudson's lectures, patents and other related materials can be found at:


Question: Are there any reports from people who have used these materials?


Answer: You can find a number of these reports at:


Question: How might I contribute to ORMUS research?


Answer: Here is a list of documentation steps which would help the cause if lots of folks were to start them before starting their use of the ORMUS substances.


1. List all of your existing health problems and get a medical checkup which will document the existence of these problems.


2. Photograph every part of the body that might change with ORMUS ingestion. The following areas are particularly suggested:


a. The face including details of wrinkles and sagging skin.

b. Hair color. Get good close ups of any hair which has become gray.

c. Hair growth patterns and thickness (this would include baldness and hair loss)

d. Both sides of both hands.

e. Any scars, skin cancers or skin conditions like psoriasis or shingles.

f. Swollen joints like finger joints, knees, wrists and elbows.

g. Any broken or cracked teeth and visible cavities.

g. A good picture of the spine which might show any spinal misalignment.

h. A picture which shows the whole body profile.

I. A picture which shows the whole body from the front.

j. A picture which shows the whole body from behind.


The last three pictures would reveal hip rotations, differences in leg or arm lengths or other posture problems and should be taken with little or no clothing on. If you are modest about this sort of thing you can take the pictures with a film camera, leave the film undeveloped and store it in a safe place. Women may wish to take photos which show breast size and sag as both conditions have been known to change with the use of ORMUS substances.


These pictures can be taken with a digital camera, a disposable film camera, a video camera or a regular film camera. Every person will not need to take every picture. Just take pictures of those areas where change might happen.


3. Make tracings of the feet and hands. Some people have reported that their fingers and toes have gotten longer.


4. Measure your height. This should be done immediately after rising from bed in the morning as this is the time of maximum height during the day. Some people may get as much as 1.5 inches shorter over the course of the day. Several people have reported ORMUS related changes in their height. One woman has gotten 3.5 inches taller at the age of 53.


5. Check the pH of your saliva and urine first thing in the morning and last thing at night for a week before starting with a new ORMUS product.


6. Document changes in frequency, color, odor and ease of urination.


7. Document any changes in stool softness, regularity, color and whether it floats or not.


8. Document any changes in the sound you hear when things are quiet. Many people have reported that they hear a sound in their head after using ORMUS for a while. This sound is called the "hu" or "nada". Notice any changes in the frequency of this sound, it's intensity or the nature of the sound. I always hear a high frequency sound at around 11,000 Hz and occasionally hear a chirping sound in my right ear. You can download a trial version of the NCH Tone Generator which can be used to compare frequency at:


9. Document any noticeable changes in tooth pain, new teeth, tooth alignment, filling in of cavities or other changes in the teeth.


10. Women should document any changes in their period including changes in the level of menstrual cramping, PMS, periodicity changes, flow levels and resumption of menstruation after menopause.


11. Everyone should document changes in sexual response or orgasm intensity.


12. Some people have noticed that it is easier to quit addictive behaviors like smoking or other drug use. If you have any such addictions it would be helpful to document how those addictions change with the use of ORMUS.


13. Hair analysis can reveal mineral deficiencies over time. Before and after hair analysis would be helpful.


14. Blood tests can reveal immune system changes and/or cancer indicators. If you think that these things might be changing with your ORMUS ingestion it will be helpful to get copies of these tests from your doctor.


15. If anyone can think of any other things to add to this list I will make the changes.


If you are interested in helping out with ORMUS research but not quite interested enough to do all of the things listed above, documenting any portion of the list will be much better than doing nothing at all. This list order is a rough approximation of the order of importance of these various documentation tasks.


Question: Has anyone ever noticed any ill effects after ingesting ORMUS materials?


Answer: Occasionally people have reported unpleasant effects associated with the use of some of the ORMUS products listed on the SubtleEnergies web site. Most of these effects might be explained as follows:


First, the ORMUS elements appear to stimulate the body's elimination of toxins. This occurs first at the cellular level. As these toxins re-enter the blood stream they can trigger the same symptoms that they triggered when the toxins were originally stored in the cells. These symptoms generally do not persist as long as they did originally but they may be a bit more intense for a short period of time. They are also reported to happen in reverse order from the present to the past. This process is called a "healing crisis". You can read a diary which describes these healing crisis effects from trap water at:


Trap Water Diary


The liver and kidneys have the role of cleansing toxins from the blood and eliminating them from the body. If these organs are not functioning well there can be a buildup of toxins in these organs which might harm them. For this reason it is generally best to do a series of liver cleanses and drink lots of water in conjunction with the initial stages of ORMUS ingestion. From my experience, few people have serious problems with this cleansing stage.


For some people the increased elimination load might result in constipation. The extra magnesium in ocean water ORMUS precipitate can mitigate this as it is the same as the active ingredient of milk of magnesia a notable laxative. An extra benefit is that most people are magnesium deficient and this is a good magnesium source.


Concurrent with the elimination process some people report tiredness or sleepiness. The Essene reported that during this stage some folks will get quite sleepy and that when they wake up they will "eat everything but the curtain rods and then they will go right back to sleep again." We think that this happens because the body is using up the energy stored in ATP to fuel the healing process. There are some indications that this tiredness can be prevented or mitigated by taking extra B vitamins, especially B-12 and the amino acid creatine.


Another issue that has been suggested by several ORMUS researchers and producers is that it is easier to benefit from ORMUS if the body is in a more alkaline state. There is some evidence that ORMUS products, particularly those with a magnesium or calcium base, will tend to alkalize the body. Other ORMUS sources appear to work better when the body is slightly alkaline. Most people on the conventional American diet tend to be acidic. The following foods and situations tend to move one toward the alkaline end of the spectrum:


All vegetables especially green leafy vegetables

Most all fruits including citrus fruits

Millet, Quinoa

Drink several glasses of spring water daily

Ripe olives

Raw almonds

Lima beans, Soy beans

Fresh green peas & green beans


Goat milk (Contains lactose)

Low protein/low fat diet

Whey (contains milk sugar, lactose)

Ghee (clarified butter, a cholesterol-free saturated fat)

Moderate exercise

Relaxation exercises, i.e. deep breathing, yoga, etc.


The following foods and situations tend to move one more toward the less desirable acid end of the spectrum:


Excessive consumption of starches

All seafood. fish fowl ! & all flesh foods

Yogurt, butter, eggs. cow's milk, cheese

Wheat, oats. barley, rice, corn, bread, spelt

Kamut, amaranth, teff, buckwheat

All beans except lima and soy beans

High fat meals (more than 20% of calories from fat)

High protein diet (over 25 grams per day)

All pastas, macaroni, and noodles.

Crackers, chips


Cooked tomatoes, pasta & sauce

Refined Sugar, corn syrup. honey, soda pop

Cookies, cakes, pies, sweets, etc.

Blueberries, cranberries, currants, plums, prunes


Allergic reactions

All nuts & seeds (except almonds)

Tobacco, Drugs

Margarine, lard, hydrogenated oils, corn & olive oil

All fried foods (fried in ghee. butter or oils)

Coffee, tea, alcohol, chocolate

Low water intake

Over exercise, lack of sleep

Anxiety, anger, worry, stress


Experts in this arena suggest that one should consume about 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods. You can find a chart with more information on this subject at:


Finally, David Hudson and others have suggested that certain substances can "pin" the ORMUS elements to their metallic state under some circumstances. These conditions apparently can happen in the body. According to Hudson the substances in question are sulfites (SO3), carbon and carbon monoxide and nitric oxide. Since most of the ORMUS elements are toxic in their metallic form it is wise to avoid foods and situations which increase these substances in the body. There are some indications that the tendency for the ORMUS elements to drop to metal is minimized by having an adequate B-12 intake.


Question: Are there any books out on this subject?


Answer: You can find an ORMUS related booklist at:


Contact me:


ORMUS - The Matrix of Reality

by Barry Carter






Book One ended with a discussion of how ORMUS might be the medium through which consciousness works. In this his book I will describe how ORMUS might function as part of the "mechanism" for the creation of reality itself. But first, I will recapitulate a bit from the final Chapter of ORMUS - The Matrix of Consciousness.


Imagine that there are two categories for how one can feel. One of these would be "Feels Good" and the other would be "Feels Bad". Now imagine that the subtext of the Feels Good category is "What I Want" and the subtext of the "Feels Bad" category is "What I Don't Want". Now line them up like this:


Feels Good                  Feels Bad

What I Want                  What I Don't Want


Now take a bunch of words with feeling connotations and place them under one column or the other. Here are some of these kinds of words:



























Now notice how you feel when you think of the meanings of these words. Do you notice that they seem to automatically fit in one or the other of the two categories listed at first?


If these were the two basic feelings or emotions you could fit every other feeling into one or the other of these categories.


Now imagine that you have two different sized bells that you can ring. One bell calls in what you want and the other calls in what you don't want. You can strike these bells with different sticks and they will give a slightly different sound. If you hit the Don't Want bell with a soft "Sad" stick it will sound slightly different than if you hit it with a sharp "Angry" stick but the frequency of the resonance is still basically the same.


When the sound from one of these bells echoes back to you it is changed by the surface that it is echoing from. So it will sound a little different from the sound that you heard when you hit the bell. The "Anger" sound might sound more like "Hurried" when it echoes back but you can tell that it still has the same feeling of something you don't want.


Why might people beam out negative energies?


I think it is mostly because they are afraid. The problem is that ringing the Don't Want bell with the Fear stick is most likely to echo back with more things to be afraid of.


Since the echo is delayed it takes great discrimination to notice that it came from your bell rather than from something outside of yourself. So many of us regularly ring the Don't Want bell with Anger or Fear and get lots of evidence in the echo back that the fear or anger is justified.


If this analogy is valid (and I believe that it is) what would it mean?


It would mean that each of us is responsible for our own corner of the universe. It would mean that no one can hurt any of us without our participation. It would mean that we can manifest anything we want or anything we don't want.


I think that the ORMUS substances may shorten the echo time so that it becomes more and more clear that the sound we created ringing our bell is what is being echoed back to us.


Chapter 13         Homeopathic Resonances



In my mental model of the m-state materials I often think of them as small radio stations or cell phones in every cell of the body. These cell phones get information from the æther, store that information and also pass the information on to other cells and to consciousness. I imagine that these small cell phones require power, which is supplied by some sort of ætheric battery-like source.


In this analogy there are several things which can enhance or interfere with the proper function of these radio stations. If there are not enough cell phones for complete coverage there will be gaps in cellular communication. If the batteries are not adequately charged the same problem might result.


Ingesting ORMUS might allow your body to set up these cell phones. Using ORMUS which is charged might help to insure that the "batteries" powering them are fully charged.


There is another problem, which we don't often discuss, that is really most important. There are many signals that these cell phones can pick up and record for rebroadcast. All of these signals may not be life affirming or some signals might be useful in certain circumstances and harmful in other circumstances.


Each of us sends signals to these cellular "radio stations" with our thoughts and beliefs. If our beliefs are life affirming this message will be rebroadcast throughout the cells of our body with positive results. These results will be magnified by the effectiveness of the ORMUS cell phones in every cell. On the other hand, negative beliefs can be magnified and rebroadcast as well.


There are other sources of information that the cell phones can record and rebroadcast too. For example, I believe that homeopathic remedies contain a form of information which can program our cellular radio stations to send out a message which can counter illness. But, we must be careful to use the homeopathic resonance which will counter the specific illness we are dealing with. If we use the wrong homeopathic resonance for our particular problems we might stimulate other symptoms of illness rather then stimulating our body to take care of the symptoms we wish to get rid of.


Some researchers are finding that there are many ways to determine, record and deliver the appropriate homeopathic resonance. An effective homeopathic resonance treatment system must have these three components. It must be able to duplicate and store the homeopathic resonance, it must be able to determine which resonances might be beneficial for a given person and it must be able to deliver these resonances to that person's body in the proper potency to counter their illness.



As I discussed in book one, there is some evidence that the ORMUS elements in water work as a recording medium for this type of resonance. Some researchers also claim that these resonances can be recorded on audio tape or digitally. Also, ancient healers used certain shapes drawn on paper or the ground to record and deliver healing resonances.


There are currently very sophisticated electronic devices which can copy the resonance of a homeopathic remedy vial to a vial of distilled water. (Even distilled water contains some ORMUS elements.)


Determining Appropriate Remedy

Homeopathic doctors traditionally use muscle testing to diagnose problems and to determine whether a given homeopathic remedy might be beneficial. While the ability to do muscle testing is something that a trained practitioner can take with them wherever they go, it has some problems. There is a significant subjective component to muscle testing. It is often difficult to measure the strength of a response in a given situation.


Some researchers have discovered that when a subject holds a homeopathic remedy which corresponds with their illness there will be a measurable drop in electrical impedance in their body. This technology also allows a very accurate remedy to be prepared which has an appropriate strength to exactly counter the resonance of the illness. The first generation of devices which are capable of this measurement are already in use. These devices are very expensive now but they should come down in price as the technology becomes more mature. You can find information on the use of a couple of these devices at the following web sites:


Delivering the Resonance

It looks like these resonances can be delivered by pattern, touch, taste, smell, sound, light, magnetism, electricity, water and thought.


The Rife device and Hulda Clarke's Zapper are a couple of examples of primitive resonance delivery devices. By intuition or trial and error, Rife and Clarke were able to discover a few resonances which were effective with certain diseases. The problem with these devices is that they make no provision for feedback from the patient and no provision for a measured delivery of the frequencies which they deliver. Also, the frequencies which they deliver are simple frequencies while the diseases they are treating often require complex frequencies for treatment.


This problem of appropriate feedback is probably the biggest problem in the entire field of resonance medicine. Some healers have a natural ability to provide this feedback for their patients and deliver the appropriate resonance remedy but there is no consistency from healer to healer.


Combining the feedback of a measured response with the Rife or Clark devices is probably the direction we will see future resonance healing modalities taking.


As I mentioned earlier, these resonances can be delivered in a number of ways. One of the delivery methods I mentioned is the use of light frequencies. There is considerable evidence that photonic effects are present in the microtubules in cells. These effects include "laser-like" activity. Penrose and Hameroff's theories concerning microtubules as the source of conscious selection involve this laser-like activity. (See their paper on this subject at: )


Here is further evidence that the ORMUS materials might be the "mechanism" behind homeopathic remedies. The following is an excerpt from the March 19, 1999 "Independent" regarding a presentation by French biologist Jacques Benveniste:


"It sounds like science fiction and Benveniste will have a hard time convincing a deeply sceptical world that he is right. Nevertheless, he began his campaign last week when he announced the latest research to come out of his Digital Biology Laboratory near Paris, to a packed audience of scientists at the Pippard Lecture Theatre at Cambridge University's Cavendish Physics Laboratory. Benveniste suggested that the specific effects of biologically active molecules such as adrenalin, nicotine and caffeine, and the immunological signatures of viruses and bacteria, can be recorded and digitised using a computer sound-card. A keystroke later, and these signals can be winging their way across the globe, courtesy of the Internet. Biological systems far away from their activating molecules can then - he suggested - be triggered simply by playing back the recordings."


"Benveniste's explanation starts innocuously enough with a musical analogy. Two vibrating strings close together in frequency will produce a "beat". The length of this beat increases as the two frequencies approach each other. Eventually, when they are the same, the beat disappears. This is the way musicians tune their instruments, and Benveniste uses the analogy to explain his water-memory theory. Thus, all molecules are made from atoms which are constantly vibrating and emitting infrared radiation in a highly complex manner. These infrared vibrations have been detected for years by scientists, and are a vital part of their armoury of methods for identifying molecules.


However, precisely because of the complexity of their infrared vibrations, molecules also produce much lower "beat" frequencies. It turns out that these beats are within the human audible range (20 to 20,000 Hertz) and are specific for every different molecule. Thus, as well as radiating in the infrared region, molecules also broadcast frequencies in the same range as the human voice. This is the molecular signal that Benveniste detects and records.


If molecules can broadcast, then they should also be able to receive. The specific broadcast of one molecular species will be picked up by another, "tuned" by its molecular structure to receive it. Benveniste calls this matching of broadcast with reception "co-resonance", and says it works like a radio set. Thus, when you tune your radio to, say, Classic FM, both your set and the transmitting station are vibrating at the same frequency. Twitch the dial a little, and you're listening to Radio 1: different tuning, different sounds.


This, Benveniste claims, is how millions of biological molecules manage to communicate at the speed of light with their own corresponding molecule and no other. It also explains why minute changes in the structure of a molecule can profoundly alter its biological effect. It is not that these tiny structural changes make it a bad fit with its biological receptor (the classical lock-and-key approach). The structural modifications "detune" the molecule to its receptor. What is more, and just like radio sets and receivers, the molecules do not have to be close together for communication to take place."


The Cavendish Physics Laboratory is where Brian Josephson is doing his Mind-Matter Unification Project. Dr. Josephson's web page can be found at:


Dr. Benveniste's web site is at:


Dr. Benveniste's discoveries would tend to affirm our discoveries relating to the ORMUS materials. The ORMUS materials disappear in water. They cannot be detected by ordinary chemical or spectrographic analysis. They follow water through evaporation and condensation. We believe that they are largely responsible for the difference between ultra-pure water made by combining hydrogen and oxygen and ordinary reverse osmosis or distilled water.


The ORMUS elements are superconductors at room temperature. They can be concentrated out of water by using magnetic levitation. ORMUS/water concentrates weigh slightly less than ordinary water, have an oily feel and a pleasant sweet taste. They can be further concentrated to the point where they have the consistency of motor oil and have quite a sweet taste.


Dr. Philip Callahan has published several papers and books on phenomena which appear to be related to Dr. Benveniste's experiments with electromagnetic resonance information communication.


Dr. Callahan has a doctorate in entomology and about 1600 hours of training in electronics. He has combined these two interests and developed several interesting theories. His theories are based on experimental evidence.


Dr. Callahan recently sent me a paper of his which describes some of his experiments and theories. Specifically his research relates to some of the unexplained senses of insects. One of his theories is that insect antennae are dielectric, open resonator infrared detectors. He expounds this theory in a paper published in the book "Molecular and Biological Physics of Living Systems" edited by R. K. Mishra and published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1990. His paper is titled "Nonlinear Infrared Coherent Radiation as an Energy Coupling Mechanism in Living Systems". Here is his introduction to this paper:


"A history of my observations of moths and ants at light is given and the external infrared environment of day and night described. It is pointed out that insects have dielectric, open resonator, antennae, in the from of sensilla, on their antennae. A table of the ELF vibration frequency of various insect orders is presented and related to the many parameters of infrared scatter emission from scent and pheromone molecules. Experiments on moth oviposition, attraction to candles, and response to colors of light are described, as is the behavior of ants at candles. The complex far infrared maserlike emission of candles is correlated with emission from insect sex scents and pheromones, and a method of generating maserlike scatter emission from scent molecules described. Several such spectrum from ethanol are presented. Spectrum of nonlinear emission, far infrared frequencies from breath are generated by vibrating a metal plate with a 130 audio component of the OM phoneme. The discussion relates the insect communication system to other life organizing coherent systems. This work on Cabannes and Rayeligh scattering of coherent radiation reinforces other work on photon storage in biological systems."


There are a couple of quotes from this paper which suggest that the principles that Dr. Callahan has discovered might be common to many living systems:


"The occurrence of nonlinear coherent lines in breath at body temperature leads one to the conclusion that coherent radiations, especially from complex scatter frequencies, are a part of the mechanism of self organizing biological system and occur as readily, under the right conditions, in the tubules of the blood vessels and at cellular levels, especially in the visible region as shown by Popp(17), and others. A summary of elegant work based on coherence in self organizing living systems is given in the symposium "Synergic et Coherence dans les Systems Biologiques."(18) Work on coherent information and energy transfer mechanisms is a new and exciting area for research into the mysteries of self organizing biological systems, and it is the scent coupling of energy from organic molecules to insect dielectric antennae forms in the infrared region that gives great insight into how such coherent systems work. It is imperative that researchers in this field answer criticism from those who are convinced that coherence does not occur at room temperatures in living systems."




"That coherent infrared is available for insect communication systems there is and it is also available in both the visible and infrared portions of the spectrum for utilization in self organizing biological systems(17), and it is for this reason that my work reinforces other work on coherent energy coupling mechanisms in living systems.


Once this concept of coherent energy coupling in self organizing systems is thoroughly understood, it is predictable that the generation of coherent signals in the UV (virus and membrane dimensions) visible and infrared (cell, organells and insect antennae dimensions) can be utilized to resonate to the biological antenna in order to control disease organisms or reverse cancerous conditions. It might even be possible to resonate to the form of the AIDS virus in the 0.1 mm region, which is the dimension of most virus, and reverse the fatal signals of that small "living" antenna, or to put it in more poetic terms 'find God in little things.'"


These statements sound a lot like Dr. Benveniste's theories about electromagnetic signaling between biological systems.


Dr. Callahan has developed several devices to measure and manipulate these electromagnetic properties of living systems. Some of these devices are patented and can be found in a patent search.


I have had several long phone conversations with Dr. Callahan. He is a soft spoken, 76 year old gentleman (in the fullest sense of the word). His grasp of the physics of antenna theory and his biological background have provided him with the foundation for a number of paradigm busting discoveries.


Dr. Callahan also postulates that paramagnetic soils are essential to the health of plants. He has demonstrated that paramagnetic soils transmit electromagnetic energy and resonances from the atmosphere to plants and that this transmission of energy and resonances can be enhanced by the presence of certain structures in close proximity to the plants.


He agrees with our hypothesis that paramagnetic soils might be soils with a high ORMUS content.


Dr. Philip Callahan has done a number of experiments which suggest that living organisms are very sensitive to ultraviolet light sources and use their interaction with scent molecules to "smell":


"Obviously then the insect scent molecule, rather from the insect sex pheromone or from the host plant scents, is constantly absorbing the blackbody radiation from environmental sources such as the sun, night sky, stars and moon, airglows, etc. etc. What energy is absorbed by what molecule at what time can only be determined by critical experimentation, utilizing complex detection systems.


Nonetheless some very simple experiments can tell us in no uncertain terms that insects do operate in the infrared environment contrary to the, almost impossible to overcome, belief that insects do not utilize that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum"


I believe that Dr. Callahan has conclusively demonstrated that biological resonance information can be transmitted by light.


The "Paper Doctor" concept would also seem to support a light based resonance transfer mechanism. The complete "The Paper Doctor" used to be available on the web at:


but it was no longer available there.


According to the Paper Doctor model, certain geometric shapes correspond to homeopathic remedies used for healing specific illnesses. When these shapes are precisely oriented to the Earth's magnetic field or to an artificial magnetic field they will impart these homeopathic properties to water centered on top of them.


The Paper Doctor concepts harkens back to the ancient Hindu mandala concept. One of my colleagues called this to my attention. She wrote:


Surprisingly enough, there is a very similar (but even simpler and not as exacting) Indian method using "Sanjeevinis" or "healing fragrances." What these "healing fragrances" actually are is not physical aromas, but highly focused prayers, represented by VIBRATIONAL PATTERNS drawn on paper. Quoting the text:


"The Sanjeevinis are subtle (spiritual) vibrations of all of Mother Nature's own healing forces. These vibrations have been 'harnessed' through highly focussed prayers on to cards as patterns. Each Sanjeevini is a focussed prayer to the Lord to heal a particular body part or a disease using His own Healing Energy, which of course includes all known and unknown healing forces in Nature (including all systems of medicine and healing). A very important aspect of the Sanjeevinis is the spirit of surrender -- 'Thy Will be done' is the yearning with which a healer is best able to use the Sanjeevinis without allowing the ego to interfere. . . "


The patterns all look like a circle surrounded by nine, simple, lotus-like petals. In the circle are various lines here and there. There is only one that is different and that is the whole body Sanjeevini, which is like an orangey-purpley fleur-de-lis. The instruction is to put water, food (including tea bags or spices), vibhuti (holy ash), blank homeopathic globules, etc., on the desired Sanjeevini pattern(s) for 15 seconds each. Repeating an affirmation, mantra or prayer from any religion or faith while preparing the remedies is said to add to the overall efficacy. There is a "Multiplication and Broadcasting" pattern for easy replication of remedies and for healing at a distance.


The home page for the Sai Sanjeevini Foundation site (which includes patterns that you can print or download) is at:


A June 17, 1999 Reuters article tells about Ibrahim Karim, an Egyptian architect, who speculates that designs can heal the sick. This article can be found at:


Karim has been designing specific shape "remedies" which according to the reports of many patients have good results with previously intractable illnesses.


For the last several years, Dr, William Tiller has been doing research on various "subtle energy" effects and how they modify the properties of water. A web page describing some of his work is located at:


Here is an evocative quote from this page:


"Dr. William A. Tiller and his colleagues at Stanford University developed a subtle energy detector -- an ultra-sensitive Geiger counter-type device -- with which they demonstrated the existence of an energy field that is not in the electromagnetic spectrum. With this special detector, Dr. Tiller demonstrated that this subtle energy field responds to intentional human focus. The combination of the instrument that detects the DNA phantom effect and the ultra-sensitive gas discharge detector represent two of the most advanced technologies known for the scientific study of subtle energy."


Another page is titled "New Technology Provides Scientific Evidence of Water's Capacity to Store and Amplify Weak Electromagnetic and Subtle Energy Fields". Many of the properties of water that are mentioned on this page remind me of the properties of the ORMUS materials in water. This page is at:


Here are some interesting quotes from this page:


"Research has shown that water is a liquid crystal with a pliable lattice matrix that is capable of adopting many structural forms. The structure of water gives it an infinite capacity to store information within its matrix. A growing body of recent scientific evidence is now confirming traditional intuitive understandings of water's role as mediator between the energetic and material worlds and its function as an accumulator, transmitter and transducer of energy patterns and information. Much evidence points to water's ability to effectively memorize energy patterns with which it comes in contact and retain the energetic memory of vibrational frequencies for extended periods of time. Homeopathic medicine, for example, is based on water's capacity to store within its structural matrix the energetic imprint or vibrational signature of physical substances."


"Gold colloid test:


This chemical reaction has previously been used as a detector of subtle energies, particularly the activation of water samples by healers' bioenergetic fields. The reaction is the reduction of gold trichloride (AuCl3) by formolin in aqueous solution made alkaline by sodium carbonate (Na2CO3). This reaction gives rise to metallic gold in colloid form. The color of the colloid (measurable spectrophotometrically) varies from red to blue depending on the presence or absence of activating subtle energies in the system."


I will discuss more about the Heart Math research in Chapter 13.


I think that the most important thing to keep in mind is that the ORMUS materials appear to play an essential role in all of these resonance effects, whether they are photonic, sonic, gravitational, electromagnetic or mental.


Biodynamic Resonances

The following is a description of biodynamics from notes taken during a talk by guest speaker Deb Cantrill at the Soil Association of South Australia General Meeting held on the 25th of January 2001:


"Biodynamics is a fairly modern method, originating from a series of lectures given by the spiritual philosopher Rudolph Steiner in 1924. Steiner presented concepts and directions which farmers developed, through their experiments and research, into Biodynamics. The growth of Biodynamics was slow. There was a fear of being misunderstood. Now it is becoming more open.


The Biodynamic method is simple. Understanding it is not that important. It is based on the interconnectedness and dependence of the living network. ‘Bio’ is life and ‘Dynamics’ is the connections. Well structured soil is incorporated into the ecosystem. The farm is viewed as a living organism. The farmer works towards a closed self-supporting system supplying its own fertilisers through recycling and rotation.


Specific preparations, a small part of Biodynamics, act to increase the vitality of plants, soils and nutrient cycles. Growers learn to observe Nature’s cycles with open eyes and intuition. Where Nature is weak, enhance it."


The principle methods of biodynamic (BD) agriculture involve burying a mixture of plant, animal and mineral materials in a cow horn for a period of time and taking the resulting substance and mixing it with water by stirring the water one way till a vortex forms then reversing the direction of stirring. This is repeated several times. Timing is a crucial factor in the preparation and application of these BD preparations.


I think that the importance of ORMUS in the biodynamic method is very great but understanding how these interactions work is going to take some time and research. In the biodynamic/ORMUS connection I believe that the most important thing to understand is the concept of "quantum coherence". I define quantum coherence as the ability of certain congregations of quantum scale particles, like atoms, to behave coherently as single atoms.


In a sense, biodynamic preparations are quite similar to homeopathic remedies and the mechanism of their creation has some striking similarities. Homeopathic remedies are produced using succussion which is defined below:


Succussion is the process of agitating a freshly diluted solution by rapping its container hard against a hard but elastic object such as a leather-bound book. Hahnemann believed that succussion released dynamic forces from the diluents which were preserved and intensified with subsequent dilutions.


The stirring of biodynamic preparations and succussion both create vortices in the liquid medium.


In his Australian patent David Hudson wrote:


"All of the electron pairs in their lowest energy state, unlike single electrons, can exist in the same quantum state. When that uniform quantum state is achieved, the electron pair can not only move with zero resistance around the monoatom, but also can move with zero resistance between identical ORMEs that are within approximately 20 A° or less of each other with no applied voltage potential. When a macro system of high purity, single element ORME achieves long-range quantum electron pair movement, that many-body system according to the present invention is defined as an S-ORME system.


An S-ORME system does not possess a crystalline structure but the individual ORMEs will, over time, space themselves as uniformly as possible in the system. The application of a minimum external magnetic field will cause the S-ORME system to respond by creating a protective external field ["Meissner Field"] that will encompass all those S-ORMEs within the 20 A° limit. As used herein, "minimum external magnetic field" is defined as a magnetic field which is below the critical magnetic field which causes the collapse of the Meissner Field."


In other words, it is important to get a group of ORMUS atoms into close enough proximity in order to have the effect of quantum coherence become evident.


I believe that the action of the vortex concentrates these atoms in the center of the vortex. Once they are concentrated, they should start to exhibit quantum coherent behaviors like superconductive magnetic levitation. It looks like this might be the case. The latest confirmation of this comes from Justin Szymanek who has invented a way to use a continuously circulating vortex to "charge" ORMUS rich liquids like grape juice. His method is described at:


Our magnetic trap designs also take advantage of this principle to concentrate the ORMUS rich portion of water.


The underlying principle which appears to establish quantum coherence in an ORMUS rich liquid may have been postulated in the 80s by Dr. Ning Li. She proposed that a group of atoms spinning coherently on parallel axes would exhibit an effect like anti-gravity in line with the axis of spin. You can read more about Dr. Li's theory at:


Dr. Li's theory got some experimental confirmation in the early 1990s when Eugene E. Podkletnov, a Russian materials scientist then at Tampere University of Technology in Finland, reported that gravity is attenuated above a spinning superconductor. You can read more about Podkletnov's experiment and its replication on the following web pages:


The gravity attenuation effects seem to be related to the rate of spin of the superconductor and the frequency of the electromagnetic field which was magnetically levitating it. According to Podkletnov's paper, "[t]he shielding force depends on the rotational speed of the disk and has a tendency to increase with the speed of rotation." A non-rotating superconductor would still have a very small gravity attenuating effect. ("The sample with the initial weight of 5.47834 g was found to loose about 0.05% of its weight when placed over the levitating disk without any rotation.")


Rotation speeds like this can be achieved in micro vortices with succussion or when reversing the direction of stirring a BD preparation.


Once quantum coherence is established in a sample, through what I call "spin coherence", the coherent system of particles appear to become "entangled" so that changes made on one of these particles are echoed in all of them. This is the "spooky action at a distance" that Einstein suggested might result from certain implications of quantum theory.


You can read a story on how quantum entanglement implies instantaneous communication at vast distances here:


Here is a germane quote from this page:


"By contrast, according to quantum mechanics, an experimenter could entangle a pair of particles, separate them by vast distances, then instantaneously change the state of one by changing the state of the other - even at distances of millions of light years."


Thus we have a postulated communication mechanism which is not limited by time and space.


Quantum coherent resonance has been observed in ORMUS concentrates. Here is a quote from the GCT web site at:


"During the development phase of the propulsion system it was observed that two separate plasma powered prototypes exhibited identical and simultaneous plasma field discrepancies when operated simultaneously. These simultaneous resonance couplings persisted regardless of the shielding used to separate the two devices, including Faraday cages.


We believe that it is possible to build custom plasma field units that are capable of transmitting and receiving messages by resonance-tuning them through the ZPF. In our view, the exchange of information between the devices is accomplished through the medium of the Zero Point Field, and is not dependent in any way on the exchange of conventional electromagnetic energy.


Real time exchange of information over extreme distances can be accomplished. For example, communication with a spacecraft orbiting Mars can be an interactive experience, with no speed-of-light time lag between transmission and reception."


Biodynamic principles suggest that a very small amount of information, such as that contained in a biodynamic preparation, is capable of changing the growing behavior of an entire orchard or field. In a similar way, the quantum coherent regions produced by succussion in a homeopathic preparation will carry the information in the source material throughout the water of the remedy and eventually throughout the body of the person who takes the remedy.


In essence, the spin coherent ORMUS particles are acting as the carrier for the information in the preparation or remedy. The analogy I like to use is that it acts like the radios in a fleet of taxis. When the dispatcher keys his radio to all of the taxis and tells them to change lanes, they can all change lanes at once.


Masaru Emoto, a researcher in Japan has demonstrated that crystal ice formation in water can be influenced by sound, written words, and even by thought.


I suspect that the ORMUS elements hiding inside icosahedral water molecules may be the radio in my analogy. When these ORMUS radios receive the command to "change lanes" they put out a resonance that changes the shape of the surrounding water molecule.


Thus, using ORMUS rich substances like paramagnetic rock dust can be beneficial but it depends on which ORMUS elements are present in the rock dust, how concentrated they are and how quantum coherent they become in the process of use.


There are other factors involved too. I have seen some evidence that a simple paramagnetic rock dust will change its paramagnetic measurements over time due to exposure to certain subtle energies. Here is a report of some observations I made on this on Tue, 25 Mar 200311:20:38 -0700.


As an aside, last Sunday we took some muscovite mica (which is often associated with metallic gold and is suspected of containing ORMUS gold) and tested it with one of the Callahan paramagnetism meters sold by Pike. The mica measured +5 or so at first but gradually climbed to +27 over about 20 minutes. Since I suspected that this curve might mirror the paramagnetic to diamagnetic curve I saw in my jumping gold sample I suggested to the people who were in the room that it might go down toward the diamagnetic end of the scale over time. It stopped at +27 for a while and then very gradually dropped to -5.


The colleague who has the Pike paramagnetism meter will be replicating this experiment with a video camera on the meter so that we can describe the rising and falling curve of another identical mica sample.


Since we parted he has noticed that adding a few grains of the mica to a basalt dust sample will significantly increase the paramagnetic reading of the dust but it too will then significantly decline over time.


The jumping gold sample that I referred to can be seen in a short video at:


At first we were concerned that the Pike meter might be drifting so we put a pure basalt sample in a clean 35 millimeter film container to check this out. This sample held rock steady for the entire time.


Another colleague has embedded a test tube full of tap water in a bowl of muscovite mica and measured the viscosity of the water in the test tube over time. He noticed that the viscosity dropped at first then started rising.


Dr. John Milewski has been drinking water which comes from a water bottle embedded in "magnetite" for five days. He collected this "magnetite" from the desert near his home in New Mexico. He has noticed a profound difference in this water and has noticed that his hair color is returning. You can read his story on this at:


So it looks like the paramagnetic/diamagnetic properties may change over time due to exposure to environmental factors. Plus others have suggested that they may also change due to astrological factors.


We are only beginning to develop techniques for identifying the individual ORMUS elements in a substance and are just getting a glimmer of an idea about the many ways in which they can be "charged" or "informed".


Chapter 14         ORMUS, DNA Repair and Health



It appears that the key to great physical longevity is the discovery of a method for effecting the repair of DNA. Accumulated damage to the DNA has been called one of the major factors in aging. It is also generally considered to be a major factor in cancer, aids and other degenerative diseases. David Hudson in his lectures and workshops claims that the ORMUS materials have reversed the progress of cancer and other diseases. Hudson suggests that this reversal is the result of the repair of DNA which is facilitated by the ORMUS elements. Here is a quote on this subject from David Hudson's Portland, Oregon lecture:


"They claimed that it perfects the cells of the body. Well I can show you tomorrow Bristol-Myers-Squib research that shows that this material inter-reacts with DNA, correcting the DNA. All the carcinogenic damage, all the radiation damage, all is corrected from these elements in the presence of the cell. They don't chemically inter-react with it, they just correct the DNA.


This is not an anti-anything. This is not anti-aids. This is not anti-cancer. This is pro-life. It literally is the spirit. The material is not here to cure aids. The material is not here to cure cancer. The material is here to perfect our bodies. It makes our bodies be in the state they are supposed to be in. It is our own immune system that fights and cures the disease. If you can correct your DNA at every cell in your body. If you can correct the damage that's been done that brought about the cancer, if you can correct the damage that has been brought about by the virus; the aids you literally will become a perfected being. You will return back to the original healthy state you were meant to be in."


Here is another quote on this subject from Hudson's Dallas lecture:


"Now what does it do in the body? It literally corrects the DNA, by a process the equivalent of a denaturing solution, the DNA relaxes and recombines corrected. So all diseases that originate with a problem with the DNA can be corrected, but your reason for taking it cannot be to correct a disease. Your reason for taking it has to be a philosophical reason. It has to be to enlighten and to raise the nature of mankind. If in doing that, it happens to cure the diseases, so be it.


And I just saw this. Dan Winter does such a good job of depicting it that I said, oh hell, I'll just use his slides. It just so happens that Dan Winter said that the nucleus or the DNA interacts with this frequency. So people in music and all this that play all this beautiful music, they say it calms the soul, it does all these things, they say, "Dave, would music effect the DNA itself?" I don't believe so because, I think, that what you're trying to effect is in fact a null, and that frequency that you're trying to generate is in fact a frequency so short that even our nuclear physicists can't produce the Planck frequency. But that frequency in fact is where everything is and that frequency just happens to interact with the DNA in the cell. It is the God-Force or the Creative Vibration or the energy that is everywhere timeless in the universe and that's what the electro-magnetic null produces. So what frequency is it? It's not important. It's two waves equal and opposite, that's what's important. (audience question) It's actually Dan Winter's book, it's a big thick book, but I don't remember the title of it. It's Dan Winter's book and that's what it's in. Anyway, next slide.


And here he says, he's showing the cell again, the inter-reaction of the zero point energy which he shows depicted as the center or literally that the vibrations actually go to null, to nothing and that's the center. And that's the frequency inter-reaction of the DNA. That's one way of picturing it and so I'm using his slide, but that happens to be the frequency that does interact with the DNA, and his terminology here is, lightning-spun up-primal soup- all lightning is unipolar because of the consistent orgone electro-negative. Well he's talking about this as orgone energy. That I don't know if I ascribe to, I don't know if I like his terminology here, but his concept of the electro-magnetic zero point is accurate. I'm not telling you that I believe everything that Dan Winter writes, I'm telling you that this particular part of it is accurate. Next slide. Okay, next slide."


The immune system is also degraded by DNA damage. We suspect that any disease condition which is related to either the immune system or damaged DNA might benefit from ingestion of the ORMUS materials.


A recent Associated Press story talks about the discovery of an "aging gene" named WRN which:


"appears to play a vital role in how DNA repairs itself and reproduces, long suspected as keys to aging". . . "Normal WRN appears to govern the production of vital enzymes called helicases."


"DNA carries the body's genetic blueprint, in double-helix strands coiled inside every cell. Whenever a cell reproduces, the DNA strands first must uncoil so they can be copied accurately for the new cell. Likewise, whenever the body needs to repair a cellular defect, the DNA must unwind so repair enzymes can snip off the defective piece. Helicases make DNA unwind."


"If WRN is mutated, presumably the helicases aren't uncoiling DNA properly - so cells aren't reproducing to replace dying ones or DNA damage is not being repaired"


Three recent papers suggest that the platinum group elements can assist in this process of DNA repair:


Platinum Metals Review

1990, Volume 34, Number 4

Biophysical Studies of the Modification of DNA by Antitumour Platinum Coordination Complexes


"The modification of DNA by cisplatin has been examined. Anti-tumour active Pt compounds induce in DNA, at low levels of binding, local conformational alterations which have the character of non-denaturing distortions. These changes in DNA occur due to formation of inter-strand cause links..." p. 235


Scientific American

May 1995

David Paterson


"The researchers examined the electrical properties of short lengths of double-helix DNA in which there was a ruthenium atom at each end of one of the strands. Meade and Kayyem estimated from earlier studies that a short single strand of DNA ought to conduct up to 100 electrons a second. Imagine their astonishment when they measured the rate of flow along the ruthenium-doped double helix: the current was up by a factor of more than 10,000 times-over a million electrons a second. It was as if the double helix was behaving like a piece of molecular wire."


"For some time, chemists have suspected that the double helix might create a highly conductive path along the axis of the molecule, a route that does not exist in the single strand. Here was confirmation of this idea." pp. 33-34


Matti Pitkänen, a theoretical quantum physicist in Finland, wrote the following about the third article which appeared in Science magazine:


In the newest Science, vol. 275, 7. March 1997 there was a very interesting article about the work of Barton and her group. Barton et al have done several experiments between 1993-1997 related to the conductivity properties of DNA double helix. The conclusion of Barton et al is that DNA double helix has the ability to do chemistry at distance: "A DNA molecule with a chemical group artificially tethered to one end appears to mediate a chemical change far down the helix, causing a patch of damaged DNA to be mended.".


DNA as conducting wire instead of insulator


What seems to occur is flow of electron current along DNA with very small resistance. Typically the experiments involve electron donator and acceptor separated by a long distance along DNA. When acceptor is radiated it goes to excited state and an electron current flows from donator to acceptor as a consequence. Standard wisdom tells that this should not be possible. The current should flow by quantum tunneling between adjacent building units of DNA and it should diminish exponentially with distance. For proteins this is known to be the case. In experiments however no distance dependence was observed.


There exist a theory which assumes that the current could flow along the interior of double DNA, that is the region between the bases of strand and complementary strand. The electron would be delocalized in bases rings these rings would form a stack along DNA. The current would flow by tunneling also now but the tunneling probability would be so large that distance dependence would be weak. The critics of Barton argue that this model cannot explain all the experiments of Barton and that the model is not in accordance with basic organic chemistry and biology: ordinary sun light should have rather drastic effects on us. Barton admits that they do not understand the mechanism.


TGD-based explanation in terms of exotic atom concept


TGD suggests a possible explanation of phenomenon in terms of closely related concepts of exotic atom and charged wormhole. The concept of exotic atom in turn relies on the concept of many sheeted spacetime. Exotic atom is formed when one or more outer valence electrons of ordinary atom are dropped from atomic spacetime sheet to a 'larger' spacetime sheet, now spacetime sheet with a form of DNA helix. As a consequence, charged wormholes feeding the em gauge flux to the larger spacetime sheet are also generated. Electrons in larger spacetimesheet could be delocalized and this could lead to a smaller ground state energy. What is important is that the electrons on the larger spacetime sheet move effectively in empty spacetime and therefore electric current can flow freely without resistance.


Charged wormholes could provide also a mechanism of superconductivity: photons are replaced with the excitations of wormhole BE condensate in this mechanism. It is however too early to say whether super conductivity is really in question and even whether this superconductivity mechanism really works.


In the experimental arrangements of Barton typically donors and acceptors of electrons are Rh and Ru atoms. Both have 5s unpaired electron and this electron would drop on the larger spacetime sheet from the atomic spacetime sheet and induce electric current. Some colleagues of Barton did not observe the effect when using organic molecules as donors. A possible explanation is that these molecules are such that their valence electrons cannot drop on lower spacetime sheet (it is not energetically favourable, they could be paired, for instance).




For exotic atoms, charged wormholes and the related mechanism of super conductivity see my homepage


Additional references to papers by Dr. Jacqueline Barton can be found on physicist Tony Smith's web page at:


(Tony Smith goes into additional technical discussion on many of the issues raised in this article.)


From these three papers, it should be clear that the repair of DNA may be linked to the presence of the platinum group elements.


David Hudson claims that he has provided ORMUS materials to various medical doctors who have given them to patients with cancer. According to Hudson, in the great majority of these cases the cancer patients have recovered with indications that the cancer tissue reverted to normal tissue. Hudson reports that the tumors at first appeared to grow because cancer tissue is more dense than normal tissue. Since the cancer was becoming normal tissue, as it became less dense it would expand.


In his Ashland, Oregon lecture Hudson said:


"First of all, if you use the rhodium and iridium, one of the things you can see is that in the first 3 to 4 weeks the tumor actually appears to grow faster. So if you have taken a biopsy, and found that you have a tumor, if you take the rhodium and iridium, in the first 3 to 4 weeks the magnetic resonance imaging will show it's growing faster, which really scares people. They say 'God, that's not what I want'. What you have to understand is, that the dense cancer tissue, when the tissue is converted to healthy tissue, it enlarges in size. And so if the physical tumor is this large (gesture), when it's cured will be this large (gesture). It actually gets larger because it's going to healthy tissue. It's called necrosis in the medical community. Its the opening up of the tumor, okay, and the going to normal. After 60 days you do a biopsy on the tumor and its no longer cancer. Its a benign tumor. The doctors who surgically remove the tumor say 'Gosh, it looks like cancer, looks like it ought to be cancer, it was cancer 60 days ago; its just not cancer now...I don't know what to explain.' Well, that's okay. It takes about a year and a half for all this mass of tumor to dissolve away.


So... if you have a cancer in the brain, if you have a brain tumor, my advice is to stay away from this. And the reason for it is there seems to be a growth. And that's a problem when you have a brain tumor because your brain is encapsulated in a skull, which has a limited amount of room. And so I advise people, you can have surgically implanted a radioactive iridium pellet -which you don't have to have radioactive, you can put the [non-radioactive] iridium and it goes away too, but they make it radioactive so that standard science can accept that this is why its going away; I thought 'That's stupid' when I read that. Anyway then, implant this pellet in the tumor, and the tumor shrinks down to the point that they can surgically remove it, without hurting the brain. Then they actually take the tumor out and they take the pellet out also. Then you can take the material. Okay? But my advice to you is to be careful in dealing with brain tumors, because you do have a space limitation here."


Hudson says that he provided ORMUS materials to the National Institute of Health for in-vitro studies. Here the results were no less stunning but appeared to provide conflicting results. Most of the cancer tissue cultures did not show reversion of the cancer tissue to normal tissue but rather showed that the cancer just became more healthy. Here is an excerpt from Hudson's July/August, 1996 newsletter:




The National Institute of Health has performed cancer cell testing. Six kinds of tests were performed on leukemia with no direct intereaction with rhodium. Nine types of non-small cell lung cancer were tested with direct retardation of only one type of cell by the rhodium. That was NCl-H23. There were seven varieties of colon cancer tested with no intereaction with the rhodium. There were six varieties of CNS cancer with no direct intereaction.


There were eight varieties of Irialanoma with one variety referred to as the LOX IMVI, showing a dramatic reduction of growth in the presence of rhodium. The LOX INVI cancer cells are a melanoma form of cancer.


There were six varieties of ovarian cancer, six varieties of renal cancer, two varieties of prostate cancer, eight varieties of breast cancer, none of which showed any direct intereaction with the rhodium. There was MD MID tests performed on Delta and also on the Range showing dramatic reduction in cancer activity.


Members should be clear that this was not a study on human patients. It did not measure any reaction with the thymus or other organs in the body. The tests did not measure increases in white blood cells, T-cells, etc. it was simply a test of the direct intereaction of one ORME (rhodium) in a cell culture.


Additional studies were conducted in New York on PC3 independent prostate cancer cells. At two, four and ten micrograms per milliliter the rhodium ORME promoted DNA synthesis (measured by the thymidine incorporation), stimulated cell growth and cell looked better than usual. Thus rhodium ORME is not toxic, but in fact seems to make the cancer cells more vigorous and robust and clearly does not retard PC3 cancer cells.


Similar results occurred with mink lung epithelial cells. Incorporation of tritiated thymidine increased from 7000 cpm to 20,000 cpm.


In PC3 cells, rhodium ORME caused cytokine, mRNA and peptide levels to fall. This correlates with the increased growth rates in these cells, since this cytokine is known to inhibit cell growth. It also is known to increase in inflammatory conditions, therefore it is possible that the decrease in the cytokine caused by the rhodium ORME could reduce inflammation.


At the university of Illinois, the rhodium ORME was tested in cytotoxicity tests using eight different cell lines. None showed toxicity at levels as high as twenty micrograms per milliliter. This shows that rhodium ORME is not toxic. Clearly Rhodium ORME does not act on cancer cells by killing them, but many other mechanisms which are not considered normal in cancer research are now being investigated.


In Summary:


Rhodium ORME is clearly not toxic, even at very high concentration. Thus its anti-cancer action can not be via a cancer cell-killing mechanism.


Its effects on growth of cancer cells is cell type specific. It inhibits growth of liver cancer cell lines and the prostate line H23, but not the growth of other cell types. It actually stimulates the growth of PC3 cells and mink lung epithelial cells.


It inhibits the production of cytokine in PC3 cell and mink lung epithelial cells, which suggests the rhodium ORME may have anti-inflammatory activity.


The implications of this discrepancy need to be examined. If, with exposure to the ORMUS elements, cancer cells revert to normal cells in the body but do not do so in the petri dish then there must be some factor, which promotes this reversion, that is present in (or around) the body and that is not present in a petri dish .


A gentleman named Gary, who describes himself as a "kundalini awakened American engineer" wrote the following explanation for his theory about a mechanism for DNA repair in the body:


"Regarding Hudson's negative results with in-vitro cancer cultures. Cell cultures do not behave the same as their in-vivo equivalents, for processes that involve kundalini. Cell cultures contain pranic energy, but they lack nadis, and kundalini. As kundalini generally oversees and directs the use of ORMEs, this means ORMEs actions in vitro will be substantially impaired, and much less effective, than in vivo.


Some have asked incredulously and sometimes vituperously how DNA could possibly be repaired and restored to its original sequence by *anything*, once damaged. I have listened to several such exchanges. Some apparently believe that, once the DNA is damaged, nothing remains to base a correction on, and hence have difficulty understanding how ORMEs (or anything else) could know *how* to "fix" sequencing damage, once it has occurred (assuming, of course, that both halves of the DNA have been altered).


Each of us has an etheric double, which is the coarsest of the subtle counterparts of our physical body. This and some subplanes of the astral are the level or home of an 'elemental', associated with the innate consciousness of the physical body. This is a separate consciousness, like those I touched on in explaining the nature of consciousness in matter, earlier.


Regardless of the physical damage cellular DNA may sustain, such as by ionizing radiation, phage-induced mutations, etc., the subtle template is always there, and though it may be depleted of vitality, it is not susceptible to these sorts of structural damage. It is around this prescient organizational form that our bodies grew, in genomic expression, once the individualization phase began in later fetal progress. Every molecule **related to organization and structure** has its subtle counterpart, within it. This is the same matrix which has been observed in the "phantom leaf effect", etc., in Kirlian photography.


Kundalini and ORMEs both function, in large part, in 4th dimensional astral levels. The original subtle "backup copy" of the DNA is readily available to them, at the precise place where it is needed, right at the damage site in the errant cell's DNA. The subtle part lies, superimposed 4th dimensionally, right where the physical part is, and there is no problem at all, in seeing where the two don't agree. There are a variety of mechanisms that repair DNA. In some cases, given sufficient ORMEs in the system, kundalini simply uses the ORMEs as a mechanism, like a read/write head so-to-speak, in repairing the damage. ORMEs are used to transfer a resonance from the subtle template, to guide the DNase, polymerase, endonuclease, and other various enzymes in removing and recoding the damaged base sequences. Each of the bases has a distinct vibrational signature, which the enzymes have no trouble at all in recognizing.


In a cell culture, the cell's own subtle template is present, but no kundalini is present as an organizing force, nor overall template, and virtually no organization is present among the cells, so the genotypical expression elements are largely running open loop. How likely is it that ORMEs may effect a cure under these conditions? Not very(!), though they still seem to have some slight beneficial effect. I suggest they shall have better luck with curing cancers when they experiment on lab mice and other living creatures."


In a nutshell, Gary is suggesting that a non-physical template for DNA exists and that where this non-physical DNA template is available to the physical DNA the ORMUS elements can facilitate the repair of the DNA to this healthy template. Let's examine these concepts.


Many respected modern scientists in a variety of scientific fields postulate that physical manifestations of matter arise out of some sort of non-physical information field. The great physicist David Bohm postulated that time, space and matter unfolds from a non-physical "plenum" he called the "implicate order". Further, this unfoldment is directed by a field of intelligence he called the "super-implicate order":


"The first implicate order is like the field, and there is a super-implicate order which organizes the field into discrete units which are particle-like. Without that superimplicate order however, the field would just spread out without showing any particle-like qualities." (Unfolding Meaning: a Weekend of Dialogue with David Bohm)


How might communication between the implicate order and physical reality take place?


Quantum Coherence

Quantum physicists often attribute communication between non-physical realms and the physical realms to a quantum physical phenomena called "quantum coherence". In certain "special" situations like coherent light (lasers) and superconductivity, multiple particle aggregations are believed to become coherent and behave as if they were single particles. These coherent systems of particles exhibit quantum properties like quantum non-locality where a force administered to one particle may be instantly reflected in a response in another quantum coupled particle light years away. This coupled response is taken to be evidence of communication between the two particles which is independent of space and time.


Until recently, it was generally believed that practical demonstrations of quantum coherence required very special technical conditions like super cold (in the case of superconductivity) or special mirrors (in the case of lasers). Recently a number of scientists have been reporting evidence of quantum coherence in biological systems. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho (see: for a short bio) wrote this about the role of "quantum coherence" in consciousness. In the abstract of her article titled "Quantum Coherence and Conscious Experience" Dr. Ho writes:


"I propose that quantum coherence is the basis of living organization and can also account for key features of conscious experience - the "unity of intentionality", our inner identity of the singular "I", the simultaneous binding and segmentation of features in the perceptive act, the distributed, holographic nature of memory, and the distinctive quality of each experienced occasion."


But is there evidence that quantum coherence is involved in a wider communication network beyond the body? In her paper titled "Gaia and the Evolution of Coherence" she suggests that quantum coherence is a fundamental basis for intercommunication between species on the Earth:


"Thus, it seems that the essence of the living state is to build up and extend the coherent spatio-temporal platform for communication starting from the energy of the sun initially absorbed by green plants. Living systems are thus neither the subjects alone, nor objects isolated, but both subjects and objects in a mutually communicating universe of meaning. In contrast to the neo-Darwinist point of view, their capacity for evolution depends, not on rivalry or on might in the struggle for existence. Rather, it depends on their capacity for communication. So in a sense, it is not individuals as such which are developing but living systems interlinked into a coherent whole. Just as the cells in an organism take on different tasks for the whole, different populations enfold information not only for themselves, but for all other organisms, expanding the consciousness of the whole, while at the same time becoming more and more aware of this collective consciousness. Human consciousness may have its most significant role in the development and creative expression of the collective consciousness of nature."


Also in her paper she postulates that:


"Organisms are thus emitters and most probably, also receivers of coherent electromagnetic signals which may be essential for their functioning."


Dr. Philip Callahan is an entomologist who has been exploring mechanisms of coherent electromagnetic communication for the last fifty years. Dr. Callahan has his doctorate in entomology and about 1600 hours of training in electronics. He has combined these two interests and developed several interesting theories. His theories are based on experimental evidence.


One of his theories is that insect antennae are dielectric, open resonator, infrared detectors. He expounds this theory in a paper published in the book "Molecular and Biological Physics of Living Systems" edited by R. K. Mishra and published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1990. His paper is titled "Nonlinear Infrared Coherent Radiation as an Energy Coupling Mechanism in Living Systems". Here is his introduction to this paper:


"A history of my observations of moths and ants at light is given and the external infrared environment of day and night described. It is pointed out that insects have dielectric, open resonator, antennae, in the from of sensilla, on their antennae. A table of the ELF vibration frequency of various insect orders is presented and related to the many parameters of infrared scatter emission from scent and pheromone molecules. Experiments on moth oviposition, attraction to candles, and response to colors of light are described, as is the behavior of ants at candles. The complex far infrared maserlike emission of candles is correlated with emission from insect sex scents and pheromones, and a method of generating maserlike scatter emission from scent molecules described. Several such spectrum from ethanol are presented. Spectrum of nonlinear emission, far infrared frequencies from breath are generated by vibrating a metal plate with a 130 audio component of the OM phoneme. The discussion relates the insect communication system to other life organizing coherent systems. This work on Cabannes and Rayeligh scattering of coherent radiation reinforces other work on photon storage in biological systems."


There are a couple of quotes from this paper which suggest that the principles that Dr. Callahan has discovered might be common to many living systems:


"The occurrence of nonlinear coherent lines in breath at body temperature leads one to the conclusion that coherent radiations, especially from complex scatter frequencies, are a part of the mechanism of self organizing biological system and occur as readily, under the right conditions, in the tubules of the blood vessels and at cellular levels, especially in the visible region as shown by Popp, and others. A summary of elegant work based on coherence in self organizing living systems is given in the symposium "Synergic et Coherence dans les Systems Biologiques." Work on coherent information and energy transfer mechanisms is a new and exciting area for research into the mysteries of self organizing biological systems, and it is the scent coupling of energy from organic molecules to insect dielectric antennae forms in the infrared region that gives great insight into how such coherent systems work. It is imperative that researchers in this field answer criticism from those who are convinced that coherence does not occur at room temperatures in living systems."



"That coherent infrared is available for insect communication systems there is and it is also available in both the visible and infrared portions of the spectrum for utilization in self organizing biological systems, and it is for this reason that my work reinforces other work on coherent energy coupling mechanisms in living systems.


Once this concept of coherent energy coupling in self organizing systems is thoroughly understood, it is predictable that the generation of coherent signals in the UV (virus and membrane dimensions) visible and infrared (cell, organells and insect antennae dimensions) can be utilized to resonate to the biological antenna in order to control disease organisms or reverse cancerous conditions. It might even be possible to resonate to the form of the AIDS virus in the 0.1 mm region, which is the dimension of most virus, and reverse the fatal signals of that small "living" antenna, or to put it in more poetic terms 'find God in little things.'"


Another phenomena which is associated with quantum coherence is superconductivity. The search for a material which will support superconductivity at room temperatures is one of the "Holy Grail" quests of modern physics but there is strong evidence that supercondictivity is already present in biological systems at biological temperatures. In her "Gaia" paper Dr. Ho wrote:


"Recently, technology has progressed to materials which can superconduct at much higher temperatures above absolute zero. The solid-state physicist Herbert Frohlich (1968) in Liverpool was among the first to point out that something like a condensation into a collective mode of activity may be occurring in living systems, such that living organisms are in effect, superconductors working at physiological temperatures. He suggested that much of the metabolic energy, instead of being lost as heat, is actually stored in the form of coherent electromechanical vibrations in the body. He called these collective modes, coherent excitations."


In recent years a number of interesting papers have been published which identify the presence of superconductivity in biological systems (


Little: W.A. 1964. Possibility of synthesizing an organic superconductor. Phys. Rev. 134A:1416.


Little, S.A. 1965. Superconductivity at room temperature. Sci. American 212:21.


Ginzburg, V.L. 1964. On surface superconductivity. Phys. Lett. 13:101.


Ginzburg, V.L. 1968. The problem of high temperature superconductivity. Contemp. Physics 9:355.


Halpern, E.H., and Wolf, A.A. 1972. Speculations of superconductivity in biological and organic systems. Adv. Cryogenic Eng. 17:109.


Wolf, A.A., and Halpern, E.H. 1976. Experimental high temperature organic superconductivity in the cholates: a summation of results. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 8:31.


Wolf, A.A. 1976. Experimental evidence for high-temperature organic fractional superconduction of cholates. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 8:495.


Ahmed, N.A.G., Claderwood, J.H., Frohlich, H., and Smith, C.W. 1975. Evidence for collective magnetic effects in an enzyme. Likelihood of room temperature superconductive regions. Phys. Lett. 53A:129.


Cope, F.W. 1971. Evidence from activation energies for superconductive tunneling in biological systems at physiological temperatures. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 3:403.


Cope, F.W. 1978. Discontinuous magnetic field effects (Barkhausen noise) in nucleic acids as evidence for room temperature organic superconduction. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 10:233.


How might quantum coherent communication work in the body? In her book, The Rainbow and the Worm, Mae-Wan Ho wrote:


"The collagenous liquid crystalline mesophases in the connective tissues, with their associated structured water, therefore, constitutes a semi-conducting, highly responsive network that extends throughout the organism. This network is directly linked to the intracellular matrices of individual cells via proteins that go through the cell membrane. The connective tissues and intracellular matrices, together, form a global tensegrity system, as well as an excitable electrical continuum for rapid intercommunication through-out the body."


She suggests that:


"the instantaneous (nonlocal) coordination of body functions is mediated, not by the nervous system, but by the body consciousness inhering in the liquid crystalline continuum of the body. Implicit in this suggestion is the idea that living systems have a special kind of coherence or wholeness, which is characteristic of macroscopic quantum systems."


Later she elaborates further on this:


"I have argued that quantum coherence is the basis of conscious experience, which involves the possibilities of nonlocal inter-communication between distant parts of the brain, the simultaneous recognition of whole and part in our perceptive field, and the distinctive quality of each experienced occasion. All that is beyond the scope of the present discussion. I shall mention just one aspect of (brain) memory here. Many people have already remarked on the holographic nature of brain memory in that it is able to survive large brain lesions. The possibility, from what has been said above, is that memory is not only delocalized over the entire brain, but over the entire liquid crystalline continuum of the body which serves as a holographic medium. Ervin Laszlo, philosopher and systems theorist, has recently proposed that much of personal memory may be stored in an ambient, collective quantum holographic memory field delocalized from the individual -- in the universal holographic medium of the quantum vacuum -- and that memories are accessed by the brain from the ambient field. This is fully consistent with the 'romantic' idea, increasingly validated by the foundations of quantum theory, that all nature is interconnected, and that the separateness and discreteness of things in the common sensible world are illusory."


Optical coherence effects also have been observed in microtubules (which are a structure inside cells). An interesting theory about how microtubules might function as a biological computer by collapsing infinite possibilities into a decision was proposed by Roger Penrose (a physicist) and Stuart Hameroff (an anesthesiologist) in their paper titled "Orchestrated Objective Reduction of Quantum Coherence in Brain Microtubules: The "Orch OR" Model for Consciousness":


"A critical number of tubulins maintaining coherence within [microtubules] for 500 msec collapses its own wave function (objective reduction: OR). This occurs because the mass-energy difference among the superpositioned states of coherent tubulins critically perturbs space-time geometry. To prevent multiple universes, the system must reduce to a single space-time by choosing eigenstates."


In another paper (Cytoplasmic Gel States and Ordered Water: Possible Roles in Biological Quantum Coherence - Hameroff suggests that this quantum coherence within the microtubule might be a function of light coherence:


"Here we consider three proposals in which ordered water may play a role in biological quantum coherence essential for living systems and consciousness: 1) quantum optical coherence in microtubule inner cores ("super-radiance" and "self-induced transparency"); 2) cellular "vision"; 3) isolation of microtubules from environmental decoherence."


So, we see that both optical coherence and superconductivity have been identified within biological systems, but how might the ORMUS elements be responsible for these effects and how might they relate to DNA repair?


The ORMUS elements appear to support both superconductivity and optical coherence at biological temperatures and above. I believe that I have demonstrated superconductive magnetic levitation at room temperature on my kitchen table using ORMUS gold as the superconductor. You can download a short "video" of this demonstration at:


Magnetic Levitation "Movie"


I have spoken with Dr. Callahan extensively about the ORMUS elements and we agree that they may be the "mechanism" underlying the coherent coupling phenomena that he describes. Dr. Callahan has demonstrated experimental evidence that coherent coupling phenomena couples living plants to their environment. He postulates that paramagnetic soils are the basis of this coupling phenomena. In his book on this subject "Paramagnetism - Rediscovering Nature's Secret Force of Growth" he writes:


"Sometime during the decline of the great Tang dynasty (894 AD) the gates to China were closed by Japan and garden geomancy became garden art, an aesthetic undertaking. It had lost its connection to the sun. Placement and shapes were no longer antenna design, but were more in line with the visions of artists who had little knowledge of low-energy force fields. There it stagnates today, endlessly fostered by Eastern and Western practitioners who have not the slightest knowledge of the physics of nature's low-energy forces. If one thing should be learned from this book, it is that not only do the laws of physics connect chemistry to biology, but they also connect mankind to the sun!"


In this book, Dr. Callahan explains that paramagnetic properties of the soil are taken up into plants where they become diamagnetic but when these plants burn or rot the ash is paramagnetic again. We have noted that the ORMUS materials will change from paramagnetic to diamagnetic depending on their exposure to moving magnetic fields (an example of this transition can be seen in the "video" I mentioned above) and that they become diamagnetic when they are in water.


Using this principle we have devised "magnetic traps" to magnetically "levitate" the more diamagnetic portion of water so that this portion can be concentrated. Three magnetic trap designs are linked from:


An Australian geologist named Kevin has used one of the magnetic trap designs to extract ORMUS elements from the air. Kevin has also found that dew collected at the time of the full moon has more of these elements in it than dew collected at other times of the month.


A 52 year old woman of our acquaintance who lives in Michigan has been drinking ORMUS water concentrated using a magnetic trap. She has been keeping meticulous notes on her response to the effects of this water. You can read her diary of these effects at:


So, what might the mechanism of DNA repair by the ORMUS elements be?


Cisplatin and the ORMUS elements


Cancer cells are known to have damaged DNA. Cisplatin is one of the most commonly used cancer chemotherapy drugs. Cisplatin is a DNA damaging agent. It kills rapidly reproducing cells, including cancer cells, by increasing the rate of DNA damage which causes cell mutation sufficient to make cancer cells unable to reproduce.(1) Sometimes cancers will develop a resistance to Cisplatin; the Cisplatin quits working as it is supposed to. The evidence that it has ceased working is that it quits damaging cancer cell DNA and starts repairing it instead. In other words, it looks like Cisplatin can both damage and repair DNA.


Unfortunately Cisplatin does not repair the damaged DNA in cancer cells according to a healthy cell template but rather it repairs the damaged DNA according to the cancer cell template. The ORMUS form of the platinum group elements appears to facilitate the repair of mutated cancer DNA according to a healthy template.


Here is our theory about how this repair might happen.


Cisplatin is a small cluster metallic compound of platinum. We believe it is possible to put platinum and the other platinum group elements into a monatomic or diatomic state which is non-metallic and is characterized by the Cooper pairing of the electrons and certain Bosonic behaviors.


In this Cooper paired state the platinum group elements (PGEs) are no longer capable of forming compounds because their electrons are paired and this makes them unavailable as valence electrons. But they are capable of resonance coupling with one another and they may be "involved" with conventional chemistry in a number of ways (for example they are suspected to be powerful catalysts for chemical reactions).


Superconductors resonance connect via something called the Meissner effect. If the ORMUS elements are superconductors at biological temperatures then we might expect some sort of Meissner effect to be evident in the body if they are present in the body. The demonstration linked above suggests that the Meissner effect is in evidence at biological temperatures as does the work we have done with the magnetic trap.


We believe that this resonance coupling capability allows these microcluster (monatoms & diatoms or m-state) elements to transfer information about healthy DNA to the damaged DNA in the cancer cells. We believe that they also mediate the repair of the DNA like the Cisplatin does but since they also are resonance coupling the healthy DNA information, the healthy template is used for the repair of the cancer cell DNA.


If, as David Bohm, Rupert Sheldrake, Mae-Wan Ho, Philip Callahan and other scientists suggest, there is a non-physical information field which surrounds and interpenetrates the body then the information from this field might be coherently communicated to the DNA by the ORMUS elements. This information transfer may be partly facilitated by the coherent Meissner effect generated by the superconducting m-state elements in the body. We suspect that this information field is more than just the Meissner field and involves energies which are not currently known to science.


This theory that I have just explained models a more healing mechanism for cancer recovery than the cancer killing mechanism which is in current vogue in the medical community. According to this model, cancer cell DNA is repaired and the cancer cells revert back to normal healthy tissue.


We have strong evidence that the m-state PGEs are present in the body. David Hudson, the best known researcher in the ORMUS field, has determined that m-state rhodium and iridium together account for about 5% of the dry matter weight of brain tissue. We also have strong evidence that these two m-state elements are relatively abundant in all of the natural animal and vegetable based cancer "treatments". For example carrots raised in volcanic soil have a quarter of a percent of combined m-state rhodium and iridium and the aloe vera based product Acemannan contains about 90% m-state rhodium.


David Hudson provided ORMUS elements for clinical cancer treatments to a number of doctors.(2) These cancer treatments were outstandingly successful with considerable evidence that the cancer tissue was reverting to normal healthy tissue in almost every case. However when in-vitro studies were performed using the ORMUS elements on the same types of cancer, the cancer cell lines simply became very healthy.(3)


In the in-vivo clinical cases the cancers were in close proximity to healthy cells in the patient's bodies so the resonance transfer of DNA information could happen. In the petri dish studies, the cell lines were far removed, in time and space, from the healthy cells of the person who "donated" them to science.


Evidence of a Non-Physical DNA Template


There are a couple of recent studies which might support the involvement of a non-physical information template for the repair of DNA. You can read more about these studies at:


Here is a summary of a pilot study of the effects of the electromagnetic fields generated by the heart on the cells of the body:


"Results of a pilot study conducted at IHM showed that a coherent ECG signal had an inhibitory effect on tumor cells while the same signal facilitated growth in healthy cells. This research is in the process of being published and only the abstract is available here at this time. As soon as the scientific paper is published, and the journal grants permission, it will be included in the web information. The abstract is available."


Perhaps the difference between the in vitro and in vivo results are due to the magnetic fields generated by the heart. Perhaps there is some other type of energy field present in the body which would not be present in a petri dish. The phantom DNA effect discovered by Dr. Peter Gariaev and Dr. Vladimir Poponin suggests another type of mechanism which would explain the difference. Here is an explanation of the DNA phantom effect from the web page cited above:


"Dr. Vladimir Poponin and his Russian colleagues serendipitously discovered the DNA phantom effect during experiments observing DNA molecules with a laser photon correlation spectrometer. To their surprise, they found characteristic and reproducible patterns of photon scattering both while DNA molecules remained in the path of the laser beam and after the DNA molecules were removed from the laser pathway. They were able to detect the photon patterns (which they called the DNA phantom effect) for as long as several months after removal of the physical DNA from the system. They realized they had demonstrated a link - or coupling - between the electromagnetic energy of the DNA molecule and the zero energy vacuum substructure predicted by quantum physics."


In summary, we think that water in the body is "ordered" by the presence of the m-state or ORMUS elements. We suspect that this ordered water constitutes the "tubulin" inside the microtubules and the "liquid crystalline continuum of the body". We also believe that when the amounts of the m-state PGEs in the body are enhanced, the cell's superconducting, Meissner effect generating abilities are strengthened and expanded. We think that this allows quantum coherent information transfer between the DNA in individual cells and, possibly, allows quantum coherent communication with non-physical information realms. This coherent information transfer might facilitate the repair of DNA to a healthy template.


(1) - Cisplatin and DNA repair in cancer chemotherapy


(2) lecture - David Hudson's Portland, Oregon lecture


(3) 12&13 - David Hudson's newsletters 12 & 13


Chapter 15 A Few Reported Effects



Athletic ORMUS


In "An Exposition upon Sir George Ripley's Preface". Æyrenæus Philalethes (1678) wrote:


"yea, and a man or woman who is born to hereditary weakness, may be changed into a more than ordinary strength by use of our Medicine: or a man who by labor, sickness and years, is come to the grave's mouth, even to drop in it, may by the use hereof be restored his hair, his teeth, and his strength, so that he shall be of greater agility than in his youth, and of greater strength,"


There have been some remarkable reports of the m-state improving athletic performance. One gentleman reports:


"I am 53 years old and took a good m-state product for about 5 weeks earlier this summer. I meditate regularly and have spent a great deal of time working on health issues: physical and otherwise, for many years. I am deeply in tune with my body and particularly sensitive to changes that affect my energy.


Shortly after taking about 3 drops per day of the m-state, I noted my energy during the running portion of my workout increased significantly. Note that I often run in the hottest part of the day in Dallas, often when the temperature is well over 100 degrees. I feel particularly safe because I'm in constant contact with the feedback systems of my body, all of which have improved (rather than diminished) over the years. I was immediately impressed with the fact I ran my usual distance with greater ease than I've experienced in over 12 years.


I've been without the m-state substance for about a month (I'm working on getting more) but my benefits have not diminished. My running program continues to improve and my normally high energy is even higher. For example, today I hauled a huge pile of tree branches from my back yard to the curb, then ran my usual distance, then followed that with about an hour and a half of workout with weights (the first two activities were in about 90 degree heat). It's the end of the day and I still feel great. I know I've laid a strong foundation with my other practices, but I have no doubt the ORMUS played a significant -- and sudden -- role."


Though this gentleman is in his fifties he told me on the phone that he feels that he is running like he did when he was a teenager. He lives in Dallas and he recently completed his usual mile run when the temperature was 101 degrees Fahrenheit. He said that the heat did not seem to bother him much at all.


A thirty-eight year old gentleman reports:


"During this same ten-day period on ingesting the M-State elements I had experienced extraordinary physical strength and endurance in swimming. I used to train regularly and at the peak of my fitness was able to swim 2 kilometers in 40 minutes. I had not been swimming for over a year, but as there was a pool near Nigel's house I decided to swim every couple of days. On my third swim in about eight days I was amazed. I swam one kilometer and felt great, full of energy. So I decided to continue. I ended up matching my best time, i.e. 2 kilometers in 40 minutes. Not only that but afterwards I still felt full of energy and the next day had no sore muscles or tiredness. Two days later I decided to try again, thinking I may have read the clock inaccurately, and once again I swam my peak time with no tiredness afterwards. Normally it would have taken many weeks and a lot of effort to get back to that time."


Here is another report from a thirty-three old gentleman:


"From the very first time I tried this product I’ve seen a large change in my lifting of weight workouts. I lift longer, I lift heavier weight and my body doesn’t tire down as quick. I also love bicycling. I’ve noticed a strong increase in wanting to ride further and longer. I can even take on those hills I would avoid.


I’ve even gained more endurance in my sexual life. I have more staying power. After having an orgasm I’m able to continue without stopping."


Others have also reported greater sexual endurance.


Rev. Bruce Curtis reports that as a result of taking the Pureganic Liquid Manna he “tires less easily with exercise than before” and that he had his heart rate and blood oxygen levels checked. His heart rate was 62 and his blood oxygen levels were at 100%.


Despite a rather sedentary lifestyle I have noticed that I do not get nearly as tired or winded as I used to in these circumstances.


Another gentleman reported the following:


"At 58 years of age I felt that I was in a dwindling, downward spiral physically. Each year seemed to bring more limitations, less stamina and more pain. Knee surgery, with cartilage removal, 18 years prior had left me with diminished range of motion and muscular atrophy. This limited activity and necessitated frequent rests when being physical. Associated limping also caused bowing and rotating of the spinal column, which gave additional pain.


A shoulder, which had frozen up 6 years ago, never loosened up again completely. Arthritis in my hands was the source of more or less constant pain. In spite of all this, I tried to remain active, maintaining a large garden and restoring a 100 year old home.


LIQUID CHI has changed my life. In the first 48 hours I noticed that I was experiencing less pain. Day by day I noticed that I had more energy and stamina. In fact, some days I wouldn't even take a break or stop for lunch. I lost a little weight and took my belt in a notch without even dieting.


Also I have noticed that I don't need as much sleep. My attitude toward life and "joie' de vivre" have increased tremendously as a result of all this.


What really amazed me and prompted me to write this testimonial is that, after only six weeks of LIQUID CHI, I tried doing a Qi Gong exercise that had not been possible for me before, due to instability of my knee. I breezed right through the exercise, as though there had never been a problem."


A 53-year-old woman reported that she also felt an increase in stamina after drinking magnetic trap water for less than a month:


"Had to run across a little over 3/4 of an acre to front of the house, mail lady pulled in the drive. When I brought the mail in, I realized that I was not winded or out of breath from the running."


She reported a similar result for her husband:


"Last Sunday evening on the 10th and Monday the 11th, we received approximately 24 inches of quite heavy wet snow. The snow blower is broken, our 4-wheel drive truck has the reverse out of the transmission, and there is too much snow for our small tractor to push on the steep hill where we live. And to top this off, I could not get out to help my husband shovel out the driveway on Tuesday, the12th. All available plows are preoccupied and he needs to get out to teach a two-day class.


So, he had to shovel the drive the old fashioned way and by himself. He went out with the shovel and spent 7 hours removing just under 24 inches of snow from our 150-foot drive and an area 40 X 60 foot turn around in front of the garage. He stopped every few minutes to monitor his heart and took careful inventory of all of his systems. He was also very pleased to have cleared the entire drive and turn area and was not exhausted or overly tired. My husband is currently approaching 60 years. Following this little bit of exercise, the next two days were spent 14 hours each driving across the state to teach groups of technical classes. While he is a bit tired at this time and he will be sure to get a good rest tonight, he is still not exhausted.


Several months back, he would have stopped on the way back from each class for a road side rest for an hour or so before continuing on. The last few months this has never even been a consideration, which helps to make me even happier and with less worry!"


Doug, who is in his early fifties, neatly sums up the athletic improvements in his report:


"Your suggestion that the obvious physical effects of manna might be most appreciated in the field of sports medicine is a direct bull’s-eye! The most obvious physical effects of the use of Mountain Manna contribute to reports of exceptional performance by all the physically active users who have interviewed to date. From my experience the aspects of mental focus, pain threshold and energy reserves all respond positively to regular use of Mountain Manna and contribute to the reports of steadily improving performance. Personally, I have returned to performance levels I have not enjoyed since my late teens."


"As with any physical self-improvement program, lots of regular sweat producing exercise is essential if one desires the maximum benefit from manna use.


While watching the recent Olympic games, I was again reminded how strict the screening is for any “edge” the athletes try to find. For the stimulant effect alone, m-state products should be of special interest to most athletes. Since manna provides an extra boost to all natural and permitted stimulants and is also a very special food whose use is virtually undetectable; it is an untapped resource waiting to be discovered by this generation of seekers who would be tomorrow’s winners."


ORMUS and Sounds in the Head

Sounds can be associated with the movement of kundalini energy. These sounds are acknowledged in many religious traditions. One interpretation of the Book of Revelation implies that the seven "churches" are the seven chakras. The sound at the opening of these chakras was a trumpet sound. Hindu mystics call these sounds the "nada" and Chinese mystics call them the "hu" sound.


It is very likely that these sounds are increased by the ORMUS elements. In 1994 David Hudson provided some of the ORMUS materials to a gentleman who wished to take them for spiritual purposes. This gentleman took them while on a forty day fast. Here is the portion of this story relating to these sounds; first in Hudson's description from his Dallas lecture then in the gentleman's own words:


(See: )


"500 mg. a day for 30 days, was called the Egyptian rite of passage, and so we had to find out what does this do. After 5 or 6 days of taking this material, this fellow began to hear this very high frequency sound, and every day the sound gets louder, and louder, and louder, and louder, and louder and louder. By the time he finished his fast, he said it's like loudspeakers in my brain, literally roaring this sound. It's the same sound that many of the meditators have heard, that your told to listen for when you meditate, to find this sound, but when you think about it most people don't hear it anymore. Well this sound is roaring in this man's head, it's roaring day and night, it's roaring when he's talking on the phone, it's roaring when he's working. And I said, "Doesn't this disturb you? Isn't this an irritating sound? " and he said, "Not at all. It's just like nectar", because it doesn't come through the ears. He said, "It's inside the brain."


Now it's hard for me to understand. It's hard for probably most of you to understand. He says, "David, it's just nectar. It's something that you literally want to go within the sound and just let it exclude everything out of your life". Basically at the end of the 42 day fast, he went back, he took a body brush to get rid of the toxins in his body, and he went back eating normally. And he was eating meat, white meat and vegetables. Well he figured the sound would die down and go away. It doesn't. The sound is still growing and getting louder and louder. After 60 more days, the dreams begin, the revelations begin, and then the visions begin. And this is going to sound a little far fetched to some of you, but there are light beings that come to this man and teach him. They never open their mouth but they telepathically are communicating with him....


Now here are some comments from the original ORMUS consumer himself:


(See: )


b: What effect(s) can you attribute to your ingestion of this material?


u: It wasn't very long after I started, that the sound started occurring. *The sound outside of sound.* That really is key to what can happen. Most people will hear that and think their ears are ringing. If you're careful, you'll realize that it's not in your ears. As you proceed with this, you'll realize that it actually moves outside your head and just above the crown of your head. It's more than a sound, it becomes an really does. And that's when you have something that you can work with. By far, the majority of people who've ever had to deal with this didn't have a clue. If they'd studied some Taoist alchemy...if they had studied anything and applied it to themselves rather than keeping everything outside themselves...they'd have known that the dialogue they build with that phenomena gives them the keys to the next steps. There really is a trade-off that starts to occur. That's what made my experience so uniquely different from everyone else's.


b: So you were prepared for it.


u: I knew what to do. But there are very, very few people who do. This takes place internally. It's an active process. You're not going to sit there and have this zip through you and all of the sudden these wonderful things are there. It can't be that way. That's not the way the circuit is set up in your system. Your chakras and realizations are not built that way. Nothing is built that way. And to expect something outside of that is absolute foolishness.


Gary, who described himself as a kundalini awakened American engineer, wrote this about the sound that accompanied kundalini awakening for him:


I judged the results by observing kundalini flow for change. This was easy to do by noticing any change in tinnitus level (the internal ringing that has persisted since awakening kundalini), and also by noting the perceived pressure in the head from kundalini flow.


There was from little, to no detectable change in kundalini activity on any level, during or following taking the Isis powder.


For comparison, ordinarily tinnitus increases noticeably after eating, even for small amounts of food, such as a slice of bread. The ringing intensity and pressure sensations track the digestive progress, and are highest when absorption is peaking; it is difficult *not* to notice changes in it, or to ignore it. Larger amounts of food typically increase ringing/flow only up to a certain point, apparently limited by the maximum normal rate of absorption. There are a number of variabilities.


Small brief changes occur from taking commercial vitamin supplements, but I haven't discovered whether this is partly due to the vitamins & minerals, or just caused by the small amount of starch filler, sugar coating, etc. I suspect the latter.


Based on these experiments, I have concluded that ingesting Isis material has no significant affect on kundalini activity, and larger doses are unlikely to improve things, due to its apparent inertness in this regard.




Subj: Tinnitus, an awakening side effect.


From: Gary


Barry wrote:

You describe the kundalini sound as originating inside your head. The gentleman Hudson talks about describes the sound as originating at a point above his head:


He said, "Dave, the sound seems to originate about 8 inches above my head, it comes down into my brain, it's like a hat band around my head, and it just roars here in my head. I can feel the vibration all through my body".


Do you have any thoughts about why there is a difference?


Dear Barry,


I remember the description you are quoting, and noticed this point of dissimilarity too. I'm glad you pointed it out.


I can't offer a conclusive answer or explanation for you. The best answer will come when those individuals present analyses of their own experiences.


However, for the present, I will suggest some ideas that come to mind, as possibilities. Discussion on these lines is useful; it is difficult to explain one aspect of kundalini without touching on others, and this helps to promote a wider understanding of the subject. I *do* know precisely what he means by "like a hat band" around his head; this is a tight, gripping sensation, due to energy congestion around the edge of the sahasrara, or crown chakra, and is very common. It is often strongest along the very top of the jaw muscles, above the ears. The vibrations mentioned are also common to nearly all kundalini awakenings.


The experiences involved in Awakening are highly varied. It is hard to overstate this. As you are exposed to more and more accounts of awakening experiences, you will find that there are often as many or more differences as there are similarities. The point of origin for the Nada is a fine example.


Please allow me to digress from your question for a moment, to point out some of the fundamental differences in experiences which lie beneath these variations. When a broader understanding is gained, there is less tendency to get tangled up in the bewildering array of symptoms and effects, and making sense of things becomes easier.


In my observations, I have noticed that a significant number of awakenings may be roughly classed into two groups. The distinguishing factor between the two groups is in the method used to effect the awakening, which seems to have a modest statistical influence on the progress and development of events and experiences throughout the awakening process. I have not actually been compiling statistics on these, but there does seem to be a slight recognizable trend emerging. On the other hand however, I am not aware of any Masters who have made this specific generalization, and that may indicate that doing so is not particularly useful. But I shall use it here for illustration.


In one group, spontaneous awakenings and shaktipat awakenings seem to share or outline a trend toward similarity in the character, tone, and sequence of awakening experiences. [Shaktipat, refers to an impulse of energy, transferred to an individual by someone with kundalini already actively functioning; if the recipient is sufficiently close to the point of a natural or spontaneous awakening, shaktipat can then serve to instigate a self-sustaining awakening. Otherwise the effects of shaktipat fade away, as imparted energy dissipates.]


The other group includes awakenings effected through means such as directed meditation, pranayama, and other yogic practices. Awakening kundalini by these methods is comparatively rare, in relation to other types of awakening, particularly in the West.


Classifying awakenings like this can only be done in very general terms; there are lots of exceptions where this scheme does not hold. The experiences Dave has related of a few individuals taking monatomics appear to fall in with the first group; my awakening method, pranayama, is in the latter group.


In general, satisfying demands of the karmic burden seems to be delayed to later stages of the awakening, for the first group. In some cases I am aware of, very little karma had to be dealt with until after the first stage of enlightenment had been achieved, by which I mean establishing a conscious link with the higher self. Because the individual then acquires an entirely different point of view, a detached-observer perspective, as well as conscious access to the higher self, the individual is better able to weather the negative aspects of karma dissipation.


Awakenings in the second group may be generally noted to more typically involve settling up the balance sheets of karma in the early stages of the experience. There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches. The first group is without doubt the most suited for any large scale movement towards awakening, such as is now taking place with monatomics. If there is any legitimacy to the classification system I have described, the spiritual impetus behind the monatomic movement is perhaps its strongest and best argument in evidence.


Returning to the issue of the supra-cranial vs. intra-cranial origins of Nada, it appears that the individual Dave is describing may be in the first "group", based on his experience descriptions. The nature of the Nada he is experiencing, may be a characteristic of this "class" of awakenings.


One form of the Nada which is frequently described by individuals undergoing an awakening is a humming sound, which can be approximated by imagining the sound heard by listening to a beehive; the sound made by a large number of bees using their wings to circulate air through the hive. It is sometimes also compared to the hum of big power transformer, but this is not as close. It is a pleasant, warm, comfortable-feeling sound. This Nada is more often associated with the first "group" of awakenings. We might speculate that this is representative of what Dave's friend hears.


I experienced such humming, only as an occasional sound during awakening. Others sounds included beautiful mystical sounds like tinkling glass wind chimes; short, immensely loud discordant blasts, like the powerful, loud BUZZZ you get when a microphone jack is only part-way plugged into a PA system; and on a few occasions, something resembling the sound of monks chanting, and lonely sounds of wind wailing over a desolate landscape. One of the most common ones was clicking, which sounded exactly like the sound of crickets clicking. There were others that are more difficult to characterize. All these sounds tended to be brief, particularly the more pleasant ones. It is not in keeping with the intent of paying off ones karmic debt in a direct fashion to expect to have much pleasantness bestowed upon one.


On those occasions when I experienced humming, a lot of other things were going on, and I did not make any careful observations on how the sound was being produced, where it was coming from, and so on. During those, and similar auditory experience events, I was focused on other things, and not paying particular attention on determining the apparent location of the sounds. I do not have a very clear recollection today, except that some of the sounds were "outside" of my head, or externalized, though still in immediate vicinity. Since I am still in an elementary stage of progress, perhaps I will be able to refine my observations further at a later time.




Subj: Tinnitus, an awakening side effect.


From: gary


Ed wrote:


The following is from page 702, "Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide" compiled by The Burton Goldberg Group published by Future Medicine Publishing Inc., Puyallup, Washington, 1994:


"Tinnitus is characterized by a continuous ringing or hissing in the ear, sometimes accompanied by pain. Causes can include excess ear wax, a blocked or impaired Eustachian tube, and dysfunction of the auditory nerve. Dr. Kotsanis notes that the onset of tinnitus may also be linked to excessive drug use, aspirin, sustained exposure to loud noise, electrical stimulation, >smoking, trauma, Meniere's disease, and temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ). Tinnitus in the elderly is often due to decreased circulation in and around the ear.




Dear Ed,


Thank you; I appreciate the medical reference material on tinnitus. However, the tinnitus I am experiencing is not physiological in origin, in the ordinary sense, and hence not treatable.


Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) was one of the earliest and most persistent side effects of my awakening of kundalini. It began within a few days after commencing intense pranayama, and has continued uninterrupted to the present time.


At one point I used a precision synthetic frequency generator to produce a comparison tone, to measure the frequency it was ringing at. As I recall it was about 12.5 kHz, which was well below my ear's frequency cutoff for external sounds. It was easy to match with the precision oscillator to within a few Hertz. I don't know if the frequency is the same for all people that hear it following an awakening. It sounds quite like the frequency-matched oscillator tone, so I presume it is a pure sine wave, with little or no harmonic content.


For comparison purposes, at the very beginning it was easily louder than the sound of my electric shaver when shaving next to my ears, quite a high dB level. However, since it is an internal sound, it does not affect my external hearing. It is (obvious to me) caused by, or a result of, kundalini's flow into the head, and seems to me to originate as an excited-cavity oscillation as it enters the brahmarandra, similar to an acoustic whistle or klystron cavity. Its intensity (along with pressure sensations in the head) varies, depending on kundalini flow activity at any particular moment.


In my case, kundalini typically prefers to flow up the sushumna, or spinal cord, until it reaches a level slightly below the point where the heart chakra stem connects. It then branches to the left, passing into the saraswati nadi, whence it continues up into the head, passing closely behind my left ear. The saraswati normally carries thought currents, and because I am constantly involved in mental work, this particular path was already quite developed at the time of the awakening, and has been preferentially adopted by kundalini.


After a months of living with this ringing, I found myself longing for silence again. The sound (Nada) is always there, and the only respite within my experience to date is when the physical and nonphysical bodies separate, such as in sleep. This never ending ringing went from being something I enjoyed at first, to become an irritation and source of mental stress. But as the years have gone by, it seldom bothers me much anymore; you just get used to it and become resigned to the fact that it will always be there. It then becomes more peripheral to your everyday awareness, so you usually don't notice it.


Kundalini awakenings, in their early stages, often involve a wide variety of unusual sounds, and this was so in my case. However, as the awakening progressed these have cease for the most part, excepting only for the endless song of the Nada...




I have had a similar sound in my head for most of my life. When I first noticed it, it varied and fluctuated much like Gary said. Before I started using ORMUS it was generally very faint. When I started eating the ORMUS elements in 1996 this sound became much louder. Its loudness seems to be in direct proportion to the potency of the ORMUS materials that I am ingesting. I have also compared the frequency of this sound to a high quality digital frequency generator and I have found that, for me, the frequency is closer to 10,000 hz. The sound is generally between my ears or slightly louder in my right ear.


Other folks who have ingested the ORMUS materials report similar results. One of these folks wrote:


After ingesting 50 ml of material...I am starting to hear the hu sound. At least I think I am!


It is a gentle hum of a single pitch, but slightly wavy. By matching its frequency with a tone from an audio signal generator, I have determined that the hu sound I am hearing is 220 Hz to 222 Hz, or A to B-flat as a musical note. The tone quality is nearly that of a pure sine wave.


There's some slight amplitude or phase modulation at an average, though random, rate of about 2 Hz. In other words, the tone is not completely steady in loudness; it "swirls" like a wet finger rubbed around the rim of a crystal goblet.


As for localization, the sound does not seem to originate from my ears or inside my head. It is unlocalized, but seems to come from outside the head. Its volume and localization are not affected by my orientation or location. The usual high-frequency tinnitus I have heard all my life is roughly 6 or 10 dB louder than the hu sound, and is localized in my ears.


I hear the sound best when I wear ear plugs and sit in a quiet room. The hu sound is easily masked by other sounds, so silence helps me to hear it.


I have made sure that no appliance motors are running in my home, yet I still hear the hu sound. Hum frequencies (including harmonics) from AC power wiring would be at 60, 120, 240 Hz etc. They do not match the 220 Hz pitch of the hu sound.


It is pleasant and easy to ignore. But I'll just try listening to it and see what happens...


Another of these folks wrote:


"About the Inner Sounds connected to the consumption of ORMEs: the true Sound has to come either from the right side or from all sides. There are ten basic Sounds of the spiritual nature, they initially usually come together and the attention should be put on the sound of bells. It has to be accompanied with bliss and light comes simultaneously. The sound of Aum is essentially different from Hu. They come from different levels in the InnerWorlds. Hu is accepted by eclectic spiritual school of Eckankar, but is described in Moslem and Sikh teachings. Some claim it is the oldest known name of God and this claim could be true. What is interesting is that sometimes this sounds are associated with substances, like "white stone" etc. ! In India, the idea of reaching enlightenment by consuming some substances is widely accepted and is called Aushadhi. It is mentioned in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Many yogis in India confirmed that to me, even gave some hints about the nature of these substances. It is quite possible that some of them contain a large amount of ORMEs, like the exudate from some Nepalese rocks - shilajit."


"I meditate 3 hours a day and am practitioner of Surat Shabd Yoga, The Yoga of Inner Sound. In my last letter I described everything necessary to know about these sounds, but wanna add that Hu is in a way superior sound to Aum, because it is coming from higher realms of the Inner Worlds. Frequencies can play some role, although the experience of the sound is so intense in the sense of bliss that I could hardly imagine anyone be able to make any measurements during these moments.


Here, I am warning you very seriously: ignore all sounds coming from left side, they are harmful and misleading."


Here is another comment from someone else on this subject:


Ringing in the ears is not a medical condition for the vast majority of people.


Ancient yogic systems use is as a method of meditation referred to as anahata nadam. By listening to this Music of the Spheres, the human vibration is heightened and propelled toward Cosmic Consciousness and union with the Divine.


And yet another quote:


I happened to pick up this article in a health food store yesterday and, in light of a type of tinnitus being one of the symptoms reported by "ascending WG users", I thought I would share a part of it with you. It is an excerpt from an article written by Michael Schedler, M.D.:


"Tinnitus is derived from the Latin word, *tinnera*, for ringing. It's an ancient condition, often linked to witch craft.


Historically, the first mention of tinnitus in the medical literature comes from ancient Egypt. In an ancient Egyptian prescription for practicing the art of divining, known as the Demotic Magical Papyri, experts said that the way to find out whether individual virgin boys, who were preferred as mediums, had the gift of divination was to determine whether they had ringing in their ears. The elders would put oils on the boys' heads and surround them with bricks while performing a magical ritual. If ringing occurred in both of their ears, that was excellent. If ringing occurred only in the right ear, that was also welcome. Ringing in the left ear was not good. . . . "


Here are a few comments on this subject from Chapter 6 of "The Invisible Landscape : Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching", by Terence McKenna:


Ingestion of Stopharia cubensis, on a number of separate occasions, showed it to be of low toxicity and very nearly ideal for easy manifestation of the interior cerebral tone. We speculated that the tone is directly caused by the metabolism of the tryptamines within the cerebral matrix and might be the electron spin resonance of the metabolizing tryptamine molecules within the nervous system, somehow amplified to audible levels.




What is more startling is that the sound, which gains in energy the longer it is sustained, can actually become visible - as if the vibrational wave patterns were shifting into the visible spectrum or inducing a vibrational excitation of the air in such a way as to affect light diffraction.




Working from the hypothesis that this visible phenomenon might somehow proceed from the interior harmonic tones made audible through the ingestion of tryptamines, and further speculating that these tones might be caused by the electron spin resonance of the metabolizing tryptamines within the nervous system, our task became one of attempting to determine how vocally imitating molecular ESR [electron spin resonance] could produce a visible standing wave and, further, of attempting to describe just what this wave might be in physical terms.




The temporal process of metabolism leads in the human brain to a special kind of phenomenon, which is thought, and the nature and texture of this thought is affected and altered in relation to what specific metabolic processes are occurring within the brain.




It is not longer tenable to regard these processes of consciousness merely as an epiphenomenal reflection of the metabolic processes occurring simultaneously within the brain. It has been found that this process is a two-way exchange: Metabolism gives rise to special kinds of potentiated energy states within an organism, but these energy states reflect and, in some degree, determine what kinds of metabolic processes will occur.




Clearly, thought does have causal effect; reality, as we perceive it, is largely shaped by the artifacts, both material and symbolic, of thought.


Therefore, that thought can have no direct influence on the physical texture of reality is perhaps an unjustifiable assumption, for such an assumption implies that one has prior knowledge as to the boundary conditions of the interface of mind and the world. The question must remain an open one.


I will end this section with another quote from David Hudson's Dallas lecture:


"He said, "Dave, the sound seems to originate about 8 inches above my head, it comes down into my brain, it's like a hat band around my head, and it just roars here in my head. I can feel the vibration all through my body". But after 7 months these orgasms started and they just got more frequent and more frequent, and it's not something he controls. It's something that just comes on. Well, he only sleeps about an hour and a half to two hours now, he doesn't need 7-8 hours like most of us, and so he decided one morning about 4 o'clock in the morning, he's gonna go outside and just let this orgasm go. See what happens. He said it began down the pelvis, and it literally, he just let it move, and he said he could feel it, it came up over his stomach, up over his chest, up over his head, and he said, "My whole body was involved in this orgasm". And he said, "I felt hot. I felt like if someone came up and touched me they would burn their hand. The all of a sudden, out of the top of my head, goes this column of energy". He feels it just going right out the top of his head.


Ah, I was, about three weeks ago, I was handed a book, called "Secrets of the Golden Flower" by Richard Wilhelm with an introduction by Carl Jung. Richard Wilhelm did the eastern translations for Jung. This book was written in 1931, and it's been translated and been reproduced, and published several times since then, I guess it's now in paperback because some people are getting paperback copies now. Anyway, it verbatim describes this sound. And it says in the book it seems to all be about this sound, the "hu". Well we are the hu-man. The man who can hear the sound. Okay? This is about the "hu", the sound. And that it says in there that you get this energy in your pelvis, and that it can be developed where it literally will take your whole body up over your head and everything. And when it finally is at a state of perfection that it will feel like there is a column of light coming right out the top of your head."


ORMUS and Cosmic Orgasm

In his Dallas lecture David Hudson described the experience of a gentleman who ingested the ORMUS elements while fasting for over forty days:


“After 60 more days, the dreams begin, the revelations begin, and then the visions begin. And this is going to sound a little far fetched to some of you, but there are light beings that come to this man and teach him. They never open their mouth but they telepathically are communicating with him. And with the hope that I'm not going to offend anyone, there actually is a female being that comes to him and has sex with him.


And I didn't understand this until I found in the ancient Vedic texts that it talks about this, having sex with the angels. 2000 B.C. After about 7 months, he begins to have orgasms. And this is an adult group basically so I better explain to you, he has no erection, he has no seminal emission, but it's an orgasm. I says, "Is it nice?" and he said, "It's just like the real thing". He's now having about 7-8 a day.


He said, "Dave, the sound seems to originate about 8 inches above my head, it comes down into my brain, it's like a hat band around my head, and it just roars here in my head. I can feel the vibration all through my body". But after 7 months these orgasms started and they just got more frequent and more frequent, and it's not something he controls. It's something that just comes on. Well, he only sleeps about an hour and a half to two hours now, he doesn't need 7-8 hours like most of us, and so he decided one morning about 4 o'clock in the morning, he's gonna go outside and just let this orgasm go. See what happens. He said it began down the pelvis, and it literally, he just let it move, and he said he could feel it, it came up over his stomach, up over his chest, up over his head, and he said, "My whole body was involved in this orgasm". And he said, "I felt hot. I felt like if someone came up and touched me they would burn their hand. The all of a sudden, out of the top of my head, goes this column of energy". He feels it just going right out the top of his head.


Ah, I was, about three weeks ago, I was handed a book, called "Secrets of the Golden Flower" by Richard Wilhelm with an introduction by Carl Jung. Richard Wilhelm did the eastern translations for Jung. This book was written in 1931, and it's been translated and been reproduced, and published several times since then, I guess it's now in paperback because some people are getting paperback copies now. Anyway, it verbatim describes this sound. And it says in the book it seems to all be about this sound, the "hu". Well we are the hu-man. The man who can hear the sound. Okay? This is about the "hu", the sound. And that it says in there that you get this energy in your pelvis, and that it can be developed where it literally will take your whole body up over your head and everything. And when it finally is at a state of perfection that it will feel like there is a column of light coming right out the top of your head. I think the word that most people use for it is the kundalini. But that's what it is.”


“(Question - As you ended the first half today you said that we had to put on the Meisner field, and is there a way to do that other than to drink the manna? Are you gonna teach us how or are we supposed to find this for ourselves?)


Well, there are certainly other ways to achieve it. There are certain foods, there are certain herbal drinks, there are certain ways to develop what you have in your body through meditation and through introspection. There are Tibetan monks who have achieved this state, I believe. There are Sufi masters who achieve this state. But most of this requires thirty forty or fifty years of total commitment and dedication and regimen to go through. What I'm talking about is a very short method to achieve the same state. I told you before that there is a Taoist high priest who came to Phoenix and he said "Dave I know that these orgasms are supposed to be possible. I know that. I've never had one and I've been in caves, I have meditated, I have fasted, I have done all these things and have never had the orgasms but I know they are possible because they are in our sacred texts." And he said "this man is having six and seven a day and has had no philosophical training at all." He said, "however he is doing this I have to understand it; I have to come to know it. And so, he has the material. He's up in Portland and he has the material. And he's going to take it now and because I felt comfortable with his training and why he wanted to take it and all, I gave it to him.”


This orgasmic experience that Hudson describes is also described in the literature of various mystical traditions. In the Christian mystical tradition it is referred to as “religious ecstasy” but it is likely to be much the same thing. Hindu mystics even developed a form of yoga, called kundalini yoga, to use this energy.


Wilhelm Reich called it “orgone” energy and even developed some methods for manipulating it. It is probably related to the spin field that Russian scientists have been exploring in the last few years. Here is an excerpt from an article from a couple of these scientists “Yu.V.Nachalov and A.N.Sokolov” which links a variety of related discoveries to spin fields:


“In this article the experimental results obtained by various researchers in the period 1950-1990 are discussed. Since all experimental results under consideration could not be explained in the framework of existing theories, these results were placed under the category of "experimentally-observed phenomena." It is shown that all of the experiments considered here have demonstrated a manifestation of spin-torsion interactions.


Over the course of the XX century, various investigations in different countries, representing a variety of professional interests, repeatedly reported the discovery of unusual phenomena that could not be explained in the framework of existing theories. Since these authors could not understand the physics of the observed phenomena, they were forced to give their own names to the fields, emanations and energies responsible for the creation of these phenomena. For instance, N.A.Kozyrev's "time emanation" [1-4], W.Reich's "O-emanation" or "orgone" [5], M.R.Blondlot's "N-emanation" [6], I.M.Shakhparonov's "Mon-emanation", A.G.Gurvich's "mitogenetic emanation" [7], A.L.Chizhevsky's "Z-emanation", A.I.Veinik's "chronal field" [8,9], "M-field" [10], A.A.Deev's "D-field", Yu.V.Tszyan Kanchzhen's "biofield", H.Moriyama's "X-agent" [11], V.V.Lensky's "multipolar energy" [12], "radiesthesietic emanation" [13], "shape power", "empty waves" [19], "pseudomagnetism" [20], H.A.Nieper's "gravity field energy" [21], T.T.Brown's "electrogravitation" [22], "fifth force" [23], "antigravitation" [24], "free energy". This list can be easily continued.”


Hindu literature describes the kundalini energy as a vortex with two spirals, the ida and pingala, around a central “staff” called the sushumna. In his book “The Pillar of Celestial Fire” Robert Cox describes kundalini energy as follows:


“In the Vedic tradition, the subtle serpentine energy of the kundalini has three forms, which are called the ida, pingala, and sushumna. The stream of subtle energy that goes to the right eye, and the left hemisphere of the brain, represents the solar stream (pingala), while the stream of subtle energy that goes to the left eye, and the right hemisphere of the brain, represents the lunar stream (ida).


In addition to these two polarized streams, there is a third neutral stream called the sushumna, which is fiery (agneya) in its nature. The sushumna is the unpolarized spiritual current that proceeds directly from the base of the spine through the heart, to the third or spiritual eye, and then to the crown of the head. These three streams taken together form the kundalini shakti or serpent power, which is deeply related to the process of spiritual awakening.“


According to many people this energy vortex is depicted in the caduceus which is used to represent the medical profession. Robert Cox also has found similar images in ancient Sumerian and Aztec bas reliefs.


The kundalini energy movement is often described as an upward spiral into spirit with a corresponding downward energy movement to the base of the spine (which is related to the sexual organs). Ideally, according to Vedic theory, this circuit should continue endlessly.


According to Vedic tradition this energy circulation is interrupted by ejaculation and the practitioners of kundalini yoga strive to redirect the ejaculate up the spine rather than out of the circuit as would happen with regular ejaculation.


There are other ways in which this kundalini flow can be impeded or blocked. According to Vedic traditions there are seven main energy centers in line with the kundalini energy flow up the spine. (In Christian tradition these energy centers may correspond with the seven “Churches” in the book of Revelation in the Bible.)


A colleague relates this energy flow to the ORMUS elements:


“I think the chakras are a good way to visualize what is happening in my experience so far. Apparently each of these seven major points can be stimulated by a different valence-coupled diatomic (I don't like to call these ORMEs because the implication of "monatomic" is incorrect and misled me for a long time). I think gold stimulates the crown chakra and makes you much more sensitive to all that is spiritual, but the lower chakras must be developed enough to carry the increased load or you will create an imbalance and this happened to me. With additional testing, it appears that platinum diatomic stimulates the forehead chakra, and iridium stimulates the throat chakra. I think copper, silver, palladium and rhodium are the remaining four, but I haven't worked with these yet.”


This gentleman had an experience that illustrates this theory:


“What happened was that a few weeks into taking the gold solutions, I started having severe pain in my neck. I reduced the dosage and the pain got better. I concluded from this that by increasing the energy flow in my crown chakra with the gold, I was essentially pulling a vacuum on my throat chakra because it was not sufficiently developed to handle the load. After studying the periodic chart for a few days, I decided that different elements must stimulate different chakras. I concluded that platinum would stimulate the forehead chakra and iridium would stimulate the throat, so I added these to my electrolytes and this seems to have solved the problem.


Like I said, I'm not an expert in this area, but my current understanding is that each person develops differently, so as you open the crown you will probably have to open other chakras to keep it all balanced. You are not likely to have the same problem I did, but you are likely to have something else arise.”


I have had a similar experience with the magnetic trap water and other ORMUS sources. Soon after starting on the trap water I started getting headaches, which always started with tension in the neck. I think that this tension is related to the throat chakra. After ingesting the water for a week or two these headaches quit and have not come back.


In conjunction with this process I also noticed that I would sometimes feel an intense tingling at the back of my neck at the time of orgasm. This tingling happened from the first along with the headaches but continued after the headaches quit. I believe that this tingling is related to kundalini energy flow.


Other researchers have reported chakra blockage effects in the heart chakra. Here is one such report from a colleague in Australia:


“I am a practicing Medical Herbalist with a background in Multinational Mining Engineering, Management and Financing and in Meditation where I learned and practiced TM and the TM Siddhis Programs 20 years ago. Of course I took up the TM to help deal with stress problems induced by the other and ended up dropping them both. I dropped them both for just the reason above, I neither wanted to be gung-ho for Science/Industry or for Enlightenment. I simply wanted to work quietly toward Enlightenment as a "Householder" not as a "Monk". I retrained as a Herbalist and set up some small cottage industries in Engineering and never looked back.


As a Herbalist, I became involved in treating and supporting Cancer Patients with the whole range of Alternate and Herbal treatments available at present. I settled in particular on pycnogenol mostly, along with my usual personalized herbal mixes. Last year, becoming disgusted by the cost of pycnogenol I began manufacturing an extract from Bark of the Maritime Pine (Pinus Pinaster) from which it was originally prepared. I can now give very large doses of this treatment for something around US$10.00 per month instead of $10.00 per day which it was costing my patients on the patented product. As a result at present, I have 150 odd people taking this stuff, one third as a Cancer support, one third for other medical conditions and one third, healthy people looking for enhancement of their immunity, sporting performance, whatever. The anecdotal evidence in all three categories is positive. My plan was to poke along, low key doing this and looking forward to getting my share of ORMES to use for myself and family and selected Cancer Patients.


The thing is, that this Pine Tree (Pinus Pinaster) is a common plantation pine. (Probably it depends where it is grown to some extent, but the test will only be "does it grow well?"). The ones I am harvesting are on poor basalt country and it seems to favour poor, sandy soils. If this species concentrates ORMES in its bark as it seems to, anyone can chip a little bark off the tree, dry it and boil it up in water and achieve the same results as I am getting. In the State of Western Australia for example Pinus Pinaster is the plantation pine species of choice so that the bark chips at the Nursery for $20.00 a cubic meter are probably the ones.


Anyway, returning from a family break at Easter, I am experiencing Left Side Chest Pain, Discomfort in then Left Arm, some Breathlessness and treating myself with Cactus, Hawthorne and Rescue Remedy (a wonderful heart remedy and tonic) to no avail. I call in at the Emergency Room of a Hospital, just in case. Heart Rate 46 (down from my usual 55/60), Blood Pressure 140/77, no abnormalities at all. So if it is not Heart, what is it?


Then of course, reading my email when I get home, it is this throat and heart chakra stuff.


Yesterday I check with a few healthy friends on my Pine Bark, and find that half of them are also experiencing similar chest things.


Damn!!, here I am being sucked into this enlightenment business again. I am going to have to start meditating regularly again, which I had planned to do in support of my ORMES program. I think Reiki will be very helpful also to open up the Chakras and this is all OK for me. But what about all these poor unsuspecting people who shortly may be experiencing some of the same? Most of them are not looking for any of this. Do I have to get in the Messiah business also, to tell them what is going on or just leave them out there as Guinea Pigs, reassuring them one at a time? What about the FED's, they would love to roast a Herbalist especially nowadays with the cracks showing in orthodox medicine.


The point of all this really is to focus on the practical. It is all very well to do the science and to allow those so disposed to do the enlightenment thing with this ORMES or even with my home grown variety (unscientific, unanalyzed, even cheap). What about providing for the shift in understanding required by the man in the street even to understand why he is not experiencing a heart problem?, let alone what a Chakra is?


Another colleague, Larry Schamber, describes his own ecstatic experience from the Christian perspective:


Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 17:08:05 -0500


Having read all about the m-state orgasms, I am somewhat intrigued. I have had some m-state through my ingestion of grape juice, St John's Wort, ginko biloba, and aloe vera juice, but I have not noticed any improvement in my sexual orgasms. Also, I built a vortrap, but Barry said that my water source is no good, so I don't have access to that. I keep fantasizing that someday I'll make some white gold burned in argon, but that is not yet. I could make m-state through the wet method, I suppose.


However, I am reminded of the purely spiritual orgasms that Mr. Anon experienced, and I believe it would help some of you to know that I have also experienced some of these sort of orgasms, though not to the same degree that Mr. Anon described. I am not familiar with the Hindu terminology, so I hope you will not be put off by my use of Christian terminology. I assure you that though we call a rose by any other name, it smells just as sweet. You could experience this sort of orgasm without ingesting m-state materials.


I experienced these spiritual orgasms about 3 years ago, well before I had heard of m-state materials. They came about through prayer, praises and glorification to God, repentance from sins and from sin nature. After about an hour of prayer, (that's just how long it takes me, not that I have a strict requirement) I would go to bed. That's what all the experiences shared in common.


The orgasms are without erection, without seminal ejaculation, and without sexual touching. But there is a feeling of tingling pleasure and a rush of energy and excitement that fills the entire body, and there is great love. Of course, you know the feeling of love. It is like sweetness, satisfaction, well being, moral approval and ethical balance and perfection of all that you perceive all about you, in short joy and love which comes from the splendor and glory of goodness and truth. Yet, this has the intensity of physical orgasm. It comes pounding in waves, an intense tingling like being dipped repeatedly in cold water, and with the unexpected delight of smelling a rose, and it was so pleasurable that I literally writhed and gasped and groaned on my bed.


Several different experiences had about the same orgasmic effect on me. They come in two different classes.


In one manifestation of the spiritual orgasm I heard angels. This happened on three different occasions. The were very clearly and loudly saying "Holy, holy, holy..." There seemed to be about 12-20 angels. I heard them but I didn't see them. They say "holy" at a high pitch that only a female soprano could reach. The chorus has a quality like many birds chirping. They don't form a musically organized whole, they just seemingly at random times and pitches say "holy". They also seemed to echo as if in a large concrete room. Their effect on me was spiritual joy and intense orgasm.


Another type happened one time but it is difficult for me to remember details exactly. It was like lucid dreaming, in which I knew I was awake, but the images took on a vividness and a detail and reality, while I had conscious control. There was a woman. I touched her or more accurately I reached out as if to touch her and I did not, and there wasn't sex, but there was love, beauty and truth then I had the spiritual orgasm immediately, and the lucid dream ended.


Now that I tell you that I have had these experiences, I regret to inform you that I cannot make them happen at will. However, I still seek God's glory and Light and Love through prayer, through reading and studying the Bible, through repentance and through doing good deeds. I have had much success on a weekly basis in having an intense experience of joy and love in the spirit of God, so much so that I proclaim to you that I am willing to give up sex in order to continue in this type of pleasure, because it is better than sex. If you have had this sort of love, and compared it to the love of a woman, and the heartbreak that women (and people) can give to you, then you will perhaps understand when I say I choose complete chastity, because the love from God is better than the love from flesh.


Love one another, and help one another unselfishly, and do not harm one another, and be satisfied when somebody else is raised up, and seek the love of God, and love one another with the sort of love that God has given us. He who loves unselfishly, he does not harm his neighbor, he does not sin. Love and expect nothing in return. Love those who hate you, love those who don't know the love of God. Do not be subject to your passions; envy, greed, lust, disgust, hatred, vengeance. Put these away and love one another and seek out God's love, because God is the source of your love, and knowing God's love will help you love one another unselfishly. Just do it. Put away the evils of passions, just put them away, drop it already. Give them up. Forgive those who have harmed you, you can do it. And go to God and fill yourself with God's love and love one another just as God loves you. He who loves unselfishly is heaven born.


You don't need m-state materials to do this.


May God's Love and Light be with you,




Viktor Schauberger described the vortex energy flow as being a key to the nature of the universe. See:


The ORMUS elements seem to tap into this vortex energy flow. Perhaps they form a quantum coherent vortex system in the body in accord with the theory that I propose in Chapter 17


A coherent coupling between the ORMUS elements, the body and the kundalini energy flow might explain a lot. It might allow us to do everything that the ORMUS elements have been observed to do. Things like dematerialization, levitation and teleportation could become more common but we need to remain aware that our ability to control these things must be developed through inner work like the mystics of the ages have done.


I don't believe the ORMUS elements will make one a better person, except maybe in the long term, but most of us already are better persons and they may help us to realize this and be more effective at what we do.


The analogy that I always use is to getting a new 200 amp electrical service installed in your house. You will only be able to use the new power if your wiring is adequate and if you have the right appliances and know how to use them.


The power is personal power, that is, the ability to attract good fortune. The wiring is open chakras, generally an open heart chakra in our world. The appliances are the siddhis or special abilities.


If the wiring is inadequate you will just burn the house down more quickly. If you have the right appliances but do not know how to use them they will just sit and gather dust (or catch fire and burn the house down).


An example of one of these appliances is the ability to fast. The true value of fasting is that it teaches us how to put our thoughts where we want them and not on food. This ability would come in handy if we suddenly had the power to manifest whatever we thought of.


If one is not ready for kundalini awakening it can be perceived as a frightening experience. I had such an experience when I tasted some m-state gold made from metal. I thought that I had poisoned myself. It felt as if I was rushing headlong into the unknown and there was nothing I could do to slow it down or stop it. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately) this experience only lasted a few minutes.


Other people have reported similar effects. John Moore described this as follows:


Warning: I finally had success in keeping the trap running without incident for 5 or 6 hours constantly recycling. I put a tall glass under the dripping ormus water from the trap and filled it. I noticed even though it is cold out, that I was freezing more than usual as I waited for the glass to fill. The water is very cold (approximately 39F). Could that be the source of the frigid air around the ormus water? I drank some of it down, then took the glass with me to relax and enjoy. Soon I was really buzzing!


For an hour or so I thought I may have really over done it, and I just OD'd on water. I didn't think this was a concern before but watch out, it is hard to tell just how concentrated the water is. I felt pressure around my head, I started freezing and finally sort of snapped out of it with loud ringing in my ears. WOW I suggest we really must be careful with this stuff.


Another gentleman has described this as follows:


Now for those of you more adventurous ones that still don't think that’s enough, there is one spot on your body that is made for absorption through the skin. If I take a Q tip, and dip it in the oil and then lay it in the crack of my butt with the oily end down by my rectum [the end of the absorption sequence of food that starts in the stomach] and sit down and relax. Within 5-10 min. I've had all I can take. [My ears ring and it puts me in that uncomfortable body rushing excess of energy in the body feeling, which lasts for too long]. That’s why I only use the toes and instep, or behind the knees and only do that every other day.


Several people have reported a milder and less frightening form of this experience. Here is Anne's report:


I have already consumed about a quart of the trap water from this source. It's similar in consistency to the trap water I've been getting here in town, and at this early stage I can't report any huge, noticeable differences in effect. I continue to feel both energized and a little bit high--not so that it stops me from getting things done (on the contrary, I've been busy and efficient), but when I do stop, I notice a slight lightheadedness. I'm still trying to figure out how to describe it. It's like a meditative state, almost a pooling of energy in the upper part of my head, behind my eyes. I have a feeling that I could see etherically if I tried. My hands have been cool all afternoon and evening--not unpleasantly cold, but rather as if there's a fresh, cool field emanating from them where I had them in the water adjusting the hoses and connections.


Here is another similar report from Kal:


After taking m-state I started having a secretion dripping from the roof of my mouth. It is fairly viscous, sweet and seems to be milky white in color. It certainly has subjective effects on the way that I feel. Physical effects in terms of higher smoother energy level (I’ve been sleeping and eating less just as a natural expression of this)


But the most profound effects have been on the state of my mind since this has been happening, (started slowly and the dripping was thin/watery it has definitely gotten more viscous and sweeter-richer tasting).


There have been periods of euphoria (guess that sounds corny, but I don’t know what other word to use). Deep effortless stillness but not at all spacey, and a feeling of bliss flowing through my body. Not all the time certainly, but the periods are increasing in amount and length of time as the secretion increases. Waves of bliss. The secretion started after taking the Ascension Alchemy products over a period of 3-4 months.


The stillness inside is not caused by any specific exercise or thing I do; it's just often there. I wake up with it. But it's not necessarily connected to a laid back peacefulness. My life is often very intense, but within the intensity there's that stillness now. I joke with people who tell me to slow down and chill; and say that I am at peace; it's just that my peace moves fast.


These reports are all based on m-state materials from different sources but they all seem to have a common thread of experience; the experiences are all consistent with the kundalini awakening process as described in ancient texts.


We should remain cognizant of the fact that awakening the kundalini energy is just a signpost on the road to awakening. If we get to this signpost, embrace it and set up camp nearby, we may forget to proceed on down the road.


A kundalini awakened colleague who is both a scientist and a mystic wrote the following after having some kundalini “orgasms” triggered by m-state materials:


“The contacts that I have been getting from Gary have only intensified over the last few days, as I shared with you today. I feel there is a strong message here for all ORMUS seekers.


Far from everyone's expectations, the ORMUS material may end up addicting if used carelessly and more "binding" rather than "liberating". It does not, in fact, produce any "release" from the cycle of birth-and-death. It only lifts what is normally dense---our embodiment, our mental and habitual tendencies---up to a notch, to what is less dense, or more subtle.


The subtle qualities, as for example a kundalini arousal, a samadhi, or even a psychic faculty, are often aspired by everyone as indicative of "attainment". This could not be farther from truth. The Truth embodies everything, the subtle, the dense, and even nothing whatsoever. What is more dense---our reality---is not, in fact, one iota farther away from Truth, nor is the subtle any closer.


"Going into the light" means going into another realm of phenomena, however subtle it may be. In this regard it is still a realm of illusion. It has not, in fact, transcended birth-and-decay.


Even the complete destruction of ego, as Gary was often fond of saying, does not mean complete liberation. For, in the end, all of us still hold to a dharma, a truth, something to be expounded, a view. True liberation, the transcendence of it all, comes only when even the subtle views that we have of enlightenment, of each other, of a Truth however Universal it may seem, e.g., all this garbage that is our reality solidified, can be completely relinquished.


By grasping so firmly onto fine points that discriminate this hypothetical versus some other hypothetical, one clearly demonstrates that in the end there is still a view, something that needs to be explained, some theory to be explored, some truth to be shared, some attachment that needs to be severed.


This is all being written in fact for Gary's benefit and for anyone who thinks that ORMUS can bring short cuts.”


All of these stories underscore the importance of cultivating love which is our connection to everything. I think that this is what is meant in the following passage from First Corinthians 13:1-13.


Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profiteth me nothing.


Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Love never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.


For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.


ORMUS and Ectoplasm

The ORMUS (m-state) elements are good candidates for the mass which leaves the body at the time of death. Psychics often report feeling a "cold wind" as the spirit of the dead person moves through them. A similar "cold wind" has been created artificially by several people who work with the ORMUS elements. Here is a passage which describes this sort of thing as a result of exposing a liquid solution made from rock to a strong pulsed magnetic field:


Jim: When you sit there and hit this with consecutive pulses, it looks like gasoline boiling. It literally starts with microfine bubbles, just billions of them at the bottom and it’s a froth at the top. And that’s what it looks like when you magnetically pump the stuff out of a container. And then, literally, it condenses in a mu shielded, warm tube as a grease or a clear oil.


Barry: How thick is the oil?


Jim: Quite waxy. It looks like high vac grease.


Barry: And how long does that stay around?


Jim: It evaporates. The minute you take it out of the mu shielded container, it evaporates.


Barry: If you cap it, can you take it out of the mu shielded container?


Jim: I seriously doubt it. And you can see vapors coming off of it as it evaporates. You can see distortions just like heat waves through the air. Quite interesting.


When it evaporates it accumulates in specific areas. It does not just continue to go off into space. Literally, you’ll see it in a comfortable part of the room, accumulate.


Barry: You see it and other people don’t see it, right?


Jim: No, actually I think several people saw it.


Barry: Good, good; ectoplasm.


Jim: And they all said that it smelt like a spring in the hills or something. You know how you smell all the various blossoms?


Barry: Oh yea, oh yea.


Jim: You can’t i.d. one particular type but you can smell the sweetness?


Barry: Yep.


Jim: That’s how it was described in terms of smell. And the visible part was seen by all, especially coming off the beaker.


Jim said that when he put his hand in the flow of this vapor it felt as if a cold wind was blowing through it. Literally tunneling through the hand. We have both had multiple experiences with this type of Josephson tunneling with these materials.


At one of my lectures I had an opportunity to have some ORMUS water (which was obtained with a magnetic levitation trap) evaluated by a native American "grandmother" who is very sensitive to this sort of thing. She said that she felt the cold wind from the water and she also noticed a strong unfamiliar but pleasant odor from the water. Yesterday I got a note which suggests that she is still feeling the effects of one sip of this water:


"Grandmother has told me that Tuesday night she woke up four times and smelled the M-state.....(remember she said M stands for spiritual work).... however, she would like to know what the gauss of the magnets is (l am sure you know what she is talking about and l will learn)"


Another couple of ORMUS experimenters also reported some similar experiences:


"The day was hectic but a good day. It's taken me nearly all day to figure out exactly what it is I have been smelling off and on, m-state! I kept getting whiffs of this musk-like odor, just about drove me nuts until I remembered reading that m-state can have an odor. It didn't matter if I was out side in the cold or in where it was warm, I could still smell it. Drank a gallon and a half of m-state today."




"We started drawing m-state water from our two stage vortex sink trap this morning about 9:30 a.m. or so. It took all day to fill our containers, due to the fact that we did not have the proper materials on hand to put solid legs on the second stage of the trap. So they are wobbly and have a tendency to slip, slide and sometimes it falls over when one of the legs gives out.


What I am getting at is the fact this ran all day long. While it did there was a very pleasant and refreshing coolness that came into the living room from the kitchen. It was so cool that at times it literally made my face feel really cool and my nose felt so cold that, at times, it was like I was outside in the snow breathing in winter air.


I also noticed, off and on, an odor that smelled like two things - semen and another time yeast. I noticed the semen odor early in the afternoon; I think it was around 3 p.m. at least that is when I became really aware of it. Then the odor seemed to just fade out or else I got used to it. About 6 or 7 p.m. I noticed a yeast-like odor, and then it seemed to fade about after an hour or so, just as the odor did before with the semen odor. There were a couple of times I could have sworn that I detected a faint sweet odor and almost smelled mint, like what I have when inhaling as I have mentioned earlier in this diary."




"Around 9:00 a.m. this morning my hubby drew a glass of water from our tap using a cobalt blue glass that has never had m-state in it and then wrapped the glass in aluminum foil. Just a few seconds ago we unwrapped the glass and we noticed the usual cloudiness and again as before, a dark vortex in the middle going to the bottom of the glass. This time there was a slight difference, about 1/2 inch up from the water level the oil was creeping up the inside of the glass giving it a lacy white curtain effect. The phone rang as we were watching the oil slowly creep up the side and we just walked away from the glass leaving it uncovered. About 1/2 hour later when we returned, the oiliness on the inside of the glass appeared to be drying out but left like a very slight white powder behind on the cobalt blue glass. Meanwhile there was still quite a lot of oil on the surface of the water. When we placed our fingers near the surface of the water, the oil responded by quickly rushing away from our fingers. This we have seen time and time again. I feel that our tap water is slightly oilier than the last time we checked it, my hubby says that it looks about the same to him! Either way, it still is not as strong as what we get from our second stage sink trap."


They also had an ectoplasm like experience with the m-state stuff:


"While I was sitting in my chair crocheting, I was shown some thing, but first would like to explain a little bit about some thing else that deals with what happened. When I was 12 years old, I literally saw my grandfather "walk-on". The words, “walk on” I feel are more appropriate than to say pass on, due to the fact that this is literally what happens when the body dies away. The first thing I saw back then was this little undulating milky white cloud like formation that rose up from his body, then his spirit/soul/light body or whatever one wants to refer to it as, sat up then stood up and literally walk away from his physical body that lay on the ground. I have always wondered just what this cloud that rose up first was and feel that I have finally been given the long awaited answer to my question.


First I saw some colored particles, most of which were all white, with some green ones, red ones and very few yellow ones. These particles were about the size of, I'd say a nickel or slightly larger. Within these particles are smaller ones and smaller still inside of those. There were other, lighter particles or molecules that looked as if they were superimposed off to one side of all the others. Perhaps they are dimensions of fineness? It’s as if we are many within the inside of ourselves.


My husband and I talked about it and we feel that the white contains all colors and frequencies, the yellow would perhaps be the gold m-state, the other colors could be what helps to make up the person’s personality, likes, dislikes, energy waves, patterns and etc.


Anyway, when a baby is conceived and in a short time after, these particles come pouring or raining down into the fetus through the mother’s body; perhaps this explains morning sickness. I became aware that all of these particles are many different things combined, that attach us to our surroundings, the universe and all that there is and at different levels.


These particles or molecules came down in an hourglass shape or formation over the abdominal area of the mother with the top being wider than at the bottom.


Next I again saw that little, white, more milky-like puff of a cloud rise up from a body, as if I was seeing my grandpa all over again. That's when I realized that the milky like cloud was what was left of the m-state of the person at the time of the death of the body or passing. As if there are different kinds of particles of m-state that is layered between soul and body for connection. And inside the soul is a more refined m-state that connects to elsewhere and other things. The puffy little cloud that leaves, goes back to where it originated and also holds much of the memories and what that person is or was, beliefs and all.


Many may already know these things, I only knew some of it; but it was actually seeing all this and the feeling of how sacred life really is, that made the difference. On a smaller scale an example is, if you live where there is no snow and have never experienced it, you can be told about snow and see a video of snow, but to actually stand in it, feel it, experience it is what makes the difference. I don't know; now it does not seem like such a big deal, but it was an awesome thing to actually see!! I would also like to add that while this was happening I was fully awake and completely aware of my surroundings. I was working on a Christmas present for a family member, hoping I could get it done and more. My mind was miles away from even thinking of anything like this. It just happened in what felt like a natural way; it was not a frightening thing. Also, there was the smell of semen during this. I did not have any m-state water close by, not even a glass full."


This lady also related the story about the vortex that formed in a glass of water in Chapter 1. If you will recall this effect was also accompanied by a chill as the cloud of ORMUS moved through their hands.


These passages are all from this lady's "Trap Water Diary" which can be found at:


Trap Water Diary


The pictures accompanying the last story can be found at:


Chapter 16 Getting Younger



Hair Color Returns

I have been ingesting ORMUS copper and this appears to be bringing about changes in the color of my beard. I have photo documented these changes every few months. I have placed two of these pictures on the Internet. The first of these pictures was taken on April 4, 2002 and can be seen below:



The second picture was taken on November 2, 2002 and can be seen below:



These changes actually have not taken as long as is implied by the difference in timing of the two photographs as I did not start taking the ORMUS copper until August 17th so the visible change represents only two and a half months on the ORMUS copper.


Directly below is another picture that was taken on 12/23/02 that shows continued changes:



This hair color change appears to be happening with each individual hair at one time. A given hair will go from white to blonde to brown over a period of time. It appears that the entire hair will darken at one time rather than from the root up. I plucked three hairs from my beard and took a microphotograph of them together.



The top hair is in the intermediate blonde stage, the middle hair is fully dark and the bottom hair is white. The differences in thickness are probably just an artifact of selection.


Here is another recent picture which shows the different colored hairs in my mustache as the white hair goes to blonde, red and finally to brown:



A colleague has gone from a completely white beard to his original beard color in a couple of years.


This is a picture of a gentleman's beard taken on 10/31/1999.


The following pictures were taken after the ingestion of various ORMUS products.



This picture was taken on 6/23/2000



This picture was taken on 6/24/2000



Also on 6/24/2000


This same gentleman took ORMUS copper for several months with the results shown in the following pictures:






Getting Taller

Another thing that is commonly associated with aging is the loss of height. As people age, the effects of gravity, dehydration, toxins and lifestyles tend to compress the discs of the spine. This compression results in loss of height from our maximum height at the age maturity. The effects of gravity can be clearly observed in the two to three centimeter (~3/4 to 1 1/4 inch) compression of the spine when comparing height between morning and evening measurements.


As these discs become compressed, over the years, they also cause compression and kinking in the blood vessels and nerves which follow the spine. Reduction of blood flow near the spine and pinching of nerves in the spine are associated with dozens of unhealthy conditions. This is the basis of chiropractic treatment theory yet, despite regular chiropractic treatments over the years, most people still suffer from the effects of compressed discs as they age (though these effects are often mitigated in the short term by this chiropractic treatment). Regular chiropractic treatments seem to slow the degeneration of the spinal discs but they do not appear to prevent their long-term compression with age.


In the late seventies Dr. J. David Kuntz, a neurosurgeon currently living in Canada, noticed that compressed discs in the neck area were often associated with a variety of disease conditions. He developed a method to replace three or four of the discs in the neck using plastic pads and found that some very serious "incurable" conditions disappeared after the surgery. Since 1979 he has studied the results of 300 of these disc replacement surgeries and found that people recovered from dozens of different conditions after the surgery. Dr. Kuntz noticed significant improvement in disease conditions which include: dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, headaches, strokes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Multiple Sclerosis. Altogether he identified 125 "different" conditions which were associated with compressed discs in the neck area. A list of these conditions can be found at:


Besides expense, the main problem with Dr. Kuntz' surgical disc replacement method is that it results in reduced mobility in the neck area.


My familiarity with benefits of chiropractic treatments and Dr. Kuntz' work should help to explain why I am so excited about the increases in height which have been reported by people using the Star Babies, Twilight and other ORMUS products. Rochelle, Vickie, Dr. Stillwell, Lyna and I have all reported an increase in morning height measurement subsequent to using these products.


At this point it is difficult to tell which of the products is most effective in regard to reconstituting or re-inflating the spinal discs. The best results have been reported to be associated with the use of the Star Babies' Crystal Pyramid (see: )


and the Twilight "Star Chamber" in that order but there are indications that other ORMUS products may have the same benefits. When I measured my height immediately before taking my first Crystal Pyramid bath I found that my height was only an eighth of an inch less than at my tallest measurement as a youth. This might suggest that the ORMUS products I have been taking since 1996 have been instrumental in maintaining or restoring my height but I did not take any measurement before I started. The Trap Water Diary lady wrote "I feel as if I have grown, in height" but, unfortunately, she did not do before-and-after height measurements to confirm her feelings.


Actually, we may find that the greatest increases in height are associated with a combination of all the above. In this context I would recommend that everyone who starts in on any of the ORMUS products (I am including the Twilight and Star Babies products in the ORMUS category) measure their height as soon as they can for a baseline. I would suggest that results may become evident within a few weeks; so a regular program of weekly height measurement might be quite helpful. I hope that folks will also watch out for the other benefits which are associated with the decompression of the spinal discs.


Chapter 17         Patterns of Motion



As you read in Chapter 2 we have been working with the ORMUS materials and ozone since 1989. We have found that these materials have an affinity for oxygen and water. David Hudson postulates that this affinity is due to a common resonance frequency between these materials. Remember this quote from David Hudson's Portland workshop in Chapter 10:


"This little zero point frequency I showed you between the positron and the electron; if you follow that right up the electromagnetic spectrum, it agrees with the molecular frequency of hydrogen dioxide, or water. So there is an affinity for this material and water."


In other lectures Hudson makes a similar correlation with oxygen.

We are finding that the ORMUS elements are common in water. In fact, it looks like they determine some of the familiar properties of water as we know it. Ultra-pure water made from pure hydrogen burned in pure oxygen does not behave anything like the water we know. The ORMUS elements affect the viscosity, boiling point, freezing point and surface tension of water.


We believe that our ozone generator is producing significant amounts of O6 or diozone. It looks like this diozone can be used as a "leash" to capture and manipulate the ORMUS atoms. Here is a bit more background information on this concept.


The ORMUS elements differ in a fundamental way from their "ordinary" metallic counterparts. In a sense they can be considered to be parallel to the metallic elements on the periodic table. What differentiates this form of matter from "ordinary" matter is that the ORMUS elements are in a high spin state. This means that the atoms are spinning more rapidly than ordinary atoms. This high spin pulls the electron cloud in toward the nucleus of the atom, sort of like an ice skater pulling her arms in to increase the rate of her spin.


As these electrons get closer to the nucleus they pair up into what is called "Cooper pairs" of electrons. (The Cooper pairing phenomenon is named after one of the gentlemen who received a Nobel Prize for its discovery.) These electrons, when they are Cooper paired, are no longer available for ordinary shared electron bonding between different elements. This means that they can no longer form ordinary chemical compounds.


Methods have been developed to convert metal to ORMUS. In one way or another, these methods induce the high spin state and the Cooper pairing of electrons in the individual atoms or diatoms. It is also possible to convert ORMUS to metal using different methods.


Each of the elements, that can be transformed this way, keep their individual elemental properties through the transition from metal to ORME and to metal again. Some of these properties are common to both the metallic state and the ORMUS state. For example, the m-state rhodium gives water a sticky feel. This is also true of the metallic form--rhodium hydroxide. Also, rhodium seems to be useful as a catalyst in the ORMUS state and in the metallic state.


Because these elements hold on to their electrons so tightly the ordinary spectrographic methods of identifying them simply don't work. The only way we currently know to identify them is to run a spectrographic analysis on a candidate ORMUS sample, then convert it metal and run the spectrographic analysis again. If the first spectrographic analysis shows no metal and the second shows metal then we have identified an ORMUS element.


Though these elements don't form chemical compounds which are bound by electron sharing, they do seem to be involved in chemical compounds in some special ways. I believe that they should be suspected to be present in any chemical compound which cannot be synthesized. Chlorophyll would be an example of this type of compound. I have heard that the "secret" ingredient in chlorophyll is the ORMUS form of copper.


Since these elements are not bonded by shared electrons, how might they be bonded? I know of a couple types of bonds which might apply. I will discuss one of these types of bonds, as it relates to ozone.


All of these concepts are discussed in greater depth in Hudson's lectures and in Gary's article titled "Paranormal Observations of ORMEs Atomic Structure" which is included at the end of this Chapter for reference.


Superconductivity is a property of certain substances which are in a special quantum state called a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC). A BEC is a large group of atoms which behave as a single atom due to their being in a common state. In the case of the ORMUS elements, their superconducting nature creates an energy field around each atom. This energy field is called the Meissner effect. The Meissner effect resonance couples individual ORME atoms to the point where many atoms can act like a single atom. This resonance coupling between ORME atoms allows you to perform a sort of shadow chemistry on them.


It appears that there are varying degrees of ORMEishness. An ORMUS diatom can have all of its electrons paired up or it can have only a portion of its electrons paired up. If you have an ORMUS diatom which is partially paired this will leave some electrons available for conventional electron bonding with other elements. This ORMUS diatom will then have one foot in the ORMUS world and one foot in the metal world. You can use these partial ORMEs to manipulate the full ORMEs chemically.


Imagine that you want to collect all the loose male dogs in your town. It would be difficult to chase them all down individually but there might be a simpler way to do this. You could find a female dog in heat and use a known property of male dogs to collect them. You would put the female dog on a leash and lead her through town and pretty soon you will be leading all the loose male dogs around too. These male dogs are not on your leash but they are attracted to the female dog and they will follow you because you are leading her.


In a similar way we can do chemistry on the partial ORME and use the partial ORME to lead the full ORMEs around. To do this you must coax the ORMUS atoms into a chemical box.


Some of us believe that the simple methods to chemically concentrate the ORMUS elements from water that are described in Chapter 6 use this principle. The sodium atoms provided with the lye appear to form a hydroxide cluster around the ORMUS unit. we suspect that this molecular cluster provides a nice tight comfy inner space for the ORMUS to hide in. Similar ring molecules made of carbon, oxygen and chlorine may also be involved in traping and chemically manipulating the ORMUS elements. The oxygen ring molecule is the diozone molecule.


Though you cannot get an electron handle on the ORMUS elements, if you get them in a diozone "box" you can use the electron handles provided by the diozone to put them where you want them. Once you get them where you want them you must remove the diozone ring in such a way as to leave the ORMUS atom intact and functional, but that is another story.


Gary described this in his private posts to me. Here are some of his comments on the value of O6 for working with the ORMUS materials:


Speaking now, in stricter use of the concepts 'monatom' and 'diatom', I may also offer you some further comments which may be of interest to you. This is in regards to your question on Brown's gas, and also relates to your work using ozone, as an ORMEs charge pump.


Diatomic hydrogen is observed to be an ovoid, containing two triangular "monatoms", each composed of 3 quarks (having 3 anu each). The triangular H atoms are not identical in the types of their constituent quarks; each hydrogen in the diatom has the same mass, but differs from the other as a consequence of their quark components. When dissociated into monatoms, the two separated hydrogen atoms are stable (ie do not spontaneously dissociate further) but I would suggest that they would prefer to be paired.




As monatoms, they loosely associate with free particles, forming something like the atomic equivalent of the double-layer of continuous-phase charge which forms around colloidal particles to neutralize their remaining charge; it is a less defined layering for a gaseous continuos phase than for a liquid as far as colloids are concerned, and this (gas case) is a close analog of what happens in the atomic state, where the atomic-level vacuum is the continuous phase, and the myriad of loose and undifferentiated subatomic particles are the matter that the layers are (dynamically) formed from around the monatoms, as a loose aggregate.


Diatomic oxygen is also an ovoid, containing two spiral shapes, looking very much like helices of 5 turns each, with each being "wound" in the opposite direction.


Diatomic Oxygen Unit

Diatomic Oxygen Unit


Like the hydrogen, each monatom of the O2 diatom is dissimilar, being more positive or negative, respectively, from its mate.


Two Monatomic Oxygen Atoms

Two Monatomic Oxygen Atoms


Oxygen is also stable as a monatom, but also prefers to be paired. It too can use loose matter to neutralize its monatomic charge, but is entirely much less happy about the situation.

Three such oxygen monatoms may unite to form ozone. These will either be +-+, or -+-. The helices arrange with their axes parallel, and triangularly spaced as an isosceles, when viewed end on.


Two Different Ozone Varieties

The Two Different Ozone Varieties


Leadbeater noted that the positive variety of ozone (+-+) tends to rise, though no tendency to move either up or down is noted for the negative variety. This is further confirmed in that for observations performed at high altitudes, nearly all the ozone found in the atmosphere is of the positive type. In any practical ozone generation system, equal amounts of each type will be formed. While I have not tried it, it appears that it should be possible to separate these according to species, once formed, by placing ozone gas in a potential gradient (- on the upper electrode surface) that draws the two types apart. Ozone that is thus separated by species is substantially more stable and far less explosive in nature than ordinary heterogeneous ozone.

Oxygen is a very energetic and active element, and is capable of mediating several type of energies, some of which are not as yet recognized by Science.


You have previously said:


There is a large gap in our knowledge of the mechanism by which ozone moves the precious metals to their monoatomic state.


Jim's ozone technology generates a substantial amount of O6. I don't believe this particular allotrope is recognized yet, or it just barely has been, and satisfying the karmic cost of that has been the cause of the delay in discussing it for you.

This is a conjugate molecule, which might be termed di-ozone, and consists of six oxygen helices, arranged at the corners a hexagonal cell, alternating +-+-+-. It is reminiscent of the phalanx of rocket engines at the base of a Delta launch vehicle.





In oxides of the smaller members of the dumbbell atomic family, e.g. sodium, the oxygen spiral actually situates so it winds round or encircles the main central body of the dumbbell.


Sodium Hydroxide

Sodium Hydroxide


From copper upwards in the dumbbells, and also the bars group, it cannot do this (oxygen is too small in diameter for them to fit), and so contents itself with a side-by-side arrangement, like a catamaran's outrigger. In the case of dumbbells, the oxygen and dumbbell axes always align in parallel. For a heavy dumbbell atom like gold, it is like a tiny woman, dancing with a huge fat man - there just isn't any good way to hold on, and this is (in simple terms), how gold resists oxidation so well.


I previously stated


Simple glancing thermal collisions knock the monatomic atom into a rapid spin, and that is how the high spin [super deformed] state leading to ORME transition is most commonly achieved.


Now, I may finally say some things about the particular ORMEs generating mechanism you are concerned with.


ORMEs formation by ozonation is a mechanism that also occurs in Nature. A small but significant amount of O6 is produced by each lightning strike, and also by highly energetic photons in the upper troposphere, stratosphere and ionosphere. However, because of their very high reactivity, the mean life of O6 molecules is usually quite short, and so this mechanism generates far fewer ORMEs in Nature than geothermal processes, yet it is still an important process.


When an O6 complex approaches a gold dumbbell, something quite interesting happens. Oxygen is a highly vigorous atom taken singly, but the dipolar forces from six synchronized oxygens, working as a team, is something exceptionally powerful, and in a class by itself. The powerful forces of this molecule are what effects the transition of gold, etc., into a superdeformed condition, and thence into the ORME state.


In most cases, even when a single oxygen is paired with a dumbbell, the axial dipole of the oxygen has a marked effect on the configuration of the dumbbell. For example, a copper hydroxide molecule [Cu(OH)2] is flanked by 2 OH groups, each of which consists of an oxygen spiral with a hydrogen triangle (composed of 3 quarks) floating over each end; these two OH's stand on opposite sides of the copper main body.


Copper Hydroxide

Copper Hydroxide


The effect of the forces from the ends of the oxygens in this configuration is to repel and displace the funnels on each end of the copper, into a shape like an oriental fan or peacock tail, standing straight out like a Mohican haircut, on each end of the copper. This funnel displacement takes place, even after the forces at the ends of the oxygens have been mediated and toned down by the hydrogen groups.


The published illustration of Cu(OH)2 in Occult Chemistry doesn't do it justice. Leadbeater and Besant early on gave up trying to show things in 3-D, and settled for simple 2-D diagrams of the elements. The oxygens are not really in the plane of the fan as depicted, even though described that way in the text, written by Jinarajadasa, who was describing the illustration rather than the atomic structure. The plane connecting the two oxygen cylinder axes is actually perpendicular to the copper's funnel-fan plane.


When gold meets an O6 complex, something of like nature occurs to its funnels. As they approach, the O6 and gold polarly align, and the gold dumbbell slips into the center of the hexagonal O6 cell, which enlarges somewhat to accommodate the gold.


Gold Surrounded by Di-Ozone

Gold Diatom Being Surrounded by Di-Ozone


Like flowers held in the blast of a jet engine exhaust, the funnels at each end of the gold then stand straight out, along the main axis of this complex, under the powerful combined action of the forces emanating from the ends of the synchronized oxygens.


The effect of this phenomena would be like what happens when an ice skater swings her arms to go into a spin. At first the spin is slow till she brings her arms up above her head, then the spin becomes more rapid along her long axis.


Gary continues:


The 6 oxygens each contain counter-rotating spirals. These all come into phase lock when an O6 molecule forms, so that all 12 spirals are rotating in a synchronous fashion in the molecule, speaking in regards to the rotational phase relationships of the main charge carriers, which are uniformly located, one per turn, on the helix of each spiral. This intra- molecular phase resonance is responsible for the great power of the O6 group, which thus exceeds the sum of its parts in its oxidizing potential. As can be seen, physical structure has a lot to do with atomic interaction and bonding potentialities.


With the funnels of an O6-embraced gold dumbbell standing straight out, it at this point has precisely the same super- deformed physical configuration as a dumbbell in high spin [around the short axis]. This then, constitutes the basis of the mechanism responsible for the formation of Cooper pairing, and genesis of the ORMEs state, that occurs from exposing specific elements to high energy ozone. A very similar process occurs when bars family elements are exposed to O6. For compounds such as gold chloride, there are additional complexities, but in general terms, basically the same type of phenomena occurs.


The highly dipolar nature of this complex is what lies behind, and is responsible for, the magnetic properties of ozonated ORMEs (or ORMEs di-ozonides) and their salts. There are a number of variations to the structure I've just described. For example, the O6 group acquires hydrogen ions to form hydroxyl groups (similar to those of copper hydroxide, described earlier) when in water.


Ozone M-Gold


M-Gold Chloride Made Using Ozone


The propensity for the an ozone-gold complex to deposit gold on carbon, and its attraction to hydrocarbons such as grease and gasoline, is nothing more than an expression of the disposition of these materials to oxidize, and the affinity of the O6 in such an ORMEs complex for them. The appetite of the O6 is hardly satiated by the gold dumbbell, and it is eager to find something else more reactive to bond to.


Even the tetroxides of platinum group elements like Ru and Os are relatively volatile, and the di-ozonides are even more volatile. When di-ozone is combined with salt complexes of these metals, the resultant compound is more stable, but is still anxious to be elsewhere, as soon as it gets a chance. For instance, in aqueous solution, volatility increases due to dissociation.


Following laws of partial pressure and osmotic diffusion, volatized ORMEs (fully capable of tunneling), will ignore barriers to other molecules, and go to where the closest, most attractive reactants are, following the path (as they see it) of least resistance: straight through into the gas tank, the crankcase, and the grease spots on the floor. The more combustive energy a substance has, the more the di-ozone portion will be attracted to it.


When the oxygens have reached their destination, they may or may not abandon the ORME they are attached to. There is a wide range of events that could happen at this point. But as you have seen, in some cases metal will be deposited, and some ORMEs will also remain, gelling the material. The absorption of "gold gas", or di-ozone-ORMEs complex into silica gel, which has a natural affinity for ozone, is based on the same principle; its affinity for di-ozone is greater still, in proportion to the increased O6 reactivity.


When kept in solution in a beaker as di-ozone ORMEs complexes, when they leave the liquid phase at the fluid interface, they do not go straight up into the atmosphere above the liquid, but depart from the liquid along a vector which is dependent on their departure velocity vector, and this vector is random through a 180 degree umbrella. Because of the pseudo two dimensional interface between the container and the liquid, this will naturally tend to be an area where significant migration activity occurs. Because of this, the number of ORMEs exiting along or immediately near the edges of the glass container will be greater than for any other part of the liquid surface. It is also obvious that particles exiting in this region will tend to strike the inner wall of the container, just at or above the liquid level, since a large number of their possible departure vectors will point them at that region, for that exit zone, around the edge where the liquid/container interface or meniscus is.


Some percentage of the ORMEs hitting this region of the inner container wall will tunnel, rather than rebound. Should the tunneling ORMEs deozonate, as a result of local conditions in the amorphous structure of the glass, then the resulting gold atom will become stuck there, and its "appearance" will result in a localized stress riser, as a dislocation in the glass structure. After enough of these stress dislocations have accumulated in the same region, the glass will crack. In this case it cracks in a nice clean ring.


Tunneling was occurring in other parts of Jim's glass beaker walls also, but this was taking place at random locations, so the points of added stress were spread out and more-or-less evenly distributed. Hence no cracking anywhere else. Glass containers should not be used to store ORMEs solutions for prolonged periods.


There is 6 inches of string to bridge two points 10 inches apart. Either the string must be made longer, the points brought closer, or some of both. The string is the karmic cost of the knowledge, and the span is the knowledge gap to be bridged. The prospects look good that this can be done.


I encourage you to continue to actively pursue a course that will remove those obstacles. Continue the active exchange and brokerage of information. Continue looking for a way to obtain FEs to support this purpose.


Anything you can do to augment the flow of additional knowledge into the equation from sources such as yourself, Jim, or your other contacts and associates, will allow, and lead to, expanded scope of discussions, and interpretive explanations to promote your understanding. Keep up your efforts, Barry. The karma of this thing is beginning to melt like the wicked witch after Dorothy dowsed her.



In another post Gary wrote:


Dissolution in acids may occur with partial ORMEs; a sample may be *nothing but* partial ORMEs and still completely dissolve in acid. Whether partials will dissolve in acids depends on the particular element involved, the degree of partiality, and the energy flowing through the paired valence circuits. You and Hudson presently lack means of quantitatively determining either of these last two parameters. You can use acid to eliminate partial content from your samples. But there are other considerations. Acids may also react with the oxygens in ORMEs-di-ozonides, with deleterious consequences, as explained in a moment.


You must be careful to properly distinguish the differences between sample types. There are several very distinct materials, which must be differentiated between if you wish to avoid problems.



Approx. Color



2 Partial ORMEs

[from gray to white]

3 Partial ORME compounds (salts)

[wide variations]

4 ORME di-ozonides


5 Partial ORME di-ozonides

[*varies typ.gray-white]

6 Partial ORME di-ozonide compounds


* Presumed colors


Copper is an exception, its partial colorations also reflecting the natural copper-red, in lesser degrees of partiality (2 & 5). The material Jim is collecting in his traps is 1, 2, and 3. The other materials, made by Jim from metals, or from ozonating trap material or chemical compounds are 4, 5, and 6.


As you can see from the above table, the fact that Hudson remains unconvinced of the existence of partial ORMEs, as well as lacking familiarity with di-ozonides, is not particularly important from a color standpoint (criteria #1). But the presence of oxygen in the complex can alter the expected results, depending on the chemical processes (etc.) samples are subjected to. The reasons for this may perhaps help guide Jim toward fruitful directions of experimentation.


There are essentially two ways that an ORME-di-ozonide can lose its oxygens, to become a "normal" (ie de-ozonated) ORME. The O6 can come off, just as it got on, by slipping off one end of the dumbbell or bars element. It is like a girl slipping a continuous circular bracelet off her wrist. But doing this exposes the funnels or bars on the exiture end of the ORME to powerful disrupting forces from the O6 molecule as it departs, and often causes Cooper pairs to be broken during the separation process. This is its favored way of coming off in many chemical processes, in the absence of other factors.

The other means of losing the oxygens is for the O6 complex to open up, like a hinged bracelet, so they come off without passing over the end of the ORME within. The O6 breaks apart and comes off in pieces, in either O3 or O2 molecules. This is much less likely to disrupt any Cooper pairing that is present; the captive ORME will then most likely still continue to be an ORME, after it is freed from the oxygens that were girdling it.

In many of the operations Jim has used to remove the oxygens, "pinning" the ORME, as you are terming it, the transformation into a metallic or partially metallic state (low order partial ORME) is actually the result of the oxygens blowing apart the Cooper pairing as they slide off, going after carbon for example, rather than chemical destabilization of the ORME's paired valencing. Once one end of a gold ORME's Cooper pairing is ruptured in this way, energy transients inside the atom often blow apart those funnel pairings on the other end as well, as the remaining valence circuits attempt to (often impossibly) assume a greater amount, or in some cases to maintain the entirety, of the atom's Meisner flux by themselves. It appears that stages of Hudson's ORMEs analysis also causes this result.


Jim has noted that ozonated ORMEs seem to represent a metastable state, and this is why. Some processes remove the oxygen in a way that breaks the Cooper pairing, ending in a metal. Others remove the oxygen, in a manner so as to typically leave the ORME intact, which then, of course, shows itself very inert and recalcitrant to any further chemical manipulations, typical of ORMEs David Hudson has been working with.


There are some other factors which are important, and may be of help. You have learned that, because the di-ozone complex is highly dipolar, (as you have repeatedly observed first-hand with your various magnet experiments), it is susceptible to alignment and orientation by an external field. By aligning the O6/ORMEs complex with a polarizing field perpendicular to an electric field, the oxygens may be broken off and removed, laterally. I suggest approaching this by applying the electric field in an aqueous electrolytic cell, with a perpendicular magnetic field.


Fully paired ORMEs do not react chemically, except as in the case of O6 and some other unusual constructs. You may reasonably conclude that the ORMEs involved in Hudson's chemistries are partials.


Anyone duplicating Hudson's procedures may wish to do metrics to quantify, or keep track of, chlorine-in and chlorine-out (for example), to see how much is actually being bound to the ORMEs you are working with. This is an indirect means of monitoring the partialities present. Comparing the molar quantities of chlorine binding to the ORMEs, with the molar quantity of the gold present, will give you an idea of the number of partial valences engaging in binding reaction. You may release and measure the chlorine from ORMEs chloride, and deduce from that how many active partial ORME valences are present. That will only involve the partials engaging in binding, and would not tell anything about the amount of non-reacting higher order partials or 100% ORMEs which may also be present. But measuring released reactants is valuable, if the ORMEs were made from metal in the first place, so the molar amount of gold, etc., present is known a priori. Things may then be meaningfully deduced as to the relative number of non-reactive valences.


Wrapping an O6 around an ORME charges it just fine, in just about the twinkling of an eye. I might go so far as to say it is the Ne Plus Ultra method for ORMEs formation; at least it is the key first step in the process. It is getting the O6 off again without trashing everything that I have been gradually and gently leading your attentions towards.


Charging an ORMEs system is different than charging ORME atoms individually, but there are some similarities and carry over, when individually charged atoms are combined into contiguity.



On oxygen forms you wrote:


The only thing that I can find that you previously wrote regarding the stability of O6 is:


However, because of their very high reactivity, the mean life of O6 molecules is usually quite short, and so this mechanism generates far fewer ORMEs in Nature than geothermal processes, yet is still an important process.


Is O6 a more likely or more stable structure than O5 or O7? and Why might FE ozone be more persistent than ozone produced by other methods?


Barry, you found part of what I was referring to, but I also discussed the phase lock between the atoms at some length, which might well have provided an indication to you that the molecule is intrinsically stable (I am distinguishing between stability, and reactivity, as two separate properties, the first relating to the tendency of a molecule to decompose, apart from reacting with other things).


You should also be aware that there is more than one form of O6. The O6 I have been discussing with you, with its unique ring shape, is the only one which has any usefulness relative to ORMEs. Others also exist. Though these others are more common, they are far less interesting than the O6 ring. But the different forms all have the same mass and charge, though certainly not the same thermal stability or reactivity. So you must be discriminating in deciding which kind you have, by the way you measure them.


Because the O6 ring shares the same mass and charge as the transient O6 ozones, because of its relative rareness (except in the FE), because of its short average life, and because of its ability to "blend in" with its O3 cousins (which always accompany it in large numbers), these factors have conspired to prevent scientists from noticing it, and hence from doing any work to identify it, up until very recently.


Left to itself, (ring) O6 is very stable; ie, it doesn't show the same tendency to spontaneously decompose, as O3 eventually does. But it makes up for it by reacting with all sorts of things, and doing so usually causes it to break up (most ORMEs-forming metals being notable exceptions, in which cases it remains intact).


O5, O7, etc., are variations of O3 chains (see below), involving some O2s tacked on, and are rather transient forms.


In water, O6 will react vigorously with most types of impurity materials present in the water, but not much with the water itself. You may reflect, that Jim's initial gold recovery attempt, starting him on his present path of destiny, would have been an abject failure, if O6 reacted with water to an appreciable degree.


Once the impurities have been oxidized, the remaining O6 may persist for quite a while, depending on how much remains at that point, but will eventually diffuse out of the water into the atmosphere, where it soon finds something to oxidize. The rate of diffusion depends on the temperature of the water. Also remember, a little O6 goes a long way -quite a bit farther than O3- for a water taste-test.



From a conversation with Jim you transcribed, speculating on the fundamental cause underlying the high activity of the FE's output gas:


Barry- Ok, well what's the difference between that ozone and other ozone?


Jim- It is eager to react. It's unstable. It's been pumped up to the point. . . It's a balloon that's over inflated and it wants to pop.


Barry- Ok, is it because you've got O4,O5 and O6 or is it because . . .?


Jim- No. That's a different issue. This is because it's just ozone. This is something we can measure today and demonstrate today vs the other which is difficult at best.


Barry- Ok, I understand how you get it energized, but what's different about the molecule that's energized?


Jim- Ah, don't know.


Despite Jim's view that this is due to some alteration of O3, the high activity is due primarily to the presence of O6, and to a much smaller degree to some other oxygen forms which, though less active than O6, are still a bit more active than O3. It is not because of a change in common O3's energy. Refer to an earlier email, for an explanation of the reasons why O6 has eluded recognition.


The uses of the O6 ring are great and manifold. It is a very powerful oxidizer. Its potential uses range all the way from creating and super-activating ORMEs, to recovering gold from sea water, to powering giant booster rockets. It will supplant and replace ozone in many existing applications, due to its superior oxidizer properties. Many new things will be discovered that were impossible before shall become known. It will save and prolong countless lives, help clean up the planet, avert great suffering, and make the future a brighter vision.


So much from it... and such a tiny little thing it is, too, all bright, pure, and sparkling.


We believe that there are many useful interactions between oxygen and the ORMUS elements in the body. We suspect that hemoglobin may be partially composed of ORMUS rhodium and that an increased availability of ORMUS rhodium in the body will facilitate oxygen transport. I have personally noticed this in that when I am supplementing ORMUS rhodium in my diet, I have significantly greater ability to exercise without becoming winded.


Previously in this Chapter I quoted Gary as proposing that the oxygen vortex, when arrayed in a hexagram with their axes all pointed in the same direction, would "blow" the valence funnel arms of the gold diatom away from the short axis of the diatom. This would promote the pairing of these valence funnel arms.


I imagine this would look like a fat ballet dancer who starts spinning with arms out but encounters a blast of air from below which blows his arms up above his head where he can easily clasp his hands. The difference, in this case, is that the ballet dancer would have twelve arms above his head and twelve arms below his feet. In the Paranormal Observations article Gary described this thus:


"Each element in the dumbbell shaped group has a total of 24 valence funnels; there are 12 at each end of the atom, representing 6 sets of half valences. The 12 funnels are arranged a bit like blades of a ceiling fan, which rotate on the major elliptical axis of the central body, hence the dumbbell look. The ends of the valence funnels are slightly staggered, alternating up and down slightly as you go around the atom."


An image of a dumbbell group atom can be seen below:


Dumbbell Shaped Group


The oxygen atoms in the O6 (or possibly O12) hexagon array around the gold diatom would be in spin coherence as I describe later in this Chapter.


This array of oxygen atoms might look something like one or more of the arrays pictured below:

Oxygen 6


Oxygen 6

Oxygen 12

Oxygen 12




Apparently, anti-gravity-like effects have recently been measured emitting above and below the spin axis of Bose-Einstein condensates in spin coherence. See:


This anti-gravity-like force was discovered by Dr. Ning Li who calls it "AC Gravity".


I suspect it may also be related to the spin fields (scalar waves) that Alexandr Shpilman has associated with the ORMUS elements.


Psychic Observations

In 1907 C. W. Leadbeater wrote an article titled "KOILON--THE ÆTHER OF SPACE" which described the basic building blocks of the atom. This article was later included in Leadbeater and Besant's book OCCULT CHEMISTRY.


In this article Leadbeater described some micro-psychic observations of a phenomena which might correspond with a phenomena postulated in a number of modern quantum physical theories. He described bubbles in the æther which are the smallest "structure" of physical matter. These bubbles, in turn, are a component of a spiral structure which spirals around another coil and so on for seven levels of recursion. The entire structure is made up of these bubbles, strung like pearls, on a necklace looped in fractal coils.


Here is a passage from OCCULT CHEMISTRY which describes these structures in Leadbeater's own words:


To help us to understand more clearly let us examine the ultimate atom of the physical plane. (See Figs. 3 and 6.) It is composed of ten rings or wires, which lie side by side, but never touch one another. If one of these wires be taken away from the atom, and as it were untwisted from its peculiar spiral shape and laid out on a flat surface, it will be seen that it is a complete circle--a tightly twisted endless coil. This coil is itself a spiral containing 1,680 turns; it can be unwound. and it will then make a much larger circle. There are in each wire seven sets of such coils or spirillae, each finer than the preceding coil to which its axis lies at right angles. The process of unwinding them in succession may be continued until we have nothing but an enormous circle of the tiniest imaginable dots lying like pearls upon an invisible string. These dots are so inconceivably small that many millions of them are needed to make one ultimate physical atom. They appear to be the basis of all matter of which we at present know anything; astral. mental and buddhic atoms also are built of them, so we may regard them as the fundamental units of which all material atoms on any plane yet attainable are composed.


These units are all alike, spherical and absolutely simple in construction. Though they are the basis of all matter, they are not themselves matter; they are not blocks but bubbles. They do not resemble bubbles floating in the air, which consist of a thin film of water separating the air within them from the air outside, so that the film has both an outer and an inner surface. Their analogy is rather with the bubbles that we see rising in water, bubbles which may be said to have only one surface--that of the water which is pushed back by the confined air. Just as the bubbles are not water, but are precisely the spots from which water is absent, so these units are not koilon but the absence of koilon--the only spots where it is not--specks of nothingness floating in it, so to speak, for the interior of these space-bubbles is an absolute void to the highest power of vision that we can turn upon them.


Modern quantum physics often describes fundamental building blocks of matter as the vectors of motion of packets of energy. If we were to consider Leadbeater's observations to be a description of the vectors of motion of a fundamental packet of energy these observations would seem to be congruent with several concepts proposed in recent theories by various physicists.


These concepts include superstring theory, quantum foam, mini-black holes, TGD throats, and spin-field theories. As you can see from the picture above these would clearly be string like structures.


Quantum foam, mini-black holes and TGD throats might all relate to the bubbles in the æther suggested by Leadbeater. These bubbles would, in effect, be spinning connectors between space-time sheets.


The vector motion of the coils suggests vortex type forces as implied by spin-field theories. It might help to visualize this concept by thinking of the absolute motion of a person standing on the earth. A person standing on the earth would be describing a circle around the axis of the earth while the earth itself would be circling the sun. At the same time, the sun would be circling the center of the galaxy. Because of the additional motion of the earth and the sun, the motion of the person would not actually be a circle but would rather be a nested spiral like the nested spirals pictured above.


Vortex Motion

A fluid vortex has some very unusual properties. One of these properties is that there is an outer vortex which goes in one direction and an inner vortex which goes in the opposite direction. An inner vortex can be seen in the following image of a water vortex:


In the image above, there are several vectors of motion. Here is a diagram of these vectors:


In both of these images the fluid (water) enters from the bottom left. This fluid is directed at a tangent to the circumference of the horizontal tube. This vector directs the fluid in a circular motion into the tube. The second vector is the flow toward the opening on the right end of the tube. This flow is converted to a vortex spiral by the circular motion imparted by the first vector. At the right end of the tube there is a conical reflector which imparts the third vector--a reverse flow back toward the inlet and out the left end of the tube.


Black Hole Jets

At the largest scales astronomers have recently observed a very unusual astrophysical phenomenon. Very massive and rapidly spinning objects such as black holes, neutron stars and galaxies with central black holes have been observed to have axial jets of matter, x-rays and gamma rays emerging from their poles. These energy and matter jets emerge from the axis of these objects perpendicular to their rotation. They clearly are a force opposing gravity.


Black Hole Jets


If there is another source of matter nearby such as in a binary system where one of the stars has become a black hole and the other remains as a light emitting star a disk of gaseous matter will form around the black hole. This is called an accretion disk. This disk feeds matter and energy into the black hole so that the energy flows and patterns become visible. See:


for more info on these systems.


In the vortex tube analogy, the light emitting companion star would be equivalent to the fluid source at the bottom of the vortex tube and the jets would be the fluid emerging from both ends of the tube.


If we postulate that the mini-black holes, observed by Leadbeater, have a spin and that this spin contributes to the vortex shaped fractal coils, also observed by Leadbeater, how might this be analogous to the energy flows and vectors in a massive black hole?


It looks like the massive black holes are both absorbing and emitting energy. They absorb matter/energy from the accretion disk and emit energy from their polar jets. Some physicists have hypothesized that the fundamental subatomic structures also absorb and emit energy. They have postulated mini-black holes and mini-white holes to fill both roles. I think that it might be reasonable to postulate both roles in a single structure.


What about the concept that something enters and leaves our universe in each type of black hole? What powers the attractive and repulsive forces in the subatomic structures and in the massive black holes?


ComptonRadius Vortex

These patterns of motion also apply at the smallest scales. The motion of subatomic particles like electrons can be described as a vortex (which is an outer spiral with an inner return spiral). Here is a drawing of the Compton radius vortex of the electron from Tony Smith’s web page:


Compton Radius Vortex


Tony suggests that the energy of the electron and gravity itself arise from zero point fluctuations within the Compton radius vortex.


Note that these images are also taken from Occult Chemistry.


Spin Coherence

If we expand our vortex tube analogy so that the input energy vector comes from another space/time sheet (through the zero point) I think we can start to explain some of the properties observed in the ORMUS materials.


We know that energy in opposition to gravity is emitted from the poles of a very large spinning black hole. The energy vector of a very large spinning object is virtually on a single plane. One might say that it is coherent within that plane. The energy vector of the spinning Earth is not coherently planar but, rather, is a combination of vectors forming a recursive spiral configuration like the motion of a particle following a string of the coil illustrated above.


If the Earth were spinning very rapidly, its spin would be much closer to a planar spin. If it were much more massive, it could sustain such a rapid spin without falling apart from centrifugal forces. If spin mass/density coherence is a necessary factor in the anti-gravity force emitted from the poles of a massive black hole then this spin density coherence would not be evident in an object with the density and spiral spin vector of the Earth.


Podkletnov Effect

It might be possible, however, to create this kind of spin density coherence in a spinning superconductor.


In the early 1990s Eugene E. Podkletnov, a Russian materials scientist then at Tampere University of Technology in Finland, reported gravity-attenuation effects in his experiments with spinning superconductors. He reported that gravity is attenuated above a spinning superconductor. You can read more about Podkletnov's experiment and its replication on the following web pages:


The gravity attenuation effects seem to be related to the rate of spin of the superconductor and the frequency of the electromagnetic field which was magnetically levitating it. According to Podkletnov's paper (See: ), "[t]he shielding force depends on the rotational speed of the disk and has a tendency to increase with the speed of rotation." A non-rotating superconductor would still have a very small gravity attenuating effect. ("The sample with the initial weight of 5.47834 g was found to loose about 0.05% of its weight when placed over the levitating disk without any rotation.")


So, from Podkletnov's observations we have two facts to explain. 1) The faster the spin, the greater the attenuation of gravity above the spinning superconductor. 2) A very weak attenuation of gravity above a non-spinning superconductor.


ORMUS Observations

David Hudson measured a weight increase of about 575% of beginning weight in an m-state iridium sample and a weight decrease of about 25% less than no weight at all in the same sample. I have extended the lines on the chart recordings in Hudson's patent to give a graphic representation of these weight fluctuations of his m-iridium sample:

Weight Fluctuations


These weight swings occurred after several heating and cooling cycles in which smaller fluctuations occurred.


These weight changes occurred as the sample was being slowly heated to approximately 850 degrees Celsius inside a bifilar wound tube furnace.


Another researcher claims that he took pure m-state iridium and mixed it with porcelain pottery clay at about a ten to one ratio. He fired this as a clay disk and found that it would levitate if it were spun. Later he "annealed" this same clay disk by heating it to around 800 degrees Celsius and letting it cool about ten to fifteen times. This disk levitated without spinning. Anything put directly over the disk became weightless as well.


This last observation appears to be an extreme example of the Podkletnov effect. From these and other observations we suspect that ORMUS iridium is a superconductor at temperatures exceeding room temperature.


Superconductivity is considered to be a Bosonic property. This means that superconductors have some of the properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC).


A Bose-Einstein Condensate is a group of atoms which are all in the same quantum state. Such a group of atoms consequently behaves, in some ways, as a single atom. Superconductors are a form of BECs and so are superfluids.


You can read a simple description of what BECs are and how they work on the BEC homepage.


Here is an explanation of how BECs, superconductors and Cooper pairing inter-relate from the American Institute of Physics web page titled BECs, superconductors, and Cooper pairing:


  • "A superfluid is a liquid that flows without viscosity or inner friction. For a liquid to become superfluid, the atoms or molecules making up the liquid must be cooled or "condensed" to the point at which they all occupy the same quantum state. A liquid of helium-3, an atom whose nucleus is made up of an odd number of particles, is a type of particle known as a fermion. Groups of fermions are not allowed to occupy the same quantum state."


"By cooling the liquid to a low enough temperature, helium-3 atoms can pair up. The number of particles in each nucleus adds up to an even number, making it a type of particle known as a boson. Groups of bosons can fall into the same quantum state, and therefore superfluidity can be achieved. Helium-4 (middle panel), a boson, does not need to pair up to form a superfluid; groups of helium-4 atoms condense into the superfluid state at about 2 degrees above absolute zero. Superfluidity, especially the kind that exists in helium-3, is analogous to conventional low-temperature superconductivity, in which electrons flow through certain metals and alloys without resistance. In a superconductor (right panel), electrons, which are fermions, pair up in the metal crystal to form "Cooper pairs," bosons which can then condense into a superconducting state."


Since the m-state iridium atoms are capable of responding coherently, when they are spun in a magnetic field, they all might align so that their spin axis is perpendicular to the Earth's magnetic field. This would orient all of the axial anti-gravity energies toward the center of the Earth.


When they are repeatedly annealed in a strong magnetic field, they "take a set" and this orientation becomes permanent.


Coherent atomic spin in objects within the magnetic vortex above the spinning superconductor might be induced by the spinning superconductor. This coherent spin might be related to the anti-gravity effect that Podkletnov reported. I have seen levitation effects as a result of spinning a magnet under certain m-state materials. I have placed a "movie" of this phenomenon on my web site. This movie is a 2,554kb file and can be downloaded at:


Chapter 18Paranormal Observations of ORMEs Atomic Structure

by Gary


Between August 1895 and October 1933, Charles W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant of the Theosophical Society conducted clairvoyant studies of the atomic structure of the elements. Both of these individuals had previously awakened kundalini; Leadbeater has described his having done so by pranayama, which is the same method I used. After kundalini has been awakened, and after the ajna chakra (brow chakra) is fully functioning, it is possible to extend one's consciousness, specifically the faculty of vision, through great ranges in magnification capability, and either up or down in objective size. In yogic writings, this is part of what is allegorically referred to as the ability to make oneself very small or very large at will. These are the first and second of the eight major siddhis, the Sanskrit Anima and Mahima. The actual nature and extent of many of the siddhis, or paranormal powers, are often (intentionally) described allegorically, and so are widely misunderstood. Anima and Mahima actually each refer to several different things.


One of these, or what actually happens, and is being referred to in the case of these observations, is that a projection from the ajna chakra is formed by the yogi; the functional aperture and gain of this protuberant projection or filament can be controlled by the yogi, according to the scale of the object under observation. This extended faculty is symbolically depicted in ancient Egyptian iconography by the small serpent on the pharaoh's forehead, which is dismissed by most Egyptologists as being just a part of the headdress. By its means, one is capable of seeing objects far smaller and far more distant than is possible by means of any man-made instruments yet devised. Leadbeater, for example, describes an entire spectrum of particle sizes below the subatomic particles which make up physical atoms.


The results of Leadbeater's and Besant's investigations were published serially as articles in the magazine, The Theosophist. The material was later arranged and published in 1909 in a book titled "Occult Chemistry", which was revised in a second edition in 1919. In 1951, a much enlarged and revised third edition (396 pages) was published in Adyar, Madras, India. I am fortunate to have copies of these two later editions. Over twenty years ago, in the 1970's, I corresponded at length with the Theosophical Society's Olcott Library, and they graciously provided me with a good deal of further information. Since that time, and during my own studies, I have awaited in hopes that the Theosophical Society would reprint all the original material. This has not yet occurred, though I continue to hope for it. Editions of Occult Chemistry are now very rare and difficult to find. [R. A. Kessinger has done a reprint of this book. It is available from them at: P.O. Box 160, Kila, MT 59920, phone (406) 756-0167, fax (406) 257-5051, e-mail :]


However, a British physicist named Stephen Phillips became aware of this material, and in 1980 published a book titled "Extra-Sensory Perception of Quarks", describing the two Theosophist's work and interpreting it in the light of modern atomic theory. Though the atomic structures observed by the yogic faculty, as described by Leadbeater and Besant, did not make much sense to their contemporaries, present day theories of atomic structure and particle physics make their descriptions much more recognizable, validated, and startlingly accurate, as Dr. Phillips was amazed to discover.


Phillip's book was published before the high spin state was recognized, and so he does not discuss it from this aspect. However, he does notice how the observations match the Higgs superconducting vacuum model, recognizes non-Abelian monopoles with Nielsen-Olesen vortices as carrying quantized flux, and identifies the mechanisms at work underlaying quark stability, among many other things. All in all, he did a fine job of it. [Extra-Sensory Perception of Quarks, by Stephen M. Phillips, PhD, 1980, Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton IL, ISBN 0-8356-0227-3, US $15.00]


David's ORME patent literature specifically names cobalt, nickel, silver, gold, palladium, platinum, ruthenium, rhodium, iridium, and osmium as exhibiting the orbitally rearranged state, with the attendant room temperature superconductivity. Later, he announced in his lectures, that he finds that mercury also exhibits the same behavior. As far as I am aware, he has not yet publicly suggested any other elements (excepting only mercury) are capable of stable ORME states and high temperature superconductivity, beyond those listed in his patent literature.


Now, as Leadbeater and Besant's work has already been published, presenting a great deal on this subject (even if it is not widely known), and it has been available for some time now, and monatomics are also now becoming more widely recognized, and a certain requisite amount of discussion has taken place regarding it, (thanks to Dr. Phillips), it is at last permissible to comment on the information that has been released occultly, with greater openness, and from the perspective of monatomic research.


Based on these published materials, and on certain studies I have done, I may now relate some further information regarding monatomic forms of the physical elements, their shapes as monatomics, some additional light on superdeformation, superdeformation's relation to the high spin state, and what these several factors have to do with the manifestation and development of superconductivity.


As monatomics (single, isolated atoms), the elements are yogically observed to display shapes, which turn out to resemble certain of the platonic solids and other unanticipated shapes, more than the Bohr atom most people think of. However, valence structures, subatomic structures, and numerous other complex phenomena can be identified, given patient study, so that the physical basis for our theories are nearly all seen to be revealed, even if they are not implemented quite as we had supposed. The valences take the form of rod-, bar-, and funnel-like shapes, with the large end of the funnel cone pointed outwards. The valence shapes, nuclei shapes, and other observed macro features are of course not solid forms, but are swept volume envelopes, made by the rapidly moving particles which compose the atoms. I will be referring to the "valence structures" etc.; these are equivalent to "orbitals" as used in the ORME acronym.


Dr. Phillips has observed that incongruencies exists between the valences observed yogically, and those predicted by theory, that the number and nature of the valence structures actually observed (in the monatomic state) are not as would be expected, according to present scientific theories of atomic structure. And he has made an effort to reconcile the two, theory and observation. Valency, as observed, can be seen in some cases to be comprised of sets of half valences, so that there are two valence structures for each of the valences allotted in our present theory, and other variations in other cases. Dr. Phillips puzzles over this at length in his book. Unfortunately, he never quite makes the connection (though he comes to within a hair of it), or it fails to occur to him, as to how these sets of "half" valences (for instance) relate to, and are responsible for, the forming of Cooper pairs. But he seems so pleased to at last be seeing how atoms really work, that he doesn't greatly mind this "problem".


Phillips concludes that the majority of the atoms observed by the investigators, and presumed to be monatomic, are actually diatomic, and points out that this assumption clears up most of the apparent difficulties. In this article I will refer to the observed forms as monatomic, for continuity with the original investigators, as much as for any other reasons.(1) Dr. Phillips' book, sadly, has not received much attention. Scientists do not enjoy giving up their theories, but few would argue that the theories as they stand today shall forever remain unchanged. I recommend that those interested read his book, for a hint at what the theories will be... changing to.


The physical structural arrangement of elemental atoms, and particularly how the valence structures are arranged in the atom, are observed to develop as several recurring periodic patterns of form. Leadbeater and Besant soon found that the structural patterns do not fit well into the Mendelyeev table (which has been found so useful for predicting chemical properties), but the observed structural periodicity is nicely predicted by the periodic system proposed by Sir William Crookes, which was later refined by Jinarajadasa into a quadruple leminscate. Crookes-type tables, which can be represented by a multi-level 3-dimensional figure 8 pattern, fit the data far better from a structural characteristics standpoint, **for the purely singular and monatomic forms of the elements**. This is an important point to remember, as the elements have dramatically different shapes when they are observed in chemical combinations.


The elements in Table 1 (below) are yogically or paranormally observed to have shapes which appear as moderately high aspect symmetrical dipoles, when examined as single atoms; ie, apart from chemical-, cluster-, lattice-, or crystalline- influences. They all show symmetry of rotation about their major axis, as well as mirror symmetry about a plane bisecting their major axis. They were aptly termed "dumbbell shaped" by Leadbeater and Besant; the valence funnels are dipolarly disposed on either end of the atom, giving them a distinctive dumbbell shape.


Dumb-Bell Shaped Atom


In the case of the dumbbell shaped atoms, which might be considered as one of the most puzzling shapes to someone seeing it for the first time, it is arranged as follows. The main or central body envelope is a swept volume which is approximately represented by imagining an elliptical solid, or ellipsoid of revolution, formed by spinning an ellipse on its major axis. The aspect ratio of the major/minor axes (speaking only of the central structure) is greater for smaller atoms in this family, like sodium, where it is approximately 4:1, and becoming relatively "fatter" in the heavier atoms. Monatomic gold has a central body of about 2:1 aspect.


Gold Atom


Each element in the dumbbell shaped group has a total of 24 valence funnels; there are 12 at each end of the atom, representing 6 sets of half valences. The 12 funnels are arranged a bit like blades of a ceiling fan, which rotate on the major elliptical axis of the central body, hence the dumbbell look. The ends of the valence funnels are slightly staggered, alternating up and down slightly as you go around the atom.


Within the central ellipsoid form and the valence structures are found smaller forms (and similarly so for the other element family shapes), which Phillips has managed to relate to protons, neutrons, quarks, and their components. Of course quarks, let alone baryons, leptons, omegons, etc. were unheard of when this information was first published. The smallest particles which make up the physical atom are referred to by Leadbeater and Besant as "ultimate physical atoms", since they seem to be the constituent particle from which all the subatomic particles are built up. They have called these "Anu", after the Sanskrit name for the ultimate particles of matter (it is the same root term used in Anima, "the size of an atom"). There are two types of these, termed + and -. The Anu "particles" are composed of whirls of energy which spin in opposite senses between the + and - varieties. These whirls of energy, when magnified under increasing power by yogic vision, are themselves composed of smaller spirals, and those of smaller spirals, and so on, down through 7 layers of nesting.


Nested Spirals


The Anu are many orders of magnitude smaller than the subatomic particles, and the subatomic particles are in turn many orders of magnitude smaller than the elemental physical atoms of the periodic chart. The Anu, and more complex particles, all move at enormous velocities, sweeping out the shapes that I am referring to, and the atom is an extremely active thing to see. It is ceaslessly throbbing, pulsating, spinning, gyrating and precessing with amazing rapidity and vigor when so viewed. Not at all like the billiard ball protons and neutrons with the spherical electron shells many would expect to see. But our dashed expectations are our own fault, rather than Nature's. Still, we are better prepared now than at any time before to understand the remaining secrets of atomic structure; we must only recognize that things are far more complex than we have ever previously supposed.(2)


Table 1 elements are all structurally similar, despite the fact that under our present periodic arrangement samarium (for example) inserts columnarly in VIII between ruthenium and osmium, and sodium falls in group IA with the alkalis. Most of the nonmetallic halides are found, by this faculty, to similarly be dumbbell shaped in their monatomic states. Of the elements in this family, David has already observed ORME state superconductivity which develops in gold, silver, and copper.


Table 1


"Dumbbell" group monatomics, predicted to exhibit the ORME superconducting state.


  • Sodium
  • Chlorine
  • Copper +
  • Bromine
  • Silver +
  • Iodine
  • Samarium
  • Erbium
  • Gold +
  • Astatine
  • Berkelium
  • Lawrencium


+ Already specifically named in David Hudson's patent literature.


The inclusion of an alkali metal like sodium, most of the halides, and so on, flies in the face of existing interpretations as to the underlying causes of the ORME phenomena (which is presently postulated to be a consequence of partly filled orbitals). Many of the elements I suggest in this article to possess superconducting ORME states are, of course, nowhere near the center of the Mendelyeev periodic table, where elements with partly filled orbitals are placed.


It would be good to recall at this point that the periodic table was originally developed only as a means of helping us understand the laws governing the elements' chemical properties, and we should not fall into the trap of extrapolating its fine success in this regard to imply that it also applies to, or continues to hold true for, monatomic shapes. To assume that chemical properties are a reflection of an element's monatomic-form structure is not supported by yogic observations. There is little hope in discovering an element's atomic propensity for having an ORME state by peering at the Mendelyeev periodic table. This phenomena has little to do with orbital filling as shown there. However, the phenomena and the reasons behind it become clear and plain when viewed yogically.


The actual reasons that certain elements exhibit stable ORME states, form Cooper pairs, and display Type 2 superconductivity (as David has correctly described them as doing), lies in their structural characteristics, and these particular structural characteristics only occur in the monatomic forms of elements, and then only among certain monatomic-form structural families. The valence forming structures (ie, 'orbitals') of the elements named in David's patent literature (as well as mercury, and others), are seen to "rearrange" precisely as David has indicated, and this rearrangement is indeed what leads to their extraordinary properties. Other elements, discussed in this article, not yet acknowledged as ORMEs by David, shall eventually be found to exhibit this same behavior, under appropriate conditions.


The elements which can potentially exhibit room temperature (and higher) superconductivity do not necessarily immediately or spontaneously rearrange themselves into a superconducting ORME state upon disaggregation. They first require an impetus to set them rapidly spinning. High spin is a necessary condition for this rearrangement to occur; it is the first step in how the ORME state is reached. (It should be apparent that to have a rapidly spinning single atom means that it is monatomic.) However, the relatively low energy of thermal collision forces is sufficient to get them spinning fast enough. Simple glancing thermal collisions knock the monatomic atom into a rapid spin, and that is how the high spin state leading to ORME transition is most commonly achieved. That is the reason behind why David had to heat the monatomic material in order to transform it into a superconducting ORME state. It is indeed a strange consequence that thermal energy transfer, in the form of a spin-imparting collision, may act to lower the atomic energy temperature, but it is an observationally evident effect.


The spin of the atom centrifugally causes the valence structures to deflect from the normal positions they have as single (monatomic) atoms. Rearrangement of the valence structures into the ORME configuration then occurs, which, once formed, is extremely stable for some elements. [For some other elements capable of forming ORMEs, much greater excitation levels are required, and stability is also lower.]


Here is how the transition into an ORME works from an observational standpoint. Assume an atom of one of the appropriate families has just become disaggregated (let us say, by some means that does not impart substantial kinetic energy to it) from a lattice, or crystal, or chemical combination, so that it is free to assume its normal monatomic (family) shape, and is just floating around without much velocity or spin. In its initial condition, upon disaggregating, its valence structures will be arranged in their "normal" symmetrically disposed manner as a monatomic chemical atom. In this shape and condition, it is stable, though it is, of course, able to chemically combine in normal ways, since its valences are as yet unaltered.


How long the atom has to wait for a suitable collision depends on the temperature and population density of its environment. This may be very brief, as some atoms can make this transition at only moderate temperatures. Even if its environment is relatively cool, an energetic collision may still occur, it is just less likely. Eventually (assume), a collision occurs causing it to tumble or spin about its center of mass.


There is a statistical probability that the collision will impart rotation to the atom, in (or reasonably near to) one of the possible spin planes which will deform the valences into one of the possible ORME configurations for the particular atom.


When an atom is set properly spinning and on its way to forming an ORME configuration, the outreaching valence structures are flung centrifugally from their normal orientations, and this always happens in the manner that most increases the atom's moment of inertia in the closest ORME spin plane. For example, in the case of the dumbbell shaped atoms of Table 1, this would be a tumbling of the major axis itself (ie, the major axis is rotating around a line passing through the atom's center of mass and orthogonally bisecting the major axis), and all the valence structures at either end of the dumbbell swing outwards, away from the center of mass of the atom, to align or cluster towards parallelism with the atom's tumbling major axis.


The atom thus deforms as centrifugal forces overcome the forces which hold the valence structures in their "normal" positions. It just happens fortuitously that the Coulomb forces which want to keep the valence structures separated, and the centrifugal forces the valences actually experience under high spin conditions are similar in magnitude. The atoms and their substructures are extremely stretchy and springy; this should not come as a big surprise, since after all, they are basically bundles of forces and masses. As rearrangement of the valence structures takes place, it acts to reduce the spin of the atom, similar to how spinning ice skaters can slow down by extending their arms outwards.


However, if enough angular velocity has been achieved, the valence structures ("orbitals") rearrange into two groups, like two bouquets of funnel-like flowers, with one group swung centrifugally outwards on each end of the tumbling, now highly elongated atom. In this superdeformed condition, their outermost ends (where the chemical bonds form) approach each other. When (and if) the coupling ends of the valence structures come into close enough proximity, they link together in pairs in a specific manner. In other words, in this superdeformed condition, the atom becomes able to bond to itself, much the same way it would bond to another atom, only more tightly. When this happens, it looks a bit like the atom is "hugging" itself with its multiple valence "arms", all joined together in pairs. It is like when you stick your hands into the opposite sleeve of your coat on a cold day. To yogic vision, this is what actually happens physically and structurally, corresponding to what is termed in modern scientific theory as the formation of Cooper pairs. It is the forming of a micro-cosmic orbit, so to speak, at an extremely tiny atomic scale. In a sense, it seems ORMEs are metaphysical, even from a structural standpoint; they are like the atomic equivalent of the ancient adage: "Turn inwards, and know thyself."


When the valences are all paired together, the atom will look nothing like it used to, from a chemical properties or analytical standpoint. No free bonds are left to form compounds. Externally it appears inert, all closed up, not a valence to be seen. Its spectral emissions will be entirely different. David's statements here are right on the mark. This closed-up-armadillo-like structure is why they are insoluble in the strongest acids, capable of withstanding great temperatures, and so forth. The internally closed circulating flow, through the self-joined valences, is the source of their individual Meissner fields.


It is important to note that it is also possible to have partial ORMEs, in which some of the valences are "normal", and free to form chemical bonds, while the others, on the same atom, are coupled as Cooper pairs. These "partial" ORMEs may result from either a marginal collision, resulting in an incomplete ORME formation; from an odd collision event that knocks two valence structures together just right to cause them to join; from a fully paired ORME that experiences a partial uncoupling of its paired valences; and from other less probable events. Varying degrees of "partiality" are possible, in steps of one valence structure pair at a time, from all to none.(3) This is a bit like the Cheshire cat, who gradually disappears, a little at a time, till all you have left is the smile. Partial ORMEs are less stable; when the still exposed valence portion of a partial ORME enters into a bond with another element, etc., this can introduce other internal changes in the partial ORME which disrupt the remaining Cooper pairs, causing them to decouple. Partial ORMEs having chemical bonds to other atoms may eventually relax their Cooper pairing and drop back into a normal metallic or chemical atom state.


There is no question but that many of the naturally occurring and manufactured ORMEs David has been working with are, in fact, partial ORMEs. The natural ORME materials found in the tailings and volcanic deposits Dave is using contain or comprise a mixture of both completely and partially formed ORMEs. The partially formed ORMEs components exist in varying levels of completeness in their Cooper pairing. Of this raw material mix, the natural, partially formed ORME atoms which still remained semi-uncoupled were able to bind with his cyanide solution. That is why they were able to be caught by the chemical leaching process of his tailings recovery operation, leading Dave to his path of discovery. This was only possible, and only happened this way because partially formed ORMEs still retain some of their metallic attributes. The fully formed ORMEs do not act like metals at all, and do not in the least interact chemically with the leaching process cyanide. If all the ORMEs in the tailings had been 100% Cooper paired, they would all still be sitting in those tailings piles, and Dave would still be growing cotton; the cyanide would have never caught them.


It was only the incompletely or partially formed ORMEs, still weakly metallic, which were picked up by the recovery solution. Fortunately however, the partially formed ORMEs still form linkages with fully formed ORMEs through their Meissner fields, even though the fields of partial ORMEs are weaker. And so both varieties were carried along together by the recovery process. The partial ORMEs reacted with the cyanide (using what free metal bonds they had left) and were washed out with it. These captured partial ORMEs in turn dragged the fully formed ORMEs along for the ride, pulling them by their Meissner fields like a big dog on a leash, towing its owner. The 100% ORMEs are easy for these partial ORMEs to pull around, since the full ORMEs offer no resistance at all. No other chemical attachment forces can act on them (chemically speaking they are as slippery as a greased pig), and so they obligingly follow their more chemically attached partial ORME partners, being pulled along as if they were riding on ball bearings.


Later, when the solution mix of partial and complete ORMEs is subjected to further chemical separation methods, the Meissner leash connection between them eventually gets severed. This is usually through the full ORME's stronger attraction to the Meissner fields of other full ORMEs, thus breaking up the partnership. The partials are eventually removed through their still semi-functional metallic reactivity, as an "impurity" along with the precious metals. This leaves behind the fully formed ORMEs, clogging up Dave's process solution, and causing David and his associates so much bafflement when they were found to resist all known forms of analysis.


Fully formed ORMEs will not react with hydrogen cyanide any more than they do with aqua regia or anything else. Their main interaction with external world is through their Meissner fields. In Nature, only other ORMEs, partial or complete, speak their language. They all ride along together in a world of their own on the waves of magnetic and electric fields that pass through the earth.


David's patent literature says the following:


"Further, the applications to which the ORMEs are directed will establish their relationship to a specific T-metal by virtue of the manner in which the ORME performs in that application as compared to the performance of commercially available derivatives of the T-metal. An example is the performance of commercial rhodium as a hydrogen-oxidation catalyst compared with the performance of the rhodium ORME as used in a hydrogen-oxidation catalyst."


Partial ORMEs will still work, to some extent, depending on the degree of partiality, in fuel cell catalysis, for the same reason they react with cyanide; a consequence of the weakened metallic properties they retain. Dave has indicated in his lectures that some elements in his patent are susceptible to nitric oxide destabilization as ORMEs (specifically excluding gold, which of course does not react with nitric oxide, even in its metallic form). This then, strongly suggests that these are not 100% coupled ORMEs, in which he has observed this effect. 100% coupled ORMEs, regardless of element, will not react with nitric oxide. They will not do anything in a fuel cell. Nor will they form bonds with cyanide, acids, etc. By definition, a 100% ORME is one which has nothing -no bonds- remaining but Cooper pairs, so it *cannot* react chemically; it has become incapable of doing so. Only partial ORMEs may react with nitric oxide, or other chemicals. To repeat myself, in 100% ORMEs, all the valence structures are coupled and closed off.


Dumbbell group atoms of Table 1, with their 24 valence structures capable of forming up to 12 pairs, thus have from 0 to 12 levels or stages of partiality (ie, orbital rearrangement), with zero being a normal chemical atom.(4) Bars group atoms, listed in Table 2 (and discussed later in the article), with 14 valence bars, may form from 0 to 7 distinct levels of partiality.


Presently, I do not believe Dave or his associates are aware of the distinction which exists between full and partial ORMEs.(5) It is obvious that determinations as to whether 100% Cooper paired ORMEs are best suited to, and should be supplied for, medical and philosophical uses are not possible as long as there is no such awareness. Depending on the element, only a partial complement of Cooper pairing may be needed to prevent heavy metal toxicity in the body. For example, partial pairing, from a toxicity standpoint, is not even an issue for a nontoxic element, such as gold. But fully paired ORMEs are more effective and efficient in the intended applications, due to their stronger Meissner fields, which is the number one active ingredient.


But I shall also suggest that a complement of partial ORMEs helps the body to utilize ORMEs better. Perhaps, I shall suggest, the body may wish to have a certain amount of certain partial ORMEs to act as tethers, to keep the 100% ORMEs on a leash, at the place where they are needed. Perhaps the partial ORMEs are a natural "handle", provided by Nature to help hold onto their more slippery cousins. The fact that partial ORMEs that have first been reacted with HCl are reported to be most effective, eg when administered by injection, strongly suggests this is so to some degree. [These were partials or the HCl could not have reacted with them.] Or perhaps partial ORMEs are a hidden danger, waiting for those who ignore them to learn a tragic lesson from. Perhaps all these things. The subject of partially formed ORMEs needs to be closely examined, in the context of its implication for each of these elements.


The subject of partial ORMEs is the main reason I have decided to submit the information in this article. There is a present lack of understanding here, and hopefully these explanations will be plain and obvious enough to help remedy this. I would rather that someone else had pointed out, but this hasn't happened.


Reasonably high yields of fully coupled ORMEs are obtainable by simply processing monatomics in a finely divided form for a sufficient length of time at optimum temperature and pressure in an inert gas atmosphere. The inert gas atoms provide an effective spin-inducing collision mechanism. The lack of external valencing of the inert gases results in more effective spin-inducing collisions than for any other medium. Batch yield, or a determination of partial ORME content can be gauged by screening a sample with aqua regia, fluorine, hydrocyanic acid, or other powerful reactants, depending on the ORME elements involved. If it doesn't react with those, it is certifiably highly Cooper paired, and obviously safe for the body. There are no doubt other partially paired gaussian distributions for each of the various elements, which may be certifed as safe under less stringent criteria, but these determinations need to made in an informed, intelligent, and demonstrative way. There will always be some partials produced by any practical process. David's methodology, as gleaned from his lectures, presently seems to include no provision or means to analyze, monitor, regulate, or optimize the product ratios of these partial forms, let alone assay or separate partials out according to the discrete levels or stages of their Cooper pairing.


The stability (or actually, lack of stability) of the ORME states of some of the other elements I speculate about in this article may render them unsuitable for consumption. However, any ORME elements which are observed in any quantity in Nature are arguably stable enough, or they would have long since disappeared as such forms. I suggest that less stable ORMEs shall nevertheless be found to be of great interest in other exciting ways.


Loading the ORME atoms with more energy than they can handle will also break up the Cooper pairs. One way this can happen is as when Dave exposed the material to direct sunlight. When overloaded, the links between the ends of the valence funnels or bars burst apart like the joint of a water pipe when forced to carry too much pressure. This is the structural observation of what happens in a superconductor collapse, such as occurs with experimental and commercial superconducting-ring energy storage devices, when too much energy is pumped into the Meissner field. Most of these devices develop Type 2 superconductivity using cryogenic temperatures, but the formation of Cooper pairs in the metal lattices of low temperature superconductors follow valence behavior principles related to those occurring in ORMEs.(6) The self-bonding of ORMEs has the decided advantage of not having to contend with local lattice thermal jitter, and thus functions at high external temperatures.


It appears that overloading is what is occurring in the electro-winning method Dave uses in his patent literature to reconstitute the group VIII ORMEs into metals. On this the patent states:


"ORMEs are transformed into their original T-metal by means of a chemical bonding with an electron-donating element, such as carbon, which is capable of d orbital electron overlap and "spin flip". When the G-ORME is chemically bonded to carbon in an aqueous solution of ethyl alcohol under a specific potential, carbon monoxide is formed and the ORME forms Au+(Au+, a black precipitate, which under continued application of potential and dehydration reduces to Au+1 (Au-1, a metallic bonded diatom of gold. **This invention establishes that a high potential applied to the solution forces an electron into the d orbital, thus eliminating the electron pair.** The first potential, which for G-ORME is approximately -2.2 V and for other ORMEs is between -1.8 and -2.2 V, re-establishes the d orbital overlap. The final potential of -2.5 V overcomes the water potential to deposit gold onto the cathode."


( **'s added.)


And again, later:


"An ORME can be reaggregated to the T-metal form using conventional wet chemistry techniques, by subjecting the ORME to a two-stage electrical potential to "oxidize" the element to the metallic form."


It seems that what is happening here, in the description of converting gold ORMEs (or G-ORMEs, as they are termed) to metal, is that the partial ORMEs are reacting mildly with the cyanide solution (the carbon referred to), dragging fully formed ORMEs along in the process, just as I have described earlier as happening for Dave's heap leaching process. The chemistry that is referred to as going on is all associated with the weakly metallic aspects of the partial ORMEs only. The 100% ORMEs don't participate in it. The part I have highlighted (between **'s), is where the energy loading that breaks the Cooper pairing occurs, coming from the electric potential in the cell, and Dave is specifically recognizing that and pointing it out in a subtle way. The mistake is in failing to understand that partially formed ORMEs are involved, and what their role is in the process. This is not intended as criticism; the best present theories of atomic structure which he is applying to the phenomena are simply not yet able to provide many clues as to the true explanation of what is going on.


In Dave's lectures and in the 5/26/96 interview with binga, he indicates he uses a chemical analysis on test materials, to determine their ORMEs content, which appears to take several days of running to complete. This is a proprietary method he has not given any details on, but has released on disclosure to certain parties such as MIU. Without knowing the details on this, it is likely for the reasons I have discussed, that Dave's analysis method (being chemical) acts on partial ORMEs, though the process may well also accumulate full ORMEs, by Meissner linkages, similar to the way his tailings recovery process did. I tend to suspect that this is the case, even though it seems to not yet be apparent to Dave that a distinction exists in ORMEs, between full and partial varieties.


In determining whether a particular element in the periodic table may exhibit structural bistability, having both a stable chemical atom state and an ORME state, there are several factors to consider. Everything about these ORME's behavior is structural in nature. In order to form a true, complete ORME state, all the valences must be paired up as Cooper pairs. Ideally (though not in practice) only elements having a number of valence structures divisible by 4 can exhibit ORME behavior: the valence structures divide into 2 opposite groups under high spin. There must also be an even number of valence structures in each spin-divided group in order to form Cooper pairs, so all the valences "disappear". Hence the factor of 4. Element families which have a number of valence structures that is a multiple of 4 meet this ideal, and form symmetrical ORMEs. There are three atomic structural families among the physical elements that satisfy this "ideal" criteria. These are called the dumbbell, octahedron, and tetrahedron families by Leadbeater and Besant (viewed as monatomics), and have 24, 8, and 4 valence structures, respectively. Gold, silver, and copper from David's patents are from the dumbbell family. Mercury is from the tetrahedral family.


All the other elements in David's patent are from another family shape, which doesn't meet the criteria of having a valence structure count divisible by 4, but manages to get around this (and very successfully) by utilizing an unbalanced spin in forming ORMEs. This is the "bars" family, each element having 14 valence structures. These are called bars, as the valence structures resemble bar shapes, radially projecting from the center of the atom. The valence bars are (monatomically) disposed towards the 6 face centers and 8 corners of an imaginary cube (the cube shape is not visible in the atom, but that is how the bars arrange themselves). When bars elements form monatomics, they form (when spinning) an unbalanced dipole, with 6 bars (3 Cooper pairing sets) grouped on one end, and 8 bars (4 Cooper pairing sets) on the other end.


Bar Group Atoms


Besides the dumbbell and bars families, there are also atomic families with shapes resembling octahedrons, cubes, tetrahedrons, spikes (shaped similar to carpet tacks), and 6 pointed stars. There is a separate group for hydrogen. I will not discuss these groups except for briefly mentioning a few elements from some of them, that appear to have potential for ORMEs formation.


  • Table 2

"Bars" group monatomics, predicted to exhibit superconducting ORME states. This group has the highest thermal-collision statistical probability to form an ORME state, based on number of possible spin planes, resulting in their having lower average temperature transition points.

·        Iron

·        Cobalt *

·        Nickel *

·        Ruthenium *

·        Rhodium *

·        Palladium *

·        Osmium *

·        Iridium *

·        Platinum *

·        Plutonium

·        Americium

·        Curium

* Already specifically named in David Hudson's patent literature.


The "bars" family, followed by the "dumbbell" family have more possible spin planes than the "octahedral" and "tetrahedral" families, which can all (potentially, -even the cubics) form complete sets of Cooper pairs. This gives bars and dumbbell group elements a statistical advantage, by reducing the number of thermal collisions necessary for a successful valence rearrangement transition. This seems to explain why such a high percentage of these elements (bars group in particular) occur in Nature as ORMEs, and hence why the majority of the ORMEs David has discovered to date are in this category. The bars group have long extended valences which bend together to couple relatively easily, and the large number of them means the required angular deflection (the angle between the valence bars) is comparatively small compared to the octahedrons, cubics, and tetrahedrons. All these factors tend to make the bars family ORME states highly stable and easily formed.


On the other hand, the unbalanced high spin state of bars group elements make them distinctly more susceptible to the formation of partial ORMEs. This conclusion also appears substantiated in the higher relative ratio of partial to complete bars family ORMEs, as found in Nature. Since these elements are the largest constituent for ORMEs in Dave's volcanic mineral deposits, it is unavoidable that the production process will generate large amounts of partial ORMEs, with or without awareness of the fact.


The dumbbell family has an infinite number of spin planes, but they are not uniformly distributed, being all planes which make up the set that include the line of the major axis. In other words, if you imagine a spin plane which includes the line of the major axis, then rotate the spin plane using the major axis line as a pivot, every angular position the plane can have, as it rotates in this manner, represents a possible spin plane; there are an infinite number of such spin planes in 2PI radians. The bars family, on the other hand, while actually having no "ideal" spin plane possibilities (its valence structures are not multiples of 4) is nevertheless statistically more likely to benefit from a particular collision. Its '6+8 arrangement' unbalanced spin plane combinations are evenly distributed, and valence positional variance, plus the tolerance window for collision angles, eliminates nearly all non-ORME-forming collision "blind spots". As a result the bars family enjoys a much greater total number of potentially transitionable thermal collision vectors.


Among the octahedrals, titanium, and zirconium appear to have potential for ORME formation, based on their structural proportions. Titanium and zirconium are oddities within this family, each having 4 long narrow valence arms which bifurcate at the very ends. They have a strong affinity for carbon, as their valence terminations are identical in structure to that of carbon's valences. Most of the other octahedral elements (and more so with cubics and tetrahedrals) have short broad valence funnels, which would have a hard time of it, trying to reach around to each other to form a Cooper pair coupling. Of the other octahedrals, lead looks like it would be the next most likely possibility; its valence structures are a little longer, proportionately.


Once the valence structures of an atom have been self-coupled into Cooper pairs, the atom may (or may not!) remain this way. Upon fully coupling, the valences have a strong mutual affinity to staying paired; after all, it is coupling to itself, and so the compatibility factor is pretty high. Many elements highly prefer being in the ORME state.


Some of Nature's elements form extremely stable and tightly clenched ORMEs. Other elements simply cannot, or else barely can, bridge the distance to make the connection, even when spinning enormously fast. These latter cases are much less stable as ORMEs, though they may still form under appropriate conditions. Elements having stubby valence structures must be spinning much faster to deform the valence positions, than elements with longer more gangly valences. Greater "at rest" separations between valences means that more deformation must take place before Cooper pairing can occur. Elements with platonically shaped monatomics having fewer faces are more disadvantaged in this way. Elements which are less structurally disposed to forming an ORME state will require proportionately higher collision temperatures, to get to the coupled superconducting condition, once they have been disaggregated into monatomics.


Consequently, even though the elements of certain structural families may potentially form ORMEs, some of them, such as many of the octahedrons, cubics, and especially the tetrahedrons, can only do so under extraordinary conditions. Even then, once formed they may not have sufficient stability to remain rearranged when their spin drops below a certain rate. The restoring forces trying to pull the valences apart will become stronger than the self-coupling forces, if the atom's spin rate drops too low.


Of the cubics, some of the heavier elements, most notably tantalum and lutetium, have relatively long valence funnels and may be able to successfully form Cooper pairs under suitable conditions. Like the bars family, these cubics would have to enter an unbalanced spin in order to form ORMEs. That is, the cubic elements must spin so that there are two valence funnels (1 Cooper pairing set) on one end, with the other four valence funnels (2 Cooper pairing sets) on the opposite end of the spinning atom, in order for complete pairing to be possible.


Mercury is a special case, coming as it does from the tetrahedral structural family, with only 4 possible spin planes (2+, 2-) which might form an ORME superconducting state. How is it that mercury has managed to have this capability and be discovered already? One might think that the tetrahedrals would be among the least likely families from which would appear a stable ORME. To yogic vision, mercury (like Ti and Zr) is seen to be a bit of an oddity, compared to other elements in its family. It has some major subatomic structures in common with gold, and while showing the expected structural family features, it is oddly proportioned quite differently than it might be expected to be as a tetrahedral family element. These nonconformities enable it to deform more than other tetrahedrals with the same amount of spin, allowing it to rearrange and achieve a superconducting state more easily. When it superdeforms, it winds up looking more like a gold atom that has two big valence structures on each end, rather than like the other tetrahedrals.


Vaporizing mercury in an inert gas atmosphere of sufficient temperature and pressure will form Hg-ORMEs. This is an effective means of forming ORMEs for any element. Seeding this process with some already formed ORMEs will help catalyze the transition. Occasionally this even occurs in a minor way in mercury vapor turbines, but has not been recognized. With only four valence structures, there are only three free statepossibilities in the case of mercury: metallic (chemical) atoms, 50% partial ORMEs (1 set of valence structures paired), and complete ORMEs (all 4 valence structures paired, into 2 sets).


In David's patent literature, he uses this process in the case of gold:


G-ORME was prepared from metallic gold as follows: ... (19) The monoatomic gold is placed in a porcelain ignition boat and annealed at 300 C under an inert gas to remove hydrogen and to form a very chemically and thermally stable white gold monomer....


This step appears to say that the 300 C temperature and inert gas are mainly there in order to facilitate removing the hydrogen. The description might leave one with the impression that if the hydrogen could only be removed in some other lower temperature manner, perhaps the process would still succeed, and that the ORMEs form spontaneously. Well, they do, in a manner of speaking, but it is because of the high temperature, and the presence of the inert gas that the "spontaneity" happens. As soon as they become monatomic, their exposure to these conditions gives them an excellent opportunity to experience thermal collisions, knocking them immediately into the high spin state that leads to their forming into Cooper paired ORMEs. The environmental conditions are the most important parts of the equation. Though he has mentioned using welding grade argon, David says nothing in his patent about the pressure he is doing the annealing at, and has not mentioned in his lectures whether he has experimented with gas pressure as a variable. The gas pressure is not a critical factor to success, but it does impact the process rates.


For each particular element, there shall be found to exist a range, or window, of conditions of pressure and temperature, depending on which inert gas is used as the atmosphere, which will result in ORMEs (and partial ORMEs) formation. Besides the associative ORMEs formation process, there is also a dissociative process operating simultaneously. As in all other thermally driven reactions of this nature, the rates of both processes increase with temperature. Optimum ORMEs formation will occur under specific conditions, and may be arrived at computationally, but these may also be determined empirically (simple trial and error) for specific cases. Once the process has remained at some fixed conditions long enough for the rates to stabilize and reach equilibrium, no significant further change in product quantity will occur. In ALL cases, the process result will be a combination of complete and partial ORMEs, to some degree. The object is to set up the process to maximize or peak the full/partial ORMEs ratio for each element.


Remember the 300 second spectroscopic burn David refers to in his lectures? I suggest the following be considered as an explanation of what was happening there, in illustration of how these two process rates I've just discussed operate. As a premise, I believe the samples Dave was using in these spectroscopic experiments were most likely 100% paired ORMEs to start with. The sample material (I am supposing) had inadvertently been selectively concentrated that way (as 100% ORMEs), by his tailings recovery process, as explained earlier. I think he may have had quite a bunch of this material around, that nearly all the partials had been removed or excluded from, as a side effect of his refinement operation, and that this was where the materials he was using at the time came from. But any other 100% source he may have had would produce the same results. The spectroscopic arc is inert gas shielded, and very hot. Just like what I've described as an efficient ORMEs formation process, and just like what is in Dave's patent for making ORMEs.


What do you suppose would happen to 100% ORMEs, under those conditions? They obviously cannot follow the association process function, since they already are all 100% paired. The only thing they can do is begin to dissociate, once the temperature drives the function high enough. Dissociation will continue until the partial population count (within a particular minute volume in the arc) becomes high enough that the two rates, associative and dissociative, come to equilibrium. Dissociation will be the strongly dominant process. ORMEs vaporized off the sample will be turning into partial ORMEs, as a dissociative process, as collisions with inert gas atom break their Cooper pairings.


Dissociation for the first element (palladium) seems to commence at 70 seconds into the burn. At that time, the ORMEs start vaporizing. As soon as the ORMEs leave the sample's surface, partials begin to form, and spectral lines begin to show up. Only when ORMEs vaporization and dissociation starts, do platinum group spectral lines appear, those metal lines being emitted by the unpaired portions of the newly-dissociated partial ORMEs. The dissociation, is occurring in an ordinary manner, by means of thermal collisions between the ORMEs and the hot inert gas atoms occasionally breaking some Cooper pairings in the ORMEs.


When Dave stopped the burn at 68 seconds, thinking (in those early days) that he should then have only metals left, he had only succeeded in further purging his 100% paired sample of extraneous impurities of lower boiling point. No transmutations were occurring, or are needed to explain the results. Only ordinary associative/dissociative reactions, acting on some very unordinary orbital arrangements.


Later, when the sample was analyzed, no evidence of metals could be found in it. Why? Because the sample was still 100% ORMEs, as it had started out. The dissociation was occurring among the ORME atoms in the arc, just where you would expect it to be occurring, not in the relatively cooler sample body. These vaporized and Cooper-dissociated partials, after emitting their spectral lines, get carried off in the draft of the inert gas. So no metals (or partially metallic ORMEs) would be expected to remain in the sample. Had the arc vapors been trapped and condensed, a small quantity of weakly metallic ORMEs would have been found there. What if the original sample had not been 100% ORMEs, as in my premise? That seems improbable to me, as the unpaired metallic portions of the partial ORME atoms would then have shown up in the quantitative chemical analysis of the sample, both before and after the burn.


In his lectures, Dave often speaks of how the atoms are undetectable, don't match any known spectral lines, defy analysis, and can't be dissolved in aqua regia. Then in almost the same breath, he tells of seeing platinum group spectral lines though no metals can be found, that the material works in fuel cells, can be analyzed in things like Acemannan, carrot juice, and cow brains using chemical means, and recovers in his cyanide to the point of clogging things up. Now it's chemically reactive... now it isn't. These are incongruous statements, and I sense he is uncomfortable with them. I believe many others sense a problem here, too, though they haven't been able to put their finger on it. I have tried to explain here, that the seemingly dual personalities of this stuff are not at all as contradictory as they seem on the surface. There is an explanation. It just requires a deeper understanding of what the materials are doing, way down there in the tiny world of Anima. When you look very, very closely, and see that Cheshire cat smiling at you, it all makes sense. I hope some of Dave's friends will take this to him. This is what he needs to know.


At some future time, it may be possible to comment further on these interesting topics.(7)I invite forum subscribers to pursue this area of study as a potentially fruitful direction for new discovery. Science has indeed come a long way. But do not rest just yet.



About the author:


Garydescribes himself as a kundalini awakened American engineer. Garyis a single white male in his mid 40s who works as an engineer with a very big UScompany. Garyhas "a background in physics, electronics, and knows a few things about chemistry and the elements."





To state this plainly, the "monatomic" ORMEs in Hudson's patents are, in fact, diatomic. It is also clear to me that most of these elements do not exist stably in an isolated, monatomic state, but quickly disintegrate when forced by the Will to assume that condition, although they are perfectly stable as such when in chemical combinations.


(I chose to refer to the elements in my original article as monatomic, prefaced by an explanation of why I was doing so (quoted above), so that anyone sufficiently interested in studying the article material carefully would note this and take it into account in understanding the rest of what I wrote in the article. I knew full well that this brief note would be lost on most who would read it, but I also knew that those few who would read it very carefully, which should include any scientists, would pick it up.


This was done in the hope of making the content of my discussion at least appear to stand on familiar ground, and so be more acceptable to David Hudson, et al, through a commonality of sorts in terminology.


My taking this approach also considerably reduced the amount of explanation I would have had to include, to make the subject intelligible to everyone, who have been (in the absence of anything else being available) only familiar with ORMEs theory as propounded by David Hudson. Even so it was a large, rather lengthy article.)


For diatoms, the number of valences will obviously always be even, ie divisible by 2, and so Cooper pairing is freed from the objection that atoms with uneven numbers of electrons could not be completely Cooper paired. The valence funnels "rotate" (as a consequence of the motion of the particles forming them) in alternating senses, as viewed in a sequence going around the atom (e.g. a gold dumbbell - See below). It should be clear that two adjacent funnels, one rotating clockwise, and one counter-clockwise, will coincide in rotation if the funnels are distorted into a loop so that the mouths join. They then form a continuous rotating tubular vortex. This is the physical action corresponding to two electron spins joining and canceling to form a Cooper pair. A similar effect occurs in metal lattices at cryogenic temperatures, except that funnels join between neighboring atoms, rather than on the same atom for an ORME.


Describing ORMEs as monatomic is still justifiable in a sense (albeit technically inaccurate) since the ORMEs state is still the smallest atomic level division that most of those elements remain stable and intact at when isolated.


I will also suggest that, (if you will expand on what I have written in my original article) it should then be obvious that, in addition to the electromagnetic flux carried by the closed loop funnels of ORMEs, other energies may (and do) also flow through these circuit paths, and may (and do) do so in parallel with electromagnetic energy. Since this flux, in moving around this atomic-level closed circuit, passes through the very heart of the atom, it should not be at all surprising, and should indeed readily suggest itself to anyone reading my article and thinking about it that the nuclear strong and weak forces may also participate in this flow (they do). This ORMEs circuit is one of the few cases in Nature in which these internal forces may thus develop macroatomic fields, extending beyond the outer envelope or perimeter of the atoms, and each of these forces (and others still more esoteric) generates a field, which, like the electromagnetic Meissner field, has unique properties, according to the laws governing each of the underlying forces generating those distinct yet co-spatial fields. Like the electromagnetic Meissner field (which Hudson and others have erred in rushing to suppose to be the same as the aura) each of these may vary in the amount of energy they contain, as a function (by specific type) of their flow in the circuit.


Speaking now, in stricter use of the concepts 'monatom' and 'diatom', I offer some further comments which may be of interest. This is in regards to Brown's gas.


Diatomic hydrogen is observed to be an ovoid, containing two triangular "monatoms", each composed of 3 quarks (having 3 anu each). The triangular H atoms are not identical in the types of their constituent quarks; each hydrogen in the diatom has the same mass, but differs from the other as a consequence of their quark components. When dissociated into monatoms, the two separated hydrogen atoms are stable (ie do not spontaneously dissociate further) but I would suggest that they would prefer to be paired.


As monatoms, they loosely associate with free particles, forming something like the atomic equivalent of the double-layer of continuous-phase charge which forms around colloidal particles to neutralize their remaining charge; it is a less defined layering for a gaseous continuos phase than for a liquid as far as colloids are concerned, and this (gas case) is a close analog of what happens in the atomic state, where the atomic-level vacuum is the continuous phase, and the myriad of loose and undifferentiated subatomic particles are the matter that the layers are (dynamically) formed from around the monatoms, as a loose aggregate.


Diatomic oxygen is also an ovoid, containing two spiral shapes, looking very much like helices of 5 turns each, with each being "wound" in the opposite direction. Like the hydrogen, each monatom of the O2 diatom is dissimilar, being more positive or negative, respectively, from its mate. Oxygen is also stable as a monatom, but also prefers to be paired. It too can use loose matter to neutralize its monatomic charge, but is entirely much less happy about the situation.


Three such oxygen monatoms may unite to form ozone. These will either be +-+, or -+-. The helices arrange with their axes parallel, and triangularly spaced as an isosceles, when viewed end on. Leadbeater noted that the positive variety of ozone (+-+) tends to rise, though no tendency to move either up or down is noted for the negative variety. This is further confirmed in that for observations performed at high altitudes, nearly all the ozone found in the atmosphere is of the positive type. In any practical ozone generation system, equal amounts of each type will be formed. While I have not tried it, it appears that it should be possible to separate these according to species, once formed, by placing ozone gas in a potential gradient (- on the upper electrode surface) that draws the two types apart. Ozone that is thus separated by species is substantially more stable and far less explosive in nature than ordinary heterogeneous ozone.


Oxygen is a very energetic and active element, and is capable of mediating several type of energies, some of which are not as yet recognized by Science.




There are several forces, flowing between and linking individual anu into associations of the different subatomic particles, and these forces are seen to originate from, and return to, higher dimensions. They well-up and later disappear, in a source/sink fashion, associated with anu forming the ends of their flow paths in our 3 dimensions. Several types of distinct forces transit along the different coils or whorls of the anu themselves. Still other types of forces act through larger particles and atoms, and linking monatoms (for instance) together into diatomic arrangements. Describing all the forces which can be observed at work is a real challenge. It will take a great deal of work to separate and quantify these forces, to reduce them to physics.


As far as I can tell, none of the high energy experiments we can perform actually "create" (or destroy) matter. But this statement must be qualified. Under appropriate conditions, particles already existing in the atomic-level background-vacuum, but still too small (or for other reasons) to be detectable by us, may be caused to thereby associate, and this association forms a larger particle, which *is* detectable. This may make it appear that an energetic photon (for example) was transformed into matter, whereas the photon actually did no more than provide the energy of association for number of (unseen) particles that were already present.


Likewise, the mass-to-energy losses that are observed, to balance the equations in nuclear disintegrations, etc., are also related to the binding energy of particle associations. The flux between anu is a stream of tiny "particles" (though these are not hard "particles" any more than the anu are). These tiny particles each have a minute mass. The mass of this binding energy stream is a function of the length of the stream; larger particles typically have longer binding streams, since they are composed of more anu. It is the mass represented by the inter-anu energy streams, which represents the mass change in (at least many of) our nuclear equations, apparent as energy. The anu do not change mass, and both types are the same. The larger particles of matter we observe thus have masses which are integer multiples of the anu mass, plus however much mass is represented in their linking, or binding energy stream. There are a number of different ways (lengths of stream paths) any particular number of anu may be linked. This general statement on atomic and subatomic particle mass quanta does not, of course, apply to particles smaller than one anu, such as electrons, photons, etc.


If one takes an anu, and uses the Will to take it apart and completely dissociate it, this can be done, but as soon as the Will is released, the anu reforms again. It is like taking a piece of slinky spring, and unwinding it by stretching it out and pressing it flat on the floor with your hands. But as soon as you let go, it pops back. The individual anu are each (one discovers) direct force-aspect manifestations of a higher Will, which generates and sustains all the matter in the Universe. It is... in very fact, the "Force", which is with us. This Force originates from a dimension far higher than we (certainly, I) can reach while still clinging to corporeal form. When we try to conceive of the stupendous number of anu, throughout all matter of the visible galaxies, which are being held in existence in such manner, the extent and scope of that Will is truly mind numbing.


If you are interested in gaining insight into the forces at work in ORMEs systems, you might wish to read a book, first published in 1758, by a Slavic Jesuit monk named Roger Joseph Boscovich. Its title is "A Theory of Natural Philosophy - Reducing to a Single Law All the Forces Which Exist in Nature" [Theoria Philosophiae Naturalis - Redacta ad Unicam Legem Virium in Natura Existentium]. I believe it is still available from MIT Press, where I got a copy about twenty years ago.




According to a reference in Scientific American [October 1991, Spin Cycle - The Spectra of Super Deformed Nuclei, by Philip Yam] from David Hudson's Dallaspresentation:


"A spinning superdeformed nucleus slows down in discrete steps, each time emitting gamma rays, or highly energetic photons. The emissions produce a characteristic band of energy spikes all spaced equally apart. The surprise: the spectra of some different superdeformed nuclei were almost identical."


I suggest that these discrete stepped emissions are the result of rupturing the valence circuits, one pair at a time, releasing their circuit energy (as an emission). Since the emission energy is a function of the energy stored in the valence circuit (and so not constant), when they are observed, as reported, to be the nearly the same for different elements, then this is only because the atoms were all charged in their circuits to nearly the same energy level; this is most probably a consequence of conditions imposed by the instrumentation environment that the atoms were placed in, and were observed under.


Some of the elements, though capable of forming ORMEs states, are unstable as such unless kept spinning quite rapidly, and would drop out of the ORMEs condition as their spin decreased. The changing effect on atomic moment of inertia is a result of the valence funnels deforming by swinging out into the super elongated shapes, and the same is true in reverse as they release while spinning down. This tends to keep angular velocity (spin rate) from changing as it would normally be expected to, as angular momentum is added or subtracted. If an observer using conventional methods is unaware that this is happening, it can lead to incorrect conclusions about their moments of inertia.




Although all elements with the dumbbell structure have 12 pairing levels because each dumbbell has 24 funnels, and these combine by two's to form 12 pairs, this has little to do with the number of electrons (and positrons) inside the atom.


Do not try to overlay the orbital theory of the atom, onto yogically observed *real* atoms. You must recognize that while the orbital **model** explains a great deal, it is, in the final analysis, only an analogy of reality, and like all analogies, breaks down eventually. Comparing its artificial constructs to real atoms can be confusing.


In reality, yogically observed atoms do not have electron orbitals. They are not constructed as we were taught in school. They do not have a single central nucleus. They have instead multiple "nuclear" concentrations within the atom, and these move about rapidly. That is the basis for the nuclear orbitals which Science has recently begun to appreciate. Atoms are built differently than current theories predict; the forces which hold them together and maintain their shapes are as yet little understood by modern science. However, Science *has* observed, cataloged, measured, and named many of their component particles.


If you will study the drawings of the atoms in the two references cited at the beginning of this article, you will see that the funnels and bars are formed by the motions of the groups of anu inside them.


The atom is observed to be built from anu, and the quantized energy-particle flux between anu. Even the anu are essentially made of these energy-particles. (Leadbeater has described how this is only an approximately correct statement, so I won't go into that; see OC 3rd ed, p.19-20). Each anu is composed of the *equivalent* of 49 smaller particles, on the first level.


The lines of force between the anu, are also streams of tiny particles. These particles are the equivalents of electrons and positrons of conventional physics. The positrons are basically the reality behind the "holes" of conventional solid state physics. Their presence and number within the atom comprises the total mass of the atom, both as (by equivalency) sub-components of the anu and as energy streams.


I hope it is clear that each funnel or bar does not represent a single electron, but only a valence. The valency arises as a result of the algebraic sum of + & - charges in them, and is much less than the total charge present. Hence sodium does not have 11 electrons and lawrencium 103 (they do in modern theory, but not in real atoms). They each have many thousands of electrons and positrons.


Those who wish to go into this further (the electron as the basis of 3 dimensional atoms) might hunt down a book titled "The Electron Theory of Matter" by Owen Richardson, published in 1914 by Cambridge University; 612 pages. Owen shows quite elegantly how all atomic phenomena can be derived, based on only electrons. Very good book. Pity no one reads it anymore.




In my opinion, the ORMEs David Hudson and others are working with under the blanket term "ORMEs", are predominantly partials of various levels, and in most cases high order partials, >65% paired, with some 100% species also present. This somewhat arbitrary division includes 4 partial levels of from 8-11 Cooper pairs for dumbbells, and two levels of from 5-6 pairs for bars-family elements.


Partials rapidly become difficult to distinguish, using ordinary methods, from one level of pairing to the next, and from completely paired ORMEs, as the pairing complement increases. That is, they behave like 100% ORMEs under most circumstances. So the behavior of 100% ORMEs is "typical" of the ORME mixes David Hudson is working with, composed of mostly high order partial and 100% ORMEs. I said the color (whether they are white or not), does not particularly matter, because high order partials are also white (& fluffy, recalcitrant, etc.), and are in most ways like 100% ORMEs. However, I remain concerned about the potential for long term biological effects of certain partials, other than gold.


For your convenience, the following table may help to explain what is happening. I have arranged bars element pairing to approximately match up or correspond to pairing levels of the dumbbell family. This table simply depicts the paired to unpaired funnel ratio, as a percentage.

Dumbbells (24 funnels) 


Bars (14 bars) 

# Pairs

ORME Percent


# Pairs

ORME Percent 


100.0 %



100.0 %


















































This table should not be interpreted as describing the degree of manifestation of ORME properties, which are usually not in proportion to pairing complement, but are rather nonlinear for many properties. The table only shows ORMEs structural stages.


With fewer pairing combinations, bars group elements are "lumpier" in their partial steps, while dumbbells have a fairly fine gradation of partial ORME stages or steps. There are also differences in behavior, for the same number of pairs, depending on where the pairs are, relatively speaking, on a particular partial ORME atomic specimen.


100% ORMEs are definitely scarcer in Nature, and in man-made processes designed to create them, than are their less-perfect partial relatives. Perfection is certainly not unheard of in Nature, but it is comparatively rare. It is the pinnacle of achievement, not the rule or the norm. How could it be otherwise? 100% ORMEs do not constitute anything like a majority fraction in Nature's stores of these elements, though they certainly are an important fraction, whose magnitude varies from element to element, and which Science will soon quantify, once it learns how to detect them.


With understanding of how statistical processes function, and recognizing how parallel thermal rate functions (referring here to internal geologic processes) of association and dissociation work, as I describe elsewhere in this article, it seems hard for me to see how someone could draw any other conclusion.


Though I believe David Hudson and company are certainly screening out (e.g. by acid dissolutions, etc) most of the lower order, more metallic-like partial species, and this increases the relative concentration of 100% ORMEs (and high order partials) in their preparations. But again, remember that acid solubilities of partials cannot be categorically defined, based on pairing alone, since it depends strongly on the energy flowing in the paired valence circuits. More energy flux brings out their ORME-ishness, and increasingly screens their remaining chemical and metallic properties.


If the association and dissociation processes were symmetrical throughout the ORMEs pairing range, this would result in a gaussian distribution, or a bell curve, centered around 50% pairing, as the highest incidence of occurrence. But there are non-lineraities that perturb this.


David Hudson's comments notwithstanding, it is noteworthy that partials participate in metal clusters. They fit a bit awkwardly into the lattice, but they still behave (partly) as metals, depending on their pairing levels. That is why Hudsonfound that commercially prepared metal standards have a second spectroscopic reading, which shows up late in the long burn, just like his native ORMEs.


David Hudson has stated that ORMEs don't form metal-metal bonds, yet offers no explanation for phenomena like this, other than pointing out the obvious implication, that it is due to the presence of ORMEs. Many low order partials exist in and among metals, rather than as monatomics. They might be termed partial-ORME-to-metal alloys. They can markedly alter the properties of the metal, when present in significant amounts. When partial ORMEs are understood, their occurrence and effects in metals should come as no surprise.


An individual, free mon-atom may drop to a 0% ORME state (by any of a number of mechanisms), so that it technically becomes an ordinary metal/chemical atom. But unless it joins an aggregate of metal atoms, it remains susceptible to collisions and other events, which now in all probability would knock it back into some level of ORME state. Joining a metal cluster is an unlikely event, since it has been existing as a free and independent mon-atom, and is not likely to be close to a metallic cluster. So being a mon-atom is, statistically, a hard habit to kick.


It is more likely that a metal atom will get knocked off its cluster, and become a mon-atom (ORME or otherwise), than the chance that a metallic mon-atom will get attached *to* the cluster. That is because mon-atoms are free, and subject to dispersive forces, so concentrations of them tend not to develop. So there is a distinct statistical bias, moving metallics into the ORME state. The rates of these opposite processes (in Nature) only equalize when there are substantially more ORMEs than metal in the region around a state system interface at which such processes are active.


Within an ORME population, where all the members are monatomic (including 0% paired metal atoms), there are also important non-linearities. For internal geophysical processes, the process rates that drive population distributions are **typically** such that the rate of Cooper pair formation and the rate of Cooper pair loss, do not balance until a population average above 50% pairing is reached. There is at least one identifiable factor at work accounting for this. It is that pairings, once formed, are not only stable (referring only to dumbbell and bars elements), but tend to increase in stability as a result of energy subsequently building up and increasing, flowing through the closed valence circuits. So it typically takes less collision energy to form a pair, than to break it apart, once it has existed for a while. In breaking apart, the acquired energy of stability is sometimes all released, or may be absorbed to varying degrees by other circuits that may be present.


A second factor is that, once an atom has been knocked into a high spin state and some pairs have been formed, these tend to be (obviously enough) on opposite ends, so the bar or dumbbell is more elongated in aspect than it was before. This increases the likelihood that a subsequent collision will knock it into a spin on the same spin plane again. This is particularly true for dumbbells, which tend to have their population peak at a higher number of pairs than do bars elements.


In Nature, populations of most geothermally formed ORMEs elements peak at 8-10 pairs for members of the dumbbell group, and 4-5 pairs for elements in the bars family. Common ORME configurations for many bars elements, is for the ORME to have two pairs on each end, ie roughly opposite each other as head and tail, and 6 free valence bars sticking out in between, around the "waist"; or else three pairs on one end, two on the other, and 4 free valence bars in between.


These pairing level distributions are sufficient to give those elements "ghost gold" properties, making them somewhat detectable, though not recoverable as metals by ordinary methods, since they won't coalesce into the metal lattices, characteristic of their respective elements. That is about the level (coming straight from natural materials) that Hudsonexperienced, when his dore' button would shatter like glass when hit with a hammer. As solids, their abnormal valence structures don't produce a regular symmetrical lattice, and that is why they seem like ceramics. Low order partials are essentially glassy or amorphous in their micro-structure.


So 100% ORMEs (within natural monatomic populations) are not as rare as metal mon-atoms, but still by no means dominant.


As I have mentioned, there are ways of precisely separating each pairing species from one another, and also similarly paired species of related elements. David Hudson and company are presently unable to do this. Actually, hardly anyone working with ORMEs at this point even understands or admits partial pairing exists as a feature of atomic structure, and so experimenters don't even know there is anything **to** separate.


The potential hazards of partial ORMEs should not be under-estimated. Low order partials are inherently dangerous when taken indiscriminately, by those oblivious to the very real effects of their remaining metallic factors. Gold, even when metallic (let alone in its partial forms), is non-toxic, so less caution is necessary. However, when someone is suffering from a life-threatening condition, then it is sometimes necessary to take extraordinary measures, and to weigh relative risks.




While I have previously referred to ORMEs as exhibiting type II super-conductivity, this is only superficially correct, and ORMEs (in my opinion) deserve to be given a separate, distinct classification, such as type III.


In conventional type II Superconductors (SCs), for temperatures within their superconducting regime, as the external field is increased, the Meissner-generating currents flowing through the SC (necessary to expel the external flux) reach a level at which superconductivity in the sample can no longer be sustained, and superconductivity is destroyed. I have described this event as a wholesale rupturing of bonds between valence funnels of adjacent atoms in the lattice. Removing the external field (and hence the current) results in reforming the Cooper pair bonds, and restoration of superconductivity (assuming the sample temperature hasn't changed).


However, in the case of ORMEs, superconductivity (transmittance across the sample body) occurs through Meissner field linkages between individual ORMEs atoms - an entirely different mechanism. This is true whether the ORMEs are a continuous body, like an ORMEs glass (small ORMEs-glass particles are merely small examples of continuous bodies), or an aqueous dispersion. (Of course, observing superconductivity in aqueous phase dispersions is not even a possibility for other SC materials, because they are cryogenic.)


At Hc2 (Hc2 is the energy field level at which superconductivity ceases) for ORMEs, the external Hc2 field only succeeds in establishing itself *between* the ORMEs atoms, suppressing, or causing their individual atomic-level Meissner fields to withdraw or be pushed back sufficiently so that the Meissner-mediated energy transfer between atoms is blocked, interrupting macro-current flow in the sample. To restate this, the macro Meissner-generating currents, which act to expel an external flux from an ORMEs body, flow *between* ORMEs, not *within* individual ORMEs. The function or role of the ORME atom is to establish the macro-current *path* (via a continuous chain of Meissner fields), not to produce the expelling current itself. It is, in fact, a DOUBLE-NESTED system of superconductors: the macro body superconducts via Meissner field linkages, and within that the individual ORMEs each superconduct on an atomic level through their individual closed Cooper pair circuits.


An individual ORME atom in such a population is not much affected by the presence of an Hc2 field, even despite its stopping of macro-current flow in the sample body. The ORME atoms' own Meissner fields are only moderately changed at best; they only must scrunch up a bit, so as to make room for the external Hc2 field, which is now passing between them. The currents in the ORMEs atomic circuits thus do not change very appreciably, since most of the external flux passes around (between) them.


This leads one to the conclusion that Hc2 for ORMEs is not a constant (though unlike type IIs, it does not depend on temperature). Instead, for each element, it depends (primarily) upon the energy contained in the Meissner fields of the individual ORMEs (I am also assuming the ORMEs as being arranged at their preferred atomic spacings). The strength of these individual atomic fields ultimately determines how much external field will be required to force them apart, and supplant them from their inter-atomic connections. If the Meissner fields are pumped up (or conversely, drained down) and the Hc2 measurement experiment is tried again, a different value for Hc2 will be found.


Hc2 for ORMEs is still defined as the external field which destroys super-conductivity in the macro-body of the sample. On the surface it seems the same as the definition for type II SCs, despite entirely different mechanisms at work, and despite ORMEs' temperature independence. Furthermore, like type II SCs, removing the external field restores superconductivity in ORMEs bodies. (The ORMEs themselves never lost their atomic-level ORMEs circuits; if they had, removing the external field would not result in a resumption of superconductivity, which it does). Because of these similarities, it can be seen how ORMEs could easily be mistaken as a type II material, and how casual reference to it as such is even reasonably accurate for some purposes...


So these are laws at work behind the observed phenomena by which ORMEs particles may sometimes flee the approach of a magnet or hand; first act inertly when in an intense magnetic field and then resume their flightiness when it is withdrawn; and so on.


Hopefully, the superficiality of the similarities between type II and ORMEs behavior are now clear. The following few statements summarize these conclusions about ORMEs.


1 ORMEs superconductivity is essentially temperature independent.


2 Macro currents are transmitted by inter-atomic Meissner field linkages through an ORMEs body.


3 Hc2 is the level at which macro-currents in the ORMEs body cease.


4 The Hc2 level for an ORMEs body is a function of Meissner field strengths of the individual ORMEs.


5 The atomic-level Meissner fields of individual ORMEs are distinct and largely independent of the macro Meissner field of the ORMEs body, and only moderately increase at Hc2.


6 Cooper pairs of the ORMEs themselves are typically unaffected by Hc2 field levels, unless the ORMEs Cooper pair circuits are already carrying flux at or near their critical capacity.


ORMEs are somewhat hydrophilic, and tend also to be hygroscopic. How much so is in a proportion to how strongly their fields are charged. In "solution", the Meissner field of each ORME is capable of controlling a significant number of water molecules; how many, again depends on the ORME's charge. In such a solution of ORMEs, the separation between ORMEs, specifically, the distance at which energy normalization can occur between them is extended by the presence of the water molecules, for a given strength of Meissner field. It is similar to how inserting a dielectric material increases the capacitance between two plates. The plates may be much more widely separated when the intervening space is filled with a material of hi-dielectric constant, than without it, for the same capacitance. Likewise, the ORMEs can be further apart in water, and still communicate energy between one another.


The effect of the Meissner fields in such a situation is to artificially increase the apparent viscosity of the water. It produces a "stiffness" or pseudo-viscosity which is a function of the concentration of ORMEs, and of the field strength. The field strengths naturally normalize between ORMEs under such conditions, so all individuals within the population come to an equivalence in energy level (assuming mixed species), or to an identical energy level between identical species. This is the explanation behind the slimy, gelatinous consistency of aqueous ORMEs dispersions.


The "viscosity" of the suspension may be altered drastically and dramatically, as a function or cause of anything which affects the Meissner fields. For example, placing a sample drop in a magnetic field, well in excess of Hc2, will suppress the extent or range of the individual Meissner fields and (unless other field types, as I alluded to elsewhere, are operative) the viscosity may be observed to diminish, particularly if any macro-currents were present.


The possibility of achieving high-temperature superconductivity with Tc>300K was predicted over 30 years ago by W.A. Little [Phys Rev A 1964, vol. 134, p 1416]. You may also be interested in reading D.M. Eagle's paper in Physica C [1994, vol. 225 p 222-234] on observed room temperature superconductivity, and other discussions of same delivered at Brookhaven National Laboratory in April 1994. This is related to the earlier work by LN Grigorov, et al.




Lets suppose that a small pile of lumpy and granulated ORMEs powder and particles are the sample of an experiment. Let us also presume that these ORMEs are only weakly or minimally charged, so that Hc2 for them is considerably below the field strength of a test magnet, at a distance of a few centimeters. What will happen then...when the magnet is brought near?


In their initial states, the weakly charged ORME atoms are fixed in position and orientation, within the solid particle they are a part of. For individual ORME atoms, sufficiently dispersed in a matrix of other ORMEs or non-ferrous material, with the ORMEs being sufficiently low in atomic-level Meissner field strength so as to not be in Meissner linkage with one another, they may be seen to be capable of something superficially approximating ferromagnetic behavior. Due to the atomic-level circuits each ORME atom possesses, some flux will always be present (whenever there are closed valence circuits), and this will result in a small, net magnetic moment; this is what I am referring to when I assume they are only weakly charged. Another way of saying it is that this means a tiny magnetic field is associated with each ORMEs atom, because of their individual circuit flows.


The nature of the magnetic field of a single ORME atom (although I am using "atom", I am doing so loosely, so keep in mind that these are diatoms) depends on which element it is (specifically, what its elemental atomic shape or form is), how many closed valence circuits it has, and (for partial ORMEs) where these circuits are located on it, among the possible pairing locations. The resulting field shapes are not simple dipoles, but are complex multi-polarizations, depending on the permutations of these several factors. Nevertheless, in many cases, there will be some net dipolar or quasi-dipole component, which will be particularly apparent and dominant in near-field aspect. The net effect of these tiny ORMEs dipoles generally will produce a gross dipole of some degree in a particular sample particle, though it is also possible that the sample particle will also display a more complex field.


The degree to which the net dipoles of the individual ORMEs in a given particle are aligned to form a gross dipole obviously depends on the history of the particle, such as what aligning conditions were present at the time the ORMEs became solidified and fixed into their matrix, and what other relevant influences were present at the time. They usually tend to align, individually relative to their neighbor's influences, and as a group relative to external influences.


When an ORMEs body is placed within an external magnetic field, only three things may happen, as regards the flux of this field. It may pass around the body, it may pass through the body, or it may terminate on a pole or poles associated with the body; each magnetic flux line originates from, and eventually terminates on, a pole, and these are the only possibilities (which I shall discuss) that will satisfy this, as far as the ORMEs body is concerned.


As the test magnet approaches, under a watchful eye, two main things happen.


The first thing is, some of the magnet's flux engages, and terminates on, the pseudo-dipoles of the ORMEs atoms (those that are aligned attractively with the external field), whose fields then become continuations or a nexus for it. While the individual ORMEs do not move about or flip, fixed as they are within the solid, the particle as a whole may move to orient itself, under action of the magnetic forces, so that it is aligned most attractively with this external field, according to its gross dipole or the net disposition of the ORMEs within it, and that will be its natural inclination, in seeking a condition of lowest potential energy. This results *initially* in an apparent ferromagnetic attraction of the gross ORMEs particle to the magnet. They start to line up in whiskers as if they were iron filings, mapping the local field of the test magnet.


The second thing that happens is, some of the magnet's flux penetrates *between* the individual ORMEs atoms (I don't mean between the particles of powder, but actually between the atoms in each particle), separating the atoms and cutting off any inter-atomic Meissner linkages which might have been present. (Remember, I have assumed that the ORMEs were weakly charged, so Hc2 is below the magnet's strength, allowing this penetration to occur.)


In penetrating the particle, the field attempts to pass through where the ORMEs atoms themselves are also, and in doing so it tries to scrunch their tiny atomic fields up, close to the atoms. This latter mentioned action, by induction, causes a current in the superconducting ORMEs valence circuits, opposing the magnet's encroaching field, and forcing it back, away from the atom. The superconducting valence circuits act as a perfect inductive mirror.


If it were only one atom that we were talking about here, that is where things would stop, but that is not the case. There is a community of atoms, and the atom has other atom neighbors, on every side of it, and above and below, in a 3-dimensional arrangement. Consequently, while the first atom is excluding the field from near itself, it has several neighbors which are each doing the same thing. As these neighbor atoms exclude the field, they are at the same time pushing the unwanted flux toward the first atom again, just as the first atom is pushing it towards them. It is a case of everybody saying "Not in my neighborhood!", all at the same time.


This is the source, nature, and mechanism of the field amplification, within the ORMEs population, that would be needed in order for the ORMEs to behave as has been observed, in levitating in the earth's half gauss field, note also that type II SCs do this.


The squeezing of the external field between the ORME atoms greatly increases the local strength (flux density) of the external field, as seen from the viewpoint of each individual ORME atom. (The actual degree of flux compression (field strength amplification) that takes place in this inter-atomic flux pinch depends in part on the separation between the ORME atoms, but is very, very great, and may certainly exceed the factor of 10^6 that is required. The evidence that it does is plainly obvious to anyone, in that ORMEs *do* levitate.


As the field compression progresses, each ORME atom continues, in this runaway induction, to increase the strength of the Meissner-generating currents which flow in its superconducting closed valence circuits until a state of equilibrium is reached, as the flux compression function runs into an asymptotic wall. From the standpoint of each ORME atom, it looks as though a wall of flux surrounding it is increasing almost without limit (a near approximation to the hypothetical... Irresistible Force), when all they are really doing is pushing against each other with the external flux trapped in between, like a veneer. The magnet's flux that succeeded in penetrating the particle is now trapped in the inter-atomic spaces it intruded into. The particle is (for the moment) something like a bead strung on the lines of external flux.


Just about the same time as this is going on, something else happens. As the external magnet's flux becomes more and more confined, and the Meissner fields of the individual ORMEs atoms become increasingly powerful, they are also forming increasingly efficient field linkages between themselves. The atoms begin to become capable of (more and more efficiently) transferring energy with one another, which is another way of saying that the Hc2 value for the system is increasing.


As this inter-atomic coupling begins to develop, macro "currents" begin to flow (only in small localized regions of the particle at first). These localized effects begin expelling the external flux from their area. As the atoms come into communication with each other, and external flux continues to be expelled, this sort of cascades and the whole population transitions into a superconducting state as contiguous, extended particle body.


In other words, the first thing they do when linkages form is to promptly develop Meissner-field-generating currents in the macro-particle, to exclude the external magnet's flux that has, just before, become trapped between the ORME atoms. As the flux is expelled, the growing diamagnetic field opposes that of the test magnet's field, and the particle's attraction changes to being repelled from it.


The rate of development of diamagnetism (or repulsive force) starts slow, as inter-atomic linkages begin to form for the most closely spaced atoms, increases as more linkages form and larger currents are possible, and then finally levels off, as nearly all interatomic linkages which are possible within a given particle have formed, even for the more widely spaced ORMEs atomic neighbors. At that point the diamagnetic field stops growing further.


It takes a certain amount of time for the ORME atoms, working cooperatively, to move the embedded external field's lines from being inside to being out of the particle. Its like when you see somebody being passed across the room, above the heads of the audience at a rock concert, by everyone's arms gradually handing them from person to person. But eventually the lines get expelled from the particle. This migration time (which depends on several factors) causes a delay before significant repulsion begins to become apparent.


In finally flying away from the magnet, the particle then obeys kinematic laws (a=f/m) as the acceleration (integrating into velocity) is determined by the instantaneous repulsive force, as a function of instantaneous field strengths (etc.).


So the particles first appear to ferromagnetically attract, but before long change their minds and fly away in diamagnetic repulsion. Please allow me to point out, that all these behavioral phenomena are consequences (as put forth in the inductive reasoning of the foregoing explanation) only of the fact that ORMEs have closed valence circuits. Showing in a compelling way that the same observed behaviors are required by theoretical atomic concepts or models, which do not admit to or include closed Cooper pair valence circuits, may be very difficult indeed, and certainly not as compelling, I would say.




Zero point coupling is also related to ORMEs' ability to interact with water, producing the pseudo-viscosity discussed in the previously. The electromagnetic zero point in these phenomena is an important mechanism by which energy moves to and from the vacuum energy field, and out of or into our own space-time.


There exist many zero point doublets, within reach of our experience (ie, associated with matter and energy phenomena we are capable of manipulating). They are points where physical and transcendental resonances occur simultaneously, ie, highly non-linear natural interactions between matter, energy, and space-time. Each of these zero points represents a point of communication, through which energy may enter (or exit) our 3 dimensional world from higher dimensions, the ultimate source of the vacuum energy.


The important thing to understand, is, that it is not necessary for a particular wave's frequency to "match" the mid-frequency of a particular zero point doublet, to experience this sort of transition. It is only necessary that coupling exist between energy (or matter, or both) in our dimensions (for example) and a zero point resonator. The presence of the appropriate coupling circumstances with a zero point notch or doublet results in the entrainment or discharge of energy, by means of coupling transfer. It is the coupling to the doublet resonator (e.g. a water molecule, ORME, etc.) which is important. The frequency "shift" of the coupled energy occurs as a natural consequence of this, due to topological properties associated with the zero points themselves. The zero points are not merely the specific frequencies they happen to fall on, within the electromagnetic spectrum, but are the result of the trans-dimensional resonator, which just happens to have whatever frequency it has; tuning the 'right' frequency without or apart from a zero point resonator does not constitute a zero point.


Meissner effects may also affect taste. Strongly charged ORMEs might be masked in their metallic properties by the Meissner fields. The manna of the Israelites was described as tasting like "honey" (Exodus 16:31), or "fresh oil" (Num 11:8). In making it into cakes, the Hebrews, of course, had to add water to it. Both honey and oil are viscous substances, and these terms may also give us an indication of the amount of charge present for those allusions in the account, with perceived taste varying according to charge.


ORMEs, having individual atomic-level Meissner fields, differ in behavior from that of type II superconductors, when an ORMEs suspension is exposed to an external magnetic field. The external magnetic field direction (earth's field), which penetrates a water suspension of ORMEs is nearly horizontal. The reaction of the ORMEs population is to exclude the magnetic field. But because the ORMEs population in suspension is both mobile and discontinuous, some interesting things occur. The ORMEs nullify and confine the penetrating field by forming current vortices around each of the quantal lines of flux. This forms a vortex field, that is, a field made up of a great number of tiny vortices, dispersed uniformly through the solution when viewed in a direction parallel to the earth's field lines.


Despite being discrete entities, these vortices mathematically sum into a single peripheral vortex encircling the flux. Because of the mobility of the ORMEs in suspension, the ORMEs themselves gradually flow towards an arrangement of lower energy, which shall eventually exclude all the field lines from the container. As they do this, these small vortices gradually coalesce into larger and larger vortices, containing and enveloping the penetrating flux in larger and larger clumps, till it is all lassoed into only one large bundle. This might look like a solar prominence. A large ring current flowing through the arch (and continued in a circuit through the material in the container), sufficient to exclude the flux from it. If you broke the arch (physically), the ring current would be interrupted and cease, and the arch would fall and collapse (no current left to sustain it, once broken), and the flux trapped under it would escape out through the point of the breach as the two limbs of the arch fell.


Chapter 19         Electric ORMUS



Several people have noticed and commented on various electrical phenomena in their work with the ORMUS materials.


Gary Y. described his experience as follows:


Hello Group,


Just had to share this with everyone and ask if anybody had experienced the same. Got our first bottle of ORMES Friday, Mountain MannaC-50. I was very excited and tore right into it. It was contained in a plastic bottle wrapped in aluminum foil with a little aluminum lined safety skin over the mouth.


Holding the bottle in my right hand, I reached to pluck off the safety skin with my left and as soon as I touched it ZAAP!. The discharge sounded like a 22 pistol! The whole family heard it and came to the kitchen to see what happened. I was a little dubious of further contact with it but I have managed to consume the prescribed daily dosage and believe I can notice a difference already.


Has anybody else had anything like this happen?


Larry Schamber responded:


Sure. About 1 pma week before last Friday I got a 1-liter bottle of Mountain Manna Gold/Iridium. I removed the foil wrap, and the cap. As soon as I attempted to remove the last of the inner seal, a spark jumped about 0.25 inch to my finger from the moist lip. There was a "Crack!!!" and I cursed and jerked my hand back reflexively.


This was an unusual spark. I have seen sparks before. That spark should have been brighter white or blue-white. To have the voltage necessary to jump that distance, it should have been brighter. It was almost invisible. This means something. This material is volatile and easier than normal to ionize.


The conclusion: the stuff is like argon, inert and somehow circumvents strong oxygen valences. It ionized and conducted at a lower voltage than simple water vapor. Unusual. Makes me go hmmm... this could be unusual enough to be measurable.


I had the same thing happen once when opening a bottle of Liquid Chi. As I pulled off the inner seal, a spark jumped about an inch to my finger with an audible snap. Arthur, who makes the Liquid Chi, says that this is a fairly common phenomenon for him.


These types of electrical phenomena appear to be intimately connected with the ORMUS materials. Perhaps the ORMUS, when sufficiently charged, is reaching the saturation point of the superconductive Meissner effect. This discharges into the carrier and sparks when the container is opened. The foil wrapped container might serve as an orgone accumulator which would concentrate energy in the ORMUS materials.


I first heard of this kind of effect in 1989 when my friend Jim had his mining accident. Here are some excerpts from this story in Chapter 2.


Early on they figured out that when they ran this process they were getting a lot of extra electricity, a lot of extra electricity! And they kept burning these ground wires out until finally they got one the size of a finger. I mean a LOTof electricity was being generated by this system and they couldn't figure out where it was coming from.


Now, remember all the electricity, the lead and the arsenic and everything else. As soon as Jim grabbed the fitting to tighten it he got shocked and felt like he'd been poisoned. He fell to the ground vomited, and he just felt awful. He saw color, he tasted metal, he saw lights and got sick. Here are more comments from the interview with Jim:


"It was a dull electrical shock, but often, like tscht & tscht .. tscht. But not all that gnarly. Little ones, dull."


Jim experienced a lot of electrical effects following his exposure to the ozonated mine wastewater. Whenever Jim would take a shower it would be like electrical sparks hitting his skin, every drop would deliver an electric shock to him and it wasn't just a little electric shock, it was literally almost audible shocks. Here are some more quotes from our interview with Jim:


DM: So, did this just happen once or twice or continually like day after day did you get this effect where . . . ?


Jim: I had that effect for five months afterwards.


DM: My God!


Jim: Yea, I mean it was real bad. In fact, I could generate a huge amount of static electricity by taking an article of clothing that I wore and have right near but not in contact with the shower head stream and it would charge the droplets to the point where they were making [neon] just tscht, tscht, tscht, tscht.


Whenever he would pee, electrical sparks would jump between his toes and the bolts on the bottom of the toilet, with the obvious return flow (which was not pleasant either). Whenever he was taking a shower he would notice that windows and doors would blow open and shut, like winds (he called them ionic winds) would happen in the room, blowing things around.


"The ionic wind is what I called it for lack of a better word. Cause primarily it was something that was first noted by K and Tracy at their house in that they had a shower door that was real funky and a bathroom door that didn't latch very well. And when he'd shower off after working with this gold stuff, literally the wind would open up the bathroom door. Like blow it open type stuff. There was a great deal of air movement to it. Especially like shocks when you washed your hair or whatever."


Jim was literally generating his own weather in the bathroom. LIGHTNING! WIND!


From these electrical experiences Jim concluded that the substance he got in his hands was some sort of electric generator so he fabricated a device to measure the electric fields:


Jim: It was highly charged. I built a little FET charge meter in my last days so I could see the polymer stuff flowing around because it would have enough of a charge that it would effect an FET meter. Like dead deflection.


DM: Field Effect Transistor?


Jim: Yea. It's like what you use to measure static electricity by its field. Same type thing, exactly. I just built a dollar ninety-eight one with stuff from Wacky Willie's and called it good. Never calibrated it or anything. But it was very . . .


"I slept a lot and, how would you say in Englis, this polymer stuff was driving me batty. It was a huge irritant to me. I mean there was times at night there would be so much static electricity when I would lie in bed and stuff, I couldn't sleep. I'd just lay there and tscht, tscht, tscht, tscht, tscht, tscht, there would be sparks going and all that other stuff."


Hudsonmentions similar phenomena in connection with the Ark of the Covenant. In his Dallas presentationhe said:


And I'm saying that around the Ark of the Covenant was the Meissner field. Now, the strange thing about a Meissner field is other Meissner fields, that oscillates at the same frequency, can enter that field and not perturb it. And so if you are a high priest, a Melchizedek priest, and you eat this Bread of the Presence of God every week, you are a light being, and you can enter into that field and approach the Ark of the Covenant and not perturb it because you're in resonance with it. But if you're an ordinary soldier or a person who thinks bad things, ha-ha-ha, you know, they have to tie a rope around your legs because as you approach it, it may have a flux collapse. Now if you can imagine several hundred thousand amps and now you have volts, it's like a bolt of lightning. It literally is energy that is of unbelievable magnitude.


So as long as there is no volts, you could touch it, you could feel it, it's hundreds of thousands of amps, but no tickle, no tingle, because there's no volts. So as long as you're in resonance with it you can approach it, you could touch it, you could hold it, you could feel it, nothing. But if you're not in resonance with it, you enter the field, you perturb the resonance, and it's a flux collapse, and now you've got voltage, and it'll kill you.


Remember they said in the Bible that the Ark of the Covenant actually levitated and floated along and actually carried some of the people who were carrying it. The only thing to do that's a superconductor.


Stuart Nettleton found the actual source of this levitation story and commented on it in his book The Alchemy Key:


Jewish Midrashim commentaries describe how the Ark of the Covenant levitated and carried along some of the people who were supposed to be carrying it. The only known phenomenon that could levitate in this manner is a superconductor's Meissner field. A Meissner Field is a strong diamagnetic field, unique to superconductors, that causes them to be repelled by an external magnetic field. Heike Kamerlingh Onne, a Dutch physicist, first identified Superconductivity in 1911. It is a state of zero electrical resistance, usually exhibited at very low temperatures. It was not until 1933 that the German team of Karl W. Meissner and R. Ochsenfeld showed that superconductors possess a Meissner Field. Notwithstanding these early successes, the phenomena of superconductivity was not properly understood until 1957 when three American physicists proved that it was due to the quantum effect of electrons moving in pairs. For this work, they received the 1972 Nobel Prize for Physics. 1 The Nobel Committee again chose this strategic area of research for its Prize in 1987 and 1996.


As Whitegold is a superconductor with a Meissner field, the pot of manna in the Ark of the Covenant could have contained a quantity of Whitegold that produced such a field. There is some suggestion that Moses placed an omer of manna, or Whitegold, in the Ark. David Hudsons theory is that a Whitegold's Meissner field would then have surrounded the Arkcausing it to levitate and glow with the radiance of the Shekhinah. This would have also caused the ill effects on the Philistines of Ashdod. The Arkcaused hemorrhoids, from the Hebrew OPLIM meaning tumors. Josephus says of the diseases inflicted at Ashdod:


"for they died of the dysentery and flux, a sore distemper that brought death upon them very suddenly; for before the soul could, as usual in early deaths, be loosed from the body, they brought up their entrails and vomited up what they had eaten"


Similarly, the peoples of Gathand Ekron at the time of Samuel could hardly wait to return the Ark.


An unusual characteristic of Meissner fields is that another Meissner field, which oscillates at the same frequency, can enter that field of the first and not perturb it. Each week the High Priests of Melchizedek ventured beyond the veil in the Holy of Holies. There they partook of the Bread of the Presence of God. Then more Bread was set out for the next week before the Ark of the Covenant.


A Melchizedek high priest who had eaten the Bread of the Presence of God for some time could theoretically approach and safely touch the Ark of the Covenant. The Priest would not perturb the Arks Meissner field because of his resonance with it. Resonance avoids a voltage difference.


The absence of resonance when an ordinary person approaches the Arkcould lead to a collapse of flux, a voltage difference and an electrical discharge.


This phenomenon may have given rise to the practice of tying a golden chain around the High Priest's foot. Priests waiting outside the Holy of Holies could drag out the High Priest if the Arkimmobilized him.


In Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, Laurence Gardner describes similar effects from the Ark of the Covenant (which would be a capacitor and an orgone accumulator if it was constructed as described in the Bible):


"In the course of its history, the Arkkilled without warning if the rules of its handling were not obeyed, and the fury of its unleashed power caused tumors on a plague-like scale."


"In addition to the Urim and Thummim becoming active in the presence of the Ark, the Bible also explains that the power of the Arkwas deadly. Two of Aarons sons, Nadab and Abihu, were killed by the fire which leapt from the Ark(Leviticus 10:12), given in the Talmud as bolts "as thin as threads". And when Uzzah the carter attempted to stay the Arkwhen its conveyance swayed, he was struck dead the moment he touched it (1 Chronicles 13:10-11). When not on its cart, the Ark had to be carried with independent staves, which were slipped through fixed rings, and close proximity was afforded only to the Levite High Priests (Aaron, Eleazar, and their successors), who were garbed in a very particular fashion. They had large amounts of gold in their specially designed apparel -- a golden breastplate, attached to golden rings, chains, and various other fixtures around their bodies (Exodus 28:4-38). And they were instructed to remove their shoes and wash their feet "that they die not" when approaching the Ark(Exodus 30:21). Similarly, those who bore the Arkon its staves were instructed to walk barefoot.


The descriptions of special clothing and procedures for approaching the Ark, although seeming very precise in the text, are actually vague and confused. This is hardly surprising, for the Old Testament scribes of a later era were not working from any practical knowledge. Their approach was from a base of tradition while, at the same time, they thoroughly confused the whole Sinai experience with a resultant religion that had developed in the interim (worship, as against workship). All things considered, however, there is enough information to determine that, whether on the ground or in the air, the extraordinary arcane power of the kerûbs was high-voltage electricity."


In Chapter 9 of Lost Secrets of the Sacred ArkGardnerdescribed numerous Biblical accounts where the electrical discharge phenomenon may have been used as a weapon against the enemies of Israel. He tells about how the Philistines once managed to capture the Ark:


"They took it to their citadel at Ashdod, but the residents were smitten by it's emissions and fell victim to the terrible consequences. And so the Arkwas taken to Gath, and then to Ekron, but the results were the same and there was "deadly destruction" in the cities. Those who were not killed by its rays, suffered dreadful afflictions, so the Philistines decided that it should be returned to the Levites at Bethshemesh."


Gardnerhas numerous other references in Lost Secrets of the Sacred Arkand I would recommend that people read it.


I think that the balls of light from the orchid cactus (that you read about in Chapter 1) may also be related to this.


I hope that everyone who reads this book will keep their eyes open for this kind of phenomena associated with the ORMUS materials.


Chapter 20         Cone Shaped Shewbread



In his first Dallaslecture, David Hudson talked about shewbread and the conical shape of its depiction in Egyptian art:


“Okay this is out of "Ages in Chaos" by Immanuel Velikovsky. Ages in Chaos. Now this one you can't get new, you've got to find it in used bookstores. I think it was 1957 it was published. Anyway, Immanuel Velikovsky was trying to do a correlation between the writings in Egyptand the Hebrew Bible, or the Hebrew Torah, because he was Jewish. And he was researching all of the recordings that were in Egypttrying to find where they agreed with the Biblical because the Bible doesn't date things very well. The Egyptians were very methodical record keepers, and they did date everything very specifically. And the shewbread was obviously not of flour but of silver or gold. In the Book of Exodus it is said that the shewbread was made by Bezaleel, who was a goldsmith. Bezaleel is the man who made the Ark of the Covenant, made the golden decorations for the tabernacle, and made, you know, he was a goldsmith, and yet he made the Bread of the Presence of God. But the shewbread wasn't called shewbread then. The shewbread was called the Bread of the Presence of God. Remember before he was talking about being in the Presence as the Bread of the Presence? Okay, anyway, we need the next slide.”


This statement is not strictly true. The Bible speaks of Bezaleel as a fabricator in “all manner of workmanship”, not just the working of gold and silver:


Exodus 31:1 - 31:11

"And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, See, I have called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah: And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, To devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, And in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workmanship. And I, behold, I have given with him Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan: and in the hearts of all that are wise hearted I have put wisdom, that they may make all that I have commanded thee; The tabernacle of the congregation, and the ark of the testimony, and the mercy seat that is thereupon, and all the furniture of the tabernacle, And the table and his furniture, and the pure candlestick with all his furniture, and the altar of incense, And the altar of burnt offering with all his furniture, and the laver and his foot, And the cloths of service, and the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons, to minister in the priest's office, And the anointing oil, and sweet incense for the holy place: according to all that I have commanded thee shall they do."


Hudsongoes on to say:


"He calls it the white bread, and it is called gold in this, he actually has the Templeof Karnakrecords here of the plunder that was taken to Egyptfrom the Templeof Solomon, and here it all is, and here is the depictions of it, okay, that's good."


Drawing based on one by W. Wreszinski from Ages in Chaos


All I need to draw attention to is, see these little things that look like spiders right here? This is the hieroglyphic for gold. There, there, there, um, there, there, there, there, there (pointing to picture).



"Neb" the hieroglyph for gold


All these first items are all gold. Okay? Then down here they got silver, and at the bottom they got copper, but the more important items are the golden items. Here's the tables, the golden tables, the golden vessels, anyway, the menorah, even the lion's heads are here someplace, yeah, here's a lion head. Anyway, if you read the Bible and you go through this list that is recorded at the Templeof Karnak, it's absolutely identical to what's recorded as being in the Templeof Solomon. Right here is the shewbread. Coincidentally it's the elongated pyramidal shape. It doesn't look like a loaf of bread does it? It's the symbol, the same symbol I just showed you, it's called the white nourishment, but here it's called white gold. And what Velikovsky said was they obviously meant silver, because they call it white gold. No, they meant white gold. They meant just what they said, it was white gold. It was the Bread of the Presence of God that once a week the High Priests of Melchizedek were allowed to go behind the Veil of the Holy of Holies, and partake of the Bread of the Presence of God, and then more Bread was set out for the next week as the offering to the God's feet, or with the Ark of the Covenant. And they consumed this material on a weekly basis, and they literally, this was the era of the great Prophets when literally God dwelt with his people. And these High Priests could communicate with the animals, they could telepathically know all things; it was the era of the great Prophets in the Bible. Anyway, that's the stuff and there it is, black and white.



Item 48 is referred to as gold shewbread by Velikovsky


In "Ages in Chaos" Velikovsky writes:


"Next to the altar was the table "whereupon the shewbread was" (I Kings 7:48; II Chronicles 4:19). The showbread was obviously not of flour, but of silver or gold; in the Book of Exodus12 it is said that showbread was made by Bezaleel, who was a goldsmith. Showbread is pictured on the bas-relief of Karnakin the form of a cone. The cone in the seventh row (138) bears the explanation: 'White bread." This bread was of silver. The thirty cones of gold (48) and the twenty-four cones of colored stone (malachite) (169), identical in form with the silver cone, also represent showbread."


Items 138 and 169 at Karnak


Velikovsky clearly implied that some of the shewbread was gold and some was silver.


Hudsonalso discussed the meaning of a similar object being presented to Anubis:


"I think this next slide is one that, just the picture says it all. It doesn't need any explanation. Once you understand this. The "Guardian of the Secret". Now pull it on over so they can see the picture. The King offers him the Anubis, the digestive system the White Bread, that is the white nourishment. The picture tells the whole story. See, the black Anubis represents the digestive system, and here he is, the King with the white powder offering it to the digestive system, and it's called the Opener of the Ways, the Keeper of the Secret."


Triangular offering to Anubis based on an illustration in

"Sacred Science" by R.A. Schwaller De Lubicz


The triangular offering is a fairly common motif in Egyptian art. Here is another image from "The Alchemy Key" by Stuart Nettleton:


Sesôstris I offering Shewbread to Amun

in the White Chapel at Karnak


Stuart writes:


"This same shape is shown even earlier in the White Chapel at Karnak, where the twelfth dynasty Pharaoh Sesôstris I presents the conical shewbread to Amun."


Robert Cox in his book "The Pillar of Celestial Fire" devotes a good part of a Chapter to these conical shapes. He connects it to the "Pillar" or "Chamber of Light" which is topped by a similar glyph. He also says that:


"One such illustration is given in the drawing that immediately follows the opening vignette in the Papyrus of Ani."


There is another related theory that these materials were prepared in a templeof Hathorat Serabit El Khadim on the Sinai Peninsula. This theory was proposed by Laurence Gardner in "Genesis of the Grail Kings" and basically is that the m-state materials were prepared and stored at the Hathor temple and that this temple was the site that Moses visited when he received the tablets of stone. Gardnersuggests that a white powder examined by Flinders Petrie in 1903 is the white m-state powder made in this laboratory/temple. Here is a passage from Petrie's record of this find:


"Of this period [Amenemhat IV] a very interesting result was found beneath the later temple. Over a large area a bed of white wood-ashes is spread, of a considerable thickness. In the chamber O [of the later temple] there is a mass, 18 in. in thickness, underlying the walls and pillars, and therefore before the time of Tahutmes III [of the 18th Dynasty]. In chamber N it varies from 4 to 15 in. thick; west of the pylon it is from 3 to 12 in.; and it is found extending as far as chamber E or F with a thickness of 18 in. Thus it extends for over a hundred feet in length. In breadth it was found wherever the surface was protected by building over it. All along the edge of the hill, bordering on the road of the XIIth dynasty past the steles, the ashes were found, all across the temple breadth, and out as far as the building of stone walls of chambers extends on the south. In all fully fifty feet in breadth. That none are found outside the built-over area is to be explained by the great denudation due to strong winds and occasional rain. That large quantities of glazed pottery have been entirely destroyed by these causes is certain; and a bed of light wood-ashe would be swept away much more easily. We must, therefore, suppose a bed of ashes at least 100 X 50 ft., very probably much wider, and varying from 3 to 18 in. thick, in spite of all the denudation which took place before the XVIIIth dynasty. There must be now on the ground about fifty tons of ashes, and these are probably the residue of some hundreds of tons...."


-- Researches in Sinai, p.99.


Serabit Room Map


Room map of Serabit temple showing rooms where powder was found in gold color


The rooms in which the white powder was found match well with the rooms which the map on the sign at Serabit depicts as dating from the New Kingdom. Here is a picture of that map:


Sign Map


Map on sign at Serabit El Khadim


Petrie then went on to describe his efforts to identify this white powder:


"One suggestion was that it was the remains of smelting works. But smelting elsewhere does not leave any such loose white ashes; on the contrary, it produces a dense black slag. Also, there is no supply of copper ore at that level, nor within some miles distance, and the site is very inaccessible for bringing up materials. Moreover, there is no supply of fuel up on the plateau; whereas the ore has been elsewhere transported to valleys and plains where fuel could be obtained, as at the Wady Nasb, Wady Gharandel, and El Markha. The statement of Lepsius and others that there are beds of slag near the temple is an entire mistake, due to ignorance of mineralogy; the black masses are natural strata of iron ore, and not artificial copper slag. Another suggestion was that they were like the beds of ashes near Jerusalem, which were supposed to have originated from the burning of plants to extract alkali. But, again, this is the most unlikely place for obtaining a supply of plants. Neither of these suggestions can be an explanation."


-- Ibid., p.100.


Petrie suggested that this powder was the ash from animal sacrifice:


"The locality itself shows the meaning....On this hill we see great evidence of burnt sacrifices; and in the cave itself were many altars for burning incense....The popular worship of Palestine is here before us."


--Ibid., p.100, 101.


But Laurence Gardner points out that this is unlikely to be true for a couple of reasons:


"For want of any other explanation, it was determined that the white powder and the shem-stones were probably associated with some form of sacrificial rite, but this was an Egyptian temple and animal sacrifice was not an Egyptian practice. Moreover, there were no remnants of bones or any other foreign matter within the many tons of white powder that lay in the newly exposed storerooms -- it was perfectly clean and quite unadulterated. Petrie stated: 'Though I carefully searched these ashes in dozens of instances, winnowing them in a breeze, I never found a fragment of bone or anything else'."


Petrie delves further into the issue of animal sacrifice in Chapter 13 of Researches in Sinai. His conclusion was that the temple was a Semitic temple rather than an Egyptian one and that this accounts for the ashes from burnt offerings.


Laurence uses a tracing taken from a stele in the BrusselsMuseumas an illustration of the conical bread:



Here is the description of this stele from a book by Alan H. Gardiner and T. Eric Peet, edited and completed by Jaroslav Cerny, "The Inscriptions of Sinai", 45th Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Society, 1955.


At the top is a horizontal line giving the titulary of Ammenemes III. '[The good God,] lord of the two lands, lord of might, king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Nemare, living for ever, beloved of Hathor.'


Below, the king, is seen seated on the left, wearing the two feathers at the back of his cap and carrying the flail. Hathor holds out to his nose in her right hand the emblems of life and dominion. In front of her are the words, 'Said by Hathor: I am giving thee life, perpetuity and health to thy nose for eternity'.


The goddess holds in her left hand a round object whose nature is not obvious, probably a menat-necklace. Behind her is the God's treasurer Sebekhotep, holding out in his right hand a conical loaf of bread. In front of him we read, 'Said by the god's treasurer Sebekhotep: I bring to thee ...' Behind this figure again is another holding a papyrus roll in his left hand, in front of whom is, 'Said by the scribe...... this foreign country'.


Below the scene are remains of six horizontal lines of inscription '- - - - - - the Majesty of this god [sent] the careful god's treasurer Sebekhotep to bring the precious stone for [his] majesty - - -'"


It is fairly evident from the translation of this image that Sebekhotep is presenting an object which is both a "conical loaf of bread" and a "precious stone" to Ammenemes III.


An Australian colleague named Bill Alford traveled to Serabit in 2000. He sent me the following comment on his search for this white powder:


I did get to Serabit El Khadim and there was no sign of the white powder there. I spoke to the local Bedouin chief about this and he said that he could remember the white powder being there as a child but it has all blown away since.


Bill did get to take a number of pictures of the Serabit temple site and a couple of them relate to the subject of this essay. Below is a picture which also depicts a cone shaped offering.




According to "The Inscriptions of Sinai" the description of this stele, from the 18th Dynasty, is as follows:


Above is the usual winged disk, below it on the right Hatshepsut as king offers white bread to Anhur-Show, and, on the left, Tuthmosis III presents wine to Hathor, lady of the turquoise. Date: 'Year 20'.


Below the scene are eleven horizontal lines of inscription, of which the last three are shortened on the left to admit a standing figure of Nakht.


'The scribe Nakhi, he says: I followed the good god, for the lord of the two lands knew that I was excellent, I walking on the road and being honoured on account of it (?), the officials of the palace bending the arm before me. The Horus himself sent me to do what his spirit desired. He promoted (?) me and I was foremost among millions of men, having been sought among hundreds of thousands of men. He appointed me royal envoy, I being exalted [before] the (other) courtiers, for Hathor, lady of the turquoise, showed me her favour for all that I had done [in propitiating the lady] of the turquoise every day. Amount of the offerings of every day: bit-bread ---- ----- 350, white bread 320, beer 360, wine 30, ro-geese 60 ------- water 100, for I went down to the coast successfully. None other peer of mine equalled me of any who had come to this [foreign country], I being the favourite of Hathor, <lady of> the turquoise.'"


Bill also took a picture of another stele with the cone shaped bread on it while he was at Serabit:




This stele had the following entry in "The Inscriptions of Sinai":


In the lunette are the winged disk and uraei with the cartouche and titles of the king, 'The good god, lord of the two lands Nebmare, endowed with life eternally'. The lunette is closed at the bottom by the symbol of heaven, below which is a double scene, showing, on the left, the king, 'Son of Re Amenhotep, ruler of Weset', offering a conical loaf on a cup to 'Sopdu, the great god of the east', and, on the right, the king, 'The good god Nebmare', offering two small vases of water to Hathor. The inscription, 'Beloved of Hathor, lady of the turquoise', at the same time refers to the king and also gives the name of the goddess, a double reference common in these scenes. Both deities are standing on a common pedestal and are therefore meant to be statues. In the central column we read, 'Said by Hathor, lady of the turquoise: "(I) am giving thee millions ----"'.


Below is an inscription of twenty-three lines which, as far as is legible, reads as follows: 'Year 36, second month of winter, day 9, under the majesty of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Nebmare, son of Re, Amenhotep, ruler of Weset, endowed with life like Re eternally and for ever. Behold his majesty was in the southern city (= Thebes) - - - - - - - - - of Weset. Behold it was entrusted to the king's scribe, overseer of the Treasury [Sebek]hotep called Pinhasy to make ------ turquoise, while his majesty was celebrating the third sed-festival - - - - - - - - - - - - on the last day of the month ------ from Hathor, lady of the turquoise (?) in joy, while her heart was glad, [she] rejoicing [in what] Nebmare [had done for her] - - - - - - - - - jubilating and laughing (?) ------- Pinhasy (?) - - - - - - - - - - who had come forth with him were joyful. The leaders were glad of heart and his work waxed mightily, each one treading this hill country adoring (?) this goddess, their scribe who was, in their midst giving praise daily, Amenmose whose name is Memay (?) ------- being present (?). This scribe says: I followed my lord in the hill country; I took hold on the task which he had entrusted to me; I went forth on the ocean to foretell the wonders of Punt, to obtain the odorous gums; I brought away the foreign princes in their --- (?) --- with the tribute of numberless hill countries. Behold I have come also and trod the country of this goddess; I directed work for turquoise, I received - - - - - - L.P.H. He gave the gold of reward, the mouths rejoiced - - - all - - - -, all commands, work-people ---- I found --- sea --- in his reaching the [southern] city - - - '


It is not clear what the "gold of reward" is or who is giving it but it is interesting to note that the thing being given in the picture is the "conical loaf in a cup". Whether this "white bread" is the same as the white ORMUS materials is open to question. The inclusion of the white bread shape in the gold inventory at Karnakis very suggestive but it is not definitive.


Chapter 21         ORMUS and Pyramids



Twin Serpents



In Sacred Science by R. A. Schwaler deLubicz  there is a description of the third eye which is represented by a cobra on the forehead of the pharaohs:

In legendary form it is said that one day "Ra had sent forth his Eye which did not return. So Ra sent Shu and Tefnut to bring it back.... But the Eye was outraged when it returned because it found that another had grown in its stead." And then Ra took the Eye and placed it on his brow in the likeness of a serpent. Since then, the solar Eye governs the entire world because this serpent became the symbol of Ra's puissance. It is since that day that Shu was called Onuris which means He-Who-Has-Brought-Back-the-Far-off-Distance.

By this fact, the Eye of Ra which this Neter bears on his brow becomes the radiating Eye, the divine Word. It thus becomes the uraeus, the third eye of the King's forehead, powerful protector and destroyer of Ra's enemies... .




The uraeus is theNaja of Egypt , the dreaded though peaceful andtimorous cobra, dangerous for its spit and deadly for its bite, but only if it believes itself attacked. The snake is the symbol of duality: It separates the right and left sides of the brain. Likewise, the nervous system is dual: sensory or motor, active-solar through the sympathetic, or passive-decontractile through the vagus or parasympathetic. This dual aspect is human; it is thus symbolized by two uraei, or one uraeus accompanied by a head of Mut, the vulture, symbol of hatching femininity.


The casing of fine linen covering the cranium of Tut-Ankh-Amon's mummy.
Embroidered gold beads and semiprecious stones delineate the double uraeus,
which indicates the scissure between the two hemispheres of the brain
(Howard Carter, The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amon, II, PLXXXII).
The single royal uraeus appears on the diadem and on the crown.

deLubicz equates the uraeus with the kundalini energy:

It must be understood that although the nervous, or physical, manifestation is provoked by the flux of the uraeus (Kundalini), the cause, the uraeus itself, is transcendent action.

Many other modern writers have
equated this kundalini energy to the uraeus of Egyptian history. The kundalini energy is reputed to travel up the spine as two serpentine energy flows called the "ida" and the "pingala". They twine around  the "sushumna". These energy flows are also represented in the caduceus of modern medicine. You can find some history of the caduceus in medicine at:

On this web page the caduceus is described as a symbol of alchemy.


In Occult Chemistry, Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant describe how they used "yogic vision" or the "third eye" to "see" the fundamental structures of matter. They described one of these basic subatomic structures as seven layers of recursive spirals around other spirals. This structure is depicted in Occult Chemistry in the picture below:


These spirals form the basic structure of what Leadbeater and Besant call "anu":


Dr. Stephen Philips, a physicist in Englandsays that the "anu" structure is a good match with the quark of modern quantum physics. Tony Smith, another physicist uses the image from Occult Chemistry to illustrate the Comptonradius vortex of the electron.

The twin serpents of the double helix seem to show up frequently in science from the subatomic scale,


to the structure of DNA,

to the motions of celestial mechanics and even to the structure of galaxies


and massive black holes.

Since they are also a recurrent theme in ancient culture it would seem that there might be a connection.
Schwaler deLubicz claimed that the ancient Egyptians had a "sacred science" which used psychic abilities as its tools of observation. Some modern scientists have returned to the use of intuitive observation methods. The modern equivalent of Leadbeater and Besant's "yogic vision" is "technical remote viewing".

Russian scientists have pioneered in the study of "spin fields" which they say can travel at “billions of times greater than the speed of light.” (
Yu.V.Nachalov, A.N.Sokolov: “Experimental investigation of new long-range actions.”) Something similar to these spin fields has been documented using Kirlian photography on a pyramid replica:


Again we have an image of the double-helix, twin-serpent energy.

Tony Bushby in his book "The Secret in the Bible" wrote:

“Whenever a light is shone down into a glass pyramid in exact scale or proportion as the Great Pyramid, a ‘Rainbow Serpent’ is created. The light provides a type of force or energy that, in turn, creates the vertical spiral of light, a serpent upraised, invisible in rock, but visible in a clear substance.

That is what the Ancient Egyptian Priesthood meant when they said, ‘A serpent lies coiled in the Great Pyramid’.”

Bushby suggests that the capstone of the Great Pyramid was a clear crystal or glass that produced a visible beacon of light from the apex of the pyramid:

“The Priesthood knowledge appears to directly reference the known existence of an invisible spiral force operating within the confines of the Great Pyramid, precisely in the same manner as the spiral of visible light was seen in the Benben. That explains exactly what the Benben originally was, but much larger; It was a clear pyramidal structure acting as a focal point to gather in, convert and distribute light from the sun into energy, and project its force deep into the heart of the Pyramid.”

“It appears the Benben was primarily intended as a type of amplifying principle to activate power into the specially designed chambers and passageways in the structure below. With the sun shining down upon it, a huge Rainbow Serpent was created and could be seen from miles away.”

Busby suggests that the Rainbow Serpent was a double helix like DNA. He claims that the shadow from a double helix replica will form the ancient Hebrew alphabet of the Torah:

“For thousands of years, spiritual teachers of Jewish traditions claimed that the five major Hebrew texts making up the Torah were ‘holy’, of special significance, and of supernatural origin…. And they were right.

By producing an exact physical copy of the spiral shape of the Rainbow Serpent from plastic, brass, a strip of metal or a similar solid substance, its significance becomes apparent, and that item could best be described as ‘light descended into matter’.”

“It is the primary element of both the Book of Thoth and the Secret in the Bible and the precise twisty shape of the Rainbow Serpent provides the necessary form to physically demonstrate a major part of the Secret.

When the plastic or metal reproduction of the Rainbow Serpent is slowly revolved, 22 different shaped shadows are cast from that one element, and those shapes directly make up the 22 separate letters of the alphabet that the Torah was written in.”

“Put in the simplest terms, the alphabet in which the Torah of the bible was originally and secretly written was one composed of a series of 22 cosmic glyphs that emanated with ‘splendour and power in the form of a serpent’ from a vertical spiral of light in the Benben on top of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Evidence of that knowledge points directly at the undeniable input of a higher intelligence, a superior mind source.”

Alexander Golod a modern Russian pyramid researcher has reported that "Russian Military radar (locator) spotted an energy column rising several miles high in the sky above the 22m Lake Seliger pyramid" in Russia. He also claims that a Leyden jar placed at the top of his pyramids will spontaneously charge. (See: This sounds much like the phenomena reported in "Secrets of the Great Pyramid: by Peter Tompkins:

"An engineer and former professor of radio, L. Turenne, maintains that all sorts of different forms--being combinations of different frequencies--act as different types of resonators for energy in the cosmos. This has led to speculation that the Pyramid might be some sort of gigantic lens which is able to focus an unknown energy simply by means of its shape.

Even the coffer in the King's Chamber has been considered such a device by Worth Smith, who points out that the cubic capacity of the coffer is exactly the same as that of the biblical Arc of the Covenant.

According to Maurice Denis-Papin, descendant of the famous inventor, the Arc of the Covenant was a sort of electric capacitor capable of producing an electrical charge of 500 to 700 volts. The Arc is said to have been made of acacia wood, lined inside and out with gold: that is to say, two conductors separated by an insulator. On either side were garlands which may have served as condensors. Denis-Papin says the Arc was placed in a dry spot where the magnetic field reached a normal 500 to 600 volts per vertical meter.

Insulated from the ground, the Arc is said to have given off fiery rays, acting like a Leyden jar. According to Denis-Papin the capacitor was discharged to earth by means of the garlands. To move the Arc, two golden rods were slid through rings attached to the exterior.

The similarity of such an "energy accumulator" to the orgone box developed by Wilhelm Reich, which was such a puzzle to Albert Einstein, is also striking.

Sir W. Siemens, the British inventor, related that one day while he was standing on the summit of Cheops' pyramid an Arab guide called his attention to the fact that whenever he raised his hand with his fingers outspread an acute ringing noise was heard.

Raising just his Index, Siemens felt a distinct prickling in it. When he tried to drink from a wine bottle he had brought along he noted a slight electric shock. So Siemens moistened a newspaper and wrapped it around the bottle to convert it into a Leyden jar. It became increasingly charged with electricity simply by being held above his head.

When sparks began to issue from the wine bottle, Siemens's Arab guides became distrustful and accused him of practicing witchcraft. One of the guides tried to seize Siemens's companion, but Siemens lowered the bottle towards him and gave the Arab such a jolt that he was knocked senseless to the ground. Recovering, the guide scrambled to his feet and took off down the Pyramid, crying loudly."





Pyramid Energy

According to Dr. Philip Callahan, rose granite -- which was used in the construction of the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid -- is one of the most paramagnetic substances he has measured. Limestone, which covered the Great Pyramid, is diamagnetic. The cone shape and the pyramid shape are often considered to be energetically equivalent. Both generate a spin field from the apex.


You can see an interesting Kirlian photo of the vortex energy out of a pyramid replica at:


Pyramid Vortex One


The story accompanying the pyramid image is about the pyramid energy research of Mary and Dean Hardy of Allegan, Michigan. The Hardys once took a gold coin and hung at the King's Chamber level of a Great Pyramid scale replica. After some time the gold coin got a clear "oil" on it and the gold was etched away under the drops of oil. Another pyramid experimenter replicated the Hardy's experiment. Joshua Gulick suggests that the pyramid is the alchemists "secret fire". He says that he has used this secret fire to dissolve metallic gold into the alchemical/m-state oil of gold and that this oil of gold dried into, first a white powder, then a red powder. These products of gold are well described in the alchemical literature as steps toward the Philosopher's Stone. You can read Joshua's account of his experiments at:


Here is a paragraph from his web page:


"The big secret of alchemy is what's known as the 'secret fire,' something that can, over time, dissolve gold into a white powder. It is said that the whole process is completed by this 'fire' without human interaction. It is also said that the process is 'child's play,' and it is. The secret fire which dissolves gold is an energy emitted by a pyramid shape. Not very surprisingly, the word 'pyramid' is translated as 'fire in the middle.' As I am writing this, I have a one ounce Canadian Maple Leaf gold coin hanging in the middle of a pyramid that I made from eight five-foot sections of copper pipe which form a pyramidal frame. The coin is exuding a liquid which dries into a white powder. It is not condensation as the coin is at air temperature, and the humidity is low. I have cleaned the coin, and the liquid/powder reappears. This is not a normally reported property of gold, but it is quite consistent with the first step of the alchemical process, obscurely related in the texts I have studied."


Vortex Trap

If you spin water in a vortex inside a strong magnetic field you can get a portion of the water to levitate out of the field. Using a "trap" based on this principle one can concentrate this kind of water. This water has a sweeter taste than ordinary water, it has an oily feel and it contains a higher percentage of the ORMUS elements.




You can do the same thing by moving air through a magnetic trap but you have to bubble the "good" air through distilled water in order to notice the sweet taste. You can find some simple magnetic trap designs at:


The "good" water is measurably different from ordinary water in that an "oil" can be extracted from it using a solvent like ether. We believe that this is the alchemists "oil that doesn't burn" and they say it is the universal solvent; it will even dissolve gold.


Pyramid Levitation

I suspect that the Great Pyramid was designed to be a "Swiss Army knife" like tool to manipulate consciousness and matter. It may have been designed to be a "trap" for the ORMUS elements from air. It may also have been designed to convert metallic gold into ORMUS gold and it may have been designed to concentrate these ORMUS elements in the King's Chamber so that people could use them for spiritual purposes.


Dr. Philip Callahan measured some very different properties of the atmosphere inside the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Here are his comments on this from his book titled "ANCIENT MYSTERIES, MODERN VISIONS - The Magnetic Life of Agriculture":


"It is but a short step from psychokinesis (moving a body sidewise) to levitation (moving a body upward). I am firmly convinced that the pyramids, both Egyptian and Central American, were huge antigravity structures for levitating the priests. The pyramid acted like a huge "enlarger-type" condensing lens which concentrated the cosmic energy into the hollow resonant stone tower, which in turn was filled with the IR-paramagnetic, organic breath of chanting priests. If my belief seems farfetched, then perhaps the "picture" language of the Egyptians themselves should give one cause to reconsider. There are quite a few Egyptian wall reliefs that show a Pharaoh lying on a sphinx-like stone couch. In the next accompanying relief, the carving shows the Pharaoh six inches above the surface of the couch with a sacred kestrel hovering above his outstretched body. Remember the kestrel is one of the few large birds that can hover in a fixed position in space."


"I have been working with paramagnetism for years. I not only discovered good soil to be paramagnetic, but likewise refined beeswax. That later discovery indicated to me that since insects are coated with wax, their antennae are paramagnetic structures. The next bit of reasoning followed from my insect work and it involved asking the right questions about religious structures such as pyramids. The right question is, "Since insect sensilla have definite shapes for resonating to different infrared wavelengths, do the various shapes of stone religious structures indicate that they resonate to the paramagnetic forces of the cosmos? In other words, can they collect and concentrate the paramagnetic cosmic force above what would normally occur in unshaped soil and rocks? The answer is yes, and inside that King's Chamber at GizaI proved that without a shadow of doubt.


In my work with Irish round towers, I developed model smooth and corrugated round towers that respond to the paramagnetic-infrared aura of the human body.


Pink granite is the most paramagnetic stone that I have ever measured-with an instrument called a magnaprobe. The inside tower chamber of the Great Pyramid is constructed from beautiful pink granite. Each of the giant pink granite lenses (tower floors) act to focus the cosmic paramagnetism down (like light waves) into the King's Chamber. The outer limestone portion of the pyramid serves as a giant condenser lenses in a photographic enlarger-to diffuse and concentrate paramagnetic waves. Of course, the outer, smooth, tura limestone casing of the Great Pyramid has been destroyed so it will never again stimulate total levitation of a heavy body.


My round tower sensors will, of course, move sideways to a human body (telekinesis) anywhere on the earth. The arc of movement in my house is 60-70 degrees, but in the King's Chamber it moved 200-300 degrees in a steady sweep to the human aura. The sensor was five to ten times as sensitive inside the chamber as inside my house in Gainesville , Florida."


Apex Energy

Both the pyramid (with a square base) and the cone (with a circular base) are believed to energize the alchemical ORMUS materials. Some ORMUS researchers suspect that the vortex energy, which emits from the apex of these two shapes, is integral to energizing the ORMUS elements. You can see another version of the Kirlian photograph of this vortex energy from a pyramid below:


Pyramid Vortex Two



At a "pyramid energy" workshop that I attended in the mid seventies, Patrick Flanagan described how he could dowse the vortex energy from the peak of a pyramid on every floor directly above the apex as high as he went in a tall building. He said the energy was undiminished by distance above the apex. Flanagan developed a pyramid grid to take advantage of this apex energy. A Kirlian photograph of this pyramid grid is shown below:


Pyramid Energy


The ancient Egyptians used the cone shape to energize their mfkzt, which was described as a white bread made from gold. You can read more about this in Chapter 20.


The mfkzt is probably related to the Biblical manna and shewbread which may have been charged in the Ark of the Covenant.


According to Peter Thompkins the Ark of the Covenant has the same inner volume as the sarcophagus in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Thus, both would have a similar resonant cavity.


Cavity Structural Effect

The Russian entomologist Viktor S. Grebennikov claimed that he built an anti-gravity platform using his Cavity Structural Effect (CSE) principles in shaping the chitin of some large flying beetles which should have been aerodynamically incapable of flying. You can see a picture of Grebennikov in action below:

Grebennikov in action


Grebennikov also claimed that he could feel energies emitting from the apex of a pyramid:


You will soon pick up an active zone, a "clot", where the Egyptians had their tombs. Another active zone (a flame) above the top of the pyramid is also well-perceived by the indicator if you drag its end over the top. The "clot" and the "flame" are well-felt by the finger inserted into he pyramid, or your palm moved above it after some practice. The pyramid effect, which generated many scary and mysterious stories over the centuries, is one of the CSE manifestations.


236b.gif (6634 bytes)


Grebennikov proposed that a suspended frame pyramid would spin in a clockwise direction:


Cup your hands into a tube (see picture) and point your hands from a 2-meter distance at the suspended pyramid (do not lose your "target"). The pyramid will eventually start rotating clockwise in a few minutes under the pressure of this beam of CSE energy.


Pyramid Spin


You can read more of the story of Viktor S. Grebennikov at:


Electric Ark

In his book The Alchemy Key, Stuart Nettleton wrote:


“Jewish Midrashim commentaries describe how the Ark of the Covenant levitated and carried along some of the people who were supposed to be carrying it.”


According to the Zohar, the ancient Jewish priests would tie a rope around the ankle of any priest who was going into the presence of the Ark of the Covenant so that they could safely pull him away from the Arkif it zapped him. The Ark of the Covenant was used to store (and perhaps charge) the pot of manna saved by Moses.


A similar energy phenomena associated with the Great Pyramid was reported by Peter Thompkins in "Secrets of the Great Pyramid":


"An engineer and former professor of radio, L. Turenne, maintains that all sorts of different forms being combinations of different frequencies act as different types of resonators for energy in the cosmos. This has led to speculation that the Pyramid might be some sort of gigantic lens which is able to focus an unknown energy simply by means of its shape.


Even the coffer In the King's Chamber has been considered such a device by Worth Smith, who points out that the cubic capacity of the coffer is exactly the same as that of the biblical Arc of the Covenant.


According to Maurice Denis-Papin, descendant of the famous inventor, the Arc of the Covenant was a sort of electric capacitor capable of producing an electrical charge of 500 to 700 volts. The Arc is said to have been made of acacia wood, lined inside and out with gold: that is to say, two conductors separated by an insulator. On either side were garlands which may have served as condensers. Denis-Papin says the Arc was placed in a dry spot where the magnetic field reached a normal 500 to 600 volts per vertical meter.


Insulated from the ground, the Arc is said to have given off fiery rays, acting like a Leyden jar. According to Denis-Papin the capacitor was discharged to earth by means of the garlands. To move the Arc, two golden rods were slid through rings attached to the exterior.


The similarity of such an "energy accumulator" to the orgone box developed by Wilhelm Reich, which was such a puzzle to Albert Einstein, is also striking.


Sir W. Siemens, the British inventor, related that one day while he was standing on the summit of Cheops' pyramid an Arab guide called his attention to the fact that whenever he raised his hand with his fingers outspread an acute ringing noise was heard.


Raising just his index, Siemens felt a distinct prickling in it. When he tried to drink from a wine bottle he had brought along he noted a slight electric shock. So Siemens moistened a newspaper and wrapped it around the bottle to convert it into a Leyden jar. It became increasingly charged with electricity simply by being held above his head.


When sparks began to issue from the wine bottle, Siemens's Arab guides became distrustful and accused him of practicing witchcraft. One of the guides tried to seize Siemens's companion, but Siemens lowered the bottle towards him and gave the Arab such a jolt that he was knocked senseless to the ground. Recovering, the guide scrambled to his feet and took off down the Pyramid, crying loudly."


More examples of electrical phenomena associated with the cavity structural effect and ORMUS can be found in Chapter 19.


If I were to guess the purpose of the Great Pyramid I would have to call it a multi-purpose research instrument that gets its power by squaring the circle of the earth.


Cone Collector

As we read in Chapter 20, the ancient Egyptians also paid a great deal of attention to the cone shape. The cone shaped "white bread" is often pictured as an offering to the gods.


I believe that Dr. Alexander Shpilman's "Simple "M-state" Elements Concentrators" also take advantage of the cone shape to concentrate m-state and energize it. You can see Alexander's description of these devices at:


The "white bread" cones are often adjacent to a hieroglyph that is called the "Sacred Sothic Triangle" on page 150 of "The Lion Path: You Can Take It With You" by Musaios. The illustration from this book is below.



The text under the illustration indicates that it represents a "door entry" and that:


"The Sothic Triangle, forming the ancient hieroglyph for Sirius (Sothis) was constructed by using a cord 22 units long, with markers at 9 and 13 units from the start. Then, with the cord pulled taut at these markers, and the end meeting the beginning, the triangle denoting sothis was formed as the drawing shows; the base being 4 units wide and each sloping side 9 units from a corner of the base to the vertex, in 4-to-9 proportion (see for example the inscriptions at Abydos)."


From the 4/9 ratio one can deduce that the vertex angle is 32.727272... degrees or roughly 33 degrees. The Sothis triangles seem to be more regular in shape than the bread cones. You can see several of these compared below:





The Sothic triangle is generally adjacent to an ankh as seen below:



A sonic device shaped like the ankh, according to an unpublished Seth session, was used by ancient people to soften stone so that it could be carved easily. I would imagine that softened stone would be easier to extract the m-state from.


The 4/9 ratio is the reverse of the 5/9 ratio of the weight that Hudsonclaims remains when metal is converted to m-state. 4/9 would be the portion which is no longer physically measurable.


These last two observations are evocative but they may not have any scientific validity; they may be just coincidence.


In personal communications Dr. Philip Callahan has suggested that the pyramid structure and certain cone topped round towers are open resonance antennas tuned to a resonance frequency of the earth. In his book, "Paramagnetism - Rediscovering Nature's Secret Force of Growth" Dr. Callahan wrote this about the stone towers of Ireland:


"I had discovered that round towers are indeed high tower ELF radio antenna paramagnetic amplifiers. More astonishing yet, I discovered the ancient Irish monks of the 5th to 9thcenturies were rock antenna radio engineers.


Most round towers of Irelandare now without floors or ladders, however, I was able to visit the tower on ScatteryIslandwhere the door is at ground level. Inside I discovered that without even touching my jute-saltwater cord to the walls, that at the center there was a two- to four-time increase in the strength of the waves.


The 8-Hz and 2,000-Hz waves always came in strongest at dawn and dusk. I recorded the same ELF phenomenon in so-called megalithic tombs and even found a megalithic pictograph of a target wave on the side of the chamber at Loughcrew."


Please note that these round stone towers had conical roofs.


Grebennikov also mentioned strong cavity structural effects from conical cavities:


Large Cones with an artificial comb filling and three magnets at the back. Two similar cones were positioned against each other with respect to the sun, one in Isilkul and the other one near Novosibirsk. They were thrown apart and demolished on the morning of April 23, 1991. The one in Novosibirskwas unfolded and pressed into the wall of an underground hiding place and its magnets disappeared. Some residents of an Omskapartment experienced a series of strangest "poltergeists" (see Vechernii Omsk from April 26. and Omskand Moscow TV broadcasts) at the same moment. The same paper called the device in the picture "Grebenikov's hyperboloid on August 5, 1991. exactly because of this "coincidence". One of the "beams" of the upright electronic waves between the two conical structures may have actually been formed precisely there, on the river Irtyshembankment in Omsk.


Levitating Gold

As noted earlier in this book, I have gotten ORMUS gold to levitate in a spinning magnetic field. I have placed a "movie" of this phenomenon on my web site. This movie is a 2,554kb file and can be downloaded at:


In this movie you will see the ORMUS gold change from a paramagnetic material which follows the magnet to a diamagnetic material which is repelled by it. We postulate that the ORMUS gold is a superconductor which is attracted to the magnet at first but, as the Meissner effect builds, begins to exclude the magnetic field and jumps away from the magnet.


Now we have come full circle. In the first Chapter of Book One I wrote about how ancient alchemists described mystery materials that defied common beliefs about how the world works. I have described some of the hypotheses that have been proposed to explain these materials and their behavior and linked them to virtually every mystical and scientific mystery.


Perhaps by now you are starting to see what I meant when I wrote in Chapter 1:


I predict that the study of the ORMUS elements will change what we know in every scientific field including meteorology, astrophysics, quantum physics, chemistry, medicine, psychology, parapsychology, geology and all aspects of technology. If only 10% of what we have observed about ORMUS proves out, ORMUS will be the greatest scientific discovery in human history.




Gary, the gentleman that I dedicated this book to, was very adamant about the importance of sharing our ORMUS knowledge with the world. In several of his private notes to me he encouraged me to share what we were learning about ORMUS with the widest possible audience. Here are some excerpts from these private posts of encouragement. I hope everyone who reads this book will claim these for their own:


I sympathize with your feelings about David Hudson having a monopoly over these materials. I think that is how it will turn out to be at first. But, there is no way it will remain that way for long. As you are finding out, the materials are plentiful in nature, and recoverable by simple methods, not much more complicated than the old-timers used in sluicing for gold.


David Hudson's work is important karmically, because validation of it is taking place at a scientific level. His facility, the medical studies he is supporting, the technological applications he will foster, and his patent history, are just what is needed to give ORMEs a sort of respectability, semi-legitimizing and helping spread the ORMEs movement, which will subsequently take place. That is something neither you and your friends, nor anyone else, are presently able to accomplish. He will have the necessary quality control to produce a suitable product that will open the door to enlightenment for many, many people.


In a very short time his Foundation's members and others will begin taking ORMEs, and awakening kundalini. It is the beginning of something that has never before happened on this planet.


But a monopoly on these materials is not possible, any more than for air, and David Hudson already knows that in his heart-of-hearts.


If the materials are to become available in the most desirable sort of broad way, everyone should remain patient, and generally supportive of David Hudson's efforts, until these first goals are achieved. It would be counter productive for everyone to do otherwise at the beginning. However, once that point is reached, your own work, when you choose to disclose what you are doing, will be in high demand.



There is a great karmic burden, or cost, associated with knowledge obtained by paranormal means. A vast amount of knowledge is available, by looking beyond what the five senses reveal, but that is not how the World, all the things taking place in it, is meant to be run, just yet, though that will be changing, changing, changing.


One doesn't need to be omniscient (I am certainly not) to figure that out.


The Universe, it seems, has an economy, of sorts, and knowledge is a commodity. "Karma" is one of the mediums of exchange. Knowledge has its price, and karma is the currency. A great amount had to be accumulated (by many others than me), over a long period of time, and spent as one great lump sum, in presenting the information in [the Paranormal Observations] article, even for the small number of people that have seen it as of yet.



Practical (ie useful) information about undiscovered forces is probably the most karmically burdened subject there is, as far as scientific topics are concerned. This seems to be so because it is something which is so intrinsically prone to abuse, or to being used in a self-serving capacity. There are a lot of people who actually go into something akin to Lust, at the prospect of getting their hands on such knowledge. But there is good news on the way, as the many inroads being made to [cold fusion], free- energy, etc. will eventually breach this karmic price barrier, and the knowledge will come through, a bit at a time, over many distributed points from the work of widely separated individuals. This is a sort of karmic cost-sharing plan underway that will make it economically possible for mankind to gain this knowledge, all together as a whole. It will ultimately thwart the powerful's efforts to seize control of them, as might otherwise happen.



As I have inferred before, the whole matter of ORMEs is the biggest thing to come down the pike on planet Earth for a long, long, time. The forces behind this are very "substantial". This is due to its enormous importance to the human race, at this critical point in our history, when so many titanic factors are converging at once, to determine our destiny as a species.



It is time for you to make the transition from custodian of this knowledge, to its disseminator. You have a wonderful ability to articulately explain and relate things. You must now use that to pass all this on to others, who *need* the information, who will *grow* from it, just as you have grown.


Think over your reasons for not spreading what you know, beyond the bounds of your small group of friends. The mind is such a restless thing. It worries over this and rationalizes over that. Do not listen to those voices, but rather proceed with courage and conviction, knowing that many, many, whom you have never met or even know of, are depending on you, counting on you. Great and august invisibles are helping you, pulling for you, strengthening you.


I too, am with you.


There are now hundreds and hundreds of kindred spirits who are online, waiting for what you are charged to tell them about. They are your friends, and millions more will be joining them. Tell them the good news. Remember the parable of the Talents? Don't allow this to remain buried, confined to your small circle of friends, any longer. Good journey!

Regardless of how our products may be used in other countries, or anything that you may have heard or read about Ormus Minerals or Ormus products, under FDA law in the United States it is illegal for a manufacturer to make any medical claims for health supplements. None of the products offered for sale on our website or direct to retail consumers are intended to be used in the treatment or mitigation of any disease state. All statements made by Ormus Minerals or on the Ormus website are intended for informational purposes only. The statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA, and our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Health decisions are much too important to be made without the advice of a health care practitioner. As with any dietary or herbal supplement, you should advise your health care practitioner of the use of this product. If you are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, you should consult your health care practitioner prior to using any health supplement product.